One Sword Reigns Supreme

2367 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred fifty-four chapters: forever!

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Ye Xuanli is busy to collect the \'Shengxian Book\', then look to the nine counties, "How long can your family?"

Jiu Shaoye looked at the Ye Xuan, "Mong!

Ye Xuan mini nodded.

Although he has a Qin Dynasty\'s 12 billion toon, it is still!

Do people, or have the bottom line!

Otherwise, it is really a rogue!

After all, people Qin Guan do not owe themselves!

In the distance, Jiu Shaoyang looked at Ye Xuan, did not speak.

He is not sure that Ye Xuan will really let him, but he has no choice at this moment, only believes in Ye Xuan!

200 million "

The number is also a huge amount, after all, he is not a kiss.

However, it is still possible to raise!

In the distance, the leaves of the leaves are sitting on the ground, and the eyes are slightly closed.


His realm has been stable, and he has started to sprint the ancient gods!

At this time, the distance between the stars suddenly broke, the next moment, an old man came out!


With the emergence of this old man, everything in the four weeks is directly illusively!

Ye Xuan opened his eyes to see the old man, the old man is the same as the previous animal husbandry.

See this old man, the nine young people slightly, "Three Uncle!

The old man looked at the nine young masters, then looked at Ye Xuan, "Do you want a 200 million?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

The old man is laughing, "Interesting, I am so interesting, some people have dare to threaten my family, it is too interesting!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled.

At this time, the old man suddenly said: "Let him, immediately!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the Jiu Shaoye, the nine young faces have some ugly, "Three uncle, give him money!

He knows some of the temper of Ye Xuan. This guy is a two-sighted, a two-sighted, can\'t do anything? The old man is not intentional, he looked at Ye Xuan, smiled, "kill you? Borrow him 10,000 courage, he dare?"

I heard the words, the nine young faces suddenly sink, "Second uncle, give him money first, then say anything else!

The old man brows, "Xiao Jiu, when will you become so timid? Three uncle is here, you don\'t dare to kill you!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Come, you kill him try!"

Jiu Shao: ".

Ye Xuan silent.

The old man ridiculously: "How, don\'t you dare?"

Ye Xuan looked at the nine counties, whispered, "Jiu Shaoye, forever!

Jiu Shaoyang still wants to talk, at this time, the sword light in his body suddenly fell.


The nine popcorn is directly fascinating, completely erased.

Jiu Shao: ".

The old man is also awkward at the moment!

Really killed? Really kill? Ye Xuan looked at the old man and shrugged, "You seem to be surprised!

The old man is furious, he is angry to the Xuan, the trembling: "Do you know who he is?"

Ye Xuan said: "Jiu Shaoye!

The old man angry: "Is there?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I don\'t know!

He doesn\'t tell me!

The old face is instant, "I thought you know.

He is so arrogant, because he thinks that Ye Xuan must know that the Nine young masters have come, so he has a bottom, he thinks that Ye Xuan is absolutely not killing nine young people!

However, he didn\'t think that Ye Xuan didn\'t know!

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "What are you coming? Is it a bit curious!

The old man roar, "the aarology, you dare to kill all the clan, how do you dare!

Ye Xuan brows, "I don\'t know your clan!"

I have never heard it!

Is it very powerful? If you are amazing, you have to tell me!

Don\'t say, how do I know you? "

The old man wants to crack, "You don\'t know.


Ye Xuan suddenly looked behind the old man, it was shocked, "the trough, what is it? Flying!

The old brow is slightly wrinkled, and the bottom is turned, and when he turned his head, his face suddenly changed, he turned his head, and a sword light came.


Suddenly, the old man was directly retired, and in his process, it was nearly a thousand swords and light.


In an instant, the old man was repeated by these swords, which is also far from hundreds of thousands of feet!


At this time, a huge palm suddenly broke out in the sword, in an instant, countless swords light was shocked, and the old man appeared outside of ten thousand feet.

At this moment, the old face is extremely ugly. He is up and down, there are ten swords, and each of them can see the white bones!

In the distance, Ye Xixiang is secretly passing, he just called the other party, but it is still not able to kill each other!

However, he also has an unexpected harvest, that is, although this old man has a realm than the nine young grandfather, but in the current perspective, the strength of the other party is not more than that of the Nine Shao.

Obviously, although the nine young masters are just in the ancient gods, the other party rely on those treasures, the truly war is the strong who does not lose the ancient gods.

