One Sword Reigns Supreme

2364 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and fifty-one chapter: money!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Among the stars, Ye Xijing is sitting, in his weeks, exudes a powerful sword!

Originally, he thought that this sword will be the same as before, and it is necessary to have a breakthrough, and now he discovers, it is not, this sword is every moment, it will become strong, just follow the madness of the madness. Same.

Have to say, this makes him shocked and a surprise!

Will you grow up!

Of course, he also thought of why this would!

It should be the reason for the establishment of the college!


The more students, the more people he changed, and his swords in this world will be stronger!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan shakes his head smile, he founded the book, this is the rise, but it has not been thought of that there is actually misunderstanding and understanding the power of the world, it is really unintentional willows!

Of course, this is a good thing!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and continued to stabilize your realm!


Xianbaoge, in the room, Siro and Xiao Wei were relatively.

The two people are some dignified.

They know that the nine young masters will definitely not give it, the other party must come again, and when the other party comes again.

Both people dare not continue to think!

They are actually not afraid of nine, mainly what they don\'t talk about Qin.

Without Qin Guan, they have no main bones!

If Qin Guan is, the Xianbao Court will be subject to this bird? At this time, Xiao Lao suddenly said: "Still you have to contact the home!

Fu Hao smiled, "can\'t contact!

I have tried countless times, there is no response.

Xiao Wei sighed.

Sheriff suddenly said: "At present, we can only follow Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan!

Xiao Lang nodded, "Only this!

Now, their hopes is Ye Xuan.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in the temple, see Ye Xuan, two people quickly got up and greeted.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "There is no need to be so polite!"

Xiao Yu smiled, "Ye Gongzi, please take it!

Ye Xuan nod, is also welcome, sitting on, then: "Two, you should know that we are facing a kind of enemies, this enemy, is very powerful, and now we can\'t contact the Qin Pavilion.

What do you say, what should we do? "

Xiao Lu is busy: "Let\'s listen to the leaves!

Fu Her is also attached, "listening to the leaves!

Ye Xuan said: "Really listening to me?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "Of course!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Since you all say to me, then I will talk about my way!

So far now, our strength is my strength is me, this point, don\'t you oppose? "

The two quickly shook his head.

Ye Xuan\'s strength, they are seen, now Ye Xuan, although it is just ancient people, but, in general, the ancient gods is not his opponent!

Ye Xuan continued: "The next time I come, I will definitely bring a lot of strong, and will definitely bring the strong in the ancient gods, right?"

The two nodded again.

Ye Xuan asked again, "Can you contact the Qin Garrow?"

Two people shook their heads.

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "I can improve my strength now, but there is a very big problem!

Speaking of this, he looked at the two and didn\'t say it.

Xiao Wei\'s brow, "Ye Shao, what is the problem?"

Ye Xuan low sigh, it seems that there is an incision.

Xiao Lu is busy: "Ye Shao, if there is a place where I can help, Ye Shao is a welcome, even though!

Ye Xuan shake his head and sigh, "Not looking for you!

Xiao Yu suddenly, "Ye Shao, I don\'t say the relationship between you and the home, now we are on a boat, and we have to rely on you, you say this, really too much!

Ye Xuan suddenly said; "I am missing!

I heard the words, Xiao Lao said.

On the one, Fu Emperor looked at the Ye Xuan, and then watched Xiao Wei and didn\'t talk.

Anyway, he has no money!

And this Xiao, must be rich, after all, in charge of the Xianbaoge of Xianbao City, all finances are first to him first, and then give it to Qin Guan!

However, he also knows that this Xiao is unable to use this money.

At this time, Xiao Yan laughed, "Ye Ye.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is it difficult?"

Xiao Yan is very honest, "Ye Shao, I don\'t lie to you, now I don\'t have a lot of Ziyi, but I have no right to deal with these Ziyi, only the Hall of the Hall is to handle these Universal!

If I handle it.

The rules of the owner will be extremely serious, and the consequences are extremely serious.

Ye Xuan silent.

Schiri suddenly said; "Ye Gongzi is not someone else!

Xiao Yu glared in the husband, the mother, this hanging hair is standing and talking without backham!

Viri said: "Xiao Xiong, it is not in the pit you, an urgent point of affairs, you can change it.

Of course, Ye Lee must not make you difficult, so, so, let Ye will give you a guarantee, in the future, he is going to say to the Hall, it is not your business, how do you see? "

Xiao Wei is silent.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, it was about to talk, at this time, Xiao Shu suddenly said: "Don\'t use this, Ye Gongzi, you don\'t have to give me a guarantee, now, I will give you the Xianbao Xianbao Pavilion.

