One Sword Reigns Supreme

2363 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and fifty chapters: his surname!

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This sentence is undoubtedly angered the beast, the beast suddenly roared, and a soul sound wave attack is like water waves.

The nine young masters are shocked, because this strength is too strong, he can\'t resist it.

In the distance, Ye Xuan station is not moving, the look is calm, let the soul of the soul are on him.

At this moment, he is like the mountain, and it is as strong as the rock.

After a while, the beast was completely awkward!

Because he found that this human beings did not have something!

Inside the fan, the beast is incredibly staring at Ye Xuan, "how it is possible.

Nine Shao is silent, he is also shocked in his heart, Ye Xuan, this defense, it is an invincible existence!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "I am here now!

The sound fell, he suddenly disappeared in the same place.


A sword light is like a thunder.

The nine young people are slightly squatting, and after the next moment, he disappeared directly in the same place.

Soon, the two talked again!

Although Jiu Shao is not allowed to leave Xuan, he has that fold fan, and Ye Xuan has not been able to make him!

Of course, he did not want to kill this nine young masters, he is now taking each other!


He needs a crazy battle!

During this time, he is studying and refreshing every day, lacking fighting, and now, this is a smooth battle!

Ye Xuan is more crazy, the more stronger, because the blood of his blood is activated, as long as you don\'t die, the ability will continue to improve, the most important thing is that his human swords and people are constantly enhanced!

Therefore, that, the more you hit it, the more surprised it, because he also found that Ye Xuan, the more you play!

Moreover, it is the most depressed that he can\'t break the defense of Ye Xuan, even if it is the folding fan in Ye Xuan, can\'t break the defense of Ye Xuan!

However, Ye Xuan\'s sword can break his defense, he does not dare to hit the sword of Hui Yongxuan!

Under this, the nine counties have gradually been in the wind.

On the other hand, the secret peeking in the secret is loose!

Ye Xuan Gang actually stayed!

I have to say that they are also very shocking, and Ye Xuan actually lives in front of the horrible power, it is a horror!

In addition, the Qin ancient face is incomparably ugly.

He didn\'t expect Ye Xuan actually so enchanting!

He is the horror of the nine young masters, and now, Ye Xuan is still able to suppress this nine young masters, what does this mean? It means that this Ye Xuan is nothing to do!

Thinking of this, Qin Gu is sigh.

I shouldn\'t do this, now, today, the Qin is destroyed.

Thinking of this, Qin Guard has gradually become puzzled, and he glances at the four weeks, then quietly retreat.


In the distance, Ye Xuan and the nine young masters are still fighting, the two stations are in full swing, fierce!

After about one time, as a sword was opened, Ye Xuan was simultaneously returned to the nine young masters, and in the process of retreat, Ye Xuan suddenly refers to a point, once, thousands of swords Out.

In the distance, the nine popcorn eyes flashed, his right hand holds a fan, and this wave, a motto suddenly hit!


Ye Xuan Nai thousands of swords are directly shocked!

The two have been retired at this time.

After stopping, the blade is spread, the burial sword appears in his hand, and he is suspended by him.

Ye Xuan is a blood, the weigh is full of endless killing and !

In the distance, the nine young masters stopped, he is full, there are countless swords!

His flesh can be so powerful without Ye Xuan!

This time, this nine young masters fall the wind!

In the distance, Ye Xuan grins, "Come!

The sound fell, he would have to shoot again, and at this time, the nine young mascies suddenly had a huge transfer array, the next moment, his body became ill vicked, he looked at Ye Xuan, "You are waiting!

Language, others disappeared directly.

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, this is gone? Ye Xuan double eyes slowly, gradually, he appeared countless people\'s swords, at the same time, the blood of his body gradually went down, didn\'t take long, he completely returned to normal!

Ye Xuan opened his eyes, his eyes became normal!

Ye Xuan\'s heart is spread, and the sword appears in his hands. He looked at the sword in his hand. He found slightly. He found that his human sword actually can really suppress blood and bury sword!

Moreover, this world is slowly stronger!

Why is this? Ye Xuan has some intakes.

At this time, Fuge and others appeared in front of Ye Xuan, Fugeng said: "Ye Gongzi, they are gone!"

At this moment, he respects many!

Before he thought that Ye Xuan was a second generation, but did not expect that this Ye Gongzi was so horrible.

Ye Xuan looks deep to the starry sky, "they will come back!

Pinger, "Yes!

