One Sword Reigns Supreme

2375 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and sixty-two chapters: brother, forever!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The seaside, the brothers and sisters sat quietly.

The sea breeze came, and the woman\'s dress was gently drifting, she leaned against the shoulders of the leaves, the sea is in the sea.


on the other side.

A little girl is watching the two brothers and sisters, this little girl is wearing a very fashionable short-sleeved jeans, holding a small horn, holding a string of sugar.

On her shoulders, sitting on a white furry little guy.

It is Erlunt and Xiaobai!

Eritang looked at the Ye Xuan brothers and sisters in the distance, "Isn\'t that small mystery? How did he come?"

Xiaobai blinked, the lacrusted waved, nor did it know what is expressed.

Er Xi looked at the life, then said: "Today, look at the face of Xiaoxuanzi, do not hit her!"


After that, she turned and ran.



On the boulder, Ye Xuan light channel: "Qingren, follow you, there is a sense of security!"

Avenue pen: ".

The young smiles slightly, "bring you to a place!

After finishing, she got up, then pulled Ye Xuan and walked in the distance.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Where?"

The corner of the Qing dynasty, "temporarily confidential!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Youth, you have to laugh in the future, I like you happy!"

Young nod, "I only laugh in front of you.

Ye Xuan slightly shakes his head, "I am the happiest thing in my life.

The green smiled slightly, she tightly pulled the hand of Ye Xuan, "I used to lose you once, and now, I will never lose you."

You are alive, the Tiantian is innocent, if you die, all the world is buried.

Said, she turned into the cold and looked at it, this is not known to see who is.

Ye Xuan waist, the avenue pen slightly slightly.

Ye Xixiang is warm, I have to say that the feeling of being favored is really good!

What seems to be, Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Qing, I found a college.

Said, he said to the Xuan Academy and his goal.

Qingli looked at Ye Xuan, "change the universe?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Do you think it is feasible?"

After the silence of the green, the road: "The world\'s swords, naturally it is feasible, with the sword, this sword is good!"


Ye Xixiang is happy, and then asked again. "If it is cultivated to the ultimate, what is it more than Qing?"

Qingli blinked, "this.

Ye Xuankao: "You tell you the truth!"

After the silence of yourself, he said: "If it is cultivated to the extreme, it should be!

still alright? Ye Xuan expression stiff.

Qingmen looked at Ye Xuan Shen, and immediately quickly said; "With the belief of all beings, such swords will be good. If you cultivate to the ultimate, it will definitely be weaker than me!

Ye Xuan looked at the green, did not talk.

Qingyan hesitated, then said: "I am telling the truth, no halfword.

Said, she pointed to the Ye Xuan waist avenue pen, "Do not believe, you ask it!"

The avenue pen is busy with the voice: "To the right, Ye Shao, your sister said, it is absolutely true, I will guarantee by life, you will believe her!"

It\'s all crying.

Ye Xuanbai has a green, "You will pet me!

Qing Dynasty tidy his neighborhood messy collar, then whispered: "This life is only one person.

Ye Xuan tightly pulled the young hand, the brothers and sisters walked in the distance.

On the other hand, a woman is looking at the two people in Ye Xuan.

This person is the strongest power of the Milky Way, the current deputy argument of the Yinhezong.

Next to the Yang Curtain, follow nine people, this nine people are all people of the Milky Way.

The Yang Cream looked at the long Ye Xuan brothers and sisters. "I know why I have to take you nine people?"

Nine people shook their heads.

The Yang Cream looked at Ye Xuan and whispered: "Is it?"

Nine people nodded.

Yang Curtain: "Remember his appearance, let go.

After that, she turned and left.

Nine people have some .

At this time, the Yang Cream also said again; "He is the owner of the Yinhezong, and the future of the Yinhezong.

Wen said, nine people are surprised!

Since Yinhe Zong Chuangzong, we dominate the entire Galaxy at a very horrible speed, and the entire Milky Way is also due to the Silverheism gradually entered the Xunxian era.

And the people in the Galaxy have never seen the main owners.

For this principal, everyone is very curious, and at this moment, the Yang curtain has said that the boy is the future of the Yinhezong\'s future.

In the distance, the Yang Curtain has also said: "Don\'t disturb them!

Nine people have a deep gift against Ye Xuan in the distance, and then quietly retreat.


Qingre took Ye Xuan to a mountain foot, Ye Xuan looked up, the mountains were smashed, and they were unpredictable.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Youth, can you say it now?"

Qingye shook his head, "no!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Good!

The brothers and sisters walked towards the hill.

On the road, Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Qing, why do we have to use it, not flying?"

Qingli looked at Ye Xuan, "Every moment with you is precious!


The young smiled slightly, "I am worried, this world, no one can kill me, as for each other, we really have to have a period of time.

