One Sword Reigns Supreme

2370 Swords in the second thousand three hundred and fifty-seventh chapter: Who will threaten my brother?

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Looking at the woman disappeared in the end of the sky, the old people were embarrassed, and the heart was complicated.

In fact, this second girl is really excellent, whether it is talent or IQ, is the best in the young generation of the clan.

However, she can\'t be a master.

Once she is holding, plus her strength and IQ, the future clan may become someone else\'s dowry.

They don\'t dare to bet!

Thinking of this, the old man whispered, then turned and left.

Perhaps, this gimmick is away, and the tribe is a good thing.

Xianbao Pavilion.

In the stars, the leaves are sitting on the ground.

Before a battle, he was very cool!

Unfortunately, he found that he did not comprehend the true meaning of this \'belief\'.

Simply, he did not play the power of the sword and the power of the world to the extreme.

However, he is not anxious, after all, he just reached the ancient gods!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Fuge!

The sound is falling, and the husband appears in front of Ye Xuan.

Fu Zer is a slight ceremony in Ye Xuan, respects: "Ye Shao!

Ye Xuan light channel: "There is no way to take me in the other party, you should take my people around you!

Speaking of this, he is slightly smashed, "Watching Xuan College!

The husband suddenly shrinks, and immediately said: "Come on!"

The sound is falling, and the 35th Ancient Commodity is continuously present.

Douguo: "I am waiting for the leaf of the gong!"

Ye Xuanqi, "Into the Xuan College!

The husband said.

Ye Xuan glanced, "They won\'t be targeted by Xianbaoge, because they want to kill me, and the Xuan Academy is found, so they will go to the school!

After finishing, he got directly from the sword and disappeared in the same place.

Viri and others are also busy with the past.


Among the stars, the beauty card is sitting, the look is cold, in her hands, is a reel, the reel is in the detailed information of Ye Xuan.

At this time, the old man beside her: "This person has played with Xuan Shenjie once, with his strength, it is impossible to defeat the mysterious god, but he eventually won!

I have found a detailed discovery, helping him is a green shirt man.

The beauty woman puts down the reel, brows, "Green Shirt men?"

The old man nodded, "I investigated this person, but I didn\'t get.

The beauty of the woman turned to the old man, "nothing gains?"

The old man nodded slightly, Shen Sheng: "This person doesn\'t have any records, only know, he is the father of Ye Xuan, in addition to this, there is no information!


After the beauty of the beauty is silent, the look is gradually cold, "Go to Xuan College!

The old man stunned.

The beautiful woman got up, "I don\'t have to move him, I will move the people around him, I have to see, the people around him are also as good as he has defensive artifact!

After that, she has disappeared in the end of the starry.

The old man is so busy with the past.


Watching an institution.

After Ye Xuan returned to the Xuan Academy, he immediately summed the book and Qingqiu immediately.

Ye Xuan looked at the two, then said: "Immediately send the school students, let them leave the college, immediately!

The book is slightly incense, it is about to talk, and the Qingqiu suddenly said; "Master, let\'s go!

After that, she got up!

Shu Xian hesitated, and then turned and he took out.

After a while, the students who went on the books of the books were evacuated. With the help of the husband and others, they did not have to evacuate.

Ye Xuan came to see Xuan Academy, and he looked in the deep place in the stars, silent.

At this time, a woman appeared next to him and was qi.

Qingqiu looks at the deep place of the starry sky, not talking.

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the Qingqiu, soon, he shook his head.

Qingqiu has reached ancient world!

Although I have already prepared it, he is still shocked.

The cultivation speed of Qingqiu this girl is horrible to unable.

At this time, Qingqiu suddenly said: "If it is a few days, I should go to the ancient gods!"

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

Qingqiu turned his head and looked at the Ye Xuan, "Brother, you have arrived in the ancient gods!

Ye Xuan Xiao: "Shantou, can you tell me how you cultivate? I am really curious!

Qingqiu asked, "Is it difficult to practice?"

Ye Xuan: ".

Qingqiu looks up and look at the depths of the stars. "Is it very simple? It is like eating, there is a hand!

When Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly was black, the heart feels very blocked.

Qingqiu looked at the sky and whispered: "Should you come?"

Ye Xuan nod, his palm is open, the avenue pen slowly floating in front of Qingqiu, "you use!

Qingqiu looked at the avenue pen, then said: "No!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Qingqiu looks calm, "This thing is not used!

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan hesitated, then: "Shantou, do you know what this pen?"

