One Sword Reigns Supreme

2365 The second chapter of the second thousand three hundred and fifty-two chapters of the fairy: forever!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The Xianbao City is over, a man is standing quietly.

This person is the nine young masters, today\'s Jiu Shaoye wears a large robes, long hair shawl, hanging a white jade, in his hand, is still the folding fan.

After the Jiu Shaoyong, he followed an old man.

This old man is white, the body is thin, the eyes are slightly closed, the whole person is full, and it is a master!

At this time, Ye Xuan is now opposite the Nine Shaoye.

Jiu Shaoye looked at the Ye Xuan, his eyes slightly, "you seem to be much stronger!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Jiu Shaoye, nonsense, said!

waste time!

Let\'s go directly to the topic, how do you prepare today? "

At this time, the old man after the nine popcorn suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell directly on Ye Xuan, next moment, his eyes fell on the pen of Ye Xuan waist, and when he saw the avenue, he frowned slightly. Get up, but very fast, his eyes closed again.

After hearing the words of Ye Xuan, Haha smiled, "Ye Xuan, you are not a general arrogant!

You know that someone who used to be in front of me is like you, but you know, what is he now? "

Said, his right hand lifted slightly, his mouth slightly, "he has a few feet of the grass!

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "If you want to make it, then you continue, I look quietly.

Said, he retired.

Everyone: ".

Jiu Shaoye died, staring at Ye Xuan, his face was gradually disappeared. "Since you want to die so fast, then I will fulfill you!

Today, I will pick it up!

Single pick!

Ye Xuan looked at the nine young masters, nod, "Good!

Jiu Shao smiled slightly, just talking, just at this time, he suddenly broke out in front of him, next moment, a sword broke out, straight to him!

The nine young people are slightly smashed, and the folding fan is boiled.


The sword is blocked, and the Jiu Shaoye will take the end!

And he just stopped, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in his head, next moment, a sword was under the top of his head.


A sharp sound, a whole Xianbao City!

In an instant, the entire Xianbao City actually broke it directly, Xiao Wei and others have a big change, and they quickly protected the prevention of the big array and fix the time and space.

In the air, Jiu Shaoyang looked at the sword, flashing in his eyes, his wrist turned, his hand was opened, and the next moment, the monster of a face was directly rushed out.


A fried sound is like a thunderstorm, and the next moment, Ye Xuan and Jiu Shaoyang have returned, and when the two violently, the whole horizon is directly milked, extremely horrible.

After stopping, Ye Xuanzheng will make it again, it seems to think of what, he looked at the fairy city below, his browbood.

Can\'t do it here!

Continue to be so hunt, the whole Xianbao City has to beaten, because this Xianbao City could n\'ter heard his horror power with this nine popcorn.

Read this, Ye Xuan looks to the nine counties, "change a place!

The sound falls, he doesn\'t wait for the nine young grandfather to answer, directly into a sword light disappeared in the end of the starry.

Jiu Shao is a clear laugh, and then disappears directly in the same place.

After a while, Ye Xuan and Jiu Shaoyan arrived in a dead star area, this star field is boundless, there is no life, it is suitable for fighting!

Ye Xuan fizes to see the nine young masters, Jiu Shaoye is going to talk, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Stop!

If we don\'t say it!

Let\'s fight!

I am really the most annoying person!

The sound fell, he disappeared directly in the same place.


A sword is directly torn and space for the nine young grandfather!

Jiu Shao is a clear laughter, and the front of it, one is smashing.


This sword is directly smashed, and at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of him, and the nine young people were slightly smashed. He thought, a golden light suddenly shrouded him.

Ye Xuanjian fell.


Ye Xuan Yijun, the golden light trembled, and the next moment, the two continued to retreat.

After Ye Xuan stopped, he looked at himself some numbers, then looked at the nine young masters, the Jiu Shaoye at this moment has a thin layer of golden light, this Jinguang is only blocked all his strength!

Jiu Shaoye is bruising, "Ye Xuan, do you think that only you have a defensive artifact? I also have, haha!

Ye Xuan looked at the nine young master wearing a quite ring, this harmful treasure is very much!

Jiu Shaoye is going to work, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Wait!

Jiu Shao, the brow, "What?"

Yuxi refers to the old man outside the right side, is knew, "What did he do?"

Jiu Shaoye is calm, "Follow me, how?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is there a fair battle?"

Jiu Shaoye looked at Ye Xuan, "Yes!

