One Sword Reigns Supreme

2351 Jian Zhongxian 2nd 338 chapters: war armor!

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Inside the temple, Xuan Tian looked at Emperor, did not speak.

I didn\'t talk about Xuan Tian. The emperor brow is slightly wrinkled, and the heart is surprised. He found that the atmosphere is somewhat uns, he secretly guards.

Emperor is hesitating, then said: "Dynasty?"

Xuan Tian suddenly said: "You only say that you don\'t have a half relationship with the Ye Gongzi?"

Wen said, Emperor is busy, "it is!

I didn\'t have a half relationship with him, and my emperor is willing to help Xuanjie.

Speaking of this, what he seems to be, and his face suddenly changed.

Ye Gongzi? This is the mysterious world title, Ye Xuan as Ye Gongzi? Just then, Xuantian suddenly said: "There is no half of the relationship!"

The sound falls, he suddenly turned right again, and then slammed down.

In the distance, the emperor\'s face is instantly changed, and he is hands and armor.


Emperor\'s flesh is directly broken, the soul is killed by an invisible hand.

Emperor is in the middle of Xuan Tian, ​​and it is incredible, "Xuan Tianzhu.

Why are you? "

Xuan Tian stared at Emperor, ridiculous: "Self-work!

Emperor Shen Sheng: "Xuan Tianzhu, you have to kill me, can you let me die?"

Xuan Tian face has no expression. "Do you know why Ye is?"


I heard these two words, the emperor stunned.

Xuan Tian\'s death stared at the Emperor, angered: "People who can\'t help!

The sound fell, and he wandered.


Emperor\'s soul is directly erased!

Xuan Tian coldly looked at the position of Emperor\'s disappearance, "stupid!


Xianbao Pavilion.

Ye Xuan opened the box, in the box, actually a small armor, this bust, slap size, with a touch of faint stream, smooth and mysterious.

See this big armor, Ye Xuan brow, "A?"

At this time, the black armor suddenly turned into a black light into his eyebrows!


One instant, Ye Xuan doubled, in the eyes, two blood light shot.


These two blood are directly in the hole, disappearing in the depths of the sky!

At the same time, Ye Xuan\'s entire body trembled, and his madness in his body activates this moment!

Not only that, but the burial sword in his hands is also trending this moment, it seems to be completely activated!

Ye Xi Xin is a big awkward!

What the hell? Ye Xuanli busted to suppress the blood of the body, but very quickly, he found that he had a thin scorpion, on this scam armor, and dark blood slowly flowing, and his madness blood, actually suppressed Can\'t open this dark black blood!

Two fever!

At this moment, Ye Xuan was determined!

This one is definitely the scales faded, and this one is in this one, and there is a blood!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuantili is excited!

How horror is the second? Although this one is the scais after Erwei eliminated, it is absolutely very horrible!

Ye Xuan looked at the blood contained in the body, shocking in his heart, no wonder that his blood could not be suppressed, the blood of this blood, it was the blood of the second!

Have to say, the blood of the second is a bit!

This is his first time I saw the blood of the madness and can\'t suppress other blood!

However, it should be his own reasons. After all, his madness is not improved, if it is old, definitely different.

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, and then started slowly suppressing his madness blood, under his suppression, the blood of the madness gradually calmly, and the blood of the Erwunt gradually incorporated into the armor, and the burial sword returned to normal.

Ye Xuan touched the armor on the body, the first feeling is thick!

Ye Xi Xi thought, then took out the avenue pen, then, he directly waved on himself.


Pen Feng out!


A ray broke out from the periphery of the leaves, but he didn\'t have anything!

No matter!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan first was a rumor, then laughed.

There is a two this one plus his own moment invincible swords, he wants to die!

He now, I really want to call a sentence: I am invincible under the three swords!

However, he is still calm down!

Can\'t shout!

It used to be faced, and it is often handsome than three days!

Although it is very invincible now, it is still a low-key!

Ye Xuan took a breath, then his heart was once, and the armor was quietly integrated into his flesh.

Ye Xuan glared, "This time, the old man is a bit like a relative!

Green shirt man: "

Ye Xuan got a big road, then looked at a vendance, smiled slightly, then turned around, he had to say, this time the gain is very big!

After coming to Xianbaoge, Ye Xuan saw Xu Tian, ​​Xu Tian quickly called respect, "Ye Ye!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Xu Tian President, I am going!"

Xu Tian smiled slightly, "Welcome Ye Leo next time!

Ye Xuan nod, "take care!

After that, he rushed to the sky and disappeared directly in the end of the starry.

Xu Tian looked up to see the sky and whispered: "Emperor Shen people.


He has learned that the news of Emperor\'s death, the emperor is dead, no doubt, the emperor gods will be swallowed by the surrounding power!

Xu Tian whispered sigh, this emperor, eventually gambling!


Ye Xuan did not directly return to the gods, but came to Xianbao, when he came to Xianbao City, suddenly stunned.

In the gate of Xianbao City, there are hundreds of bloody skull!

what happened? Ye Xuan brows micropleded.

At this time, Xiao Yan, the president of Xianbao City, appeared in front of Ye Xuan, and Xiao Lang quickly greeted, "Ye Ye!

The attitude is more respectful than before!

Ye Xuan refers to those skulls, "Is this?"

Xiao Yu Shen said: "All is the head of Xuan Tian Shen!

Ye Xuanmine, then said: "Xuantian Gods?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "I have contacted the owner before, the owner didn\'t come, but sent people!

Then, all the brains of the strong people on the Xuan Tianxiao and the inchitects of Dongzang, all are all in here!

Qin Guan!

Ye Xuan smiled, have to say, although Qin Guan seems to be extremely temper, but the premise is that you can\'t make her, especially the rules that she will not have.

What seems to be, Ye Xuanlian is busy asking, "What about this Xuantian?"

Xiao Wei deeply a gift, "the owner said that since Ye Ye did not kill him, there must be deeply, so, give Ye Ye one face, not him!

Give your face!

Ye Xuan slightly, then laughed: "Xiaoguan is really a heart!

Little view!

I heard the words, and the Xiao Yue Piton jumped when he was, and the relationship with the owner of this is really uncommon!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Do you have a auction?"

Xiao Lao nodded, "it is also held!

Ye Xuan asked, "When?"