One Sword Reigns Supreme

2380 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and sixty-seventh chapters: Magic Swords!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When I heard the small tower, Ye Xuan\'s face was immediately cold!

This guy has anti-bone!

It seems that I have to find a chance to pack this guy, so that it will be replaced later.

At this time, the small tower hesitated, then said: "Little Lord, I will make a joke!

Ye Xi Xiao said: "The small tower, saying that I still don\'t know what to change now!

The small tower is silent.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "How?"

The small tower whispered sigh, "The little master, I have to be low-key, I used to have too many words, and then.

Speaking of this, it didn\'t continue to say.

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything. At this time, he suddenly appeared in front of Zong Bai.


As the ear came from the ear, the two appeared in a ruins.

Ye Xuan sweared four weeks, at this moment, he and Zongbai in a ruins of the ruins, around, everywhere, and the head, the top, floating a thick black cloud, suppress the compassion.

And the distance is far from the horizon, and some residual swords are floated.

Sword? Ye Xuan\'s brow, is there a sword repair? It seems to feel anything, he Hawran turned his head, hundreds of feet in the distance, there is a hundred bodies, on the stone monument, insert a sword!

Ye Xuan\'s eyes fell on the sword, the sword was four feet, wide and two fingers, and the vectors were dark.

At this time, Zong Bai suddenly said: "Be careful.

Ye Xuan nod, he looked to the stone monument in the distance, said: "We have taken!"

Zong Bai nodded.

The two walked towards the stone table, on the road, Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, seemed to find anything, his eyes slightly, the left thumb lively brought Qing Xuanjian.

Zong Bai right hand is slowly scratch.

Soon, the two came to the stone tablet.

Ye Xuan looks to the stone monument, there are three big characters: Magic Sword.

Magic Sword!

Ye Xuan light voice: "It\'s really a sword repair.

He has never seen the swordsmanship.

Zong Bai light: "This place will have to happen!

Ye Xuan nod, he looked up and looked at the black sword of the top of the stone monument, he was very open, "Come!

Black sword is not moving, there is no reaction!

Ye Xuan stunned, next moment, his right hand gently, "come!

Black sword is still a silk!

Ye Xuanzi horns slightly, what is your clothes? Zong Bai looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan\'s face was slightly red. He suddenly disappeared in the same place. When he appeared again, he had a black sword before the black sword, and his brow wrinkled, because he couldn\'t see this sword.

Ye Xuan reached out to hold the black sword.


Just holding, Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly contracted, the next moment, his eyes changed directly into a dark, once, his body broke out a black gas, followed by, his body is actually starting at a point Corrosion!

Ye Xixiang is a horror, and it is busy taking the armor.


When the armor appeared, the black gas was directly resisted, but he was a horror found that his body was still corrupted.

The war armor is outside, not inside!

Ye Xuan is busy calm down, he directly urges blood pulse.


In an instant, the blood in the hunter is boiling, very fast, a horrible blood of the blood has exploded from his body, with the outbreak of the blood, his body is slowly suppressed!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuanlun was relieved!

At this time, the black sword suddenly trembled, the next moment, the black sword suddenly broke the hand of Ye Xuan, directly stabbed to his eyebrows.

Ye Xuan does not flash, let it puncture it directly into his eyebrows.

On the moment when the black sword should be pierced into the bluff, one hand suddenly holds the sword!

It is Zong Bai!

Zong Bai\'s eyes flashed, she slammed the black sword, and then headed next to the next moment, her right hand palm directly into two.

And the moment of the black sword flew out, suddenly, it fierce a fold, directly a sword stabbed to the white eyebrows!

Zong Bai\'s eyes, she is going to shoot, at this time, a sword is suddenly on the black sword.


A sword is opened, and the two swords are also shocked.

Ye Xuan appeared next to the white, Zong Bai looked at the black sword in the distance, and the look was dignified, "this sword is terrible!

Ye Xuan looked at the palm of his eyes, then said: "First healing!

Zong Bai nodded, she took out a Dan medicine, but it is not used at all!

Not only that, she is still a horrified found that she is caught at a point.

Seeing this scene, Zong Yanye wrinkled, "this.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly grabbed the white arm, the next moment, a bloody force directly into the white arm.


One of the bloody shelves swept over the white arm, and the residual black gas at the exit of the treasures disappeared.

Ye Xuansong opened his hand, then whispered: "You can now!

Zong Bai looked at Ye Xuan, the eyes were full of horror, "your blood is the force.

