One Sword Reigns Supreme

2378 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and sixty-five chapters: a good time!

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"Ha ha!

When I heard Ye Xuan, the seven young master laughed.

Seeing the seven young masters laughed, Ye Xuan god calm, gently drinking the spirit tea sent by Qingqiu.

Kill directly? Of course, you can do it!

However, this is too boring!

Because the seven young masters directly kill, the clan will not give up this, the opposite, will also send more powerful enemies.

In this way, people in front of you can kill slowly. For yourself for yourself, let yourself have more than three days.

At this time, the seven young masters shook their heads, "Ye Gongzi, are you looking at me?"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "No, instead, I respect the seven young men!"

The seven young masters look at Ye Xuan, "Why?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then smiled: "Because the seven young masters have a big grandfather, the clan strength is stronger than me, but the seven young masters come here, there is no arrogant, unlike the nine young masters, all the hands and prosperity High people and one state.

And the seven young masters are different, the seven young people are extraordinary, and the approachable people is the young master in my mind.

Even if you die in the hands of the seven young masters, my Ye Xuan has no complaint, no regrets.

Seven young masks, "Ye Xuan, you, the strength is weak, but it is very sincere, but unfortunately, you have committed my clan Tianwei, otherwise, I can accept you to do a guest, take you. !

Ye Xuan low sigh, "If it is the seven young masses that are encountered on the same day, I will not be" one wrong again "!

Said, his look suddenly became anger, "Seven young masters, you said, change it is to meet the people of Jiu Shao, you can\'t kill?"

The seven young masters nodded, "My nine brothers are really not something!

Jiu Shao: ".

Ye Xuan nod, "seven young masters, although I killed Jiu Shaoye, but I have no maliciousness to the clan, the clan is a big big country, even if I gave me ten gallbladies, I don\'t dare to target the clan!

If the nine young masters are too deceived, I will kill my heart again? "

The seven young masters whispered, "Ye Xuan, I am sympathizing with you. After all, my nine brother is not something, I don\'t say you, I want to kill him in the family!

You may not know, in the family, in addition to my second sister, do not put anyone in the eyes, and often as concerted me, saying that I am a pig brain, a idiot.

Speaking of this, he flashed in his eyes, "this kind of person, you can\'t die!

Ye Xuanlian is busy nod, "can\'t die!

The seven young masters look to Ye Xuan, "This time, I gave me a mission in my family, let me kill you, and destroy you.

Ye Xuan silent.

The seven young master suddenly said: "I originally did it, but after this, I think you are very sincere, it is a good person, so I decided to open the net, I want to take you back, take you. Go back, I can cross, you can avoid the disaster of the tenth, what do you think? "

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "If I go back to you, will the clan kill me?"

The seven young master nodded, "should be!

Ye Xuan silent.

The seven young masters looked at Ye Xuan, "I am the strength, you can\'t imagine, if you don\'t go back with me, then I will slaughter this world and all people related to you.

At that time, death is not just you, and there is all of the universe!

After the Xuan Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "I will go back with you!"

The seven young master nodded, "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Good!

Talk about it.

Ye Xuan followed the seven young grandfather to come directly into a starry sky, in this starry sky, Ye Xuan saw 36 ancient appearances!

Thirty-six people!

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled, this clan did have a horp capital!

Seeing Ye Xuan, the thirty-six people are all in it.

Seven young people look calm, "Let\'s go!

After finishing, everyone started to shuttle time and space.

Originally, the clan also had a transmission array in some universe, but this place is too far away from the clan, so they have to shuttle first time and space.

On the road, the seven young masters looked at the Ye Xuan and his mouth slightly.

He does not kill Ye Xuan, and he is also intended!

Jiu Shaoye came to Ye Xuan, not only did not remove Ye Xuan, but he was also killed by Ye Xuan, but he can three words will bring Ye Xuan back to the volts, which will give the clan to see!

On the side, Ye Xuan double-eyed closed.

He promised to go to the clan, naturally because he didn\'t want the battlefield to appear in the universe of the gods, where to play, the whole of the gods are unbearable.

Therefore, he decided to go to the clan.

Ye Xuan suddenly sighed, so I went to the clan, I was afraid that I had to fight!

Have to say, he is boredo this kind of killing.

Do you have a peaceful development? But this life will be smooth and smooth? The seven young master suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, what is you sigh?"

Ye Xuan said: "I am afraid of death!"

The seven young masters are slightly, then laugh, "Ye Gongzi, you can really do this, if you are not you, I am hostile, I am willing to be friends with you.

Ye Xuan: ".

