One Sword Reigns Supreme

2376 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and sixty-three chapters: three swords look at the small tower!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

"Ha ha!

Ye Xuan Da smiled, then pulled you into the top of the mountain.

Originally, the two people are still petrified.

After a long time, Ms. Moon came back to God, and the trembling said: "It\'s really Jianxian!

They are actually a sword.

Although the Milky Way has stepped into the Xianxian era, this kind of sword is really too young sword!

Moreover, a sword cuts a mountain, they only have seen it in the TV series.

There is really sword!

Shepherd was once a long time, then said: "Go!

Go to Qingyu Peak!

Said, she ran in the top of the mountain.


Ye Xuan was coming to the top of the mountain. The moment of the top of the mountain, Ye Xuan is a bit surprised, on the top of the mountain, the horizon, the look, the blue sky is white, looking forward, not far, standing a giant The ancient trees, the ancient tree is not far away, is a waterfall, the landscape is pouring and falling into the pool, splashing a piece of water.

At the foot, it is a bluestone trail, the end of the trail is the old tree, above the ancient trees, there is a wooden house.

In front of the wooden house, there is a puppy, which is at this moment, this puppy is shaking.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see you, "Is this?"

Yin children look at the wooden house in the distance, "Do you know who is the people in it?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Qingren look calm, "the owner of the pen!

When Ye Xuan face, he changed, he turned to look at the wooden house, this wooden house is the owner of the avenue pen? A super big can? Qingren look at the wooden house, "sword!

Sword? Ye Xuan has some unexpected, at this time, the wooden door suddenly opened, and a sword slowly floated.

See this sword, Ye Xuanlun stunned.

Qing Xuanjian!

Ye Xuanjiaxia is spread, Qing Xuanjian flooded directly to him, Qing Xuanjian did not change much before, but at the Qing Xuanjian sword handle, there is more words: people.

people? On the one side, you will be smashed, "Just a word? Do you have six?"

The sound fell, she paired, the sidewalk sword suddenly appeared in her hands.


Suddenly, a horrible pressure directly shrouded the mountain.

Before the wooden house, the puppy was dramatically trembled, and he was awkward.

At this time, a sigh is coming from the house, "he is weak, can\'t control six characters, even this smallest \'person\' word, he is currently unable to control.

Look at the wooden house, don\'t talk.

The voice said: "I know, you want to kill me, but you should be clear, from the beginning to the present, I didn\'t do anything to do the two people.

After a long time to watch the wooden house, then pulled the hand to the hand to turn around, "When you gave me a group of gods, today, I spare you.


Soon, the brothers and sisters disappeared in the distance.

After a long time, in the wooden house, a sigh sounded again, "I can mix it really bad.

After a while, the door of the wooden house opened.

A man came out, he gently touched the puppy at the door, then laughed: "A Huang, let\'s go!

After finishing, he walked away from the distance.


Qingre took Ye Xuan came to the previous seaside, and the brothers and sisters walked so slowly.

Qingli whispered: "Brother, you should go back!"

Ye Xuan stopped, he looked to you, "Are you going?"

Young noddes.

Ye Xuan asked, "Where?"

The green smiles slightly, not talking.

Ye Xuanbai has a green, "Okay!

I don\'t ask!

Children suddenly hug Ya Xuan, she leaned her head before the leaf Xuan chest, "Brother, I am waiting for you in this martial art, don\'t let me wait too long, because it is very lonely.

Ye Xuan slight smile, "must!

Qingli looked at Ye Xuan, "I believe you!"

Said, her palm is booming, the small tower appears in her hands, she delivers the small tower to Ye Xuan, "This tower, I have been transformed, you stay.

Ye Xuan looked at the small tower, then laughed; "Tower, I haven\'t seen you for a long time!

The small tower did not answer.

Qingye is smashed, the small tower is busy: "The master, I miss!"

Ye Xuan is dark, the small tower is too hypocritical.

Qingyan smiled slightly, "Brother, go back!

Ye Xuan seems to think of what, suddenly asked, "I have a gimmick around me, name is Qingqiu, do you know her origin?"

Young nod, "know!

Ye Xuanlian is busy, "she is?"

Qingli looked at Ye Xuan, "I used to guard you, guardian three-dimensional, suppress four-dimensional.

