One Sword Reigns Supreme

2381 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and sixty-eight chapters: evil!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The long gun is coming, Ye Xuan is speaking!

This haircut is to know that I can absorb the sword? He still did not dodge, let the shot stab in his eyebrows.


A gun suddenly broke out from his eyebrows, the horrible power shocks Ye Xuan fuse, however, Ye Xuan is not a little, hard to live all the power of this shot!

Seeing this scene, Zong Bai has been completely stunned.

At this time, the holes suddenly retracted, and they opened their distance from Ye Xuan.

The large gun is slightly trembled, it restores the sword.

Ye Xuan looked at the black sword, "Just this?"

The black sword suddenly became anger, "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan suddenly paused, Qing Xuanjian appeared in his hands, next moment, he holds a sword, a Jianfeng.


In the distance, the black sword is directly outside the shock to tens of thousands of feet, and it is just stopped, and the Qing Xuan Sword is again acne.


The black sword is directly shocked, this flying is flying again.

After the black sword stops, it is a sword!


A sword is blown out, and the black sword is directly sailed.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly paused, Qing Xuanjian appeared in his hands, and far, the black sword suddenly roared: "Two hits one, what do you do?"

Two hits!

Ye Xuan speechless, he looked at the black sword, "Let you come out!

The black sword said: "My master has fallen. If he is not falling, it seems like you, and you will die in minutes!

Ye Xuan brows, "dead?"

Said, he shakes his head, "It seems that your master is very good!

It will die!

Black sword suddenly roared, "What do you know? Do you know how powerful? You don\'t know, you at all.

Ye Xuan said: "He is dead!

I haven\'t used anything!

Black sword: ".

On the one side, Zong Bai can not help.

Ye Xuan also said: "True powerful sword repair, it will not die, such as me!

The whole body trembling, "Jian Xiu, you dare to despise my master!

Ye Xuan nod, "I dare, if you don\'t accept, let him resurrect me!

Black sword angered: "You.

What are you talking about? He has fallen!

You don\'t want your face.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I just don\'t face, hehe!

Black sword: ".

Zong Bai: "

"Your little guy is a bit mean!

At this time, there was a middle-aged man in the hall.

The black sword flew directly to the middle-aged man, "the owner!

Seeing this middle-aged man, Zong Bai god suddenly became incomparable.

Ye Xuan looked at the middle-aged man, silent.

Middle-aged man looked at the Ye Xuan, and finally, he stopped on the avenue of Ye Xuan waist, laughing, "Avenue"

Leaf Xuan nod.

The middle-aged man looked at the Qing Xuanjian in Ye Xuan\'s hand, saw Qing Xuanjian, his eyes were more dignified and complex.

At this time, the Zong Bai suddenly said; "Is it?"

Middle-aged man smiled: "The Magic Sword"!

Zong Bai\'s brow, "" Never heard!

The middle-aged man laughed, "I have not heard it is normal, the magical swords are now separated by at least 100 million years, and the 100 million years, when it is really a humanity!

Hundreds of millions of years!

Ye Xixiang is quite shocked. At 100 million years ago, there is already such a horrible strong, which means that the martial arts civilization in that era is already very high!

The middle-aged man suddenly looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Direct to come?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Middle-aged men smiled slightly, "Be careful!

The sound falls, and the time and space in the front of Ye Xuan suddenly cracks. Next, Yixuan has not reacted, and a sword is stabbed in his chest!


Ye Xuan\'s body was trembled, and the armor was directly concave, and Ye Xuan\'s face was suddenly changed. After returning thousands of foots, after stopping, he looked at his chest, his chest is already Concave.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan face became dignified!

Although this sword did not break the Battle armor, this sword was able to hurt the armored warfare.

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly laughed: "You are good luck!

Ye Xuan looks to the middle-aged man, "You this sword, it is good!

Middle-aged men smiled slightly, "come again!

Be careful!

The sound falls, he stepped forward, this step, the leaves in the distance suddenly shrink, he said with a sword.


The right arm was trembled, and the next moment, Ye Xixiang was a big awkward, because he found that a horrible force directly shocked to his body directly.


Ye Xuan fly outside!

When he stopped, a spatant was slow from his mouth.

There are more condensation in Ye Xi\'s eyes, and the other side of the sword skills, so that you can wear his armor!

In the distance, middle-aged men smiled slightly, "Is it still coming?"

Ye Xuan looked up and smiled: "Of course!

The sound falls, he is a heart, and his arm has directly disappeared.

