One Sword Reigns Supreme

2354 The second chapter of the second thousand three hundred and forty-one chapters: only one brother!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The rest of the two ancient communities have been completely messy!

A sword second to kill the ancient gods!

At this time, one of the ancient gods trowards: "You.

You are the ancient gods!

Ye Xuan brows, "The ancient gods? What kind of garbage?"

The sound fell, he held a sword.


Two big swords light directly caves two older eyebrows, turning instantly, two old people were directly erased!

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, and three people are slowly floating into him!

Ye Xuan looked at it, still some disappointment!

Three quenches added up, only less than a thousand people.

It\'s really poor!

Of course, talk about no.

Ye Xuan gains up the quie, turn around.


It didn\'t take long after Ye Xuan, a white-haired old man suddenly appeared in the field, and the old man looked at a verse, and the look was unparalleled.

At this time, a middle-aged man appeared not far from the white-haired old man, middle-aged man looked in a verse, then said: "Qin Gu brother, it seems that they have been killed!

Qin Gu!

It is now the current Qin family!

Qin ancient face has no expression, "Zhu Shi, what do you think?"

Zhu Bo!

Zhu people are currently long!

After the moment of Shen Shi silence, he said: "The Ye Xuan is not simple!

Qin ancient look is cold, "What is it?"

Zhu Shi whispered.

Qin ancient face has no expression. "You look at the big temple in the distance, in the big temple, it has been empty.

This means that the other party has already got it in the gods!

Taoist heroes!

Wen said, Zhu Shi\'s eyes got up.

He and Qin Gu is now in ancient gods. For them, the biggest temptation now is the realm of the ancient gods!

And looking at the universe they know now, only this god broke through the ancient communities.

That is to say, this god is inherited is the last hope now!

Before they let the small to explore this secret, because if you let a few old come, then you really want to fight!

Therefore, everyone has reached a tacit understanding, so that the small one is coming, only this, there will be no blood to spell between several major families.

And they didn\'t think of it, they were cheaper.

Qin Guardian said: "This hatred, can\'t be reported!"

Zhu Shi nodded, "it is true!

In fact, the two people know that they can\'t give up the gods!

Zhu Shi suddenly said: "What about the Xiao people?"

Qin Gu saw a four-week, then said: "Who knows?"

Zhu Song Shen Sheng said: "I have to contact her, our family must now join hands!

After Qin ancient silence, he said: "Go to the Xiao family!

After that, the two directly disappeared in the same place.

Soon after the two left, a beautiful woman dressed in a red dress appeared in the scene, this person is the current ethnicity of the Xiao family!

Next to Xiao Yu, I also followed a girl, and this girl is similar to Xiao Yuer.

Xiao Wei suddenly said: "Cold, what do you think?"

After the girl is silent, he said: "According to my investigation, this person is a superpens of Xianbaoge, which means that he is related to Xianbaoge, and before, the aunt is dead in the Xianbao, Xianbao Pavilion. For him, he didn\'t give me a sage.

Very simple, this person is behind, we are stronger than my Xiao family!


It is the prior to Ye Xuan\'s wife in Xianbao City.

Xiao Wei asked, "Is there still?"

The girl said again; "Before the ancient Xuanjie chased this person, but this person still lives well!

However, I don\'t know if it is because of the immature of Xian Baoge or his mysterious forces behind him!

After Xiao Wei\'s moment, he said: "Continue!

The girl whispered, "We can\'t revenge!

Xiao Yuzhong slowly slowed down, "the god is inherited.

The girl is sonless: "Aunt, the passage of God is important, but life is more important to my Xiao.

Furthermore, if a aunt really thinks, then you can wait, because after a long time, this Zhu and the Qin family will target him, then we can see their end!

After Xiao Wei\'s silence, he said: "Listen to you!"

After that, the two women disappeared in the same place.


Ye Xuan returned to the sage of the universe!

At this moment, the Xuan Academy has undergone tremendous changes!

Now I am watching the institution, there are more than 3,000 people, of which the people of the martial arts are still less, only less than one hundred.

Moreover, many people are eliminated every day!

This is coming in Qingqiu!

When you come in, there is no restriction, but after coming in, if you don\'t work hard, you will be eliminated, leave the college!

Therefore, many poor students have worked hard after entering the Xuan Academy, because they know that this is the only chance to change fate.

The assessment of the two hospitals is different. The martial arts pays attention to the war, and the art and court pays attention to literary attainments.

The road to the two hospitals is very different!

When Ye Xuan returned to the Xuan Academy, Qingqi immediately found him.

