One Sword Reigns Supreme

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Ancient gods!

That is, I got the god, got the gods, and then got the power of faith.

And the power of this faith, divided into many kinds, some people\'s faith, and their own beliefs, that is, I am faith.

Most of the strong, all of which are walking this road, belief yourself.

That is, the so-called self-sealing God!

This kind of ancient gods can be said to be the weakest, or, this so-called ancient god, is completely self-guided self-feeding, it can\'t be called God!

Previously, the nine young masters were strong. In addition to their own, there is a reason, that is, it has the power of faith, because he is a nine young, there is his own seal and the world, so someone has a source of giving him Provide the power of faith, therefore, he is more than a general in the ancient district.

However, this kind of belief is not pure!

Moreover, the number of people is not enough.

Many of the ancient people have not paying attention to this piece, because the power of pure belief is too difficult to get too hard!

In the words of Qin Guan, now the so-called god is all fake, virtual, and it is not right.

For the ancient gods, in the "Shendao Code", Qin Guan also has a detailed introduction, God, not his own, it is sealed by all beings.


The god with pure beliefs is true!

Ye Xuan suddenly turned sharply!

Because he thought of a thing, how much is the people who believe in Qin? You know, Xianbao Pavilion is all over the world, and these people, the worship of Qin Guan can almost describe, because Qin Guan has changed their fate of all of them!

Moreover, Qin Guan also has Huaxia Academy.


Previously, Qin Guan has always said that she does not cultivate, she will mean it, she doesn\'t cultivate, others help her practice? Thinking of this, the Ye Xuanzi is slightly smoked, because he found that this is exactly possible.

This rich woman is not allowed!

Ye Xuan low sigh.

He found that the more contact Qin Guan, the more you feel that this woman is terrible!

It is this woman to let him understand, many times, the money is really universal, nor does it know where this woman is now blended!

This family must destroy her Xianbaoge, she actually does not appear, let himself go face!

He is even doubting that this woman is deliberate!


Ye Xuan low sigh, recovered his thoughts, no longer think about this Qin Guan, he began to finely feel this ancient gods!

And gradually, he has a countless human sword and the power of the world.

In this moment, Ye Xuan also found that his swordsmanship and the power of the world were all composed of faith!

And his human sword and the power of the world will become stronger and stronger, because there is a constant person in belief him, he knows, it is definitely the instructions, of course, should not be just a view of Xuan, Knowing that Qingqiu has traveled to Qingzhou, developing the next year, the lower side of the world\'s martial arts civilization is very low, want to change, but it is still very simple.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes. He looked at the strong and unparalleled human swords, whispered: "From now on, my Ye Xuan wants to be a good person!

I want this world, love, love, harmony!

Speaking of this, he seems to be what, suddenly, said: "If I turn the old man into a good person, is it worthy of merit?"

Green shirt man: "

Ye Xuan smiled, he felt that he can use his own second generation of identity to benefit the whole universe!

He wants to do the king of this universe!

One day, if the whole universe is all kinds of beliefs, at that time, do you still do your old? Heads to show him!

The smile of the Ye Xuanzhao corner gradually expanded, a great plan slowly formed in his brain.

After a while, Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly, his breath began to weaken, less than a while, he returned to the ancient world from the ancient gods, but the next moment, his breath directly rushed to the ancient gods. Ancient gods!

This time, he did not use the avenue pen. He is directly reached by the power of the world\'s swords and the world!

After reaching the ancient gods, his look becoming a dignified, he found that this realm is very uncommon, he once remembered that you can do the limit!

If you really do the limit.

Ye Xuan Shen sucks a breath, now I can\'t be very high, now the urgent urgency is to stabilize this realm!

After a while, Ye Xuan\'s hands slowly slowed down, very fast, countless human swords and people in the world.

These people are swimming with the power of the world around him and then constantly become stronger.

In this way, the time is a little bit.

Xianbao City, in the hall.

Different people in Difu and Xiao Lan are still unparalleled!

Because of this time, they are in contacting Qin Guan every day, but they have not been able to contact Qin Guan now!

Qin Guan is not there, they still can\'t be happy, because they know that one of the classes will definitely come again.

Xiao Yu Shen said: "The husband, can you also mobilize a higher level of intelligence system?"

Fu Yu shook his head, "can\'t!

