One Sword Reigns Supreme

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Invincible, see the three swords, three swords look at the small tower!

I heard the phrase of the small tower, and Ye Xuan silently.

This small tower is really floating!

And it is not a general floating. Of course, he still understands, don\'t say a small tower, even if he follows you, he will feel that people under this day are anti.

Just then, the small tower said again: "The little master, my current idea is, I want to stand alone!"

Self-reliable portal!

The little soul can\'t help but say: "Tower, you.

do not do that!

The small tower is calm: "I don\'t want to be so arrogant, but the strength is not allowed!"

Small soul: ".

The small tower is also said; "Little Lord, in order to avoid you think I am in the installation, we can learn, friendship, you can rest assured, see the face of the owner and the sister of the sister, I will not kill you!

Take a look!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Can take a look!

Xiaopa Road: "Change a place?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

The sound fell, he disappeared with a small tower in the original place, the next moment, he appeared in a unknown star field with the small tower.

Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, then laughed: "Tower, I use the little soul to hit you, no problem?"

Little Tower haha ​​smiled, "I am invincible, you will be free!"

Ye Xuan: ".

The sound of the avenue suddenly sounded, "Lao Zi never saw such a arrogant tower.

What the hell!

The small tower is disdainful, "a broken pen, I dare to evaluate me, it is really ridiculous, whether it is a person or something, the most sad is that I have no awareness in my heart, that is, I don\'t know, you are ignorant, you know Who is Laozi? Tower, the first tower of the Tiantianwan!

I have a day after my small tower, do you understand? "

Ye Xuan: ".


The avenue pen suddenly can\'t help but said: "There is a day after you have you? Are you crazy?"

The small tower is calm: "Ignore!

Avenue pen: ".

On the side, Ye Xuan smiled, "Tower, can we start?"

Xiaota Road: "Little Lord, you first shoot!"

Because I am afraid that I will shoot first, you have no chance to shoot!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Okay!

The sound falls, he suddenly jumped, the palm is spread, the Qing Xuanjian appeared in his hands, the next moment, a horrible force was swept in his body, and Ye Xuan raised his hand is a sword.


The time and space of the Ye Xuan face directly, and the blinks, the direct jump of Ye Xuan appeared in the universe.

Ye Xuan looked at the small towers in the existing universe, the heart of mind, moment, four reshuffled swords light directly on the small tower.

I am invincible!

And it is still invincible in the moment of Qing Xuanjian.

Ye Xuan This is to be a sword!

Existing world, when the four reshugenes appeared in the moment, the small tower was shocked, "lying in the trough!

Lying in the trough!

Next moment - Boom!

Take the small tower, the square is almost silent!

Tens of thousands of miles, a sword is buried!

Distinguished this is a dead star area, otherwise, I don\'t know how many life is buried.


At this time, a crack suddenly sounded in the field.

The small tower is surrounded by more and more cracks, the blink of an eye, the entire small tower is full of cracks, extremely horrible.

At this time, Ye Xuan appeared in front of the small tower, small tower vibration: "Little Lord.

You are really!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Tower, I am sorry, I didn\'t expect you to be so brittle.

Fortunately, fortunately, because I only have two stresses, if it is more, the small tower you can.

Say this, he did not continue to say.

Tower: ".

Ye Xuan walked to the small tower, looked at the small tower of the whole body, and he whispered, "the small tower.

Why are you weak? "

Tower: ".

Ye Xuan shake his head sigh, "Hey, I respect your thoughts, you go to your own portal!"

After all, now you follow me, it seems.

It seems that there is nothing to do!

take care!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Originally, the small tower hesitated, then said: "Lord, I am actually just a joke, I.

Ye Xuan people have disappeared in the distance.

Tower: ".


Ye Xuan returned to the Xuan Academy, he was lying on the chair, knotting the two lang legs, looking at the book.

During this time, he is more and more like to read the book!

Because every reading, you can make his heart calm down, he likes this quiet state.

At this time, the little soul suddenly said: "The little master, the small tower is very floating!

But it is not bad!

The little soul is still not wanting Ye Xuan to give up the small tower, because she has a long time with the small tower, is a real friend, although the small tower is very floating.

When I heard the soul, Ye Xuan put down the ancient books in his hand and smiled: "I know!

The little soul smiled. "The little Lord is intentionally tapping it, right?"

Ye Xuan looked at the Qing Xuanjian, smiled: "The little soul, you are smart now!"

