One Sword Reigns Supreme

2353 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and forty chapters:

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

At this moment, the Xiao Yuer and Qin You have been completely pushed!

Spike? This Ye Xuan actually killed a strong sense of half-god? How can this be? The two people don\'t believe in this scene in front of them. I know that even if the ancient people are not necessarily able to kill a half-disorder!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "What do you stand? Don\'t you shoot?"

Qin Lin glanced deeply, "I am the Qinshan, I am.

Ye Xuan suddenly sword.


Qin Yutan has not finished, the head is flying out.

Direct spike!

Moreover, it is thoroughly erased, and the opportunity to connect back is not given.

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I hate it to move back!

Said, he suddenly taught, and said again; "I mean, I hate others moving the background, but I don\'t hate my own backstage!

Qin Yong: ".

In the distance, the Xiao Yuer is pale, she is incredibly looking at Ye Xuan, "you.

Ye Xuan looks to Xiao Yuer, "What?"

Xiao Yuer trembling: "Why are you so strong? You.

Are you not bullying? "

Is it small? Ye Xuan smiled!

I have always been bullied by others, I have never thought of it, and I have one day you can bully others!

Xiao Yuer suddenly said: "You, I surrendered!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I refuse!

The sound fell, he suddenly sword.


Xiao Yuer\'s head flew out and disappeared.


Ye Xuan smiled and smiled, then the palm was spread, and three quite rings slowly floated into his hand.

It is this three people!

However, soon, his face is completely sinking.

Because he found that these three quies add only less than 100,000 fears!

so little? Ye Xuanbei wrinkled.

Obviously, these three have never choose to bring more zone and God, it should be in case!

Ye Xuan has some speechless.

He is really really poor now!

There were a total of more than 20 million yuan, gave the Xu Mu 50 million, he used sword skills and breakthroughs, and spent nearly 100 million, he now the whole body, there is less than 7,000 Ten thousand!

How much? That is not actually!

Because he still needs a lot of many universal pulses, and he will also cultivate the strong people of Xuan Academy. Therefore, there are no more than 70 million, not much!

A bit poor!

Ye Xuan low sigh, then turned around to walk toward the temple.

He now only hopes to have more than a little gain in this secret!

When Ye Xuan walked to the door of the big temple, I didn\'t think about what. He looked to the avenue pen, "the brother, the inside is dangerous?"

He is indeed a fear!

Handsome three days!

His now, although it is very strong, it is possible to compare with the ancient gods, but he is also careful, it is not arranged!

The avenue pen has not responded.

Ye Xuan brows, "brother? Are you playing again?"

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan still wants to say, the avenue pen suddenly said: "I am really busy.

Ye Xuan: ".

Ye Xuan did not go to the avenue pen, he gently pushed the door, the big door was opened, and an old breath was hit.

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, he is a heart, and the sword is in charge around him.

Ye Xuan walked into the temple, the whole land is empty, not far from him, there is a futon, the futon, sitting on a tray, the old man wears a loose black robes, full of long hair is very casual Behind it.

Ye Xuan Dang is deeply a ceremony, "" The late generation Ye Xuan, I have seen the seniors! "

no respond!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "The predecessors of the Taoist God? I am a guy with Qin Guan!

Qin Guan!

At this time, the old man suddenly raised his head, he looked at Ye Xuan, his eyes slowly opened, in the eyes, turbid, but gradually became clear.

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, "Qin Guan girl?"

Ye Xuan nod, "it is!

The old man looked at the Ye Xuan, after a moment, he smiled slightly, "very good!

Ye Xuanmiao, "Xie Yuan praises!

The old man said: "You come, but for me?"

Ye Xuan nod, "it is!

Taoist God is silent.

Ye Xuankao: "Seniors, I think, I am very suitable!"

The old man laughed: "Why?"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Can I tell the truth?"

The old man nodded, "Y!

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Because the predecessors can\'t get better than me!

The old man stunned, after a moment, he hesitated, then said: "Is it so unemaife?"

Ye Xuan: ".

The old man suddenly laughed: "You are really good, but are you a sword repair, right?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

The old man shook his head, "you have the way, has been established, not suitable for my inheritance.

