One Sword Reigns Supreme

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When I heard the words of Ye Xuan, the main face of the mysterious god circle became difficult to look!

He found that this will be flicker in front of him!

Readers, no one is good!

And at this time, the old man suddenly said: "I believe you!"

The blade is spread, and the avenue is slowly floating.

Looking at this avenue pen, then the old man is watching hot, this is the avenue pen, the legendary avenue pen!

At this moment, the Xuanjie Dynasty suddenly said: "Do you really believe in him?"

The old man in the black robe said: "He is a reading person!

I believe in reading!

Maximum Lord: ".

The old people in the black robe did not have any nonsense. At the moment, he took the avenue pen, and under the authorization of Ye Xuan, the tall of the black robe was holding the avenue pen, the avenue pen did not hurt him.

See this scene, the scholar world is a little bit, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

At this time, the avenue pen was trembled.


The old man suddenly suddenly skyrocket!

In an instant, the old people in the black robes reached the ancient gods from the ancient world!

A horrible breath is over the scene!

Seeing this scene, the main face of the mysterious world is extremely difficult to look!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I didn\'t lie to you?"

The old man in the black robe looks to Ye Xuan, did not speak.

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "But don\'t kill me directly, then enjoy the avenue pen? If you think so, then you can danger!

After the black robes were silent, then laughed; "Ye Gongzi said!

Ye Xuan smiled and then looked at the Lord of the Xuanxian Dynasty, "Don\'t you plan to solve this threat?"

The main spirit of the mysterious neopes.

The old people in the black robe turned to see the master of the Xuan Shenjie, "the landlord, I can\'t help!"

The sound fell, he would show it, and at this time, a horrible breath suddenly appeared around, the next moment, a white-haired old man appeared in front of the black robe!

Ancient gods!

See this white-haired old man, the old man is slightly smashed, and it is full, "you are.

The mysterious god circles are calm; "he is my second brother, not in the Xuanqi, you have not seen it, it is normal!

Two brothers!

On the side, Ye Xuan listened to the chest pain, is this hanging hair still have a big brother? White-haired old people looked at the old people, "I was flicked, you really turned.

You tell me, how did you mix it in the ancient world? "

The old blacks of the black robe is a little ugly. At this moment, he began to panic!

Although he used this avenue pen to reach the ancient gods, he also known that he is equal to the use of secret law, and there is no way to compete with the real emoticons!

The mysterious world is suddenly passing; "Xu Mu, I will give you a chance. If you kill this leaves, I can don\'t happen!

The black robe named Xu Mu has a low face, such as water, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Xu Mu predecessors, now you have no return!

If you are before, you don\'t threaten them, they may not really kill you, but now, you have threatened them, do you think they really let you? "

Said, he smiled slightly, "What\'s the matter here, why don\'t you fight? Compared to them, should I trust?"

Xu Tuh looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan at this moment, although it is a blood, but he is sincere, no hidden hypocrisy.

In the distance, the mysterious god circles are gently laughing, "Xu Mu, there are two ancient gates here, and if you choose him.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Why do you think that I have no one behind?"

I heard the words, the mysterious nephendal main land.

Xu Mu also stunned!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, he had to say, his smile is still a very strange. After all, he is now blood activation state, the whole person is a blood, so he is a smile, not generally weird!

Ye Xuan said: "The main owner, do you think there is no ancient world behind me?"

The Xuan Shenjie Lord looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan looked at Xu Mu, smiled: "Half time, my people will arrive."

Xu Mu Shenwang; "How many people?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Five ancient gods!

Five ancient gods!

Xu Xiao heard this sentence and suddenly somewhat.

Five-bit? And the mysterious world is suddenly ridicpeted: "Five Shangguo Shi? Are you joking?"

Ye Xuan\'s calm voice: "The avenue pen can follow me, what else is it?"

The mysterious god circle died at Ye Xuan, "I don\'t believe it!"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, he looked to Xu Tu, "Xu Mu predecessors, you can help me block this white-haired old man, as for this mystery of the world, I will deal with him."

The white-haired old man looked at Ye Xuan, and then he looked at Xu Tu, "you.

Xu Mu suddenly said; "Don\'t say it!

I am with Ye!

He finally decided to follow Ye Xuan, such as Ye Xuanyuan said, if the mysterious god circles kill Ye Xuan, he will not let him go, after all, he just acts, it has been waiting for betrayal.

Change is himself, and will not let go of people who betray him!

Furthermore, after getting the avenue pen, he found that he seriously underestimated the avenue pen, and he can say that he seriously underestimates Ye Xuan.

This kind of teenager can have a big road to follow, absolutely ordinary people!

Therefore, he decided to gamble!

Moreover, is Ye Ye said? There are five ancient people, the strong people are coming!