Since the birth of the universe, only one person may reach this degree on the sword, it is her!

Said, she suddenly said, "Just possible!

Ye Xuan was shocked.

How to achieve this level? possible!

Have to say, Ye Xuanzhen is shocked!

You know, you have always put anyone in your eyes.

What seems to be, Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly shrink, he tremble: "She.

She is you!

Qingyan shook his head, "I used to be her!

Ye Xuan: ".

Qingli whispered: "Take her, she has been very bitter. In the time of 10,000 years, she is like the year, the kind of loneliness and suffering.

Speaking of this, she shook his head slightly, and did not say anymore.

Ye Xuan nod, "I will!

Qingre, the right hand, lighter, and Ye Xuan\'s body began to become illusively, very bitter, he completely disappeared in the same place.

After Ye Xuan disappeared, the goddings gradually became cold. She looked up at the horizon, the eyes, and the essays were like ice.

At this time, the young collected, turned to look at the distance, where there is a little girl, it is two, the two shoulders are small white.

Seeing the eyes of Qing, the two eyes were jumped, "She is not still very gentle? How did it change?"

Xiaobai blinked, the lacrusted waved, nor did you know what it is.

I looked at the second and didn\'t talk.

Erwei hesitated, then said; "Just passing.

After that, she turned and ran.


Not long, Ye Xuan returned to the Xuanxuan Academy.

After returning to the book, Ye Xuan looked at the Qing Xuanjian in his hand, on the Qingxuan sword sword handle, the \'human\' word is very conspicuous.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Brother, can you talk about this word?"

The avenue pen: "The words of the six characters, this word has an extremely terrible person, the same as your world, this word is condensed by countless first sings, sincerity, , only benevolence The person can spray this word.

The owner gives you this word, it is clear that the owner is a matter of recognizing what you have to do now.

The power of the world!

After Ye Xuan Shen silently took a moment, he suddenly cited Qingxuanjian!


Qing Xuanjian suddenly broke out a sword, the next moment, the \'people\' words at the sword stile suddenly trembled, soon, an extremely horrible power was introduced into the Qingxian sword.

Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly shrinks, this moment, he felt that he had to collapse, and he was very awkward, and he stopped.

The power of the horrible force is like a tide.

Ye Xuan sent a sigh of relief, he looked at the Qing Xuan sword in his hand, and it was unbelievable in his eyes. "This.

The avenue: "You have just been tuned, it is not enough, and now you, even the strength of a year is unable to control.

Ye Xuan looked at the Qing Xuan sword in his hand, it was still shocked. The power of this word is so horrible, and this word is the weakest word in six characters.

I can imagine that the remaining five words are how horror!

Ye Xuan low sigh, his road is still very long!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan lightly waved the Qing Xuanjian, he was happy, because he found that the functions before the Qingxuan sword were still, and it became more horrible!

With Qing Xuan Jian, he can freely shuttle in the universe, ignore any space of the universe.

In addition, he also found that this Qing Xuan Jian seems to become more sharp!


Thinking of this, he held his sword to himself.


This, the second war armor directly appeared a shallow sword!

Can hurt!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuantili is excited, even the two warfare can hurt, then what is this Qing Xuanjian can\'t break? The best defense equipment and the best attack equipment are in his hand!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan can\'t help but laugh.

Invincible feelings come back!

This thought is just rising, and Ye Xuan is a vigilance, can\'t have this idea, usually there is such a thought, I can\'t get to be more than three days!


What seems to be, Ye Xi\'s handsome is spread, and the small tower appears in his hands. He smiled: "Tower, I haven\'t seen you for a long time!

Xiaota Road: "Little Lord, can I say a few truth?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Of course, my person always democracy!"

After the small tower is silent, he said: "Little Lord, saying that a sentence may not be quite modest, I am now the real THAN Wanjie first tower, I think I follow you.

A little flexible!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "it is a little!

The small tower carefully said: "Little Lord, have you heard a sentence?"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What?"

Xiaota Road: "At the Milky Way, there is such a sentence, call: invincible to see the three swords, three swords look at the small tower!

Ye Xuan: ".

Avenue pen: ".

Small soul: ".


PS: Sorry, today is late today!

Don\'t want to explain, everyone!