One Sword Reigns Supreme

2350 The second thousand three hundred and three chapters of the fairy in the sword: I am invincible!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuan did not directly return to the gods of the gods, but came to Xianbao Pavilion in Xiangu.

When Ye Xuan came to Xianbaoge, Xu Tianyi, president of Xianbaoge Branch, was busy, and he gave a deep gift in Ye Xuan, "Ye Shao!

Others don\'t know what happened, but he knows, the Xuanpo community has fallen two ancient gods!

Ye Xuan is still alive!

I don\'t think about what is going on with an ankle!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I will find a cultivation, I have to turn off!

Xu Tianlian is busy; "Ye Lee followed me!

Said, he took Ye Xuan to a unknown starry sky.

Xu Tian looked at the four weeks, then: "Ye Shao, here is the best cultivation in this room, very quiet!

Leaf Xuan nod.

Xu Tianyou, "Ye Shao has any needs, always commanded!

After finishing, he slowly retired!

After Xu Tian retired, Ye Xuan saw a look at the four weeks, then sat down, he was on the palm of his hand, and the ancient book sent to him in his hand!

Daddy and big brother teamed up with a sword skill created for himself? I have to say that Ye Xuan is very curious!

Ye Xuan opened ancient books, suddenly, a sword is directly incompetent to his eyebrows.


In an instant, countless information poured into the Ye Xuan Bang: "Inneed in the moment.

Once there is a universe, this moment is now there. This moment, the immunization all the existing universe power, the fate is can\'t add, anti-all the road Dafa, the heart of the heart, a sword lock soul, swordson, the sword Sheath, everything is sour.

This moment, I am invincible!

This moment, I am invincible? Ye Xuan stunned!

Soon, Ye Xuan\'s blood boiled!


At this moment, he only wanted to roar.

Once this sword is displayed, he jumps with the universe, causing fate can not be added, and the Dafa of all the avenues.

Ye Xuan Xing is difficult to himself.

This is fierce than a sword!

It\'s not that the old man and the big brother have been created for themselves!

One word: fierce!

Two words: good!

Without any nonsense, Ye Xuan directly started research!

But soon, he is numb!

Because he found that this sword skill, it takes a lot of money, because cultivating this sword skill, requires a huge aura support, because only enough aura can make him break the existing universe, jump out.

How much does this aura need? Directly burned a million toon, but he fell into the sea in the sea, and there was no movement!

Not enough at all!

Lying in the trough!

Ye Xuan is directly shocked!

Ye Xuan is naturally unwilling, continue to burning the union, his right hand holds the sword, his eyes are slightly closed, and the body is working in the body, but in his four weeks, countless madness.

Two million!

three million!

four million!

Six million!

When burned to a thousand million masses, the sword in his hand suddenly switched slightly.

Have a quiet!

Ye Xixiang is happy, even busy running in the moment, no enemy, very fast, he is a touch of swordelight, but at this time, the uncle of the unicard of his sword is absorbed by his sword!

Ye Xuanli continues to burn the union!

At this time, he has not cared so much, he just wants the power of this sword!

Ye Xuan crazy burned the earth!

Under the support of the endless indecent, the swords in Ye Xun were trembled, and at the same time, he suddenly had countless fine sword light, and these swords were like blood vessels!

Ye Xuan suddenly lifted the sword in his hand. At this time, the small swordsman suddenly went to his arm, very fast, countless fine swords were smooth, and the arm came to his hands in his hands.

And at this time, the aura you need is more!

Ye Xuan did not hesitate, continue to crazy burning the earth!

After about a minute, Ye Xuan suddenly held the sword, roaring, "Open!


A sword stabbed, and he suddenly broke out in front of him.

Ye Xuan\'s entry directly entered it, the next moment, he appeared in a virtuous space, Ye Xuanzhen!

He is now in this space, a virtual, not the long river in the world, is not a long-term long river, it seems to be independent of the universe!

Moreover, he can see the universe he coming in, but not only this, he looks at this position, the existing universe is transparent and unreal.

Ye Xuan looked at his own body. At this moment, he had a thin sword light above his body, just like a scales, extremely dazzling.

Invincible? Ye Xi wants to think, then take out the avenue pen toward his body is a wave.


A pen is directly lying on him.


That striker is broken directly, and he is not a little!

Ye Xuan stunned, next moment, he was crazy!

Really invincible!

At this moment, he is really invincible.

What seems to be, he suddenly looked at the existing universe outside, his eyes slowly closed, next moment, he suddenly stunned.

In the existing universe, the four residuals appeared in one, the next moment, the four residuals were pulled out, and the four swords were gathered.