The seven young masters shook their heads. With your loved ones.

Ye Xuan looked at the seven young grandfather and smiled: "Okay!

The young master looked up at the distance, and his eyes were slow.

He didn\'t know that he will bring him today.

Just then, a woman suddenly appeared in front of everyone, this woman just appeared, a horrible force is directly suppressed in the field.

Ye Xuan brows smashed, he looked at this woman, the woman wore a white long skirt, long hair shawl, eyes clear as water, holding a roll in her hand.

Seeing this woman, the seven young masters are slightly incense, then the face is quite ugly, "second sister!

Miss Tunar: Zong Bai!

Zong Bai looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "He gave me!

The seven young masters are slightly embarrassing, then Shen Sheng: "Second sister, he is me.


Zong Bai looked to the seven young masters, "Do you have any questions?"

Wen said, the seven young masters have changed, and he is busy: "Second sister.

I, I have no problem!

Zong Bai nodded, "You go back to live, say that I took him!"

I will give you a conference!

The seven young masters are hesitant.

Zong Bai looks calm, "Xiaoqi, I remember, I don\'t seem to have not paid you long time!"

Otherwise, I am now pointing.

The seven young master is now: "No!

Sister, I will go back and live now!

After that, he disappeared with thirty-six people behind him.

Running very quickly!

Zong Bai went to Ye Xuan face, she looked at Ye Xuan, "I will talk about it."

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Zongbai\'s right hand waved, the next moment, the two directly disappeared in the same place.

When you appear again, the two are already above the mountain, from this location, the mountains are connected to the mountains, until the end of the line, the mountains of the mountains, and the clouds are like a fairyland.

Zong Bai suddenly said: "With Ye Gongzi\'s strength, kill them should be easy, but Ye Gongzi has to go to the clan with them.

Speaking of this, she turned to look into the Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi does not want the battlefield in the universe of the gods, still want to go directly to overwhelm, or all the two?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What is the girl call?"

Zong Bai looked at Ye Xuan, "Zong Bai!

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled, "Zong Bai girl, I am just in the ancient gods, nothing to say.

Zong Bai shook his head, "Ye Gongzi, you should be more powerful than I said.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Zong Bai girl, can you take me here, is it to chat with me?"

Zong Bai looked at Ye Xuan, "I am to stop you from going to the clan!"

Ye Xuan brows, "why?"

Zong Bai stared at Ye Xuan. "If you go to the clan, then you will be able to die, if the clan is killing you, there must be a great disaster.

Ye Xuan silent.

Zong Bai also said: "The people who have not been investigated by our clan must be many people who surpass our powers. Ye Gongzi can let the avenue strokes, two possibilities, first, Ye Gongzi has received a large road pen recognition, Second, the avenue pen is forced to follow Ye Gongzi.

No matter which reason, it is not that I can provoke.

The avenue pen is blessed, and our clan is naturally not afraid, but the avenue book is not that I am able to compete.

If the avenue pen is forced to follow Ye Gongzi, then Ye Gongzi is stronger than the pen of this avenue, and our clan is more can\'t afford!

Ye Xuan looked at the white and did not speak.

Zong Bai turned to the distance, whisper: "Ye Gongzi, I was born, but I am a daughter body, so I have no inheritance of the family, of course, because I have never thought about that location.

I have left it, I don\'t want to interrupted the family, but I still can\'t let it go. After all, the Zong family will raise me, I can\'t resent them because they don\'t let me do, I hate them.

Of course, I also know that the clan is now in the day, it will not put anyone in their eyes.

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, she said: "Ye Gongzi, I am in charge of the big and small universe, and I am attached to the life of our clan. Today, my clan is fainted, and I will be harmful Wan Ling, I am fighting, please ask Ye Gongzi to give me time, let me mediate the grievances between Ye Gongzi and our clan!

After finishing, she deeply.

Ye Xuan silent.

Zong Bai also said: "This is the fault of our clan, this robbery, because of our clan, but there is no mistake that hundreds of millions of people, the upper person is stunned, and the suffering is the people.

Today, if Ye Gongzi went to the clan, our clan must be killed, all of our clan, will also be willing.

Said, she once again deeply, "Ask Ye Gongzi to give me a chance, give me a chance to give me a chance to give me the people.

After the Xuan Shen silently took a moment, he said: "Yun!


The sound is falling, a sword suddenly rushed to the sky!

Human swords!

This is a sword to go straight into the clouds, a moment, the whole star river flavory!

Swords to the ancient gods!

Not only that, in this sword, there is another sword.


Human swords, including good way.

A good, thousands of mountains.


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