One Sword Reigns Supreme

2369 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and fifty-six chapters: take care!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, because the beautiful woman rushed to him!

The beautiful woman who looked at the rushing, the leaves were calm, suddenly, the burial in his hand made a sword light.


A sword is broken, and the beauty is far from the long-term.

Ye Xuan has not retired one step!

The beauty had just stopped, and at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly took the front, the next moment, a sword was straight from the beautiful woman\'s head.


The sharp tear sounds through the whole starry sky!

The beauty of the woman flashed, and she suddenly spread, and a horrible black light swept away from her palm.


A horrible fried sound suddenly resounded!

Ye Xuan returned to the place, he looked at himself some trembled arm, browbowned, he looked up to the beautiful woman in the distance, at this moment, the beautiful woman, drifting a black black dragon!

Monster? Ye Xuan brows micropleded.

How old is this family like people? In the distance, the beauty is dead. He suddenly stars in Ye Xuan. Suddenly, she palm is open, the next moment, the black dragon next to her suddenly anger, followed by the Ye Xuan rushed!


This rush, like a torrent with a heil, swept everything!

In the distance, Ye Xuan double eyes, his palm is open, the burial sword is hovering in his hands, the next moment, a horrible sword suddenly swept in his body, at the same time, the power of the world is in the body Gather in his right arm.

A moment of silence, the burial sword in the heart of the blade suddenly flew out.


A bloody sword is torn in the scene, and directly welcomes the black dragon!

Hard hard!


Suddenly, accompanied by a sound sound, a sword is broken, and the black dragon is directly sailed to Wanshang!

But at this time, the beautiful woman suddenly rushed to the Xuan face, and it was not waiting for Ye Xuan, and she was directly buckled with the Xuanlu-throat. In an instant, her right hand became black, followed, one The power of the shares will directly put the Ye Xuan.


With two people, the time and space of the two people is directly into ashes!

However, Ye Xuan is not a little!

See this scene, the beautiful woman is suddenly shrinking, "How.

When I came here, she quickly lets it, it is necessary to retreat, and at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of a sword.

A beautiful woman in the heart, the right arm is broken.


In everyone\'s eyes, the beautiful woman has repeatedly retracted to tens of thousands of feet, and when she stopped, her dark right hand fell directly, a black blood sputter!

Seeing this scene, the group of strong people behind the beauty of the beauty of the woman became dignified.

This boy is so horrible? The beautiful woman has become more dignified at this moment, she looked up to the distance, "" Who are you!

At this moment, her head suddenly woke up!

In front of this boy, it is definitely not ordinary!

In the distance, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Now ask this, what is the meaning?"

Said, he looked at a beautiful woman and others, then laughed: "You come together!"

Go together!

This words are out, and the instant static in the field can be heard!

Go together? The beauty of the beauty is staring at Ye Xuan. "Why are you so arrogant?"

Ye Xuan slight smile, "I am hit, there is no challenging, so you are gone together!

The sound fell, he palm opened, the burial sword appeared in him.


In the immersion, the blood is instantly activated. In an instant, the burial sword is directly activated, and a horrible breath is swept in the body!

The Ye Xi\'s eyes flashed, he was a sword!


Tiandi earthquake!

In the distance, the beauty of the woman flashed in the eyes, "killing him!

The sound fell, she directly disappeared in the same place behind him.

Really group!

And after this beauty, I also followed the top of the top!

Ten hits!

However, there is no fear in Ye Xiyan, in his eyes, only excitement and fanatics!


Soon, the game is playing!

Although Ye Xuan has no high-quality woman, the number is also crushed, but his momentum is not a beautiful woman.

Moreover, with a 10th, although it is pressed, the beautiful woman is completely good!

Because Ertang!

This ten people teamed up, couldn\'t break the armor!

It can be said that as long as Ye Xuan\'s defense is can\'t break, he has already stood in an invincible place!

At this time, the beautiful woman headed suddenly said: "I will die!"

In her opinion, the gods on the Xixiang are horrible, but they must have consumption, and Ye Xuan shot, there is also consumption, so they can lose Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan is only one thought in the mind, then it is fighting!

Crazy fight!

He just met the ancient gods, now the most lack of fighting, only fighting can help him firmly!

The strength of blood is getting stronger and stronger!

Gradually, the face of the beautiful woman has become difficult to look, because they find that Ye Xuan actually stronger the battle!

At this time, an old man next to the beauty of the beauty suddenly said: "Lady, we can\'t help this, retreat!"

