One Sword Reigns Supreme

2349 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and three chapters: Can you blame me!

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Revert to Mountain? When I heard the green shirt, Ye Xuan was slightly, then laughed; "Old, thank you!"

Green shirt man haha ​​smile, "What is the father and son, thank you?"

Said, he looked at the four weeks, then said: "I have to go!"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Old, where is your big brother now?"

The green shirt man thought about it, then said; "Far, with your current strength, you can\'t get it in that place, but I believe that how long, you will go to that place!

Said, he suddenly paused, and a quite ring appeared in his hand.

This is a slit shape, the shape is like sword, and it is also a blood red.

The green shirt man will pick up the ring to Ye Xuan, "Give you!

Ye Xuan contacts the quarter, some curiosity, "Is this?"

The green shirt laughed: "A letter, you will be used later.

After finishing, he gradually became illusively.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Old, have you gone?"

The man nodded in the green shirt, as I thought about it, he was a palm of his hand, and the sword with Ye Xuan was appeared in him. He smiled: "It seems that you didn\'t find this sword!"

No, it is now you, I have basically used the outer object!

However, you don\'t have to deliberately use external objects.

Said, he refers to gently and a sword.


The sword is trembled, the next moment, the sword suddenly broke out a horrible sword!

Green shirts look to Ye Xuan, "blood!

Ye Xiu Xiu, then made a little, a drop of blood drops to the sword.

Blood just came into contact with the sword, in an instant, the whole handle sword suddenly became a lot of live, and sent an extremely horrible swager, followed by, the whole slate turned directly into a blood sword!

Ye Xuan was shocked, "this.

The green shirts laughed: "The burial sword, a sword that once slaughtered, and later I met, I was seal, I thought you can activate him, but I didn\'t expect that your guy reads a lot of books in the world. Change, this sword has no sense of you.

Said, he shook his head smile.

Ye Xuan looked at the sword in the green shirt, the sword of the blood, he also shook his head smile, he didn\'t think, this handle looked ordinary sword, turned out to be a sword of killing!

The green shirt man delivers the sword to Ye Xuan. "I still seal some of this sword, if you want to ungentry, see yourself!

I didn\'t dare to give you an unapported, I was afraid that you can\'t control it, but now, you have improved a lot, face this sword, there should be no problem!

Ye Xuan blinked, "This sword, strong?"

The green shirts laughed: "If you use this sword after activating the blood, you will surprise!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Okay!

After finishing, he took the burial sword, the burial sword just came into contact with the Ye Xuan\'s body, and the next moment, his mind did not have endless blood sea, at the same time, a horrible killing In the moment of pouring into his sea.

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, the next moment, he slammed his eyes, his eyes, a blood sea!

The green shirts look at Ye Xuan, don\'t talk.

Gradually, the blood sea in the eyes of Ye Xi slowly faded, and Ye Xuanqi returned to normal.

He has pressed the qi and killing!

The green shirts smiled slightly, "Yes!

Ye Xuan looks to the green shirt, "Old, take care!

Green shirts, haha ​​smile, "Little guy, come on!

This time, you are very good, haha.

In the laughter, the men in the green shirt disappeared.

Seeing the green shirts disappeared, the Xuantian God suddenly turned into one, and the pressing power of the green shirt is too strong!

This way, he suddenly felt hundreds of thousands of mountains from themselves!

At this time, the Xu Tu was slowly walked to Ye Xuan, and he handed the avenue pen in his hand to Ye Xuan, respectd the road; "Ye Shao, you are harvested!"

Ye Xuan took the avenue pen and laughed: "Can there, what do you feel?"

Xu Mu is busy nodding, "I have a deep sense, to reach the ancient gods, how long does it take?

Of course, the premise is to have money!

Ye Xuan blinks, "How much does it take?"

Xu Mu hesitated, then said: "At least 5 million", may even more! "

Five thousand people!

To put this, the role of Xu Mao\'s mouth has a bitterness, from the ancient gods to the ancient gods, which takes the cost, really too horrible!

The strong man who is horrible to him, feels some helpless!

Can\'t you grab it? I have to grab that great forces, however, that kind of great forces basically have an ancient people, to grab people, equal to life!

Don\'t grab, earn by yourself.

How long does this have you earned? This is normal, you know, now the ancient people are very very very very, in addition to the money, there is also a big machine!

And the big firing he already, he is lacking now is money.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly opened to the palm of the palm, and a quite slow floating into Xu Tu, in the quince, just 500 million

Xu Mu stunned, "Ye Ye.

this is? "

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You, I will not twist!"

