One Sword Reigns Supreme

2355 The second chapter of the second thousand three hundred and forty-two chapters: three swords!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Among the abasity, Dao Ling is unbelievable to watch the horizon.

Have you hung by a little girl? Simply leaving!

After a while, Dao Ling Shen said: "For the sister of the Ye brother, I have to stay away!

He is found!

This leaves are unlikely, but these sisters are one more than one metamorphosis!

Cherish life, stay away from Ye Xuan Sister!


The next time, Ye Xuan began to vigorously develop the mysterious school.

If the old man said, if you want to change this world, you can\'t just say it, you really do it, and he is now, it is indeed this as a goal.

People are alive, they can\'t be placed, but they still have to make some meaningful things.

Inside the temple, Ye Xuan quietly listened to the report of Qingqiu and the book.

Now, Watching Xuan Academy has reached the dongxia, there is Qingqiu, Yanbei, and Xi Van.

Three cave Xuanjing!

It can be said that now the strength of Xuan Academy is the strongest of the gods, which is also removed in Ye Xuan!

If you add Ye Xuan, the view of Xuan Academy is in the universe of the universe, in fact, a single Ye Xuan, it is already able to let the college invincible the universe!

The great potential for the universe of the gods is now more friendly, but also this, they also have to deliver their people to the Xuan Academy, because the space is the largest in the Western Academy!

It can be said that the current view of Xuan Academy is developing rapidly.

Inside the temple.

Ye Xuan suddenly looked at Qingqiu, "the disciple of the martial arts, how?"

Qingqiu said: "There is a hundred and sixty people in the martial arts, all of me carefully selected, according to your request for my brother, I didn\'t choose the best talented, I also selected a lot of heart, I can hard work. They have a lot of genius, but I believe that they will not be better than those genius in the future, because the road is not at the end of the martial arts, nothing to win, go to the last People can laugh last!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Very good!

Said, he turned his head and turned to the book, "Yin Lao, you have to remember that the students taught in the art, can\'t be rotated, can not die, don\'t know, do you understand, understand?"

He is also afraid of that kind of book, that kind of person who likes to speak, do not know the practice, this kind of person, the most terrible, misunderstanding!

Book nod, "I understand!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Yin Lao, Qingqiu, next we will go in two directions, the first direction, you will take them to practice, let them go to the world, let them really experience it This is suffering.

Reading 10,000 books, Wanli Road, both of which are not less.

The old old smile, "it is very good!

Qingqiu also nodded, "Y!

Ye Xuan also said: "Also, we need to take them to see the universe outside, let them know how big this universe is, let them know how small, only know that they are small, will not be more complete, will be more effort.

Qingqiu suddenly said: "Brother, I have to remind you, we lack!"


Ye Xuan nod, "How much!

Qingqiu is a white eye, "Brother, you can\'t do this!"

Ye Xuan has some doubts, "How do you say?"

Qingqiu Shen Sheng: "Our college is now different in previous years, I mean, we need to have self-reliance, can not always spend your money, after all, you are not unlimited.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "What do you think?"

After Qingqiu, I said: "During this day, I investigated how to make money, I found that the most profitable is Xian Baoge, but we are not suitable for business, but we can sell books. !

Ye Xuan brows, "sell book?"

Qingqiu smiled: "Not a general book, is the book about cultivation, these books have a great help, we can take auction, in addition to this, you can also cooperate with many forces, let our students Go to lectures, of course, is about cultivation.

Said, her mouth slightly, "Do we not have the" Shendao Code "present by Qin Guange, let our students go to the Sky Cosmic lectures, tell this" Shen Lao Code ", a class, charge a certain Fee, so, you can exercise these students, you can make money!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "This is!

Qingqiu nod, "Jockey Brother, you can more people, you can make more books like the" God Tao Code ", so, our college will not be funded in a short time. The problem!

Ye Xuan nod, "Y!

After the three-person discussion, the book was retired, and Ye Xuan suddenly looked at Qingqiu. He paired, and the hearing the reel slowly drifted to the front of the Qingqiu. "Shantou, this is a predecessor, Help you should help!

He finally inherited this to Qingqi, because no one is more suitable than her!