When I heard Xu Tu, the white-haired old man was slightly squatted, he suddenly disappeared in the original place, straight to the mountains and Ye Xuan!

Obviously, you want to kill the Ye Xuan first!

At this time, the Xu Mu suddenly roared, then rushed to the old man directly.

Ye Xuan looked at the two people, then looked at the last ancient goddess next to the Maximum Lord, "You still don\'t go? Waiting for us to recover, you just want to go!

I heard the words, the last ancient goddess did not have any nonsense, and turned to disappear directly at the end of the sky.

The mysterious god circle was dead. "Have to say, you are really powerful, leaning on three inch bad tongue, flickering around the five ancient gods, but also let one people use you.


Ye Xuan did not have a goddess world, and his eyes slowly closed.


He must now hear as soon as he found that Xu Mu fails the white hair, this Xu Tu\'s moisture is a bit big, but he can use the avenue pen to improve the realm, but it can\'t directly urge enemy!

He is naturally to keep one hand to guard each other!

He will not fully trust each other!

Seeing the Xuanhuahua injury, the main leaf of the Xuanxian boundaries began to heal, and his flesh gradually recovered.

However, Ye Xuan recovery is faster!

Ye Xuan has a non-dead blood, and Yang Niangxue gave him a medicinal medicine to give him, so there were not a few more than him in terms of healing.

Seeing the recovery of Ye Xuan injury, then the main face of the mysterious necroping became difficult to look, he knew that how long, Ye Xuan will completely recover, at that time, the situation is greatly disadvantaged!

Moreover, he found that Ye Xuan\'s breath is still getting stronger and stronger!

Blood pulse!

This blood is still constantly improving the strength of Ye Xuan!

After the main silence of the mysterious god circle, he suddenly opened his right hand, a token rushed from him, and then disappeared in the depths of the sky!

In the distance, Ye Xuan open his eyes, he looked at the Maximum Lord, the brow wrinkled, "Are you still called?"

The Missionarius community is asked, "Don\'t you do it?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "You are a bit too much!

The mysterious god circles are everywhere: "Is it? Now this era, who is with you?"

Ye Xuan silent.

It\'s just not to talk about!

The mysterious god circle died at the Ye Xuan, "No matter who you are, today, you will die, my Xuan Tian said!"

Distance, Ye Xuan silence.

Is it not called? So playing, this harmonious person is more, the more you can\'t hold it at all!

At this time, the mystery of the mysterious world in the distance suddenly laughed: "You seem to be afraid!"

Ye Xuan looked at the Lord of Xuan Shenjie, "Hey, there are many nonsense!"

The SST world is about to talk. At this time, a sword suddenly appeared in front of the mysterious world!

The main eyes of the Xuan Shenjie are slightly smashed, and I burn directly!


As a fried sound, Ye Xuan\'s sword light is broken, and at this time, he suddenly rushed to the front of Xuan Tian, ​​and slammed down!

It is difficult to flash in Xuan Tian\'s eyes and directly.


The two have repeatedly violently retreat, this refund, the two sides have retired enough!

In the distance, Ye Xuan Kong stopped, his mouth is overflowing a bit of blood, but very fast, the blood is directly absorbed by him!

Ye Xuan Shen took a breath, he looked at the right side, at this moment, Xu Mu has not supported!

Ye Xuan face silen down, he looked at the mysterious world, it was to do. At this time, the mysterious world mainly smiled: "Urgent!"

Haha, you are anxious!

You only say that there are five ancient dishes, you are just awkward!

Speaking of this, he is slightly, "You will not be a dislisse of a forge? I haven\'t appeared for so long, you have never appeared in one after you, except that you are a discard, I can\'t think of other reasons!

In the distance, Ye Xuanqi is calm, his palm is spread, and a sword is quietly condensed. At this time, a horrible breath suddenly appeared behind him!

When the Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly shrink, he turned his horizontal sword.


Ye Xuan directly retreat to tens of thousands of feet, he just stopped, the shank sword in his hand was directly broken, and his soul was even dim, like a good smoke!

When the party is hurt, it is not good. Now he is attacked by a super strong, he can\'t resist it.

And in the position of him, there is a old man, the old man has a shawl, the eyes are glorious, the whole body exudes a horrible breath!

Another ancient situation!

At this time, the Xuan Tian smiled: "Introduce, this is my master brother!

It is also an ancient situation!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, "You only say that you will arrive in half an hour, now, it is half an hour!"

What about your people? "

In the distance, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, he wiped his mouth of blood, "You said right, I don\'t have anyone!"

"Are you not a person?"

At this time, a sound suddenly sounded from the Xixiang, next moment, the time and space next to Ye Xuan was suddenly cracking. Next, a man dressed in a blue shirt slowly came out.

Ye Xuan stunned.

Xuantian glanced at the green shirt swimming, a smile, "One? Come? You can\'t look down?"
