One Sword Reigns Supreme

2394 Swords in the second chapter of the two hundred and eighty-one chapter: loans!

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Although I know that Qingqiu is very enchanting, I have to say that Ye Xuan is still shocked.

Ancestral spirit!

This gimmick has reached the ancestral world in such a short time!

You must know that he can reach the ancestral spirit because he has a small tower and a road, and the Qingqiu is nothing!

Is a person really enchanting to this extent? However, I think this girl is a green body, he is relieved!


Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, he gently licked the Qingqiu\'s small head, and laughed: "It\'s amazing!

The Qingqi is sweet, she holds the right side of Ye Xuan, leaning on the pheasles of Ye Xuan, whisper: "Brother is the most powerful!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

After half a day in Qingqiu, Qingqiu is got up, and Ye Xuan also doesn\'t know what she goes. Anyway, this girl is very busy recently!

Ye Xuan also learned that the entire view of Xuan Academy has nearly 100 branches, and the scale is still expanding.

Now I am going to the school, under the leadership of Qingqiu!

It used to watch the Xuan Academy to find someone, but now, countless genius enchanting takes the initiative to look for the sketch of Xuan, I want to join Xuan Academy.

More and more people, the power of Ye Xuan\'s belief is getting more and more.

And this is just the beginning, Qingqiu has begun above the alleged, then the rules are set by the alleged, whether it is the major forces or those empire dynasties, must abide by the rules set by Xuanxuan!

Qingqiu\'s choice is a soft way, not bloody and suppression, where to follow the college, can get a lot of improvement, after all, now Watching Xuanchuan masters a lot of cultivation, and these cultivation methods are far Super more worldworthy civilization.

Under this temptation, those forces did not resist the sketch of Xuanxuan!

Before the temple.

Ye Xuan lies in the chair, the sun is sprinkled on him, warm.


Today, the college has stepped into the right track, he also reached the ancestral spirit, now I want to achieve the gods, now he can say that it is better and better with the college.


Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, he must consider the future now.

Go out!

If you stay in this universe, you can naturally be invincible, but he doesn\'t like this false invincible.

Only walking out, seeing more powerful, you can better upgrade!

Of course, mainly, he is really lacking now!

Now I am still spending money, and he needs money more!

In addition, he still owe 12 billion!

This money is definitely it!


Ye Xuan low sigh.

After a while, Ye Xuanqi, he found chapters, see Ye Xuan, Zhang Yizhen, "Ye Shao!

Ye Xuan looked at the chapter, laughed: "Zhang makes the seniors, do you have money?"

Zhang makes it slightly, then laughs: "How much does Ye need!

Ye Xi wants to think, then; "First come to a twenty billion"!

I heard the words, and the chapter made it directly.

Ye Xuan blinked, "How many?"

Zhang makes a bitter laugh, "I will not have such a multirace!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "Isn\'t you?"

Zhang makes shaking his head, "No, I got a year of gods in a year, and I will take ten billion to the veteraries, and this one billion has removed all kinds of overhead, and it will eventually be one hundred million.

Said, he laughed, "The Lord can I don\'t know, I am the landlord of the god, but the main owner is a Yang family, that is, I am only a lot of people every year. In the world, I am equivalent to a county!

Wen said, Ye Xuan Ming.

Although it is the Lord of God, it is not an emperor, but the Yang family!

Ye Xixiang is sigh!

At this moment, he thought of Qin Guan.

This rich woman!

This rich woman casually a Xianbaoge, and the profit earned is much more than a world!

At this time, the chapter made a sudden pass: "Less Lord is very short of money?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Zhang makes a slight smile, "Less Lord, if you lack the money, you can go a place!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Where?"

Zhang Mi smiled: "Luo Die!

Ye Xuan brows, "Luo Die?"

Zhang is nod, "Luo Die is a big world I know. In this Roman, there will be nearly ten thousand universe worlds, and they produce the unicamer, at least billions.

If the Lord is lack of money, you can go to this Roman to find this Luo Dienian!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do he give it?"

Zhang makes a bitter smile, "Leight, what do he do? Does he dare not give you? He is giving you, those money is yours!

Ye Xuan blinked, "Is it me?"

Chapter makes nod, "nature!

You are all the young people, all of the Yang people, this is yours, right? "

Ye Xuanlian is busy, "Yes!