Qingqi nod, "avenue pen!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "You know it is a big road, but also say it is not used?"

Qingqiu nodded slightly, "It\'s really not used!

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "It can help people enhance the realm!

You use it now, it can directly reach the ancient gods!

Qingqiu shook his head slightly, "this realm is virtual.

Said, she suddenly, then said: "Brother, you also use this thing, this thing is a virtual float, you don\'t really cut, you really need to improve the realm, you can look at Qin Guan girl\'s book, especially her written Regarding the realm, those written are very good, if you can\'t thoroughly, even if you meet this realm, it is not big.

Of course, my brother can learn from this pen, but it is not over-reliable. If the brother is reached in any realm, my brother will reach it. For a long time, my brother will cause serious dependence. If there is no such thing in the future, then the brother can what to do? "

Ye Xuan silent.

Qingqiu laughed; "This is a realm of the realm, so it will use it to achieve a realm, there will be a lot of problems, and its owner is ok.

Ye Xuan looks to Qingqiu, "Is its master?"

Qingqi nod.

Ye Xuan looked at Qingqiu, "Shantou, do you think of the memory of the past?"


Qingqiu blinked, "What is the formerity?"

Ye Xuan glanced at Qingqiu, "You don\'t want to be stupid with me!

Qingqiu smiled, then said: "Brother, do you really want to know? If you want, I can tell you!

Because I absolutely never lie to you!

Ye Xuan nod, "of course!

Qingqiu nodded, she is going to talk, at this time, the stars in the top of the two suddenly trembled.


Soon, the 10 horrible power is swept deep from the depths of the star, as if to crush this big.


Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, he in his hands, the burial sword suddenly trembled, the next moment, a horrible sword rushed to the sky, and directly greeted the ten-way pressure!


In an instant, the whole sky is boiling directly!

However, Ye Xuanzanx swords can\'t stop the ten-way power!

Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking, he is not afraid of this ten percentage, but this ten power is falling, this world is afraid to be destroyed directly!

Therefore, you must never let this ten must fall!

At this moment, the Qingqiu on the side suddenly slammed up.

A punch, suddenly full of rivals in the world!


This box is on the sky, but it is straight to the ten horror!

Ye Xiunedied, and then turned to look at Qingqiu, the heart was shocked.

I glanced at Qingqiu. I saw Ye Xuan looked at myself. When I quickly became a positive color: "My brother is not shocked, these are normal operations!

Ye Xuan: ".

At this moment, the beautiful woman and others appeared in front of Ye Xuan two.

The beautiful woman is falling on the Qingqi, gradually, her brows wrinkled.

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "Look at me?"

Beautiful woman Shen Sheng: "What is your punch?"

Qingqiu smiled: "Hao Ran is right!

Hao Ran is angry!

Beautiful woman brows, "What do you mean?"

Qingqi shook his head, "illiterate is really terrible!

Wen said, the beautiful woman\'s face is cold.

Ye Xuan smiled, Qingqiu, this sentence is not bad, but the insults are extremely

The beauty of the United States stared at the beautiful woman. At the next moment, she suddenly slammed out, this punch, a horrible force swept in her fist, straight to the Qingqiu.

Qingqiu looks calm, it is just a punch!


This punch, the horrible power in front of her is directly broken, at the same time, the beautiful woman is directly retired!

At this moment, everyone in the field was shocked!

Including Ye Xuan!

At this moment, he is completely impressed. To know, this beauty is the strong in the ancient gods, which is higher than this Qingqiu!

However, this girl retired this woman a punch? Do you want to be so free? Ye Xuan suddenly felt that this world is unfair.

In the distance, the beautiful woman is incredible to watch Qingqiu, "how it is possible.


How can this be.

At this moment, her brain is also awkward. She is more than two realm than this little girl!

However, this little girl was actually a punch, and he wanted to know that she had not been closed.

Qingqiu read a beautiful woman and others, then look at Ye Xuan, "Brother, how do you play?"

A few!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then: "I am free!"

In the distance, the beauty suddenly said: "You are free? Little sword repair, you don\'t know the highland thick, you know, I am.

Qingqiu suddenly broke the beautiful woman, "Is the clan very powerful?"

Beautiful woman looks to Qingqiu, the Qingqiu looks calm, "Who will threaten my courage to threaten my brother?"

The sound falls, she is open, the right hand is open, the next moment, the burial sword fly directly into her hands, one moment, the sky is changed.

Ye Xuan waist, the avenue pen suddenly trembled.

That is fear!

The avenue pen is very fear now!