Xiao Sou said: "Little Lord, I really miss you, there is a small tower, it is in the Milky Way, often talking about you.

In short, you can see you, it is good!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I can see you, I am very happy!

He naturally didn\'t have a homotive tower, the small tower was died in the same time in the same life, and he would give this small matter of the small tower? At this time, Qingqiu came from, she walked to the Xuanqi, and then took the tea in the hand to the Xuan face, smiled slightly, "brother, drink tea!

elder brother!

Not a young brother!

Ye Xuan looked at the Qingqiu, he smiled slightly, then got up, whispered: "Sit by me!

Tap Qingqiu, then sit to Ye Xuan, she is very natural to hold the arms of Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan smiled: "Shantou, are you tired?"

Qingqi shook his head, "Not tired!

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at Qingqiu, Qingqiu blinked, "What\'s wrong?"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "" It turned out to be in ancient gods!

Qingqiu\'s mouth slightly, "Is it amazing?"

Ye Xi Tao: "It\'s very powerful!

When you have a bright face, you are very happy.

Ye Xuan lightly smashed the young head of Qingqiu, laughed: "When will I go to the ancestral?"

Qingqiu blinked, "I don\'t tell you!

Ye Xuan turned over the eyes.

Qingqiu smiled, then got up, "Brother, I am busy!

After finishing, she turned and jumped, and I was very happy.

Looking at the Qingqiu in the distance, the Ye Xi\'s eyes flashed and complex, "Qingre.

Said, his eyes slowly closed.

Once the tragedy, he is absolutely not allowed to reproduce!

Everyone must be good!

At this time, the small tower appeared next to the Xuanqi, the small tower hesitated, then; "Xiao Lord.

Ye Xuan laughed, then the palm was booted, the small tower took the initiative to fly in his hand, "Is the small tower playing in the Milky Way?"

The small tower is busy: "Happy, the Galaxy is very fun!"

There is also two o\'clock and small white.

It is Erluto, I like to provoke my sister, every day.

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

In fact, this is a little regrettous in this time, because there is no insight to see the Milky Way, and he didn\'t see Er and Xiaobai.

He is still very missing for Er and Xiaobai.

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Brother, why do you not allow outsiders to enter the Milky Way?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "The" Milky Way of the martial arts civilization is very low. If the people outside will enter the world, it will have a big threat to the world.

Therefore, the owner sets a ban, and does not allow any cultivator to enter the Milky Way until.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Direct to Erromeses and Xiaobai arrive there, right?"

The avenue is: "Yes, now the Milky Way has gradually launched the world, this is not a good thing, it is a bad thing, hehe!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Don\'t worry, in the future, I am covered with the Galaxy!

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, then looked up to see the depths of the stars, "I will count, the people of the clan should come!

Just then, Ye Xuan suddenly returned to his eyes. He looked at the door to the distance, where a young man came to come.

Ye Xuan looked at the young man and smiled: "The clan?"

The young man went to Ye Xuan face, laughed: "Self introduced it, in the seven young grandfather!"

Seven young grandfather!

Ye Xuanmoo nodded, "It turned out to be a seven young masters, long-term name!

The seven young master flashed in the eyes, "Do you know me?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Hear it!

The seven young masters are somewhat interest, "Where are you listening to me?"

Ye Xuan speaking.

Your stick, Laozi is just a guest, you ask so many questions!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "before the Nine Shao, he said that the family can threaten the position of him, only one person, then the seven young do you, the people are like jade, the seven young people are unparalleled!

Seven young mashas smiled, "I have this nine brother, although the human pus has a pusty, but this person is still very sincere.

Said, he sat in front of Ye Xuan, then smiled: "Ye Xuan, I investigated you, I know, there are two mysterious swords to repair behind you, one is the green shirt man, the second is one Women, right? "

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The seven young master laughed: "These two are your biggest reliance, right?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then the old man: \'No problem!

\'Seven young masters stare at Ye Xuan, "I want to see them!"

Wen said, Ye Xuan stunned.

The seven young masters smiled slightly. "You look shocked, I will say it again, I want to see them!

After the Xuan Xuan silently took a moment, he said, "Are you a clan to send me?"

The seven young master nodded, "it is!

Ye Xuanzi is slight, "Good!

The seven young masterbrows, "What?"

Ye Xuan blinked, laughed: "I like this type of enemy.