I found a college. Now I am missing. I want to be fascinated by my sorrow, I will give it to the school, regardless of the essence of the college, is the guard college, you are willing!

Xu Tu as a deep ceremony, "Willing, will be willing!

He is willing to hope, if you can hold the thigh of Ye Xuan, the flying yellow Tengda is simply referring to the day!

No, now it is going to fly Yellow Tengda!

Ye Xuan laughed, then said: "You go to practice, break through, come to me!"

Xu Tu once again a gift, "must!

After that, he retired.

Ye Xuan silent.

Before the old man gave him 100 million, plus this Xuan Tian gave 80 million, and his original tens of millions, he almost more than 200 billion, but at this moment, it will go out to 50 million!

Have to say, still some little pain!

However, if it is possible to harvest an ancient communist, it is also very worth it!

For now, the ancient appearance is still very rare, and if there is an ancient necklace, he is also assured.

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly turned to see Xuantian, Xuan Tian\'s face, and quickly changed, "Ye Shao is told?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "There is no command, let\'s go!"

Xuan Tian stunned, then slightly, disappeared in the same place.

Ye Xuan looked at Xuan Tian, ​​where they disappeared, I don\'t know what I think.

After a while, Ye Xuan was turned off.

The things happened in this starry sky don\'t know, so many people are still looking for Ye Xuan in the madness.

Xuantian God.

After Xuantian returned to the Xuan Tianyi, he directly closed himself in the house.


Even if it is now, he still feels fear.

The green shirt man told the second to kill two ancient gods, and the other party is just a branch, this is really score!

At this moment, he is only recognized.

Is it strong in the ancient gods? Before this, he felt very strong, very strong, the existence of the top of the world\'s pyramid!

However, now, he thinks that the ancient god is a fart!

Both fart!

At this moment, an old man appeared at the door, the old man excited: "The main owner, we have found the news of the Ye Xuan, the Ye Xuan returns to the god ancient people!"

Our people have went to Shen ancient people to kill him.


Suddenly, the whole hall crashed, and the old man who speaking was directly outside to thousands of feet!

After Xuan Tian came out, he looked at the old man and trembled: "Fast, let them come back!"

The old man stunned.

At this time, Xuan Tian suddenly roared. "Which direction they come from? Let me say that I am smash you!

The old man quickly pointed to the right, Xuantian directly disappeared in the original place, the next moment, the sky took directly, with this, the voice suddenly came from the far away, "the order, all the people in my mysaxia, don\'t go back Search for a lot of trouble, illegally, I destroy him!

Old man: ".


Ye Xuan returned to the god ancient people, when he saw the ancient cold, the ancient cold was directly stunned.

Ye Xuan Xiao; "I didn\'t think I would come back, is it?"

Ancient cold head, "Yes!

Ye Xuan laughed, "I am coming this time, it is nothing to do!

I have to go back to the mysterious school!

Ancient cold looked at Ye Xuan, "Good!

Now she, naturally dare not let Ye Xuan are coming to the emperor of God.

Mo said that the people behind the leaves are the strength of Ye Xuan\'s own now, it is no longer a fairy ancient gods to fight!

Ye Xuan suddenly paused, the avenue pen slowly drifted to the ancient cold, "Hold the pen!

The ancient Cangled, then hold the pen, the next moment, she directly by the avenue pen to the ancient world!

The ancient cold eyes suddenly shrinks, and it is incredible in the eyes.

Ye Xuan said: "Detailed sense!

The ancient cold eyes slowly slowed down.

After about half an hour, the ancient cold opened his eyes, the leaves were spread, and the avenue pen flew back to him. He smiled slightly, "the family is long, thank you for saving the same day, we have two clear!

The next time!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Ancient cold suddenly said: "It can also upgrade to the ancient gods, right?"

Ye Xuan nod, "can!

After finishing, he disappeared directly at the end of the starry.

Ancient cold stunned.

She actually wanted to experience the ancient gods because she knew that this is a chance to change her destiny.

Unfortunately, she can\'t open it!

Such as Ye Xuan said, she helped her Xuan once, Ye Xuan also helped her once, they have two clear!

At this moment, she suddenly regretted.

If you don\'t leave on the same day.

After a long time, the ancient cold sigh, turned and left.

A corner, an inconspicuous little girl looks at the sword where the distant disappears, she is eye-catching from the stunning, after a long time, she whispered: "Watch the mysterious school.



An old man walked into the temple, the old man said: "The family is long, we have found the Ye Xuan, the Ye Xuan Gang left from Shengu!

After the emperor silence, he said: "Immediately inform the mysterious beauty!

Said, his eyes slowly closes, "Ye Xiaoyou, can you blame me!