Ye Xuan Road; "Investigate this person\'s identity!

The husband laughed, "I have been investigated before, but I can\'t investigate!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "The Xianbao Pavilion is not investigated?"

Fuge silence: "The owner can investigate, but we can\'t do it because we have no right to mobilize higher level information.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Can I?"

Fu Yu shook his head, "they only listen to the command of the owner!

When he said this, he suddenly said, and said: "Next time Ye Gongzi saw the owner, you can have the main authorization to the Pavilion. If you want, the Hall will definitely promise.

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Sheriff suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, the Qin Gu is suddenly left, he is afraid that it will be chaotic!


At this time, an old man appeared in the scene, the old man slightly, "Ye Gongzi, the Qin Gu has to go to the school!

I heard the words, Ye Xuan\'s brow, "He went to see Xuan Academy?"

The old man silently said: "He is estimated to retaliate Ye Gongzi!

I have sent someone to chase.

Ye Xuan is shaking his head, "Don\'t take him!

The old man stunned.

Ye Xuan said: "There is a gimmick in Xuan Academy, very fierce!

After finishing, he turned and left.

He didn\'t know how terrible in Qingqiu\'s war, but he knew that it must be terrible!

Now Qingqiu, conservative estimates should not be afraid of the ancient gods.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt some feelings!

This is the older world, can this be so enchanting? In this world, some people have a demon!

Ye Xuan low sighs and walked in the distance.


Watching an institution.

Qin Gu came to see Xuan Academy, but at this moment, he has resumed the flesh. Of course, he is not hurt, now he, only half of the strength of the peak!

After all, I was injured by Ye Xuan to the soul!

However, he is still coming to see Xuan College!

Because he has been investigated, this view of the book is not in an ancient world, although he is now injured, but he has confidence sweeping everything!

After coming to the Xuan Academy, Qin Gu is directly roaring. "The antic ants of Xuan Academy, you have to blame your dean, he destroyed my Qin nationality, I destroy his college!

The sound fell, he would show it, and at this time, a woman suddenly rushed from the bottom, next moment, Qin ancient face, he fierce a punch!


As a fried sound, Qin Gu is directly flying out, this flying is thousands of feet, and when he stopped, he fleshy is directly broken, at the same time, a fiber-optic jade hand directly buckled his throat !

This woman is it is Qingqiu!

Qin Ancient is frightened to look at Qingqiu, "you.

The right hand of Qingqiu suddenly slammed.


Qin Gu soul is directly erased!

The Qingqiu took the hand, she looked at the bottom, then said: "Why should you do it!

After that, she turned and left.

Everyone: ".


Xianbao Pavilion.

Ye Xuanyi sat in the starry sky, and he wrote a touch of love in a touch of human sword.

Have to say, before the battle, it is really cool.

He hasn\'t played so cool!

He found that he really needs to fight, and his biggest shortcomings now, it is not particularly stable, only after the realm is firm, he dares to try to sprint the ancient gods!

Of course, after eating, he is absolutely afraid to play now!

Once the breakthrough and unstable, then it is really not worth it.

And with that, he also had a probably aware of the strength of the other party.

Ancient gods!

Obviously, the forces of this ninety young grandfold must have a more powerful power, that is, the next other party will come back, it may bring more strong people to come!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuanbow can\'t help but wrinkle!

It seems that you still need more effort!

Otherwise, how long does it take? I am afraid that I have to be botly!

Although he can use the avenue pen to improve his realm, this is time limit. Once he passes, he will be weak, that time, he is the most dangerous time!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan low sigh.

He still takes time!

At this moment, he missed the small tower!

Now, if you add a small tower, it is definitely an invincible combination, because in the small tower, it is simply like cheating.

Ye Xuan low sigh.

After a while, Ye Xuan continued to practice.


Among the stars, the nine counties stopped, and his face was extremely ugly. He didn\'t expect this time that it did not kill the mysterious!

Before you came, he was guaranteed to his family, killing the Xuan, and then Qin Guan!

However, he failed 1 At this point, an old man beside him said: "Jiu Shaoye, this Ye Xuan is afraid that it is not very simple!"

Jiu Shaoye is clear, "What is it?"

The old man wants to say.

The nine young people have slowed down, "The ancestors have already hopeful, and our family can\'t enroll the legendary Yang family, in addition to this, we are fearless!

And this Ye Xuan Ye, he is not in the relationship with Yang and Yang people, why should we be afraid of him? "

Ye Xuan: ".