In an instant, the existing universe starry sky is too ulining. This is not the most horrible. The most horrible is that the power is too strong. The powerful power is instantly swept millimeters. In an instant, the whole of the gods The endless starry is directly erased.

Ten million miles, one sword is silent!

Moreover, the residual strength is constantly cracking in the star field outside the millions of miles, a moment, affecting more than a dozen universe!

At this moment, countless strong people shocked!

Which boy is out of the sword? Numerous people have begun to explore, however, they do nothing.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly returned to the existing universe. When he returned to the existing universe, his whole person was like a mud with a beach.


When you show the sword, he is directly out!

The power of the sword is much better than the avenue pen, and his current body is not enough!

At this time, the Xu Tian appeared in the field. When I saw Ye Xuan, Xu Tianxin was very awkward. He quickly walked to Ye Xuan\'s face, trembling: "Ye Ye.


Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "nothing!

I\'ll take a break!

After finishing, he is then lying down, close his eyes.

He didn\'t use his old man to give him the dam, the medicinal medicine is too horrible, or it is still in the key moments, after all, only five, one less, you know, the old man is not every Club will come.

On the one side, Xu Tian looked at Ye Xuan and the horror of face.

He is now serious, and this star suddenly has been erased, it is the Ye Shao!

Just, this Lee is not only in the hole? How can I have such a horrible strength? Xu Tian\'s doubt.

After about one hour, Ye Xuan\'s face finally got a lot, he sat up and smiled.

Have to say, the sword is really too horrible!

It seems to think about what, Ye Xuanli is busy to look at his own quen, when he saw the Zhenyi in his own, he stunned!

Less than 300 million fears!

thirty million!

Ye Xuan face is suddenly black!

Just in order to show this sword, he actually burned 300 million Zhenxin. How did this sword skill like Qin Guan\'s sword? Is it charged? He also thought of a thing, then he used to show this sword skill, did not use the blood of the blood and the power of the world and the power of the world!

Otherwise, its power may be more horrible!

In addition, the sword of others did not play its true power. To know, he just tried and did not pilot.

In short, this sword is quite invincible!

Ye Xuan smiled.

Have to say, this time old man is heart!

Send money and send sword skills!

There is also a box!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuanli took the box out, he knew an eye box, the box is an ordinary box, but he knows that things inside are definitely not ordinary!

Ye Xuan\'s Xu Tian, ​​Xu Tianlian, I am busy: "Ye Shao, you are busy, you will tell!"

After finishing, he turned and walked.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said; "What is just now, confidential, do you know?"

Xu Tianzhuang, the next moment, his face has changed, and he quickly said; "Of course!

After that, he retired.

Outside, Xu Tian is incredible, just now, really, this Ye is rare!

Just outline!


Mysterious god community.

Xuan Tian sat in the main hall, at this moment, in front of him, smashing a few old people, these old people have been chasing Ye Xuan\'s old age, just chased back!

Have to say, Xuan Tian is really loose.

If you didn\'t chase it back, let these guys catch up with Ye Xuan.

Isn\'t that I have? Inside the temple, the few people who are squatting are somewhat.

At this time, Xuan Tian suddenly said; "You remember, today, don\'t go to the Ye, if you encounter, you all give me a turn, if you can\'t avoid it, give me a little respect, take him Treat it as well!

A few people are difficult to understand.

Xuan Tian angered: "Don\'t ask why, doing it, for you!"

Go back!

A few people didn\'t dare to say anything, and they went down.

Inside the temple, Xuan Tian rely on the chair behind him, his eyes are close to the eyes.

His bumper is surprised these days, is it a young man who will appear in the brain!

At this time, an old man suddenly appeared in the temple, the old man slightly, "the landlord, the emperor of the emperor" seek!

Xuan Tian\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, "the emperor of the people? What do he do?"

The old man is deep; "he said he has to report!


Noda, "Let him come in!

The old man retired, after a while, the emperor walked into the main hall, Emperor is moving in Xuan Tian, ​​then directly opens the mountain, "Xuantianjie, I first declare, I have no relationship with the There is no relationship!

Xuan Tian looked at Emperor, did not talk.

Emperor continued: "Xuan Tianzhu, I have just explored the Ye Xuan\'s whereabouts, after leaving the ancient people, go directly to Xianbaoge, now I have sent people to surround it, Xuantian The Lord can immediately go, I am willing to work with Xuan Tianjie.

Xuan Tian\'s leg suddenly has a little soft.


PS: I firmly believe that those readers who are jealous, they will be tired.

And why do you marry me? No love, how come? If you don\'t really like my novel, they can\'t waste me at all.

When I want to understand this, I found that when I saw the readers said that I said to my water, I was not only angry, but I took a sippless and pride: see, they like my book!

History is difficult, many times, come to see the problem, change an angle, may have a different result.