One Sword Reigns Supreme

2379 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,366 Chapter: When is it true?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Sword breaks!

Zong Bai looked at the Ye Xuan in front of him, in addition to complexity in his eyes.

Although this sword is just ancient gods, but its power makes her feel a little.

Ye Xuan looked at the depths of the stars, and it was a bit complicated in his eyes.


The stronger the strength, if he is good, it can really change the fate of countless creatures.

On the contrary, the stronger the strength, the more you want, and that\'s a disaster is just a disaster.

And the only one, a kind, actually let his swords break through again.

Although no one is thanking your kindness, please don\'t lose your most precious things, because maybe there is a day, you will have good fruits.

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, he looked to Zong Bai, "Zong Bai girl, your mind, have great wisdom, why not let you be long?"

Zong Bai slightly shakes his head, "The woman\'s body, if I am a host, they are afraid that the clan becomes others to dowry!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "So, do you give up?"

Zong Bai looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan Wei smiled, "You have to mediate my grievances, very simple, you are the length of the clan, otherwise, no use, they will come to me trouble, and I still kill They, so, the contradiction between my and the clan will be bigger and bigger.

Zong Bai silent.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You have feelings about the family, but you should understand that today\'s young generation, no one is better than you, you can make a family, right, to better protect the clan.

After the white silence, he said: "Be taught!

The Ye Xuanzi is slightly, in fact, if this white is really a guilty, then, it is not a good thing.

After all, at any time, more than one friend is better than one enemy!

Zong Bai looked to Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, I am going to a fairyland, can you be willing?"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Wonderland?"

Zong Bai nodded, "A very mysterious place, that place is the most dangerous place in the current, and our clan once has two ancestors to enter it, but they have not come out!

Ye Xuan smiled: "You won\'t bring me there, then come to a disaster, is it?"

Zong Bai shook his head, "I won\'t harm you!"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Why?"

Zong Bai looked at Ye Xuan, "Because I am not dead!"

Even if the strength of the family, I can\'t kill Ye Gongzi!

Is it right? "

Ye Xuanzhi is white, "Is it because I have a big road pen?"

Zong Bai smiled slightly, "Not!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "That is?"

Zong Bai smiled; "Because Ye Gongzi said that the avenue pen is very casual, it is very casual, and it is very casual, and you don\'t think that the avenue pen is much longer.

Ye Xuan silent.

Zong Bai smiled: "Ye Gongzi, let\'s go!

The sound fell, she watched.


She suddenly broke in front of her, and a time and space tunnel appeared in front of the two.

Ye Xuan said: "I will go to Wonderland with you, can you guarantee that the clan can\'t go to the gods?"

Zong Bai nod, "can!

Ye Xuan looked at Zong Bai, did not speak.

Zong Bai smiled; "I am not a family, but I am now the guardian of our clan, my rights, only the family, let them temporarily come to find you trouble, this, I still can do it!

Ye Xuan asked, "What do they come?"

Zong Bai: "I will help you kill them!"

Ye Xuan looked at Zong Bai, after a moment, he smiled: "Let\'s go!

After that, the two disappeared in the time and space tunnel.



Inside the temple, the seven young masters stood respectfully, on both sides, is the old people of the clan.

The leader of the leader suddenly said: "She took away the Ye Xuan?"

The seven young master nodded.

Zong Shou brows, "What is she taken away from the Ye Xuan?"

The seven young masters shook their heads, "I don\'t know!

Zong Shou silent.

At this time, there is an old old suddenly; "no matter what, the Ye Xuan must die!

Zong Shou looked at the old age, "Then you go to kill?"

Elder expression stiff.

Although Zong Bai is a young generation, it is the status in the family, but only the length of this family, whether it is the status, and strength!

Zong Bai has been a long time a long time, it is already a half-step peak, the most terrible thing is that she is already able to hand with the ancestors.

Zong Gu suddenly said: "Send people staring at them, there is any situation, report now!

After finishing, he got up.

Inside the temple, everyone spread.


Among the time and space tunnels, Ye Xuan and Zong Bai shuttle.

Ye Xuan suddenly looked at the invasive books in the white hand, "Zong Bai girl, what is this book?"

Zong Bai smiled slightly, "" Qin Guan girl prepared by the realm!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "As far as I know, you don\'t seem to swallow the Xianbaoge, right?"

Zong Bai silent.

Ye Xuan light voice: "Do you know Qin Guan?"