Xiao Wei whispered sigh, "I can\'t learn the movement of the clan, we are very passive!

Viri is also slightly sigh.

Xiao Lao looked up and looked at the horizon in the distance, and it was full of concern.


A man is standing quietly, a man stood quietly, the man dressed in championship, the Jade eyebus, holding a jade fan in his hand, after him, followed by a gray robbery, this old, is before The animal husbandry left.

The man looks down on the Xianbao City under the lower side, laughs, "the avenue pen.


Mu Zun Shen said: "Three young masters, can not be nile!

Three young people look calm, "Of course, after my nine brothers are being killed after using chaotic black fire, I dare to be bad?"

Mu Zun nodded, "The boy is not simple, not only the blood is strong, the body is also a lot, especially the avenue pen with the god, especially the god, even the chaotic black fire can not hurt!

God armor!

The three young masters are slightly smashed.

Mu Zun is slightly nodd. "This armor is a horror, and now the royal fan and chaotic black fire have been in the hands of Ye Xuan, to deal with him.

Speaking of this, he didn\'t say it anymore.

Three young masters suddenly laughed: "Why do I want to deal with him?"

Mu Zun looked at the three children, the three young people said: "Now, the people of my nine brothers have known the nine brothers to be killed, is his old mother going? Must not give it, so we sit The mountain views can be, in the end, come back to the Yushu, sitting on the benefits of fishing.

Mu Zun said, he looked at the three young masters in front of him, sigh in his heart, and finally didn\'t say anything!

In fact, he wants to say that when the situation is, it should not continue to bury again!

The clan is very strong, but the intrus is very horrible!

Especially a few youngmen in order to compete for the king of the world.

Already a general, wrong, it is enemy!

Mu Zun said in a sigh, he looked down to the next Xianbaoge, and it was full of concern.

He has seen Ye Xuan\'s, with his observation, this boy is extremely unaware, it should be said that this teenager must have a terrible forces.

But whether it is a young man or this three young masters, I don\'t care about it!

He knows that, until now, the clan has not really valued Ye Xuan and this Xianbao Pavilion.

Thinking of this, the animal husbandry is sigh again.

Just then, the three masses suddenly turned to the sky, his mouth slightly, "the woman came!

Mu Zun turned his head, the end of the starry sky, a horrible and pressure swept.

Below, the Hidden in the main hall suddenly looked up, the next moment, the two faces became difficult to look.

here we go again!

After a while, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared in Xianbao City, this beautiful woman is in the palace, the hair is high, and the whole face is like ice.

After her, she stands in the nine strong, all of them are on the ancient gods!

One of them is the third uncle that fled before the nine pops!

Beautiful woman suddenly roaring, "Ye Xuan, gave me out!


A horrible prevention layer is milled into the Xianbao City below!

In an instant, the whole Xianbao City is shocked!

At this time, a sword suddenly rushed to the city, turned in an instant, the horrible pressure is directly broken!

Next, a sword is suddenly falling in front of the beautiful woman, and the sword is scattered, and Ye Xuan appeared in front of the beautiful woman.

The beauty of the beauty is dead, "Is it your son you kill?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The beauty of the beauty is instant, "Who will give you a dog?"

The sound fell, she suddenly slapted.


In an instant, the space visible in the field collapsed directly.

In the distance, Ye Xuan station is still not moving.


A horrible power is directly fanned in Ye Xuan, and the time and space in Ye Xuan is directly erased, but Ye Xuan is not a little.

See this scene, the beautiful woman, "you.

Ye Xuan played the shirt sleeve, then said: "It is your son to kill me!

The beauty of the beauty is staring at Ye Xuan. "Do you know that he is a gener?"

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "What is it? The clan is a high person?"

The beautiful woman is slowly grasped. She slowly walked toward Ye Xuan, "I will kill all your loved ones around you, I want you to look at them in front of you, I want you to let you experience the death. pain!

Ye I thought about it, then said: "I have no son!

Beauty woman said: "Do you have a good?"

Ye Xuanlian is busy, "there is!

The beautiful woman roars, "Then you will experience the pain of the father!

The sound fell, she suddenly disappeared in the same place.

Far, Ye Xuan speechless.


Have to say, he really wants to experience it.

Think about it is really stimulating!

Ye Xuan couldn\'t help but laugh.