The backyard, Ye Xuan sat, Qingqiu standing, she still holds a cup of tea in her hand.

Qingqiu Shen Sheng: "Less master brother, continue to develop, the strength of the martial arts is definitely rushing the art of the art, now there will be any problems, but many years later, once I have a young friend with the master, you It\'s not there, at that time, the Artists will be dead by the martial arts, that time, the college may severely split.


You have to think about a law!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then laugh: "There is only one way!

Green Hill is somewhat curious, "What method?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Find a dean of Wenwu Shuangxiu, a powerful dean, so that you can suppress two hospitals!

Qingqiu wants to think, then nod, "it\'s okay!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Balance is not so easy, but we have to work hard, and you will have some system, so as to say that if you say, the future martial art is too strong, completely pressing the art of Arts!

Qingqiu nodded slightly, it seems to be, she blinked, "Less master brother, did you find anything?"

Ye Xuan is a little, "what?"

Qingqiu glanced over the Ye Xuan and turned it.

Ye Xuan smiled.

This gimmick has reached Dong Xuan!

Dong Xuan!

How long is this? Ye Xuanzhen is somewhat.

In the spirit, he feels that he is very enchanting, really enchanting, and there is also the help of the avenue pen and the old man, however, until now he is ancient!

And this girl has now reached Dong Xuan!

How many days is this girl? Simply leaving!

Ye Xuan felt this very abnormal!

This young bifother is afraid that it is a super big who is not weak than the old man!

Who is that? Ye Xuan low sigh.

He missed the small tower!

Little Tower is, it should be known, after all, the time of the era, he knows not particularly much, and the small tower knows.

I don\'t know how the small tower is now!

There is also a little soul!

Is there any change in Qingxuanjian? There is also Xiao\'an!

Xiaoyian followed the young, and must have improved a lot of lots? After all, it\'s a young!

At this moment, a laughter suddenly came from the sky, "Ye brother, I am coming!

Ye Xuan looked up to the sky, next moment, a man directly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, seeing people, Ye Xuan stunned.

Come is Dao!

Ye Xuanqi, laughing: "Dao Ling!

Said, he looked at the lapse, then said: "Abandoned and the emotional days have a juniority?"

Dao Ling smiled: "They have to arrive over time, my family is fine, so I will come first!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "What is your realm?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What is your realm?"

Da Ling smiled, "knowing the peak of Xuanjing!

I will go to Dongxuan immediately!

Ye Xuan brows smashed, "" Talent is the peak of Xuanjing? "

The Tao is calm, then said: "What is your realm?"

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Talented God!

Ancient gods!

Dao Ling figures directly.

Before you came, he was in contact with the President of Xianbao Pavilion, so I know some of the presents.

And he didn\'t think that Ye Xuan actually reached an ancient world!

so fast!

Dao Ling looked at Ye Xuan and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan smiled: "How?"

Tao Ling is sigh, "You are a metamorphosis, I thought I was already fast enough, but I didn\'t think of it, you are faster than me.

Ye Xuan played an eye, then said: "Are you already known as the peak of Xuanjing?"

Tarn nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Is it lack?"

Duo nod, "If there is enough unicard, I should also rush to the ancient god, there are seven eighth months!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "How much?"

Dao Ling shook his head, "I don\'t know!

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, one is in front of Tao Ling, in the quie, there is a full of 10 million fears!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Take it!

The road is calm, then the road; "leaf.

Leaf brother.

How is this good? No!


That is, but he has already grabbed the quince.

Ye Xuan speaking.

The road is in the hands of the quicker, and the trembling said: "I should come to you earlier!"

Ye Xuan: ".

Dao Ling looks to Ye Xuan, "Ye brother, I will practice!"

If you want to fight, on the knife mountain, you will go to the fire, and I don\'t have wrinkle!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Ye Xuan: ".

Dao Ling naturally was to join the martial arts, so he found Qingqiu, when he saw Qingqiu, he stunned, then said: "Little sister, are you the martial arts dean?"

Qingqiu looked at Da Ling, "What do you call me?"

Dao Ling said: "Little sister!

Qingqiu suddenly disappeared in the same place.

The color of the road is instantly changed, and his arms have blound!


In an instant, Du Ling flooded to the skyline of the sky, and the next moment, a residual shadow suddenly down from the sky, step down.


Dao Ling suddenly down from the sky, and in the depths of the mountains.

In the air, Qingqiu took a hand, "I have only one brother!"

After that, she took a hoe from his arms, she took a bite, then turned and left.

Dao: ".


PS: I also like to read the book, I also hate the author who updates slow water, there is no one.

But I don\'t know why, I don\'t hate myself.