One Sword Reigns Supreme

2347 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred thirty-four chapters: father and son!

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See the green shirt, Ye Xuan stunned.

He didn\'t think of the old man, but this is not a body, it is obvious that the old body should be far away from here.

Of course, even if he is still an accident.

The green shirts gave birth to the Ye Xuan, smiled slightly, "it seems a bit of miserable!

Ye Xuan goggles, blood slowly overflowing, "Fortunately, no death!

The green shirt laughs, "Don\'t be angry!

Old, I am more than you this year!

Ye Xuan asked, "So, do you want your son than you, right?"

Silence of a green shirt.

Ye Xuan asked again, "Of course, I can\'t blame you, after all, this is what I have provoke, my ass, I can understand.

The green shirts shook their heads, "Your guy, old knew, you are angry, but you must understand my old man!


Ye Xuan suddenly interrupted the green shirt man, "We can have more sincerity between our father and son, and less than a little less."

The green shirt is stiff, and the words that I have to say will swallow up.

At this moment, the master of Xuantian suddenly passed the cold channel: "Is it ticked?"

The green shirt man turned his head to the master, "Do you have any opinion?"

The master is cold and looked at the green shirt man, "there is!


A sword suddenly wore Master Brothers.


In an instant, the master of the master was directly nailed to the original place, and it could not move.

Everyone in the field directly pertains.

The green shirts looked at the masters of the face, "Is there still?"

The master brother just wants to talk, the next moment, he directly disappeared without a trace!

Shot except!

The green shirt man brows, "So weak? I am useless.

You haven\'t? That\'s it? "

Ye Xuan: ".

On the side, Xuantian is full of fearful looking at the green shirt man, trembling: "You.

who are you? "

The green shirt man refers to the blazed, laughs: "Can you see it? I am him!"

Ye Xuan speaking.

Xuan Tian face is pale, and the whole person is shaking.


Spike an ancient situation? This is outrageous!

This scene has subverted Xuan Tian\'s awareness, because this is in his view, it is impossible, however, the truth is like this, this is too crazy!

On the other hand, the Xu Mu and Xuan Tian two brothers also stopped, at this moment, the two are full of horror!

Spike the ancient world? This is not normal!

Of course, that Xu Mu is an ecstatic, he is a little panic at the beginning, especially when seeing the Xuan Tian Master, he is panicked!

He once is desperate!

However, he didn\'t think that this Ya Xuan\'s old man came!

Moreover, it is still so horrible!

It\'s just a peak back!

Xu Mu suddenly couldn\'t help but laughed, and it was very crazy.

At this time, the green shirt man looked at Xu Tu, this look, that Xu Mu suddenly flew, and immediately quickly said: "Ye Ye.

Ye Xuan Dang said: "He is a group with me!

I heard the words, the men in the green shirts were slightly embarrassing, and then smiled, "I am sorry, you look like a good person, I almost put you seconds!

Xu Tu: ".

The green shirts turned to the Ye Xuan, some helpless, "You see, I have broken a few appearances here, just kill a few ants.

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Then you have thought about it, is they ants?"

The green shirt is silent, this problem, he really didn\'t think.

Ye Xuan also said: "You may haven\'t thought about it, the small tower has told me before, saying that you used to be extremely extreme, characterized, especially big men.

Said, he shook his head, "The little tower really didn\'t say anything!

Tower: ".

The green shirt man brows slightly, "It said?"

Tower: ".

Ye Xuan shizes his head, no longer talking, the look is a little, and there are still some miserables.

The green shirt man hesitated and wanted to say anything, but I don\'t know how to talk.

At this time, the second brother suddenly trembled: "You.

The green shirt suddenly turned to be a sword.


The second brother disappeared directly in place!


Xuan Tian: ".

Xu Mu showed this stiff at this moment, he also trembled, this Ye\'s unfamiliar, look like a good person? The green shirt has no expression, "What is your mouth?"

Two brothers who have passed away: ".

The green shirt man looked at Ye Xuan, he whispered, "Old, you have a loss, you will admit it, but you talk about it, you are so pet you, your mother is also like you, if I also Petting you, you think this is really a good thing for you? "

Ye Xuan silent.