Just now, she feels very clearly to the blood of Ye Xuan\'s blood, it is terrible!

Ye Xuan slightly smile, "Madel blood, have you heard?"

Zong Bai shook his head.

Ye Xuan smiled, then looked at the distance, at this moment, Qing Xuanjian has already made up with the black sword.

Ye Xuan suddenly found that Qingxuan swords were a single ability, very strong, not a general strong!

Of course, this black sword is also a little horrible. To know, the current Qing Xuan sword can be said to be the first sword under the three swords, and this black sword can be able to face with Qingxuan Sword!

At this moment, the black sword in the distance suddenly trembled, in an instant, the thousands of swords suddenly swept their body.


The whole horizon is torn away from the mouth!

Qing Xuan sword suddenly trembled, the next moment, it directly made a sword.

Based on the face!


A sword light suddenly came from the horizon of the horizon, in a moment, the two swords directly retracted tens of thousands of feet, the two swords passed, the time and space inch was torn, and the whole horizon was directly torn into one. Zhang huge spider web, the horrific.

Ye Xuan looked at the black sword, the brow is slightly wrinkled, and the heart is shocked. What is the cause of this sword? Can you resist the Qing Xuanjian? Just then, the black sword suddenly trembled, the next moment, the time and space in the front of Ye Xuan, which followed, and the sword passed directly to the bluff!

It is the black sword!

The thief first smashed the king? Ye Xuan stunned, this sword is very thought, I don\'t know the thief first!


Zong Bai sound suddenly sounded on the Xixixia, the next moment, the black sword sword handle was directly grabbed, it was a white hand, but at this moment, the black sword is only half inch. arrive!

Zong Ying flashed a shot, she grabbed the black sword and slammed next to it, and at the same time, she suddenly went forward, a boxing!


A horrible boxing print directly on the black sword, the black sword is directly outside thousands of feet!

Zong Bai\'s eyes flashed, it seems to be what, she turned and looked to Ye Xuan, some angry, "Why don\'t you resist? Do you not know this sword is very dangerous?"

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, at this time, the black sword in the distance suddenly turned around to disappear.

Ran? Zong Bai\'s brow micro-wrinkle.

Ye Xuan looked at the sky, the brow is also slightly frowned, and the sword is really a little doorway, and it is good!

Zong Bai pointed to the distance, "You see!

Ye Xuanshun went to the white finger, the end of the line, there was a broken hall, and the black sword was over there, and the road sword sounded, it seems to be in deliberate provocation!

Zong Bai Sudoku; "It is deliberately provoked us, I want to make us in the past!

Ye Xuan nod, "then go!

Said, he walked toward the sword.

Zong Bai slightly, then quickly pulled the blade, "you.

Ye Xuan looked to Zong Bai, some helpless, "Are you not very believed in me before? Why don\'t you believe me now?"

Zong Bai hesitated, then: "This place is very dangerous, although you are also very strong, but I think we should still be cautious!

This sword deliberately provokes us, let us pass, there must be a demon!

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "I am very responsible to tell you, I am actually strong!


If it is, if it is a sword to me, do you do your way, understand? "

Zong Bai: "

Seeing Zongbai\'s surprise, Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "Let\'s go!

Go together!

After finishing, he took a breeze to walk in the distance.

Zong Bai\'s right hand slowly grasped, and it is full of alert.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see Zongbai, "Do you think it is dangerous?"

Zong Bai nodded.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Say invincible, there may be a bit, but I am the most unfair, it is a sword!

Can kill my sword repair, not my sister is me, there is a big brother, so don\'t worry, understand? "

Zong Bai: "

Ye Xuan did not take the breeze. He took the Bai to the broken hall. At this time, the black sword suddenly poured out of the vain, and the vain overlooking the Ye Xuan, hoarsess: " Sword!

Ye Xuan looked at the vain, "How?"

The vain suddenly said: "I want you to die!"

Ye Xuan brows, "Can I give me a reason?"

Victory: "See you is not cool, this reason does not work?"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then smiled slightly, "Look at the uncomfortable, is you a few?"

Said, he raised a finger and laughed: "Don\'t say that I bulge you, come, I stand still let you cut a sword.

I don\'t defend, don\'t dodge!

The sword suddenly said: "Are you sure?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The gentleman said, the horse is difficult to chase!"

The sword suddenly trembled, the next moment, it directly turned into a long gun, then, the long gun broke the long, straight allly.

See this scene, Ye Xuan expression stiff, mother, this sword is not followed!


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