One Sword Reigns Supreme

2391 Jian Zhongxian No. 2,378 Chapter: Less Lord!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Here? Ye Xuan looked up to the sky, in the distance sky, time and space suddenly broke, the next moment, a old man in the black robe came out slowly.

When the old black robe came out, the whole void is flicted, then it becomes illusion!

Halftimed God!

This old man just appeared, a stress is like a wave, which is generally sweeping from the sky, and the powerful percentage is like a mountain, and there are countless strong people in the field.

Everyone is in the heart!

Is this a strong person? It\'s horrible!

And the elderly and Zong Shou are crazy and excited.

Ye Xuan released his own swords, and the swords were very easy to block the calm pressure of the old man. He looked at the old people in the black and did not speak.

Below, the old man and the strong, and the fair, it seems to see the savior.

Yang people!

The old people are so deeply deep, "I have seen respect!

Zong Shou and others have also rushing, and looks respectful.

The old people of the black robe calm, his eyes fall in Ye Xuan, "What is you despise me?"

Ye Xuan did not have any nonsense.

He is naturally to directly indicate the identity. After all, it is, but you can\'t make any misunderstanding with the strong people of Yang. Isn\'t it a brain disability? Seeing the power of Ye Xuan blood, the old brow wrinkled, "What do you mean?"

Wen Yan, Ye Xuan stunned, "you.

Don\'t you know me? "

The old man is laughing, "Does the old man do this blood?"

Ye Xuan silent.

Not right!

This guy doesn\'t know your madness!

This is not normal!

Does the other party is not the Yang family? Is it wrong with you? Ye Xuanxin rose doubts.

At this time, the black torch of the black robe said: "Young people, you can know that this family is my Yang family cover?"

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, he looked at the old man in the black, asked, "Your Yang is long as the sword swords?"

The old man\'s old brow is slightly wrinkled, and the eyes flashed a strange. "Why do you know the sword owner?"

Wen said, Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking. "You are both Yang, why don\'t you recognize me?"

The old man is slightly smilling, "I am a Yang family, I have to know you? Do you think who you are?"

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, then the palm was spread, the small tower appeared in his hand, "Can you know this?"

The old man shook his head, "did not have seen it!

Ye Xuan: ".

The small tower suddenly sighed, "Xiao Lord, this guy is estimated to be a small of Yang.

Don\'t ask him!

He doesn\'t know you with me!

You are using it directly!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then nod, he looked at the old people in the black robe. "Have you seen the sword sword owner?"

The old man is laughing, "Of course!

Ye Xuan looked at the old people, "Don\'t you think that I am very similar to him?"

The old man in the black robe, looked at Ye Xuan, the next moment, he was very anger, "Mad, you actually want to fool me, why, do you want to say that you are the son of the sword swords? It is a big joke, who is the world? I don\'t know if the sword is only a daughter? You are really good!

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

The small tower whispered sigh, "tragedy!

True tragedy.

The violent black tall suddenly wandered, a horrible force directly shocked to the Ye Xuan, the distance, Ye Xuan brows, and his front, a sword.


Sword is directly smashed with the terrible power!

Seeing this scene, the black robe old brow wrinkled, "You are a sword!

Ye Xuanzhi has no expression. "I suggest you contact the Yang family!

The old people in the black robe said: "Just as you, also with the top of the Yang family,?"

Ye Xuan has some headache. "Can you not be a rib? Do you contact it? You.

The old man is directly giving him the opportunity to talk to him, and he rushed through him.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan gods gradually became cold, he was very open, and the Qing Xuanjian in his hand flew out.


A sword was broken, and the black robe is directly outside the shock to several hundred feet, and at this time, Ye Xuan in the distance suddenly wesks the avenue pen, then directly pays directly.


A pen is over.

In the distance, the old people in the black robe suddenly shrink. He hits ten, and the mouth is fast, and the next moment, he suddenly looked up, and a black light swept in the body, and greeted the avenue pen.


As a fried sound, countless black light is broken, the old people are directly outside to thousands of feet, and he just stopped, Qing Xuanjian directly went straight.

In the eyes of the black robe, he flashed a shot. He paused, and a long gun appeared in his hand. He was shaking his wrist, and a long gun was like a thunder.


The guns of the black robe were directly stabbed on the Qing Xuanjian of Ye Xuan. The whole zone was trembled, and then quickly became illusively, and at this time, the long gun in the hand of the black robe suddenly broke, and the sky fragment.


At the moment, the elder of the black robes were directly outside to thousands of feet, and he just stopped, the arm was directly cracking. At the same time, Qing Xuanjian did not enter his eyebrows!

Suddenly there suddenly.

The old man and the Zong Dynasty were unbelievable to watch Ye Xuan.

And the old man is also awkward at the moment!

I am half-step, I lost to the young people in the ancient gods? Black robe is trembling: "This is impossible!

Ye Xuan face has no expression, and the sleeves are paralleled.


The old man is directly crowded!

Just when the soul of the black robe, he suddenly took out a token, and the token directly became a light.

Ye Xuan looked at the token, the look was calm, "is it?"

The old man is dead and staring at Ye Xuan, "it is called!

Ye Xuan nod, "Let\'s call!

The old man in the black robe looked at the avenue of the black mousse. Come, it sees that Yang people have to climb!

Ye Xuan: ".


Avenue pen suddenly said: "Can I miss him?"

Ye Xuan said: "You can\'t take it casually?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Can I take it casually, then I will arrange it!

Ye Xuan: ".

In the distance, the old people still want to say anything, Ye Xuan suddenly sleeves, and a sword is directly incompetent, and the words you want to say will swallow.

Ye Xuan looked at the old people, "shut up!

Black robe: ".

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly turned to see the old people in the distance. At this moment, the soul of this clan is getting more and more dull.

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "Do you have a soul?"

Old man: ".

The small tower suddenly passed: "The little master, you think that no one is with you, this kind of soul is the same as playing, saying to stop? Once the soul is burning, it can\'t stop!"

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, "Then you will die slowly!

The old man suddenly laughed, he laughed very crazy, "Ye Xuan, you think you have a large road to support, can you be invincible in the world? I tell you, Yang\'s strength, powerful to you can\'t imagine, such as a predecessor Said that Mo said that you only have a big road pen, even if the avenue book is in the body, Yang is not afraid!

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan did not speak.

The old man said: "Ye Xuan, I will die, but I tell you, I must watch you first before I am dead!

Ye Xuan nod, "Okay!

At this time, the starry sky of the crowd, a horrible breath suddenly swept, soon, the entire star river boiled directly.


At this time, the old people suddenly laughed, and he laughed very mad, "it\'s coming!

Yang people are really strong!

Ye Xuan looked deep in the starry sky, at this time, an invisible pressure has been crushed, this power is far from the king!

Just just a stress, there is no number of people in the field to breathe.

Too strong!

At this time, a middle-aged man appeared in the field.

Beyond the strong!

Seeing this middle-aged man, the old man suddenly slowly squatted, and the trembling said: "Have a chapter!

The middle-aged man was ignored the old people. He slowly walked to Ye Xuan\'s face, in the eyes of everyone, slowly squatted, "The person in charge of the God\'s universe has given a little master!

Less master!

At this point, the field is suddenly dead.
