One Sword Reigns Supreme

2362 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and forty-nine chapters: fight!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Have to say, the nine counties of the nine counties at this moment are completely ignorant!

He is very clear about his fist, but Ye Xuan actually blocked down!

This is absolutely impossible!

Jiu Shao is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, "Do you have any defense artifact!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "I am not!

Jiu Shaoye angered: "You have!

Ye Xuan nod, "I have, then?"

Jiu Shaoyou lives, rolling.

Ye Xuan looked at Jiu Shao, and asked, "I have, then?"

Jiu Shao is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, "What artifact you use!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I sent my body giant!"

The nine young people are slightly smashed, "What do you do?"

Ye Xuan is active: "A sword!

Jiu Shaoye asked again, "What is it?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The Sword of the Green Shirt!

In the eyes of Nine Shao, I wiped a wipe, "I have never heard.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "it is very powerful.

Jiu Shao looked at Ye Xuan, "How powerful?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Invincible existence!


Jiu Shao smiled, "Invincible? Don\'t you think you ridiculously? Invincible!

This is the universe, who dares to say anything? Who can really invincible? Even if the world is a million world, I don\'t dare to say that the universe is invincible!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What are you?"

Jiu Shaoyang looked at Ye Xuan, "What do you ask this?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Curious.

Jiu Shaoye laughed, "I think you don\'t have to know!

Level is not enough, some circles do you know, there is no meaning, increasing trouble!

Ye Xuan low sighs, "Why do you have such a sense of superiority? I think, alone, no matter how much he has, there should be a low-key heart.

You look at me, my sister, I am, my big brother is so cow, is I proud? "

Jiu Shao Lao is calm, "that is there is no pride of capital!

Ye Xuan silent.

He suddenly found out that he was old to stock him.

He stocked, from small in the bottom, knowing people\'s feelings, knowing the suffering of people, knowing life is not easy to cherish.

And if you are with your old man, you should be used out from a child, and you are joined by people.

This kind of environment will grow up, and you will be like this nine young.

Ancient and modern times, in the world, the emperor of the Dynasty, basically all the male, but since they, their children must have a lot of faint, why? Because the future generations of generations have never been eaten, they have not been too difficult!

It is not that people who have suffered suffering will be excellent than those who have never had suffering, but people who have suffered, they will mature, will cherish their life.

This nine young masters look like Wen Wen Confuciors, have cultivation, but this speech is full of superior sense, the high superiority!

Just like there are some rich second generation, they have money, they often have superior sense in many occasions.

Of course, you can\'t kill a side, many second generations are also very good, and it is also very hard.

However, in the impetuous society, the kind of people who have a good self-righteousness, still account for most.

Jiu Shaoyang suddenly laughed: "I think.

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I want to ask your family, maybe, you will know my family, but you said this hang talking, I really don\'t like it!

In this case, let\'s do it!

You, I am playing, but we are fighting hard, in this regard, I haven\'t spent it yet!

The sound fell, he suddenly held the sword.


A swager sways the horizon!

The sky, the nine shackles flashed in the eyes, he suddenly leaned, slammed down, after his body, the huge virtual image once again!

A punch!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly swayed, let the punch on his head.


That punch crashed, and Ye Xuan did not!

Seeing this scene, the nine counties suddenly contracted, he was going to shoot again, at this time, a sword is going to him.

Sword is like blood!

The nine young people suddenly shrink, he hugged his arms, at the same time, after him, the virtual image suddenly brought together, and he made a look, he was completely surrounded!

At this time, Ye Xuan Jian was approaching.


A bloody sword is suddenly fell from the blame arm, and the virtual image is trembled, then cracking!

At this time, Ye Xuan\'s heart thought, thousands of sorts such as bloody sword suddenly down from the sky, .


In an instant, the virtual image is directly cut into countless blocks!

At this time, the nine young masters have returned to tens of thousands of feet, and they completely opened their distance.

Jiu Shaoyang just stopped, a sword suddenly went, this sword was so thundering.

In the eyes of Nine Shao, he flashed in his eyes. He suddenly paused, and a fold fan appeared, he held a fan crossing.


This handle fan hard studs blocked the sword of Ye Xuan!

