One Sword Reigns Supreme

2392 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and seventy-nine chapters: you have to kneel!

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Less Lord? When I heard this chapter, the old man with the chief of the church and the old man is directly petrified in the same place!

In the distance, Ye Xuan looked at the chapter, "Do you know me?"

Zhang makes nods, respects: "Natural, I am the young people, can I not know?"

Ye Xuan pointed to the old people in the distance, "Why don\'t he know me?"

Zhang made a bitter smile, "he is not my Yang people!

Wen said, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, "Isn\'t a Yang?"

Zhang makes nod, "he is just a small role of the Yang people, and there is no megara with my Yang family.

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, the old man trembled: "chapter.

Is he really a young master? "

The chapter has no expression, "Do you think I like the squat?"

After a while, the old man was stiff. After a while, he turned to look at the Ye Xuan, bitter, "Leight, you are both Yang people, then why do you say early?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "I didn\'t say it? I said it!" I said! "

And how do you answer me? Your answer is that the sword owner only has a daughter, no son.

Is this what you said? "

Black robe: ".

Ye Xuan also looked at the old people, at this moment, this old soul has burn transparent, like a good smoke, and will pass the wind at any time.

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, "Is it interesting? Is it interesting?"

Ye Xuan smiled and turned to leave.

After the body, the chapter made the silence, he suddenly raised his right hand, the next moment, the ten horrible breath suddenly appeared in the field.

The chapter has no expression, "but!

After finishing, he followed the past.

After the body, the old man roared, "Ye Xuan, I curse you!"

I caution, you can\'t die, I curse your Yang family.

Tiandao Zhao Zhao, not not reported, did not arrive, don\'t believe you look up, heaven around who, you.


A God suddenly did not enter the top of the old man, and the old man was directly erased.

After a while, the distant starry suddenly sounded a sound. "My Tiandao family statement, my Tiandao family has no evil, this person, there is no relationship with my heaven, please Ye Shaiming!

Clarity: ".


Ye Xuan returned to Xianbao City, and Zhang was following him.

Looking at Ye Xuan, chapter made it carefully, at this moment, he is still , because he doesn\'t know that Ye Xuan will not blame.

Ye Xuan fizes to see chapters, laughs: "You won\'t go?"

Zhang Yifei hesitated, then said: "I left here to listen to Ye Ye Hui!

In fact, Yang people have ordered the order, that is, they must not help Ye Xuan, unless they are dangerous.

And what he chooses to stay, still have a selfish, he wants to climb, the best way is to follow Ye Xuan, which is for him, that is the chance of chance, therefore, he decided to stay!

As long as the relationship with Ye Xuan is good, Who dares to punish him in the Yang family? The thigh is good, Qingyun is nine days!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Are you agency?"

Zhang makes the head, "I am on the god!"

Ye Xuan brows, "God?"

Zhang makes nod, "the realm of the god, on the world.

Because I have a special universe, I have a belief in the universe, so I am God.

Ye Xuan has some curiosity, "" Special universe? "

Zhang makes nods, "With hundreds of billion franc, most power is very strong.

Said, he suddenly said, and said: "God is a threshold, the average person wants to reach God, it is too difficult.

Of course, it is for us, in the Yang family, the district is on the district, and there is nothing wrong with it!

Ye Xuan blinked, "In Yang, what do you do?"

Zhang makes nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What level is you in Yang?"

Zhang makes a bitter smile, "Let\'s say it!

It is a huge empire that is a huge empire, then I belong to a small village head of Yuanshan Village!

Ye Xuan silent.

Small village!

Ye Xuan smiled, it seems that this forces created by the old man are much better than they imagine!

Go back to inherit your family? This idea has just appeared, it is negated by himself.

Although he is a second generation, but he is the final purpose or wants to be a generation!

Zhang makes it again: "Less Lord, you want to return to China? If you want, I can contact it above!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Not!

Zhang makes it slightly, "Okay!

Ye Xuan said: "I practice for a while, you.

Zhang has quickly traveled: "I mainly protect the law.

Ye Xuan looked at the chapter, laughed: "Yes!

After that, he entered the ground of the stars.

Just entering the Star Strong Decryption, the people who have appeared in front of him, Ye Xuan played an eye, at this moment, the people have reached the spirit!