There is no happiness!

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan. "Are you sure you want? No war armor, my sword skills, you can easily break your flesh!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Come on!"

The sound falls, he is the palm of your hand, the Qing Xuanjian appears in his hands, the next moment - Boom!

A horrible sword suddenly slammed from the sky.

See this sword, the middle-aged man in the distance is slightly frowned, "You this sword.

Distance, Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You, be careful!

The sound fell, he suddenly disappeared in the same place.


A sharp tear sound suddenly resounded.

In the distance, the middle-aged man is calm, and the sword is stabbed.


A sword is suddenly opened in front of the two, the next moment, the middle-aged man continued to refunded hundreds of feet, and he has not stopped, and it is a sword.

This sword, thanks to the sword!

The middle-aged man flashed in the eyes, his wrist shake, a sword stab, this sword was fluttering, like a leaf of the leaves that slowly fell slowly with the light wind, however, when this sword stab in the sword of Ye Xuan At the time, suddenly mutated, the original sword was suddenly turned into a wind!


In front of the two, a sword light suddenly felted, the next moment, Ye Xuan people had returned to thousands of feet, and he just stopped, the time and space in his eyebrow suddenly broke, followed, a sword has arrived Before his eyebrows are half-inch!

The picture is stationary.

Is lost? not at all!

Ye Xuanye Xuan\'s Qing Xuanjun did not know when to stab his sword handle, hard to stop the black sword!

Ye Xuan wrist shake.


A sword is shocked, and the black sword is so popular!

In the distance, the middle-aged man is open, and the black sword appears in his hand, and when he holds the black sword, he retired a few feet.

The middle-aged man flashed a surprise, he looked to Ye Xuan, "Teenage, you are a sword, you have a good life!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "The predecessors are known!

Middle-aged man shakes his head, "Not a prison, your sword, very good, this sword, contain your sword, your sword, future future is not limited!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Thank you!"

Middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan, his eyes flashed a bruises, "Little guy, I will have a sword, if you can block, I will send you a creation!

The sound falls, he is the palm of your hand, the next moment, his black sword in his hand rushed to the sky, straight into the sky.

Ye Xuan looked at the sky, and the black sword suddenly trembled.

The middle-aged man suddenly laughed: "Little guy, come on!"

The sound fell, he suddenly became black, and his right hand spread, and then slammed down, "Cang life!


A horrible black sword suddenly rushed to the sky, straight into the black sword, in an instant, a horrible evil breath instantly swept the whole world!

In the distance, Zong Bai\'s eyes suddenly shrinks. She quickly retired, she looked at the black sword in the distance, and her eyes were full of horror.

Good evil sword!

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly laughed: "The world is evil!"

The sound falls, he refers to Ye Xuanyi, "!


Black swords are somewhat sharply, this sword is coming, as if you want to shin the whole universe.

In the sword, it contains to the sword!

Below, Ye Xuan double eyes slowly, he palm is spread, and Qing Xuanjian is dramatically shakes. At the same time, a horrible human sword is from him, and these people swords like a river. In Xuanjian, the next moment, the Qing Xuan Sword carrier is like a torrent of the general world of swords!


Among the swords in the world, there is good!


Suddenly, the whole sky was trembled, and a black sword is light and white, and the white sword is blown out. When the moment is swept throughout the sky, Qing Xuan Jian and the black sword needle to the Mai Mang, the two swords are trending, a horror The power continues to open, and this world has become a little bit of illusion.

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly slowed down, and the black sword was trembled, and then broke out a horror power, gradually, Qing Xuanjian began to be forced back.

Below, Ye Xuan looked at the evil spirits, silence.

Is good suppression? The sky is getting stronger and stronger, the sword is getting stronger, and the sword of the Qing Xuanjian is getting more and more dolly, and the kindness of the Sword is also a little disappeared at this moment!


The momentum of the black sword is becoming more and more horrible, and Qing Xuanjian is already in absolute!

It\'s not Qing Xuanjian, the black sword, but his current spiritual swords are not enemies, the evil spirits!

Below, there is a hint in the eyes of Ye.

In all the ancient books he looked, he said that evil is very angry, is it true? Many times, evil is better than good!

At this time, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, he looked to the sky, "When the good is in powerless, then the evil family!

The sound is falling - bombing!

In the hunter, the blood of the blood suddenly rushed to the sky, in this bloody force, put a long-standing horror!

Virgin sword!

At this moment, his blood is also changing.