Be distant, Ye Xuan did not shoot again, he found that his sword leaf is difficult to break the folding fan, this handle fan, crack, is broken by the avenue, but the avenue pen does not break it completely!

At this time, the sound of the avenue suddenly sounded again. "It doesn\'t matter to me. It is not to completely play my power!

Ye Xuan: ".

In the distance, the nine young masters stared at Ye Xuan. He found that he would not yell in this moment!

Ye Xuan, the defense, it is too metamorphosis!

However, Ye Xuan is also difficult to kill him!

Ye Xuan looked at Jiu Shaoye. He held the sword in his hand right hand. He is hesitant to use an invincible, but after thinking a diagram, he still did not choose.

Since reaching ancient gods, he is eager for a battle, and it is fun, because he is now unstable, and fighting, it is best to help him firmly!

At this point, Ye Xuan suddenly paused, the burial sword appeared in his hands, and this moment, he mad madness in the body!

With the madness of the madness, the burial sword in his hands suddenly trembled, soon, a horrible gas and killing were shocked, soon, the starry sky in millions of men around Changed the blood sea!

In the distance, the nine young grandfold is slightly wrinkled, "you have the power of this blood.


At this time, the burial sword in Ye Xuan suddenly trembled, and a sword swept it!

Human swords!

And when the swords of this person appeared, Ye Xuan was a horror found that this sword is not a blood red, and this sword is also a signs of suppressing his blood and the burial sword!

what happened? Ye Xuan himself is somewhat.

He found that this sword is like a lot, it seems to be some!

Will you grow up? At this time, the nine young people in the distance slowly held the left hand, and his right hand held the fan in his hand. This fan is black, I don\'t know what material is created, in front of the fan, painting a demon Beast, and behind this fan, there is a golden big word: royal.

And this handle fan, this moment is slowly self-repair.

In the distance, Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts. He looked at the folding fan that slowly repaired in the nine popcorn, "brother, do you know what this is the same?"

The avenue pen has not responded.

Ye Xuan suddenly missed the small tower, or the small tower, the small tower was not so bored.

Now, there is no person who talks!

Not thinking, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place.


A blood sword is torn in the scene.

When Ye Xuan disappeared, the nine counties were slightly smashed. He suddenly spread the folding fan. On the folding fan, the monster of the face suddenly opened his eyes, then slammed, "!"


This, countless star fields shocked!

Ye Xuanjun was a rush, and he was hard to stand by this, and a horrible force is like a wave, which is constantly playing on him.


In an instant, Ye Xuan\'s body trembled, on him, a horrible force continued to fell, and the powerful force Destroy!

However, the first rushing Ye Xuan is still not damaged!

The one of him wearing, hardcoon, holding all the power!

See this scene, the nine young masters have become extremely difficult to look!

He has never thought of that this Yaxuan actually took the soul attack of the monster in this fold!

And it is not damaged!

This Nima leaves!

Jiu Shaoye can\'t help but want to burst!

How is this? In the distance, Ye Xuan looked at himself, and he couldn\'t help but hear: "Hey!

It\'s my pro!

Have to say, the old man left this one, it is too big!

It\'s hard to die!

Don\'t say that the same order belongs to the invincible, that is, it is not that he is not his high school strong!

For him, this war armor is simply invincible!

In the distance, the nine young grandfather said: "What is your clothes?"

What is the soul attack of the beast to block!

Ye Xuan looks to the fans in the hand of the nine counties, "Does the beast? So weak? With you didn\'t eat!"

Jiu Shao: ".

In the fan, the beast suddenly roared, "low-lying antity!

With its roar, a horrible force has once again swept away from the folding fan, soon, a force is like a fan of raining, usually going to Ye Xuan Yong!

In the distance, Ye Xuan station is still moving, his eyes are slightly closed, both hands spread, let the horrible power in him.

Boom rumbling.

In the endless star sky, a fried sound is constantly resounding, these fried sounds, other universe can be heard.

However, Ye Xuan is still nothing!

After a while, the Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, he looked at the beast of the handle fan, erected a middle finger, "Waste!

Jiu Shao: ".

Treom: ".


PS: Recently Call, everyone helps me think about the plot, you have any thoughts can leave a message, see if you can give me some inspiration, thank you!