The green shirts continue to say: "I am not concerned about you, but I really don\'t want you to become a passive second-generation.

Now you, go out your own swords, and have a new sword target, this is extremely good.

It can be said that your current sword is really entered into the right track.

Said, he looked at the four weeks, and then said: "This is a sword, it is a sword stone, you can exercise very well!

Including this time, although you are playing very bad, I believe that after this battle, you have definitely not small, right? Did not fool you? "

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The green shirt is also said: "If you don\'t have a big hardship, how to cross? This sentence, there is still a little reason, because many times, hardships, the best, the heart, the sword, your heart Tough, your sword is sharp.

I let you have suffering, not because I have been stocked, then the heart is distorted, let\'s put you, for the final purpose of the father, I hope you can make a lot!

Can you understand the pain of your father? "

Ye Xuan looked at a green shirt. "Do you want to fool me?"

The green shirt man is serious: "Do you think I said if there is any reason?"

Ye Xuan nod, "I admit it, what you said!

The green shirt is slightly smile, it is very pleased, "Reading the book is different, Ming Ming Dynasty!

very good!

Ye Xuan suddenly said; "Then do you think you as a father, is it qualified?"

The green shirt man shows, this guy, actually has not been flicker.

Ye Xuan continued: "Old, I don\'t say you are wrong, I am more angry, you have a father, in my heart, I have never existed, you think, this is your fault or My fault? You said!

Silence of a green shirt.

Ye Xuan also said: "Let a person do not have a father in 18 years, old, do you think it is normal?"

Silence of a green shirt.

Ye Xuan continued: "I have always been abnormal, I\'m not normal, old, you know? No, you don\'t know, you only know, I don\'t care, but you never care Why do I fight!

Moreover, you always like to impose your own concepts, just like the students in the world, their parents are very small when they are very small, they will continue to become the kind of person who wants to become in their parents. !

Said, he shakes his head, "Old, you put me, because you want me to be as powerful as you, this is really not wrong, but you will continue your concept, then ask I am a person like you, but have you thought? I am not you!

In this world, there is only one blue shirt, and there will be no longer a second.

The green shirt is whisper.

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything. At this time, the man of the green shirt suddenly built, a quite ring appeared in him, then, he will quite quench in the hands of Ye, "I understand, don\'t say it!

Ye Xuan looked at the quenteen, in the quince, there was one million fears!

Big hand!

Ye Xiyutian skin, heartbeat acceleration.

The green shirt suddenly took out an ancient book to the Xuan hand, "this, is almost ten times more than a sword, is the old man with your big brother to create it for you!"

You are harvested!

Ye Xuan blinked, and quickly put the ancient book.

The green shirt is whispered, "" The old is to you, I really have some loss, can you forgive the old man? "

Said, he took out a black box, but he did not give Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan Dang said: "What are you talking about? What do you say? What do our father and son say something unforgettable? If this kind of injury is the feelings, don\'t say, I don\'t like it!"

The green shirt is blinking, "It\'s really not angry?"

Ye Xuan looked at the black box and then positive color: "Not angry, never angry!"

The green shirt is whispered, "You only say, I am not accompanied by you when you are young, hey, he is embarrassed.

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Now compensation is also coming!

The green shirt man thought about it, then nodded, "How to compensate?"

Ye Xuan Dang said: "Material compensation!

Green shirt man: "

On the side, the Xu Tu is watching, this is a father and son.

Really a father? And that Xu Mu is very ugly, he naturally wants to open, but he doesn\'t dare!

He knows that he will die!

That white man is too horrible!

In the distance, the green shirt suddenly handed the box to Ye Xuan, "I will give you!"

Ye Xuan blinked, "What?"

The green shirt man haha ​​smiles, "A good thing, very good for you, of course, it is also suitable for you!

Ye Xuan nodded, some expected, after all, this time the old man shot is very big!

Ye Xuanzheng wants to open the box, seem to be, he looked to the green shirt man, smiled: "Old, next time, you will take a look at me, then take something, this is good for our father and son. promote!

The green shirt man is suddenly black.