Zhang makes a slight smile, "So, do you go to Luo?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Go!

Chapter makes nod, "Okay!

Said, he is facing the palm, a huge disc appears in his hands, the next moment, the disc flies out, then makes a blue light falling in front of the two.

Zhang makes a somatsu: "Luo Dynasty is too far away from this world, even with my strength, if it takes time and space, it is also required for at least 100 years!

Therefore, we must use this transmission array, first transferred to the star, there is a space transfer station founded by Xianbaoge, we have to travel to Luo!

Ye Xuan brows, "100 years?"

Zhang makes nod, "the universe is big, it is unimaginable.

Ye Xuan silent.

He also remembered what you had said, the existing universe and the boundless universe.

And he is still in the existing universe, outside the existing universe, there is an boundless universe!

I think this, Ye Xuan is feeling some headache!


It is simply toxic.

Ye Xuan looked up to the deep place in the sky, some feelings, ourselves now in the entire existing universe and boundless, what exists? Ye Xuan shook his head, no longer thinking about this problem, how many of his universe, first the road is king!

After Ye Xuan sent a book, it was that the chapter entered the transfer array. Just entered the transfer array, Ye Xuan was found that countless stars were constantly shuttled!

They are through a very terrible speed of time and space!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see chapters, "chapter makes the seniors.

Zhang makes it busy; "Leight, Mo wants to call my seniors!"

You can call me old chapter!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Good!

Old chapter, ask you a question, are you on the gods, right? "

Chapter makes nod.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Is there a lot of people in Nabi?"

Zhang makes shaking his head, "Not much!

The whole Luo Die, the power of God, absolutely no more than two!


Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Zhang made a bitter laugh, "To reach the gods, it is necessary to have a very huge financial and faith. When I sprout the gods, I used it for more than 700,000 years, and I spent a flower. Bill billion!

This is still because I have got some adventures, if otherwise, it is impossible to meet God.

In addition, I am because it is the Lord of God, therefore, I got the power of the gods, and I reached God in the power of these beliefs!

Said, he shook his head, "these conditions, it is not!

Therefore, it is still a Luoyie, and there is no much on the world!

Because even the world of Luo, you can only born two of the gods, this is almost the limit!


Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "understand!

The chapter has continued: "I have read the books founded by the young owner. If the college is really big, it will be horrible!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Why do you say this?"

Zhang makes a silent road; "Because the beliefs on the young master are very pure, I have never seen such a pure belief. If the main college will continue to grow, there is a day, the power of the young master will become very Very terrible!

Ye Xuan smiled: "It will be bigger and bigger!

The chapter made a look at Ye Xuan, no more.

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "What is the realm of the old chapter, what is the top of God?"

The chapter made what it would be, at this time, there was a white light suddenly in the distance. He and Ye Xuan directly disappeared in the time and space tunnel.

After a while, the two appeared on one of the transport table.

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks. At this moment, he is in a starry, and at their feet, it is a transport station, while they are densely labeled, and they can\'t see the head.

In this starry sky, at least a million transport table.

Ye Xuan has some unexpected and shocking. He didn\'t expect that this starry sky is so much transport!

At this time, an old man appeared in front of Ye Xuan and chapters, and the old man looked at Ye Xuan and chapters made the passage of the body, then said; "300,000!


Ye Xi Xuan, then said: "300,000"

The old man nodded, "it is!

Ye Xuanmaster face black line, "300,000 passengers are transferred once?"

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, "There is a little far from the place where the son is coming, so the fee is charged 300,000"

Ye Xuan silent.

This money can make money!

In this case, how much benefits have to be brought to this rich woman daily!

The chapter is nothing more than the accident. At this time, when Ye Xuan suddenly built, a token appeared in his hand, when he handed the token to the old man, when the old man saw this token At the time, the old face was instantly changed, and he trembled: "This.

Can you be Ye Gongzi? "

Leaf Xuan nod.

The old man smiles, "Ye Gongzi, there is more sin, sorry!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "There is no sin!

The old man is busy: "It is not only Ye Gongzi, so you don\'t need any fees!

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "I am a super VIP, right?"

The old man nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "As far as I know, Xianbaoge has a loan project, I want to loans, then Qin Guan girl will guarantee, how much can I loaned?"

Old; "


PS: Sorry, washing your feet last night, and now come out now.