Thinking of this, the Ye Xuanzi is slightly slightly, he looked at the old man, at this time, the old man suddenly roared, he took a long, the next moment, his right hand was booted, then slammed into punches, followed by His punch is against Ye Xuan!


Suddenly, the starry sky is full of horrible boxing, down!

This boxing printer exudes the raging fire, just like a burning meteor, carrying the .

Below, Ye Xuanqi is calm, and his palm is suddenly spread, and the two hand swords will rise.

Chaos black fire!


When this two silend swords are on the boxing, the boxing is directly broken, and the flames are sputtered!

Among the stars, the old man is full of horror, "chaotic black fire.

You have taken chaotic black fire!

Leaf Xuan nod.

The old people look, "You know, this chaotic black fire is my clan God? You dare to kill our clan and won the Gods.

Ye Xuan suddenly interrupted the old man, "You have to kill me, you said, what should I do? Do you stop to kill you? This will definitely not!

Are you right? "

The old man is dead and staring at Ye Xuan, "I am finished!

You are finished!

The sound fell, he turned and suddenly disappeared in the deep situation.

Ye Xiu Xiu, then said: "You don\'t fight!

The old man did not respond and had completely disappeared.

When he saw chaotic black fire, he knew that he would not have this young man!

On the contrary, this young man may also kill him!

This chaotic black fire is too horrible.

Even superpodes can corrode, let alone this flesh? Therefore, he decisively selection to leave.

This boy is not that he can deal with it.

In the stars, Ye Xuan looked at the old man who escaped, some accidents, he did not think that the other party would slip away.

There is no much thinking, Ye Xuan is turned off.

When Ye Xuan returned to the Xianbaoge, Nairo and Xiao Yan suddenly made a breath, before they didn\'t follow, because Ye Xuan let them stay in Xianbao City.

During this time, they were awkward, fooled, Ye Xuan lived back!

Ye Xuan saw two people and smiled: "It\'s okay!

However, they are estimated to come again!

Speaking of this, he is also helpless.

This is a little old!

But it is good, because it makes him have time to develop.

He is now lacking!

After a while, Ye Xuan came to the stars of cultivation, where he sat in the ground, he must reach the ancient gods!

This time, he wants his strength to keep the enemy\'s strength, why is it always to be poisoned? It is because the strength does not keep the enemy change, he can\'t let this matter happen again.

The days of being poisoned will not be re-returned!

It seems to be what, Ye Xi\'s hands are spread, and a quite ring appeared in his hand, this is the nine young people.

In this quite, there is a feet of 500 million, in addition to this, there are some gods, but the most powerful God is still the royal fan and chaotic black fire.

The rest of the gods, although he doesn\'t need, but you can get the Western Academy, you can greatly improve the overall strength of the Shuixuan Academy.

He originally had six thousand thousand people, coupled with Qin Guan\'s 1.2 billion and now, it is 1.3 billion tent millions, but when he tried to practice the sword, he spent 100 million Universal!

100 million!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan is feeling some of the pain!

The old man gives him the sword skill, strong is strong, it is too much money!

But there is no way, will be abandoned, he also has to practice, cultivate it to the extreme.

After all, this is what he is currently the strongest base sign.

Ye Xuan returned his thoughts, then looked at the folding fan in his hand, he had to say that this handle fan is really a bit fierce, can be used to install it, if necessary, you can give your sister.

Ye Xuan took the fan, and then the palm was spread, the two group flames appeared in his hand.

After the flames of these two groups were swallowed by warfare, Ye Xuan did not let the war have ruined them, but to take them, now the two group flames have been used for him!

Have to say, this fire is also horrible!

If you don\'t have a war armor, he doesn\'t dare to get close to this place, and the general power is fundamentally can\'t stand this chaotic black!


Ye Xuan smiled, then took the chaos black soul, then he urged the avenue pen, with the help of the avenue pen, he directly came to the ancient gods!


When the realm enhanced to the ancient world, the breath of Ye Xuan Zhou suddenly suddenly skyrocket.

Ye Xuan greedy took a sigh of relief, he spread his hands, a horrible breath, from his body, and a moment, the entire star river directly boiled.

Ye Xuan opened his eyes, full of excitement.


When he reached the ancient gods, he felt that his strength has gone several times, and he has to say that this growth is very intoxicated!

Of course, he will not add.

Because he is now just with the avenue pen to have this power!

There is no much thinking, Ye Xijing is condensed, and begging the imperial appearance of this mystery.

I haven\'t known how long, Ye Xuan brows wrinkled slightly.

Belief power? He found that this so-called ancient appearance, core point, actually a faith.
