One Sword Reigns Supreme

2340 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and twenty-seventh chapter: !

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Special service!

Ye Xuan has some sweat, and this idea is a little unprofitted!

I want to say again: "Ye Gongzi, do you see dancing? Just one hundred fears!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, smiled slightly, "No, you go down.

If you want to come, she slowly went to Ye Xuan, and then directly see Ye Xuan, "Mon, I know what you said, if you need, I can provide special services!

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

Want to start taking off the clothes.

At this time, a sword suddenly shrouded her.

If you want to look up, look at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan slight smile, "Why?"

I want to be silent.

Ye Xuan looked at the way, and asked, "Why?"

If you want to be silent, you will be silent. "The woman is going to have a home, and if I don\'t find a little destination?"

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "You Wen Wen Confuciors, long-term handsome, and strength is still very strong, I think you are very good!"

" !"

Ye Xuan suddenly shook his head. He took the face of his face. This boy went out. It is dangerous, especially if you are, it is really dangerous. If you are not careful, you have to be married by a woman.

too terrifying!

Ye Xuan looks up, "Go Go!

I want to look at the Ya Xuan, I didn\'t dare to talk more, slightly, then retired.

In the stars, Ye Xuan smiled.

Is it simple? These women don\'t have a simple!

Just like this, she has been waiting, waiting for a suitable opportunity, then selling himself.

But she didn\'t know, only her own excellent, can be worthy of excellent people, otherwise, the difference between the two sides is too big, she is in the hearts of others, is there any weight.

This kind of idea is still unable to!

Ye Xuan did not take advantage of this, Qin Guan has given the opponent, as for the other party, it is the other party.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, he had to say that many ideas with Qin Guan did not see it!

At this moment, the Qing Dynasty woman suddenly appeared not far behind the Xuanqi, she respects a gift, "Ye Gongzi, Xianbao Pavilion, Xiao Wei to see!"

Ye Xuan brows, "Xianbao Pavilion, Xianbao Pavilion in Xianbao?"

Dedicated woman nodded, respectful, "Yes!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "let him come in!

The Qing Dynasty woman deeply, at this moment, she was shocking.

Xianbao Pavilion president!

Is seek to see!

Ye Xuan may not know that this Xianbao Pavilion is in this Ximen\'s position, but she knows that it can be said that this Xiao is a feet, and the whole Xianbao is going to earthquake.

Really realistic person!

In the Xianbao, almost like the emperor\'s general, countless force to be the object of Barn.

At this moment, this president actually comes to see Ye Xuan!

Dedicated women are somewhat, it is clear that Ya Xuan is not simple super VIP.

After the Qing Duxi woman took it, a middle-aged man came to Ye Xuan, and the middle-aged man was dressed in a luxurious charm. When he stepped into this starry sky, the entire starry sky was slightly trembled, but turned into normal. !


This is an ancient god of genuine goods!

Ye Xuan passed the avenue pen, and also felt the real realm of the other party!

Xiao Lao looked at Ye Xuan, no hesitation, slightly, "I have seen Ye Leo!


Ye Xuan fid enough to see Xiao Wei, smiled: "You are a little meaning!"

Xiao Yan smiled: "I have been fortunate to see Yang.

Ye Xuan curious, "Who?"

Xiao Yan smiled, "a elder!

Ye Xuan stalls, "In addition to the stable own realm, he is still cultivating his sword, and now he is not relying on his old man to send his sword, he rely on his sword!

He found that the sword of the sword is condensed, but also a cow!

However, with his current soul, this sword can only condense hundreds of booths in a short period of time.

Not much, but enough!

Three days later.

Ye Xuan left the room, Xianbaoge door, Ye Xuan looked up to the sky, today, the clouds are light.

He didn\'t work hard, but the choice of work and rest.

It is really boring every day.

Today, he is ready to visit the Huaxia Academy.

He is still very curious about Qin Guanji, he is still very curious!

Ye Xuan asked the Huaxia Academy\'s position, it got up, then, the ancient cold suddenly appeared next to Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan looked to the ancient cold, "the family, you?"

The ancient cold is calm, "I will go with you!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you know where I am going?"

Gu Hai: "Huaxia Academy!

Ye Xuan slightly, then laughed; "Since you want to go, let\'s go together!

After finishing, he walked away from the distance.

Ancient cold looked at Ye Xuan, and then following the past.

On the road, Ye Xuan suddenly somewhat.

Ancient cold looks to Ye Xuan, "How?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "I look forward to it, but I am afraid of disappointment.

Ancient cold, "What?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "I am afraid that this book is different from what I think.

After the ancient cold silence, he said: "Qin Qi is a singularity!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Go!

After a while, the two came to a mountain, this mountain is famous Huaxia Mountain, not big, in the intersection of the mountain, there is a very simple brand, writing four big words: Huaxia Academy.

Ye Xuan looked up, on the top of the mountain, he saw a blindhouse, there were hundreds of people, there is no luxury building!

See this scene, Ye Xuan stunned.

Is this the Huaxia Academy? At this time, a old man came behind two, this old man wore a very simple horses, the feet were a two hemp shoes, and there was a bundle of firewood on the body.

When seeing this old man, the two faces of Ye Xuan have changed!


The old man who looks extremely ordinary in front of him is an ancient god.

At this time, the old man suddenly stopped, he looked at Ye Xuan, he smiled slightly, "You should be the Ye Gongzi said by the owner!

Ye Xuan nod, "it is!

The old man looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "The gas is extraordinary!

Said, his eyes fell on the pen of Ye Xuan waist, "Avenue pen?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

The old man smiled slightly, returned to the eyes, then said: "Ye Gongzi, we will talk about it!"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Seniors, are you?"

The old man laughed: "Wen Xiu, the West Congress of Huaxia Academy.

Ye Xuan slightly, then laughed; "I don\'t think about it, the Huaxia Academy is different from what I think!

Wen Xiu smiled: "The main reason, for young people, the material is easy to confuse, and everyone is coming to school, not to enjoy, so, in the Huaxia Academy, anything needs to be done, even if it is Rice washing, you need yourself, including my dean!

Ye Xuan brows, "" With your strength, laundry cook.

Wen Deco shook his head, "In the book, you can practice, but you can\'t use any strength to facilitate yourself.

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Wen Xiu smiled: "Do not eat the body of fireworks, how to change the universe between the world?"

Ye Xuan silent.
