One Sword Reigns Supreme

2356 Jian Zhongxian No. 2,343 Chapter: Pack!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

In the bamboo forest, the leaves of the leaves are sitting on the ground.

He is now very.

There is only 10 million fears in the whole body, what can I do? what to do? Ye Xuan helpless.

He must have to go to the union!

Moreover, he knows that in the days, this requires more and more places in the earth, and it will definitely solve the problem.

Now the college has not fully entered the right track, so the college cannot be earlier in a short period of time. This period must have his support, otherwise, the development of the college will be restricted.


Ye Xuan looked at the quench in his hand, caught in silence.

200 million!

I didn\'t take the bottom of the 200 million fears before.

Moreover, if you want to cultivate ancient gods and the ancient gods, then you need more and eman.

Now, there is no way to cultivate, because his sword skills practice once, it costs huge money.

No money, he does not break the existing universe, jump out.


make money!

Ye Xuan low sigh, he must have to make money!

Sell ​​a Shenxintong Code? He has thought about it, but he thinks if it takes the book to take Qin to sell directly, it is a little bad.

However, you can change it!

For example, go to the class!

Thinking of this, the Ye Xuan\'s mouth is slightly.

If you go to the class, spread the "Shintong Code", it is completely different!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuanqi, just left, at this time, a student came to Ye Xuan\'s face, slightly, "Dean, Xian Gucheng Xian Guzhen girl came to visit!

Xian Guzhen!

Ye Xuan slightly, then quickly said; "Please ask!

Students are slightly rude, they must be returned, and at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said; "Forget it!

I personally go!

After finishing, others have disappeared in the same place.

Watch the entrance of Xuan Academy.

Ye Xuan saw Xian Guzhen. Today\'s Xiangu is a snow dress, black as ink, long-body, tender and elegant, like water\'s scorpion with a touch of mourning, making people feel no self-proof I have a pity.

See Ye Xuan, Xian Gu is slightly, then whisper: "You are back!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Next time you come to me, don\'t report, go in it!"

Xian Guzhen is calm, "Don\'t dare!

You are now the dean of Xuan Quan!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "How to get angry?"

I have no expression in Xian Gu, "no!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Mo Shengqi!

I just just came back, now there are many rules in the college, so I don\'t know!

However, I have already said to them!

Next time you come to the college, you can go in and find me!

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan played an eye of the ancient, surprised, "I have already arrived in the dive?"

Xian Guzhen head.

Ye Xuan\'s thumbs up, "I am so good!

Wen said, Xian Guzhen suddenly rose two red, and she glared in Ye Xuan, "You don\'t get started again!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled and then said: "I have to go to class, are you interested in going with me?"

Xian Guzhen Yu Yu Wei, "Lesson?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Now the college has just started, all things are hard, especially money, so I need to go to the class to earn some money."

Xian Guzhen Shen said: "Is there a lot?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Xian Guzhen suddenly took out a quarter from Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan looked at it, and there was a 30 million hunters in the quince.

Ye Xuan, "Are you?"

Xian Guzhen calm: "You take it!"

Ye Xuanlian shook his head, "No, I can\'t want your Zone!

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan coldly, "Why can\'t I want my Zone?"

Ye Xuan bitter, "You don\'t have anything else, just.

Xian Guzhen coldly: "Is it just what? Is it too little?"

Ye Xuan smiled again, "You know, I don\'t mean this!

Xian Guzhen will quite quit to Ye Xuan, she whispered: "Waiting for you to have money!"

I will not give me another day!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do you do this, your parents know?"

Xian Guzhen is calm. "I am the long group of Xiangu people, and the imaginary people are mine!"

Ye Xuan: ".

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan, "You go to class, I will not go!"

next time.

If you come back, come to the ancient city of Xiancheng, can you? "

Xian Gucheng is a guest!

Ye Xuan silent.

He said, no longer go to the ancient city.

Obviously, Xian Guzhen is still a bit for this matter.

Xian Guzhen lightly said: "If you really don\'t want, there is no relationship, it is the excessive thing I did in the Imagoyan!


Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "You are you, Xiangu is an imaginary!

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan. "But I am a family of Xiangu people, and the ancient people are mine.

Ye Xuan smiled: "I know, you don\'t tangle this, I am not angry!" I am not angry! "


After the ancient times of Xian Gu, he said: "You take care.

After that, she turned and left.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "The Zone.

I don\'t want to return, "If you don\'t like it, then you will lose!

After that, she has disappeared in the end of the sky.

Originally, Ye Xuan looked at the quilt in the hand, shook his head, it seems to have the potential to eat soft rice!

There is no much thinking, Ye Xuan is turned off.

Watching Xuan Academy has Qingqiu and Book, he is very assured, he is now going to make money!

