One Sword Reigns Supreme

2348 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and thirty-five chapters: forever in you!

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Looking at the blind of the blunt, the green shirt man shakes his head.

At this moment he suddenly found that this guy is like a child, of course, his heart is more embarrassing and embarrassing.

Before he, he did ignore Ye Xuan.

Nothing is not wrong, but should not be completely stocked.

The father and son, still need to communicate, have been stocked, it is equal to the way to let this little guy who have passed over, and that is very clear.

I seem to think about what the green shirt is turned to the scenery, and the Xuan Tian face is pale. At this moment, he has no rebel.

How to resist? In the eyes of this green shirt, the man killed the ancient gods, how can he resist the chicken? Xuan Tian hesitated, then said: "Can I surrendene?"

In the end, he still didn\'t choose hard!

Hard gas is equal to death!

He still doesn\'t want to die now, maybe there is a good life!

The green shirt man smiled slightly, turned to look into Ye Xuan, smiled: "You make a decision!

Ye Xi wants to think, then; "Xuan Tian, ​​do you want to live?"

Xuan Tian immediately deeply, "Please ask Ye Shao Rao in the next life!

Dignity? Bone? Living is the fragrance.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Rao You live, what is the benefit?"

Xuan Tian stunned, next moment, he quickly said: "Ye Ye, wait a moment!

Said, he took out a junction and crushed, not long, ancient appearance old man appeared in the field, this old man quickly took a quenteen to Xuantian.

Xuan Tian took a quencher, then took out a quarter, he took two quinces to Ye Xuan face, Ye Xuan looked at the quench, in the quince, there were 80 million Universal!

In addition, there are some gods!

Xuan Tianzheng said: "Ye Shao, all of my mysterious people are here!

Ye Xuan governed two quince rings, slight smile, "Okay!

Xuan Tian hesitated, then said: "Ye is really not killing me?"

Ye Xuan nod, "no kill!

Xuan Tianyi, "Why?"

Ye Xuan, "Do you want me to kill you?"

Xuantian is busy: "Natural is not!

Said, he quickly went deeply, "Thank you, you will not kill!

Ye Xuan looked at Xuan Tian, ​​laughed, he didn\'t kill this day, naturally there, this person stayed, there is a chance to take in the future.

Revenue? He is not afraid, after seeing the horrible strength of the old man, the other party still wants to retaliate, then he can only stand a thumb!

Even if you are reborn, you should not do this stupid thing!

At this time, it seems to be what, Ye Xuan suddenly looks to the green shirt man, "Old, we take it!"

Take a look!

The green shirt is slightly smile, then smiled: "Are you sure?"

Ye Xuan nod, he always wants to really play a game. Of course, he wants to try the strength of the old man, he wants to see, how much is he now with his old man now.

The green shirts laughed: "Yes!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "You have to fall down the realm!

The green shirt man shakes his head, "I have no realm!

Ye Xuan: ".

The green shirt smiled slightly, "But you can rest assured, I have the same level of self-partial strength, I will reach this level now!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

I first heal!

Said, when he sat down, he would heal, at this time, the green shirt suddenly built, and a Dan medicine slowly drifted to Ye Xuan face.

Ye Xuan is curious, "Is this?

The green shirt laughed: "Eating is, ask so much?"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then took it.

Just in the service, a horrible energy suddenly saved from the in vivo.


In an instant, the soul of Ye Xuan recovered with a very horrible speed, and his gods were completely recovered, and his flesh was quickly reshaped!

Not in 10 honey, Ye Xuan Shen Soul is completely recovered with the flesh, and the state is still awesome.

Ye Xuan Yu!

Xu Mu and Xu Tian on the side are also awkward.

Is this recovering? Ye Xuan looks to the green shirt, some incredible, "Old, what is this Dan?"

The green shirts laughed: "Baoer\'s" ancient sacred Dan "!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Can you give me a few? I have a spare!

The green shirt is smiled, but I want to refuse, but I\'m thinking, he shook his head smile, then took out a white jade bottle handed Ya Xuan.

Ye Xuanlian is busy picking up the white jade bottle, there is five "ancient sacred Dan" in the white jade bottle!

Ye Xuan goggles, "Old, derogatory!

The green shirt is smile.

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, and a sword suddenly condenses the sword and hangs above his hand.