Ye Xuan silent, he has now realized the human swords, such as this old man, has his own way, it is difficult to inherit the Taoist of others.

The old man whispered, and the eyes flashed a pity.

In fact, Ye Xuan is indeed a good, in line with his requirements, but Ye Xuan is a sword repair, and the sword repair is not suitable for him.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Seniors, this is simple, you will pass on your inherit, I will give you an excellent genius, super genius!

The old man stunned.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What do you think?"

The old man is some hesitant.

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "I don\'t believe me if my seniors don\'t believe in me, but I should believe Qin Guan girl?"

Qin Guan!

The old man laughed: "Do you have a candidate in your heart?"

Ye Xuan nod, "There is one, the other party will not humiliate the seniors!"

After the old man was silent, he looked at the four weeks, and the eyes were flashing and complex. "

Said, his palm is booted, a black reel is slowly floating to the Xuan\'s face, "I passed on, all in the reel!

Ye Xuan contact the reel, slightly rude, "fixed to the seniors!

The old man smiles slightly, "take care!

Said, his body has gradually begun to disappear.

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Seniors, have you still something else?"

The old man blinks, "What?"

Ye Xuan directly: "For example, what is the Zhen God.

The old man shook his head, "there is a hundred million venters before, but it has been taken away by Qin Guan girl!

Qin Guan!

Ye Xuan expression stiff!

Have to say, Ye Xuan is speechless.

Qin Guan actually took all the treasures!

Moreover, this secret is also sold out.

This woman is worthy of doing business.


Ye Xixiang is sigh.

At this time, the old man suddenly laughed: "Little guy, you know with Qin Guan girl?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

The old man whispered: "She is a singing!"

If you encounter her earlier, I may have a different ending!

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, "It is normal, it should be very difficult to die, it should be very difficult!

And the seniors.

Speaking of this, he didn\'t say anymore.

There are avenue pen, so he can see the virtuality, this old man, is not a branch, it is the body, and now, the old man is the body at a little bit.

No, it should be said that this old has been dead for a long time!

He just left a breath.

After the old silence is a moment, the low sigh is sigh, "said the length of the party!

Said, he looked down to Ye Xuan, the look is complex, "You know, the stronger you, you will find that, in the whole vast universe, you will be small.

This feeling.

Speaking of this, his look became more and more complicated.

Ye Xuan silent.

He is actually able to understand this god because he has a feeling.

Before and the old man, he would want to see, how far they are from the old man, but he found that he still can\'t feel the true height of the old people.

Even if he is now very strong!

Many times, it is not a realm of collapse, but everyone\'s gaze is limited!

Lifting a simple example, a genius in a village, he is the first in the village, but he went to the town? In the town, he may not be the first!

And if it is in the city? That may only be ordinary!

And if you put in the country, he may not be ordinary, and if it is in the world or even the universe? Ye Xixiang is low in sigh.

Many times, the eye will limit a person\'s awareness.

If you have not touched yourself and your old, you will definitely think that the ancient gods are very very very very!

However, after touching with young and old, he knew that in the ancient gods, it is powerful to him, but in the entire universe, it may still be a low layer.

At this time, the God has completely disappeared.

The other party still did not say why it would fall to this situation, and Ye Xuan did not know more, because there is no meaning!

Ye Xuan looked at the reel in his hand, he picked up in front of him, "Never bear the seniors!

Said, he looked at the four weeks, the whole hall is empty, what baby is not!

Ye Xuan speechless!

Obviously, Qin Guan took away!

It\'s a bandit!

Ye Xuan did not stay, he turned and left.

When Ye Xuan left the hall, the three horrible breath suddenly down from the sky, the next moment, these three breaths directly locked him.

Ye Xuan looks far away, not far, there are three old people, and the three old people are ancient gods!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, talented to the public? Who can\'t stand? He naturally knows that these three people in front of them are definitely the family strong behind Xiao Yuer.

At this time, the old man headed in the distance suddenly said: "It is you killed them!

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The old look suddenly became pushed, "Who gave you a dog.

Here, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared, next moment, Ye Xuan has been behind the old man, but in the old throat, insert a sword!

The old three people are directly forced!

After the old man, Ye Xuanqi is calm, "God? Is this?"

Three old people: ".