This time, he decided to go to Xianbao City.

There is a big stage!

And the god heard him in the book, waiting for the sky, the book will pass the gods to the abandonment!

In a few people, he feels that it is more appropriate!

This guy\'s brain is too simple, cultivated, and it is terrible.

In the starry sky, Ye Xuan stopped, he gave himself a cloud of white robes, in the left chest of the robes, engraved with two words: Watch Xuan, in his waist, hanging a big road pen, still no Writings.

After replacing the new clothes, Ye Xuan has begun to sort out his hair, and he is very casual with his hair. It is unruly, and he will take a bride, then he takes a thick ancient book.

He came out this time, brought a lot of books in the book, and there were also some literary ancient books on cultivation.

Come out, naturally, you must talk about it in detail!

And the annotations of the book are very detailed!

After dressing up, Ye Xuan disappeared at the end of the starry.

Not long after, Ye Xuan came to Xianbao City, in the door of Xianbao, the head of the mysterious gods is still there.

Everyone who enters Xianbao City will see these skulls.


The legendary god community in the legend of the ancient gods is still unable to shake Xianbaoge, so many people are more curious about this Xianbaoge!

How horror is this Xianbaoge? When Ye Xuan came to the door of Xianbao City, the Xiao Yu immediately greeted it. He saw Ye Xuan dressed up, Xiao Wei slightly, then won the road; "Ye Shao!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Xiao Wei, the president of Xiao Wei!

Xiao Yan smiled, "Ye Ye, recently well?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "It\'s okay, it is a bit poor!

Wen Yan, Xiao Wei\'s mouth slightly smoked, did not dare to pick up.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Xiao Wei, I want to lect out in Xianbao City.

Xiao Wei\'s brow, "Lesson?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Xiao Wei, I don\'t have any name now, I am sure that no one will listen, I want you to help me propagate, the face of Xianbaoge, the power of the Triadow will definitely give them to listen to me. As for people, the more you better.

Xiao Wei hesitated, then: "I arrange!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Thank you!"

Xiao Yan smiled slightly, "Ye Ye is polite!

After that, he retired!

Ye Xuan once again arranged in the most distinguished room in Xianbao Tower!

Among the stars, Ye Xuan low sigh.

Xianbaoge is really making money!

This Ximen Tower, I don\'t know how much benefits to Xianbao Pavilion every month, in addition to this Xianbao City, annual renting.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan simply sweat.

This Qin Guan\'s rich woman\'s wealth, really can\'t imagine!

I suddenly rose a thought in Ye Xuan\'s brain. Do you want to eat soft rice? When this thought appeared, Ye Xuan himself was scared!

This Qin Girl is not a light of oil, I am afraid that I can\'t hold it!

There is no much thinking, Ye Xuan began to organize the lessons you have to say.

He is now free, lectures, there is no more people, so this first class is especially important, because you have to play the name!

Therefore, he is directly preparing for the first lesson to talk about the "Shendao Code".

One day, Xiao Lao came to Ye Xuan Room, he respects a gift, "Ye Shao, people have arrived!"

Ye Xuan see Xiao Wei, "How many people?"

Xiao Yan smiled, "100,000 people!

100,000 people!

Ye Xuan nod, "you can!

Said, he got up, "Let\'s go!


Among the stars, this starry sky is a playground that Xianbaoge has opened up, and now, here is arranged by Xianbaoge into a speech.

At this moment, there have been more than 100,000 people.

However, this 100,000 people are some of them.

speech? Ye Xuan? Who is this? If it is not for the Xianbao Pavilion, they will not come at all.

At this time, a sword light suddenly appeared from the depths of the star, and the next moment, Ye Xuan appeared on the speaker.

Seeing Ye Xuan, everyone god suddenly became an old, it was obvious that it was so young.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, then said: "Thank you for listening to my lecture, today, I will tell you" God Tao Code ".

Below, everyone calm.

At this time, the avenue of the Ye Xuan waist slightly fuse, the next moment, the Ye Xuan\'s breath has skyrocketed, in an instant, Ye Xuan breath directly reaches the ancient gods from the ancient god!

This moment, 100,000 people directly stayed directly!

Ancient gods!

Some people are shocked: "lying in the groove.

Such a boss? "

Ye Xuan suddenly smiled slightly, "first introduced himself, in the lower Leaf Xuan, the Dean of Xuan Academy.

Don\'t see that I am in the ancient gods. In fact, this is nothing, I am real identity, in fact, it is a second generation.

What I want today is how to make it.

Oh, not, how to learn.

Everyone: ".


PS: I have already thought!

After writing a book, if you can\'t do a big god, then be a water god!

Anyway, God, I can take it!