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Why?"

Yue looked up at it, "Because I found a very interesting thing, I want to try it out.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What?"

Yellow silence.

Ye Xuan blinks, "Is it a bit difficult to explain?"

Young noddes.

Ye Xi Xiao said: "Then I want to explain, wait for my strength!"

I naturally know, right? "

The green is slightly down, whispered: "Brother, you should not be so big, if you have a day, you feel the days, just don\'t fight!"

The so-called invincible, there is nothing difficult, if you want, I will give you a sword, you have invincible!

Ye Xuan turned over the eyes, "Qing, you, will be bad!"

The green face is bruising, "Okay, then you will work hard!"

Leaf Xuan nod.

He believes that if you give him a sword, he is inactive, but this is not his goal.

His real goal is to achieve this extent!

With the invincible of the cyan, he will never meet the extent of youth.

At this time, a sound suddenly came from the side, ".

You look, the two of the men, the man is so happy.

The woman.

God, this world has this beautiful person!

I heard the sound, Ye Xuan turned his head, not far away, the two women were watching him with young.

The two women\'s wear is totally different from his universe. The woman on the left is wearing a tight short sleeve. This tight short sleeves are tightly wrapped in the chest, because it is too tight, this makes the woman look at the chest. Unparalleled big, watery is so big.

The woman\'s short sleeves are very short, just to the abdomen, therefore, her navel is not retained in the air, and her lower abdomen is very flat, the waist is fine, the light is enough, it is enough to let countless men sink. .

Under the lower abdomen, the scenery is more beautiful, but the problem, Ye Xuan is only in a hurry, come to the woman\'s legs, the woman has a long legs, plus a very tight trousers, which makes her legs More fierce.

The woman\'s appearance is also extremely beautiful, long hair flutters, in sexy, there is a silk fairy.

There is a woman wearing sports trousers. Although the woman\'s appearance does not have a city, it is not bad, she is carrying a small bag, and she is staring at Ye Xuan and Qingren at the moment. It is what she said. .

See Ye Xuan\'s view, the backpack woman is quickly excited; "Ms. Moon, he is watching us, you should look at him, you should also act show, he must know you, I bet, he will definitely look for you to sign!

The woman named Ms. Yu looked at the Ye Xuan. At this time, Ye Xuan in the distance suddenly returned to the eyes, and he pulled himself to walk towards the mountain.

When I saw Ye Xuan two, Ms. Moon slightly, at this time, the woman she beside her suddenly said: "Does he don\'t know Mesham? Don\'t you!"

At this time, the Ms. Moon suddenly stepped towards the distance, soon, she came to Ye Xuan two, she got an eye of Ye Xuan, then looking to Ye Xuan, "Are you an ancient love?" "

Ye Xuan is so surprised, "Ancient lovers?"

Muyue Road: "You are in a very ancient wind!

Ye Xuan first is a rumor, then smiled: "Is it!

Shepherd looked at Ye Xuan. "Do you have any interest to play? If you are willing, you will definitely fire.


Ye Xuan blinked, then said: "Girl, I am not interested in playing.

After that, he pulled yourself to leave, Ms. Moon suddenly said: "You don\'t know me?"

Ye Xuan looks to Ms. "I don\'t know!

Ms. Moon stared at Ye Xuan and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Girl, I am from other worlds!

Muyoon looks calm, "Is it coming?"

Mars? Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Girl, I am the first time to come to the Milky Way!"

For unfamiliar here, there may be many cognitions between us, so.


Mushu brows, slightly wrinkled, some unfortunate, "If you don\'t want, you can say these words, why do you say these words? Do you think I.

At this time, the green suddenly wandered, and he flew out.


In addition to thousands of feet, a mountain suddenly turned into a powder.

Seeing this scene, the Ms. Moon stayed directly, she looked at the blue, "you.

Are you a legendary sword? Do not.

Should you be a big sword? "

Big sword!

Qingyue slightly, next moment, she turned and looked at the Ye Xuan, the mouth is slightly picked up, "Brother, I am a big sword!

Ye Xi Tao: "It\'s amazing!

Two brothers and sisters, gazing.

At this moment, they seemed back to the initial time.

On the side, Ms. Moon looks to Ye Xuan, trembling: "You.

Are you also cultivating people? "

Ye Xuan nod, he was the palm of his hand, and a sword suddenly flew out, straight into the cloud.

Ms. Moon looked at the smelve of the sky, trembling; "you.

You seem to be more powerful than your sister!

Ye Xuan said: "Of course, under the three swords, I invincible, the three swords, I am invincible!"

After finishing, he looked at you, "Is it right?"

Qingli blinked, then thumped thumbs up, sweet smile, "Brother, forever!