Ye Xuan looked at the green shirt, "Old, come!"

The green shirt nodded, "You first shot!

Ye Xuan has no nonsense, a sword stab!

The power of the world and the world of swords!


This sword is full of efforts!

This old man is not a ratio of Xuan Tian and others, even if it is just a difference, but also seals some strength!

In the face of the horrible sword of Ye Xuan, the green shirt man looks like water. When Ye Xuan\'s sword came to him, he suddenly stabbed!


Ye Xuan quickly took a sword to retreat, and when he stopped, the handle in his hand was brought to the sword to be annihilated!

Ye Xuan directly stunned.

Are you so weak? The green shirt laughed: "You this sword, very good, but do you know what the biggest defect in this sword is?"

Ye Xuan looks to the green shirt, "Please advise!

The green shirt is nod, "the sword, is a belief, what is your belief? The world, the world\'s red dust.

This is a red dust is your foundation, but you have experienced too little, and you are not fully enlightened. Moreover, you don\'t fully understand the seven emotions of the world, your sword needs to include the universe, but to do this, Not a short time can be done.


Speaking of this, he suddenly taught, and he said; "You still have a defect, it should be your current biggest defect!

Ye Xuanlian is busy asking, "What defects?"

The green shirts laughed: "Your sword, is the world\'s sword, and you need the power of the world, but now your world is very weak, I can know why?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Green shirt man said: "Because of your people, there are very few very few!"

Ye Xuan brow, "belief?"

The green shirt is nodded, "Yes, faith, all the beliefs of all beings are your strength.

Ye Xuan eyebrows.

The green shirts laughed: "Do you think this is a bit of external power? Or do you say, don\'t like to do it?"

Ye Xuan nod, "all!

The green shirt man shook his head, "You think about it is wrong!

Ye Xuan looked at the green shirt, the green shirt man whisper: "What is the original intention of your creation?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "For the universe, for the life, for the holy school, for the world to open Taiping!

The green shirt is nod. "If you can do what you say, this whole endless cosmic gain will believe in you, the more sincere, the more sincere, your people are the stronger.

Of course, the premise is what you do, it is also sincere since the heart, no one is false.

You have a love to the world, and you will have a more powerful force to the universe.

Said, he suddenly said, and said: "The world\'s swords are mainly, you are a sword, you are more difficult than our swords, because of your sword, the ambition is too big!

Changing the world is more difficult to destroy the world, it is necessary to have a lot, even if it is old and heaven, it is impossible to change the world, because the most difficult change is the heart, and you have to change this universe, you have to change their thoughts, go Change their hearts.

Your way, it\'s harder to go!

Ye Xuanzhi is a green shirt man, "If I succeed?"

The green shirt suddenly hit the sword and tapped his head, "can\'t think so!"

Ye Xuan stunned.

The green shirt is asking, "You have to be a universe, for the life, for the sanctuary, for the Sheng Ji, for the world.

You have this idea, is it for this universe, or say, want to borrow this born to make yourself more powerful? "

Ye Xuan stunned.

The green shirts laughed: "Our sword is repaired, why do you have to be worn? Because people are volatile, we need to constantly cultivate your own inner heart, then remove your heart.

Your sword is the original intention to change this endless universe, then do it, but if you don\'t have your heart, it is not, but it will change, because from some extent, you are using this. Everything is going through the universe.

At that time, you are really fooling!

Moreover, with this mentality, once the worship of the universe is conflict with you, you will not hesitate to sacrifice this universe!

Ye Xuan Shen was a moment, said: "I understand!

The green shirts laughed: "The initial heart is unchanged, our swords have been said, but it is really difficult to do this.

Said, he patted the black spotted shoulder, "you are already very good now!

I haven\'t been impetuous and ignorant, I know how to get slowly, I have more than too much before, I need more experience, more experience, then sedate myself, change myself, and finally change the entire universe.

Ye Xuan silently took a long time, nod, "I understand!

The green shirts laughed: "I understand it!"

Ye Xuan looked at the green shirt man, Shen Sheng: "Old, I know, it is difficult to change the universe, but I will try my best, and I will do what I said if I said one day. Let this universe become different!

The green shirt nodded, he gently smashed the head of the blasphemy, laughed: "Despite it, don\'t take so much, you will always stand behind you.

Xuan Tian: ".
