One Sword Reigns Supreme

2366 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and fifty-three chapters: get a wrong!

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Among the stars, watching the chaotic black fire, the nine counties are full of face!

This chaotic black fire can be the same as evil, even if he can\'t resist the erosion of this fire in his hand, at this moment, Ye Xuan does not solve it!

And, still swallowing!

Canadal chaotic black fire? Jiu Shaoye is completely forced. He is incredible to look at Ye Xuan in the lower side, and this scene is completely exceeded.

He didn\'t think that someone can devour the chaotic black fire, which is just outrageous!

Below, Ye Xuan crazy absorbs the chaotic black fire, is wrong, it should be said that the armor on his body is swallowing chaotic black.

And this chaotic black fire, there is no power to resist!

Most importantly, although Ye Xuan was wrapped in chaotic black fire, he didn\'t have anything!

Among the stars, the nine popcorn eyes are full of unbelievable, "impossible.

how is this possible.

Just then, Ye Xuan suddenly looked up, next moment, he spread his hands, and the sword of the two hands appeared in his hand!

The sword that is condensed by chaos black fire!

One hand to the evil, a handle to evil!

Next moment, the Ye Xuanzhao horns slightly, "Jiu Shaoye, thank you!

The sound fell, he suddenly rushed to the sky!

In the starry sky, the nine counties suddenly contracted, he suddenly waited, and a white light flied out of his fan, this white light, there is also the false shadow of the beast!


Suddenly, the white light was instantly broken, followed by a tragic sound, and the nine young masters directly retired tens of thousands of feet, and when he stopped, the handle fan in his hands actually Burned!

Jiu Shaoye is in the heart of the heart, quickly release the folding fan!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly paid, and the burning folding fan flew directly to him, his right hand gently, the chaotic black fire was removed directly, gradually, the folding fan started from itself.

Ye Xuan played a folding fan, mouth slight, although this fan is not as chaotic, but also a handlery!

He before he had a bitterness of this fan!

Ye Xuan directly took the fan, seeing this scene, the nine young masters have become incomparably, it is very difficult to look.

Ye Xuan looked to the nine Shao, laughed: "Come!

The sound fell, he suddenly disappeared in the original place!


Two swords are flashing in the scene!

The speed is extremely fast, and the blink is coming to the nine young people. I don\'t give the Jiu Shaoyang.

In the eyes of Nine Shao, he flashed in his eyes. He made his hands and fiercely lifted. In an instant, there were no numbers in his body.

At this time, Ye Xuanjian is coming!


The golden clock is trembled, and the golden clock, Jiu Shaoyou is suddenly spurting a blood!

Obviously, his defensive artifact is still very different from Ye Xuan\'s war armor. To know, Ye Xuan\'s battle armor is almost able to resist all power!

And the defensive artifact of this nine young masters clearly can only resist a part of the power!

At this moment, the nine young men had suddenly shrinks because he found that he was lost at a little bit.

I can\'t stop this chaotic black fire!

Ye Xuan looked at the chaotic black fire, the heart was shocked, this fire is too burning? What seems to be, Ye Xuan looked at the waist of the waist and sighed in his heart.

This avenue pen is a little priced!

Too much price!

It seems to know that Ye Xuan wants, the sound of the avenue is suddenly sound, "I have nothing to do with me, it is you.

Ye Xuan said: "I know, it is my problem, I can\'t play your full power!"

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan also said: "Brother, not I complained you!"

You think, I can use you, can\'t break the folding fan of others, but I can use this fire to be easy to break the folding fan of people, you talk about it, are you a little drop? Brother, you are honest with me, are you not? Is it not to keep up with my rhythm? "

The avenue pen is silent.

Ye Xuan once again sighs, "brother, you said before and me before, what God is ancient, you invincible.

You are honest to tell me, do you also put it as you like me? "

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything, at this time, the avenue of his waist suddenly trembled, the next moment, on the pen tip of the avenue, there was a paint black liquid!

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "brother, this is?"

The avenue pen calm: "ink!

Ye Xuan brows, "a drop ink?"

Avenue pit: "You use it now!"

Ye Xi wants to think, then hold a pen.


A black pen is suddenly cut out.


At that time, the golden clock that was being corroded by chaotic black fire suddenly broke, the next moment, the nine young masters were directly hidden by this pen to hundreds of thousands of feet, and when he stopped, this round tens of thousands of miles Shot!

Ye Xuan stunned.