The beauty of the beauty is difficult to look!

retreat? How can she be willing!

The old man said again: "Start, this is extremely not simple, it is definitely not a general person, we have to investigate clear, otherwise, maybe things!

After the beauty of the beauty is silent, he said: "Retreat!


The voice of the beautiful woman fell, and everyone immediately returned.

Ye Xuan saw the beautiful woman and others retired, slightly, then said: "What? Play!

After finishing, he will take again, and at this time, the beautiful woman is suddenly turned to the starry sky!

Ye Xuan\'s brow, covered, this ten people did not die!

After the Xuan Xuan silently took a moment, turn it away!


Unknown in a certain place, after the beauty stopped, the face became incomparable, "this damn antique!

Next to the beauty, an old man hesitated, then said: "Mrs. This person is not simple!

The beautiful woman is cold, "" You check out this person!

See where this person is here!

The old man nod, then turn it away.

Originally, the beautiful face is very cold, and it is not hidden in the eyes.

On the side, the three uncle\'s three uncle looks at a beautiful woman, some is a sense.

In fact, he can save the nine young masters before, but he did not think that Ye Xuanzhen dared to see the landlord!

This is awkward!

This is too fat!


On the other hand, the three young people and others are also paying attention to the battle of Ye Xuan and beautiful women.

When I saw a beautiful woman, I wouldn\'t have to Ye Xuan, and the three young masters wrinkled, "this guy.

Next to the three young grandfather, an old man said: "This boy is extremely light!

Three young master laughed: "It is some uncommon, but what is it? Is it not simple than our clan?"

The old man looked at the three young masters, whispered.

Throughout the entire generation of the entire generation, only the second lady is a character.

Whether it is talent, still mind, it\'s really a top!

Unfortunately, such a horrible enchanting is a woman.

The clan is such a family, naturally it is impossible to hand it over to the woman. In fact, it will be given to the woman.

However, in the near, Miss Second was suddenly sealed as a clan guardian!

In the family, its rights are only long.

However, this is almost informing that Miss World is not like a family!

Because according to the tradition of the clan, the clan guards cannot be long.


In the clan, countless elders are sigh!

Because Miss Second is the most suitable candidate of the party, but unfortunately it is a daughter.

At this time, the three sorrows suddenly laughed: "I should not give it, after all, is the enemy of killing!

Said, he turned his head to the old, "Li Zun, you go to the bottom to help me investigate the Ye Xuan this person, remember, to be detailed."

The old man nodded and then quietly left.

Originally, the three young masters lightly shake the fan, the mouth is slight, "interesting, in this low waiting universe, there is still such a person.


An unknown world.

On a mountain, a woman is playing with a black robe.

The woman is in a purple long skirt, long hair shawl, the five senses are exquisite, especially the eyes, like a vortex, as if I can take people in a general.

At this time, the woman raised a white piece and then she looked up to the old man, smiled slightly, "Grandpa, you lost!

The old man looked at the chessboard in front of him. After a while, he shook his head smile, "amazing!

The woman turned to the distance to the distance, in the distant horizon, a group of Xianhe slowly flew, after a moment, she smiled slightly, "Grandpa delimed, should it be simple to play with me, right?"

The old man looked at the woman, "Two hoes, you know my purpose!

The woman smiled slightly, "But I still want my grandfather to tell me!

The old man seeks the woman, "deprived your family inheritance, you can compare?"

Woman shook his head.

The old man brows, "Is it true?"

The woman got up, she slowed down, she leaned over before a beautiful flower, her nose gently sucked, then smiled: "Really fragrant!"

The old man looked at the woman and didn\'t talk.

The woman gently touched the beautiful flowers and smiled: "Grandpa, I have to go!"

The old man slightly, then immediately got up, "Go?"

The woman laughed: "Yes!

I am very curious about the unknown wonderland, so I want to see!

Said, she turned to look at the old man and smiled: "Grandpa and old man should also think about me?"

The old man is silent.

The woman suddenly got up, then walked in the distance, but very fast, she stopped again, and then said: "I know a news, the nine brothers are killed, the royal fan and chaotic black fire were taken.

The kind of universe can kill the nine brothers, absolutely average!

The decline of a family, in addition to the internal corruption, there is a reason, that is, the mating, the bustling and powerful prosperity of our clan is now, but everything is very dangerous, this is the most dangerous time of our clan.

Do this, grandfather, take care!

After that, she floated, and the blink of an eye disappeared in the end of the sky.
