One Sword Reigns Supreme

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That South Tianda is so kneeling there, let him resist it!

At this moment, Nan Tian said to the extreme!

He is a strong, but in this middle-aged man, there is no power in front of this middle-aged man? How is it possible? He is incredible!

And the sisters of the sisters on the side are also an incredible, especially those who know people, she knows that this middle-aged man is very strong, but I don\'t know that the other side is so strong!

Working with your hand, a strong sense of gods is? I am afraid that I have a minimum of half a step!

At this time, the South Tianda looked at the chapter, Shen Sheng: "Is your?"

The chapter has not answered, he retreats to the next half of the fakes in Xuan.

See this scene, Nan Tian said again to leave Xuan, "Who are you?"

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Waituan Xuan Chief Ye Xuan!

Nan Tian said dead stars to Ye Xuan, I don\'t know what I think in my heart.

Ye Xuan turned the head chapter, smiled: "Let him stand up!

Chapter I nodded now, "Okay!

Said, his sleeves, the terrorist power on the South Tianda disappeared.

After the Nanxian said, he deeply saw a chapter chapter, in addition to the dignity, there is a jealous.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "How do you call it?"

Nantian is returned to the eyes, look at Ye Xuan, "Nantian, Nan Tianyi!

Ye Xuan nod, is going to talk, at this time, Nan Tian said Shen Sheng: "You, my Nan Tian family is no hatred with you, why do you want to get a lot?"

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the people, "she doesn\'t like you!"

Nan Tianyan nodded, "I know she doesn\'t like me, but she has married with me. In the case of unleaved marriage, she goes with other men in love, do you think this is appropriate?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, shake his head, "Not right!

Nan Tian said slightly, this guy is so happy? Ye Xuan also said: "It is really unsuitable in love with you with your marriage.

This is her fault, but she has given a price for her own fault.

Nantian is silent.

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything. At this time, Nantian suddenly said: "Since Ye Gongzi\'s words, then I will naturally pay attention, Ye Gongzi\'s face, I will give it.

Ye Xuan silent.

This guy said, it becomes yourself, I owe him!


Nanyian suddenly looked at the people, "the girl, you and I grudge, today\'s two clear, the future is good."

After finishing, he also looked at Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi, if you have time, please also go to the South Tianzi!

Ye Xuan smiled: "must!

Nan Tian said slightly smile, "said!

After finishing, he turned and disappeared at the end of the starry.

Ye Xuan looked at the end of the sky, laughed and smiled, then turned to see the people, "You are really free now!

Thinking people look at Ye Xuan, "Thank you!"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "You are welcome.

Said, he looked at the people, "Do you want to return to China now?"

I nodded, "I am now returning now, I have to reuse, but I can\'t be a family, I am still not sure, after all, my old man is not hanging.

Oh, not, there is no retirement!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuan Master\'s face black line.

Really big filial piety!

Wen people turned around to see the people, "Sister, do you really don\'t go back with me?"

I thought about shook my head, "No!

I thought about it, then said: "Good!

After I become a family, I will pick you up!

After that, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Can you have a few days?"

Ye Xuan Master face black line.

I smiled and smiled, "I lie to you!

Said, she seriously said: "You help me reach the gods, this person, I remember it for a lifetime.

After I have long, I will help your college!

After finishing, she disappeared directly.

Ye Xuan smiled, he looked at the people, "You first go to the gods of the gods, go there, have a little girl will arrange you!

I nod, "Good!

Originally, the Xi Xun\'s heart is spread, and a quite ring appeared in him.

He is only less than 100 million universal pulse now!

Have to say, still some distressed.

However, it is still worth it!

As long as this is a long time, the hand of the school is able to go to the people!

What seems to be, Ye Xi\'s handsome is spread, a sword suddenly flooded!

Human swords!

Looking at the people in front of the sword, Ye Xuan silent.

This sword is strong!

And it is a lot of a lot!


Ye Xuan received a sword, the heart was warm.

At this time, the chapter made a sudden pass: "The young master is the sword, so good!"

Ye Xuan turned his head to make a chapter, laughing: "Is it?"

Zhang makes nod, looks quite dignified, "the young master, the growth is unlimited!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, then said: "Don\'t you go back to the god?"

Zhang has so busy: "I follow the Lord, for the strength of the dog!"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then nod, "Good!

I heard the words, chapters made my heart.

Ye Xuan promised, that means he can follow Ye Xuan, but as long as he follows Ye Xuan, then there is no amount!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I cultivate!"

Chapter I nodded, "Okay!

Said, he went out respectfully.