The nine young masters are also stunned. At this moment, he has no fantasy, only illusory souls.

Ye Xuan looked at the dark, and his hand was a little trembling.

This avenue pen is a bit!

At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said: "Ye Shao, I have said to you, in addition to Godbook and ancient characters, there is really nothing to fight against me, including your previous Qing Xuan Jian and small Tower, as well as this group of fires in my body, this fire is a garbage in my eyes. If it is in front of my body, it will give me a kneel.

So, I am really very powerful, you don\'t often doubt my ability, really, I am very angry, if not your sister, I.

Speaking of this, it suddenly said.

Ye Xuan asked, "If not my sister, what do you want?"

After the avenue pen is silent, the road is silent, and the road; "I haven\'t, I just explain with you, I am really not weak, this is only.

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Brother, I know you are not weak, but you have to make me feel!

You have to show it!

You don\'t show yourself, who knows you not weak? "

Said, he picked up the avenue pen, then said: "Brother, come on the ink!"

He found that after the pen, he found no ink on the tip!

The avenue pen is deep; "no ink!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "brother, are you so small? Little ink is not willing to give it!

The avenue pen smirks, "it is not given, but this ink.

Speaking of this, it didn\'t say it anymore.

Ye Xuanbei is wrinking, what is going to say, at this time, the nine young people in the distance suddenly said; "

Avenue pen? "

Ye Xuan looked at the nine young masters, at this moment, this nine young people is like a good smoke.

This guy must be completely removed!

Ye Xuan\'s head is spread, and the nine popcorn wears the quite to fly to him. He swept away, and his mouth was slightly picked up, then he took the quencher. He looked to the nine Shao. "Why not save you?"

He found that the animal husbandry is not out of date, and this is somewhat abnormal.

Jiu Shao smiled slightly, "He knows that I have not saved!

So, give up me!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Jiu Shaoye, what existence is it in your family\'s young generation?"

After the silence of Jiu Shao, he said: "There are two people excellent than me!

Ye Xuan also asked again, "Is your personal is targeting me, or your family is targeting me?"

Jiu Shaoye laughs, "Is there a difference?"

Ye Xuan nod, "distinguish!

Nine Shaoye is calm: "I personally is targeting you, but soon will become my family for you!"

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Jiu Shao looked at Ye Xuan, "You kill me!

And I am in my family, and I am one of the people. After I\'m, I also represent one side forces. Now, I die in your hand, they will not give up, the family will not give up!

The family, the most care is a face, this hatred will be reported to our newspaper, and then, the chaotic black fire and the royal fan are captured by you. These two gods are my family, they will take back. !

Ye Xuan nod, "that is, will they come again, right?"

Jiu Shao nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "Do you want to live?"

Jiu Shaoyou lived.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I have a soul Dan, 20 million yuan, if you want to live, I can sell it!

200 million!

Jiu Shaoye stunned, and then frankly, "You are robbery!

Ye Xuan shrugged and turned.

Jiu Shaoyou is busy: "I bought it!"

I\'ll buy!

Ye Xuan fizes to see the nine counties, "I will give money now!

The nine young faces have become a bit hard. "My quie is in you, what I bought?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Let your family send, I believe that the nine popcorn should still get a hundred million universal!

Of course, you can also notify your family and let them kill me!

Jiu Shao is silent.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You hesitate, you have to completely!

Jiu Shao Shen Sheng said: "I bought it!"

Ye Xuan nod, the palm is spread, and a Dan medicine slowly floating in front of the nine young people. When the Jiu Shaoye is busy, the Dan Medicine, the Soul of Jiu Shao is stabilized, and at this time, a sword light suddenly lock I lived in his soul!

Jiu Shaoyang looks to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan Xiao: "Immediately let your family bring money!"

Jiu Shaoyang looked at the Ye Xuan, then the palm was spread, a token suddenly rushed to the sky, soon, the token disappeared at the end of the starry.

Ye Xuan looked at the horizon, then smiled: "Jiu Shaoye, 200 million to buy a life, you earn!"

Jiu Shao looked at Ye Xuan, "Do you make sure you don\'t kill me?"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Is it so bad in your heart?"

After finishing, he took out an ancient book, then said: "I am a person who reads the sages!

Jiu Shaoye looked at the ancient books in the Xuanxuan, "36 kinds of yin and yang? What is this sages?"

Ye Xuanli is busy, some sweat.


Take a wrong!


PS: No. 15, ready to drink, wine!