Qingqiu looked at the inheritance, but shook his head, "Brother, I don\'t need it!

Ye Xuan has some intake, "Why?"

Qingqiu smiled: "I have my own way, and I will only take my own way!

Ye Xuan has some helplessness. He knows that Qingqiu is the same as him, in this case, it is impossible to accept the Tao\'s Tao.

Qingqiu smiled, "Give the right person!

Ye Xuan wants to think, nod, "Yes!

After finishing, he collapsed a reel, and his heart was a bit helpless.

This girl cultivates, two words: !

Qingqiu suddenly said: "My brother, I think we can use the gods of the universe, first change the gods of the gods, and then slowly go out and change the world outside.

Ye Xuan Shenwang; "You continue to say!

Qingqiu nod, "change the gods, it may touch the interests of the power, but this problem is not big, because we can use the profit, now they want to join us, as long as we can have At sufficient interests, they will be willing to change, because they don\'t change, they will be eliminated.

Said, she looks to Ye Xuan, "Brother, I know you are very kind, many times, I don\'t want to take the initiative to do evil, but I have to tell you, we have to change the world, change the rules, you have to overthrow now Ok, especially those who are brutality.

Treat those good forces, we can take advantage of the majesty, and we have to wear the thunder\'s means!

When she came to Ye Xuan, she took the tea in the hands to Ye Xuan. "Our purpose is not only my alone, but we have to do only I have a single excitement.

You are not excited, who will listen to you? Therefore, we must have a kindness of the heart, treat all the power, and there must be a thunder.

Ye Xuan looked at Qingqiu and didn\'t talk.

Qingqiu blinked, "Brother is worried?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Worried you!

Worried about the college!

After the silence of Qingqiu, he said: "I know that my brother is worried, when our strength has become powerful, my brother is afraid of the book in the case, just like the book, the Dragon Slayer is finally become a bad dragon. ,Is it right?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "As long as the brother is still there, the college will never change!

Ye Xuan asked, "If I am not there?"

Qingqiu smiled: "There is me!

I am, the book will never be chaotic!

Ye Xuan laughed, "If you are not there?"

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "Brother, you think like this, what we have to do is the things you can, the future is too much, not too good!

Of course, you can\'t think, if I have a day or not, before that, I will definitely choose a better person for the college, let the other party come to the Academy.

As the next thing, then the dean of the next Academy should think about it.


Ye Xuan wants to think, then laugh: "It is!

Qingqiu suddenly took tea to Ye Xuan, "brother, drink tea!

Ye Xuan brings a tea cup, gently drink a bite, then said: "You do it, I support you, no matter whether it is money, it is still otherwise, any need, tell me one sentence.

Qingqi nod, "Good!

Said, she hesitated, then said: "As far as I know, my brother is from Qingcheng, ok?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "I want to do it first from these small worlds, I started from Qingcheng, just, Qingcheng also has a home, we started from the small world, then surrounded by the world, finally, change the entire universe .

Ye Xuan nod, "Y!

Qingqiu grin smile, "I want money!

Ye Xuan smiled, "How much?"

He knows, doing these things, definitely need money!

A finger in Qingqiu.

Ye Xuan blinked, "5 million"? "

Qingqi shook his head, "50 million!

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

Qingqiu smiled, "Is there?"

Ye Xuan nod, "there is!

Said, he is facing the palm of his hand, a quite quieting to the green hills, the quie, not 50 million, but 70 million.

Qingqiu looks to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan Xiao: "The two thousand people are given to you, now you, practicing a lot of Ziyi, right?"

Qingqi nod.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Two thousand you use it first, if it is not enough, come to me again!"

Qingqiu looked at the Ye Xuan and whispered: "Good!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I am busy!"

After finishing, he turned and left.

Qingqiu looks in the distance, she holds the quench in the right hand, and the eyes are full of solid colors. "Brother, I want to change this day, I want to change this day. Wan Wan Hui is doing beliefs.

Said, her eyes slowly, "Only with this kind of belief is the sword, you may reach three of them.

After that, she suddenly became a bit embarrassed.

What did you say? Qingqi brow is slightly wrinkled, some doubts.