Among the stars, Ye Xuan is sitting in the ground, next moment, he directly entered the small tower, in the small tower, his eyes slowly closed.

Avenue quivering pen, the next moment, he reached the realm of God throughout the ancient ancestral environment of God direct!

When he reached the ancestral God throughout his earthly body sword means a sudden tide of the general emission!

In fact, his sword intended human equivalent is the power of faith!

Endless power of faith converging sword, then, became the world meaning the sword!

Small tower, leaves mysterious practice slowly.

With a small tower, he can take it, because time enough to use!

So, ten years later!

In the outside world, only the past day!

After leaving the small leaf mysterious tower, he has reached the ancestral god territory.

This time Unlike before, this time he did not state instability, he spent nearly a decade to secure his realm!

Of course, he still needs to combat!

And let him more troublesome is that he is now if you want to sprint of God, need a lot of money.

Like that famous person Lan, at least more than one billion vein universe!

More than a billion ah!

Hyun leaves have a big head!

At this moment, he thought Guan.

Ye mysterious smile shaking his head, he really wanted to eat soft food is more and more a.

In addition to the realm of practice, but he also studied the \'people\' of the word mantra.

The power of the word, for now, second only to his own \'moment invincible.

The most frightening thing is, he still can play the word of one percent, and so he was a bit surprised, when he pushed the word, if the world use their sword means, the power will be doubled.

In short, although he is just a ancestral spirit, but it is very simple to kill a goddess!

However, in the face of this chapter, he felt a very terrible oppression.

Obviously, God has a great threat to him!

After reaching the ancestors, Ye Xuan left the cultivation, just left, Zhang Yifu appeared in front of him, Zhang Yichao, then retired into the bliss.

At this moment, the heart is shocked, because Ye Xuan has reached the ancestral spirit!

So fast? You know, Ye Xuan is still in the ancient gods a day, and now, it is already a ancestant!

This speed is really abnormal.

Zhang makes the heart sigh, this is not a young master!

At this time, Fu Zer and Xiao Yan appeared in front of Ye Xuan, two people greeted with Ye Xuanmia.

Ye Xuan laughed: "Things have ended, I have to go back to my college!"

Said, he looked to Fu, "Contact Qin Guan?"

Fu Yu shook his head, "no!

Ye Xuan smiled: "If you don\'t contact it, even if you contact it!

Fuji laugh.

Ye Xuan Xiao: "Two, take care!

After finishing, he took the chapter to disappear in the same place.

After the two people left, Narre suddenly said: "This Ye has less, has reached the ancestral spirit!"

Xiao Lang nodded, looks dignified.

Fu Yu shakes his head smile, "Ye Shaoyao upgraded the speed, it is too horrible!

Xiao Lao said: "Do you see the person around him?"

The husband is slightly wrinkled, "Who is that?"

Xiao Zhen said: "The clan is destroyed, that is, this person is done!

Fuger: ".

Xiao Wei: "That should be the Yang people!

Said, he looked at the end of the horizon, whispered: "This mysterious Yang is finally gradually floating."


Ye Xuanban with chapters returned to Wen Xuan Academy. At this moment, the number of people who viewed in the case has been expanded to tens of thousands.

This is just the number of people in the ancestors, in other places, Qingqiu has developed more than a dozen Western Academy Branch.

The number of people is less, the main reason is because of the essence of Xuan Academy, it is really strict!

This strict does not mean talent, but refers to character and heart.

Everyone who enters Xuanxuan has a variety of tests. It is because of this, it is not very fast to collect in Xuan Academy\'s income, but now the name of Xuan Academy has already played, more and more people Take the initiative to watch Xuanchuan, I hope to join Xuanchuan!

Now the first view of the school is Ye Xuan, the first is the first book, the first of the martial arts, is Qingqiu, but Qingqi\'s rights are undoubtedly the biggest, because the book is more time is teaching With the learning, and Ye Xuan is a handkerchief, so Qingqiu is completely a hand in the Western Academy.

When Ye Xuan returned to the school, Qingqiu appeared in front of him, watching Ye Xuan, a sweet and sweet, "brother!

Ye Xuan Gang talking, the next moment, he was surprised, "Shantou.

Have you reached the ancestrality? "

Qingqiu nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan brows, "When did you reach?"

Qingqiu blinked, "Just now!

Just now!

Ye Xuan stunned, the heart was shocked.

The corner of the Qingqi is slightly picked up.

The martial arts, she can go to the end of the side now, so three swords.

But she doesn\'t want!

She is going to work with my brother!

Invincible? That\'s not to mean!

When is Ye Xuan invincible, when is she invincible!