Zong Bai shook his head, "knowing more!

Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "Don\'t know much, you dare to go to Xianbao Pavilion.

Zong Bai girl, I said to you, but if they don\'t contact Qin Guan now, once they contact Qin Guan girl, your clan is afraid that it will be willing!

Zong Bai turned to look into Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi is very familiar with Qin Qi,"

Ye Xuan nod, "my friend!

Zong Bai looked at the distance and whispered: "When the year is in response to Xianbaoge, I recommend it, but they did not adopt.

This Queen is the master, the knowledge is wide, the world is rare!

Ye Xuan smiled: "She is not only a wide knowledge, she is still very horrible.

Zong Bai girl, honestly, you want to save your clan, it is very difficult, especially your clan, I also attacked Xianbaoge, Qin Guan girl\'s temper, I know, she will not let go of your clan of!

Zong Bai looked at the Ye Xuan and his words stopped.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t look at me, Qin Guan girl is very cast, I can\'t set it!"


Say this, he suddenly said.

Zong Bai Li is busy, "Unless?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Zong Bai girl, you ignore a question, that is, now the clan only you want to change the clan, want to be good, and the rest of the people are dead.

You have to change the clan, only to become the family of the clan.

Only in this way can you change the clan and save the clan.

Otherwise, there is no meaning in what you do now, because you are not a nationality!

Understand? "

Zong Bai nod, "understand!

I went to the fairyland, I have to go to find a predecessor in my primary. I need to get his support. I will support it. I will be able to defend the blood of the tribe!

Ye Xuan nod, "said, what is this fairyland?"

Zong Bai Wei shook his head, "I don\'t know.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Then you are not afraid of not going back?"

Zong Bai said: "I am afraid!

Ye Xuan, "Then you still go?"

Zong Bai looked at Ye Xuan, "I\'m afraid, so I will take you!"

Ye Xuan face suddenly black.

Zong Bai praised: "I think, if you follow me, should we be able to live back, right?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "What do you think so?"

Zong Bai looked at Ye Xuan and was seriously said: "I think no one can kill you, at least in this universe.

Ye Xuan is so curious. "Why are you so confident to me? Is it because you guessed?"

Zong Bai, "Can someone kill you?"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Yes, but, it is my person!

Avenue pen: ".

Zong Bai looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan said: "I didn\'t say fake.

Zong Bai nod, "I believe!

Ye Xuan slightly, then said: "Really believe?"

Zong Bai nod, "of course!

You have no reason to lie to me, isn\'t it? "

Ye Xuan smiled.

It\'s hard!

I first said that I truth, someone believes!

Zong Ying\'s eyes flashed a worry, the strength of the clan today, indeed few opponents, but now the clan is dead, there are two people who are not afraid!


Zongbai whispered sigh.

For example, Ye Xuan said that she wants to change the clan, save the clan, can only become a family.

Only when they become a family, she can change everything.

Thinking of this, Zong Bai looks up and look at the distance and speeds up.

Ye Xuan looked at the white, why is this family different from their own home? The clan is a heavy male and female, and his home is a heavy girl!

Ye Xuan shake his head and sighs!

At this time, Zong Bai suddenly said: "It is coming!

Ye Xuan looked up at the distance, at the end of the line, he saw a white swirl.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Zong Bai girl, what is this fairyland?"

Zong Bai slightly shakes his head, "is a very mysterious place, what is the specific place, I don\'t know, I only know, my ancestors have entered it, then it is no longer coming!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you afraid?"

Ye Xuan blinked, "Do you know that I have a foreign number?"

Zong Bai is somewhat curious, "What is the number?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Inheriting the killer!

Zong Bai: "

Soon, the two were getting closer and closer to the white swirl.

At this time, Ye Xixiang suddenly rose a disturbing, notice that this is uneasy, Ye Xuan brow is slightly frowned, "said the brother, is it very dangerous?"

The avenue of the avenue: "I have to see how you look!"

Ye Xuan does not solve, "What do you mean?"

After the avenue pen is silent, I said: "If you die, you will definitely not die, but.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "But what?"

The avenue pen is calm: "But you may be very miserable."

Ye Xuan slightly, then smiled: "No!

The avenue is in the road: "Don\'t be very confident!

Ye Xuan looks forward to the near white whirlpool, slight smile, "If I turn it into your brother, I will be called, I will recognize the tower!"

The small tower is like: "When is it true?"

Ye Xuan: ".