Ye Xuan smiled, "To tell the truth, you are an opponent, but I originally admired you, after all, the younger generation, you can press me Ye Xuanyi, and only you know!

Today, I want to fight with you, even if I die in your hands, my Ye Xuan also recognizes!

But I didn\'t expect.

When it comes to this, he is turned, "I didn\'t expect that you didn\'t want to fight with me, you told someone, nothing more than you want to play, then let him shoot, right?"

Jiu Shaoyang looked at the old man, then said: "He won\'t shoot!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Jiu Shaoye, you and I am a child!

What you said, do you believe yourself? I and ask you, if you have a danger of life, will he do it? "

Jiu Shaoye is silent, if he has a danger of life, this old man is definitely to shoot.

Ye Xuan asked again, "This is the fair battle you said? Jiu Shaoye, are you doing confidence in yourself? Although my Ye Xuan is not only, but I am fair, I am not called anyone!

You see the strong people of Xianbaoge, have never followed, why? Because I Ye Xuanjing, you are a man, I said that I am fair to fight, I will never falsify, play the whistle of the flowers.

But what about you? You said that I am fair to fight, but I have to bring a super power to come to you, he is pressing you, you are already in an invincible, and he is still watching me from time to time, causing me Pressure, so that I have to share some attention to him.

Speaking of this, he shook his head smiled, "Jiu Shaoye, is this the fair battle you said? I think you are not fair!

Go straight to him!

Anyway, fighting, you will do this, it is better to work together now!

Jiu Shaoyang looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "You can rest assured, I said to tell you, I will tell you, will not let others intervene!

After saying, he looked to the old man, "Mu Zunner, leaving this universe, there is no matter how the winning is, you may not shoot!

Mu Zun looked at the Ye Xuan, "This is the habit of this!

Jiu Shaoyang smiled, "His little tricks, how do I not look? Just, in front of the absolute strength, these tricks have no effect.

Mu Zunner, let me fight with him, I don\'t know how to pay for the universe, isn\'t it? "

Mu Zun looked at Ye Xuan, then turned to disappear in the end of the star.

Now, the whole starry sky is left and the junior.

Jiu Shaoye looks to Ye Xuan, "Can you?"

Ye Xuan\'s thumbs up, "Nine Shaoye, you are a character!

Jiu Shaoye laughed, "I know, you are in the event, but I don\'t care, I want to tell you, let you talk, I have to call people, isn\'t that I am very incooling?"

Said, he smiled slightly, "Ye Xuan, you can die!

The sound fell, he suddenly jumped, the next moment, a monster immersed directly from the top of the leaves!


In an instant, this star river boils directly!

Below, Ye Xuanqi is calm, and his eyes are slow, when the monster came to his head, suddenly, the number sword light is directly above the monster.


The monsters screamed, and then immediately built the folding fan, and this time, the nine young masters have been in the top of Ye Xuantou, and he is booted, and there is two black flames in his hands. At the moment of the two group flames, the whole universe started burning.

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, this fire is terrible!

Jiu Shaoyang looked at the next Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Xuan, what is this fire? This is a chaotic black fire, the world is evil to evil fire, causing all God!

Said, his mouth is gradually expanding, "Ye Xuan, let me see, is your defense artifact is powerful, or I am chaotic!

The sound fell, he lied his hands.


In an instant, the two regiments were swept from the sky. At this moment, this moment of no stars were directly erased, extremely shocking!

Below, Ye Xuan looked at the flames of the two regiments, and the look was extremely proud.

He felt danger!

Obviously, these two groups are known for their own, and these two groups of flames are definitely not general God!

Do you escape? This idea passed from the Ye Xuan\'s brain, but the next moment, this thought was directly denied him!

It is a battle armor!

Who / then a little girl who once able to pick up a sword!

Ye Xuanqi suddenly slammed, "Erqiang, forever!

The sound fell, he suddenly opened his arms, not flashing.

Soon, the two groups of flames were directly swept, and they immediately lost the Ye Xuan.


In an instant, Ye Xuan plaque in the fire!

In the starry sky, Jiu Shaoye died in the Ye Xuan in the fire sea, soon, his eyes suddenly shrink, and it was incredible, "you.

The Ye Xuan at this moment is actually swallowing the fire!

He is swallowing the fire!

In the fire sea, Ye Xuan crazy laughed, "Two, forever!

Ha ha.