Said, he is facing the palm, and a four-party box appears in his hand.

On the side of the side, Duan looked at Xiao Wei, and some shock and surprised. This Xiao is very powerful!

He knows, private automatic use of Xianbaoge finance, then the consequence is very very serious!

This is doubtedly, it is undoubtedly to make a bet in his future. If Ye Xuan is in the heart of Qin Guan, it may be completely cold!

Because this rule is really unable to open, once the opening, the President of the Xibao Pavilion outside will follow, that time, endless trouble.

Chi as the president, it is impossible to see this, but he still did it.

Obviously, Xiao Lao is gamble!

If you gain, then he is equal to selling Ye Xuan a big man!

Moreover, Qin Guan may also pick him.

It is a gambling, gambling margin and Qin Guan\'s relationship is good to describe it!

A sigh in the heart.

Have to say, he still admire Xiao\'s, this is why Xiao Wei is still low than himself, but people can do the president, but they can only do hand!

Pattern, eyes, mind, courage!

Ye Xuan looked at the box in front of him, he smiled slightly, "Thank you!

After that, he took the box. He opened the box. Next, his eyes suddenly shrink, and the heartbeat accelerated!

More than 12 billion "

In this box, there is actually a feet of 12 billion.

so horrible!

The shock in the heart of Ye Xuan pressure, he looked at Xiao Wei, Xiao Wei was calm, and he didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Xiao President, thank you!

Said, he took the waist avenue pen, then handed it to Xiao Wei, "Hold!

Xiao Wei hesitated, then took the avenue pen.


Suddenly, Xiao Wei\'s breath is directly crazy, blinking, his breath directly reaches the ancient gods!

Xiao Wei lived.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Don\'t think too much, feel fine, help you break through!

Xiao Wei immediately gave a big gift for Ye Xuan.

He nature knows what this means, a good opportunity for him!

It is really not so easy to reach the ancient gods. If there is no machine, many people can\'t break through their lives.

And now, he has this opportunity.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Xiao President, this 12 billion", I don\'t want to give Qin Guan in the future, of course, this is my things with her, you can rest assured, she will not be because of this And blame you, return 10,000 steps, if she really blames you, you will follow me!

I recommend you to the Yang family!

Wen said, Xiao Wei immediately once again.

Ye Xuan smiled, "You practice!

After that, he recovered the avenue pen and then turned around.

Duan looked at Xiao Yan, bitter, "Xiao Xiong, big firmer!

Xiao Yan smiled slightly, "Cheng Meng Ye can be seen!

Fu Yu smiled and complicated.

Many times, people will be important than they will do!


Ye Xuan returned to his stars, he looked at the quench in his hand, and the corner of his mouth picked up!

He now, can practice again in the moment!

Of course, he did not dare to practice, cultivated once, spend at least 30 million, and this is still a bit away.

In addition, he is preparing to sprint the ancient gods after two months. In fact, his realm has been smelling!

However, it is not stable enough, so he decided to stabilize two months, and he didn\'t want any mistakes in terms of its realm!

Among the stars, Ye Xuan quietly stood, he was in his hand, it was the burial sword!

Ye Xuan\'s entry, at the same time, at the same time, he crazy burned the Ziyi, with the burning of the Zone, a horrible aura flooded into his body, and his hands, the burial sword slightly fused!

Just like this, I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes. Next, he brought himself directly.


In front of Ye Xuan, the existing universe is directly cracking. Next, Ye Xuan directly jumped out of this existing universe, and after jumping out, he did not immediately sword immediately, but suddenly had a thoughts in the brain!

Can you use this time and space? Thinking of this, Ye Xuantili decided to try it, his heart, next moment, there is a sword in the stars outside the distance!


The sword is falling, the time and space is directly crushed!

See this scene, Ye Xuan directly stunned!

He found that he could show it, and the power did not have a powerful powerful, but this sword was very strange, the most important thing is that the consumption is less!

The Ye Xuanzi is slightly lined!

He found that he is suitable for a killer!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, why can\'t you be a killer? March passed.

When the real world of Ye Xuan is completely stable, when he wants to hit the ancient gods, a horrible pressure suddenly shrouded the entire Ximibao City.

In the starry sky, the leaves that are cultivation are slow to slow down.



PS: I claim to be Water god, and you are my reader, then are you a water army!