The people also appeared in the field.

Ye Xuan Xiao; ", congratulations!"

I nod, "I thank you!"

Ye Xuan laughed: "What should you now be the youngest in the history of the people?"

Wen people shook their heads, "the ancestore is amazed than I am!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Wen Wen people ancestors?"

I nodded, "I wonder the ancestors of the people, the talent is extremely terrible, more than I am too much!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You are also very powerful!

Wen people look to Ye Xuan, "Single monitized God, not enough to become a family, but now, if I go back, my status will be very different from before.

Ye Xuan nod, did not speak.

Wen people silently said: "If I become a long family, what do you want me to do for you?"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "In your Wen people, open a college, or allow my college to recruit students in your Wen people.

Wen people looked at Ye Xuan, "Just like this?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Lan celebrity nod, "you can!

Then, she seems to think of something, then looked out one, "the man is outside of what you?"

Hyun leaves Lengle Leng, then smiled and said: "? You mean the chapter you"

Celebrity Lan nodded.

Ye Xuan thought, then smiled and said: "My father is under!

Lan Ye celebrity look mysterious, "What is your family?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "Young family!

Celebrity Lan Dai Mei Wei Cu, she turned around to see celebrity Italy, Italian celebrity shook his head.

Xuan Ye curious, "you heard it?"

Celebrity Lan shook his head, "I never heard of!

Ye Xuan thought, then said: "? The spirit world, heard it."

Lan celebrity eye pupil suddenly shrunk, "the spirit world, your father is the spirit world!

Ye Xuan said: "You know the spirit world?"

Lan celebrity nod, look quite dignified, "This is the spirit world is a super universe, in the cosmos, there is a real strong on the environment of God.

Do you know the environment of God do? "

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Celebrity Lan Chen Sheng said: "very scary, no, not to mention the environment of God, God is a half-step on the territory, are very, very frightening.

After the territory of God, took part in the seventh, more than five heavy, is half a step on the environment of God!

In our place, the strongest will of God throughout a six-fold strong, and that in the spirit world, there is a real strong on the environment of God!

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Is Yang? Is it a big border?"

Ye Xuan silent.

This problem, he doesn\'t know how to answer, because of the truth, there is a mileage suspicion.

At this time, the people got an eye of Ye Xuan, then said: "I didn\'t think that your guy came from the gods!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What is going on now?"

After the person is silent, then turn to the head to see the people, "Sister, what do you plan?"

Think of the people to see the Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, I want to go directly to your sorrow, my strength is not so strong, but should still help!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Welcome!

This is a ancestral spirit. It is not weak for the current view of the book.

Now that the most lack of mysterious school is the strong, after all, Qingqiu is just a person, she still needs some helpers.

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, I wanted to smile, "Ye Gongzi, I will go to your college, Nan Tian people may not give up, you have to be mentally prepared!

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, just at this time, he browned slightly. At this time, he thought about looking at the distance, "Nan Tian is coming!

Nan Tian people? Ye Xuanbei wrinkled.

At this moment, the chapter made there after the Xixiang, he looked at the depths of the star, and the look was calm.

The words before Ye Xuan have deeply seen the chapter of the chapter, and the eyes have flashed.

She can\'t feel the realm of Zhang, but I intuken tells her that this chapter is terrible.


At this time, the starry sky of everyone suddenly became a huge vortex, very fast, the huge swirls, a man slowly came out!


When this man came out, the sophisticated brow suddenly frowned suddenly, it was clear that she was aware of each other.

When the people, the face is sinking, and this man is just the Nantian World of Nan Tianzi, who is in the world!

After the Nantian said, he gently sleeves his right hand, and the whirlpool is directly erased, the Star is returned to normal.

Nan Tianyi looked at the smell of people under the eyes, there was no expression, next moment, he turned to look at Ye Xuan, "You are Ye Xuan?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Nantian stared at Ye Xuan, "I heard that you like more and more."

Said, an invisible percentage directly towards the next Ye Xuan sweehed!

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, it is going to shoot, just at this time, the chapter on the side suddenly spreads the right hand, and then gently press it.


In the eyes of everyone, the South Tianshan directly squatted.

The chapter made the face of the south of the south, the look is calm, "said to the young master of my family, I have to kneel, understand?"

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan: ".
