One Sword Reigns Supreme

2341 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and twenty-eight chapters: leaving!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Do not eat the body of fireworks, how to change the universe between the world? When I heard this sentence, Ye Xuan\'s heart suddenly touched, indeed, as he said before, if you want to change the world, you have to go through the world, to experience this person\'s hardship, otherwise, how to change the world? After entering the college, Ye Xuan found that the students of these colleges are indeed pro, although their strength is not weak, but there is no student to use their ability to facilitate themselves.

Dear friends!

This cultural repair starts the fire.

It\'s really cooking!

Wen Xiu looked at Ye Xuan, smiled: "The Hall of the Holy, the fairy on the high, can\'t change this universe, because they don\'t know the idea and needs of the underlying person!

Therefore, the students of our college must go to the world to experience the life of those people, knowing, knowing, and we can change them.

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "it is true!

Wen refers to a grass house, "Ye Gongzi, there is an ancient book all of my Huaxia Academy, if you like it, you can go in, of course, you can\'t take away!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is it open to everyone?"

Wen Xiu smiled: "These ancient books are open to anyone, of course, those cultivation methods are not open!

Said, he shakes his head, "In fact, in my opinion, the ancient books of the house are more important than those of the practice.

Taking cultivation, often repairing is the heart, and reading, the most calmness, and thoughts.

But many people often ignore this, think that there is no role in reading.

Ye Xuan smiled and then said; "I will read the book!

After that, he got up and walked toward the grass house.

After the ancient cold silence, he also got up and followed the past.

Wen Xiu looked at the Ye Xuan, silent.

After entering the grass house, Ye Xuan found that the interior of this grass house is a huge square, on this square, full of ancient books, at least several million!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuantili is somewhat excited.

Obviously, these should be collected by Qin Guan.

The next time, Ye Xuan is to start crazy reading. In fact, the cultivator will read more easily than ordinary people, because the cultivator\'s memory is very contrary to the sky, it can be done without forgetting, but only Many practitioners will not put their time to read this kind of thing.

After all, after embarking on the road of cultivation avenue, everyone\'s goals are long or invincible.

Time passed very quickly, turning in a two days!

Today, it is the day of Xianbaoge auction.

After Ye Xuan and the cultural repair, he left the Huaxia Academy with the ancient cold. However, before leaving, he copied the millions of ancient books, these ancient books, he had to bring back to the school, these If you are precious, if you take back, the help of watching Xuan Academy is huge.

For Ye Xuan\'s behavior, the cultural repair has not blocked, because these ancient books have copy, and there are still a lot.


On the way to Xianbao Pavilion, Ye Xuan Xing is.

The value of those books is not an estimate!

At this time, a sound suddenly came from the side, "Gu Han?"

The ancient cold stops, she turned around, not far away, a beautiful woman was slowly moving with a young man, and the beauty woman wore a big red dress, the neck is very low, showing a fullness, She is like hibiscus, like peach blossom, very hooked.

Next to this beauty, the man is also handsome, and the value is the value, but the slightest, but he dresses very beautiful, and it is also a bright lipstick. Therefore, compared with Ye Xuan, He has a little more demon, and Ye Xuan is calm, and his body is with the scholar.

See this beauty, the ancient cold brow is slightly frowned, "Mrs. Xiao!

The Xiafu people\'s mouth is slight, charming is incomparable, "the ancient cold, you or this cold ice.

Speaking of this, she turned around, she fell on Ye Xuan, smiled slightly, "What is this little brother?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Ye Xuan!

Xiao Fu blinked, "Ye Xuan? Good name!

Said, she began to lose the amount of Yuxuan, the eyes, with a hunter\'s flavor of the prey.

Seeing the eyes of Xiaoman, the glamorous man turned his head and looked at Ye Xuan, and the eyes were flashing.

Seeing the eyes of Xiao Mrs, Ye Xuan brows wrinkled slightly. He turned to look at the ancient cold. "You are old, I will go first!

After finishing, he turned and left.

This wife is obviously not a good woman!

Of course, he is not interested in the private life of the other party, therefore, choose to leave.

At this moment, the glamorous man of Xiaofu suddenly blocked in the Ye Xuan face, he looked at Ye Xuan and cold channel: "It\'s really no rules, elders talk, you have to go, simply make a lack of education, you should.

Here, Ye Xuan right hand suddenly built his throat.

The Xiamen and the ancient cold are stunned.

At this time, Ye Xuanzhi will regard a beautiful man. "I didn\'t teach me to do things, do you count a hair?"

After finishing, he buckled the man\'s throat to the ground.


Among the people\'s eyes, men\'s beautiful faces are blooming directly, blood sputtering!

Everyone stunned.

At this time, the husband\'s face suddenly was cold, she looked to the ancient cold, cold tang: "Ancient cold, play dogs and want to see the master!

The ancient cold: "Then you play him!"

I didn\'t stop you again!

Xiao Fu is stunned, and then anger to laugh, "Okay, very good!

Said, she directly looked forward to Ye Xuan, "Young people, so heart, you.

Ye Xuan suddenly broke the beautiful woman, "Is he faced?"

The beauty of the beauty stunned.

Everyone who came over was also stunned.

Is this direct? The beauty of the beauty is dead to the Ye Xuan, and the eyes are like sword.

Ye Xuan pointed at the feet of the beautiful man, "Why do he dare to me? It is obvious that you are used to.

When you want to come, he didn\'t have less than you to support the waist.

However, I am not him, why are you used to him? "

At this time, the fascinating man under Ye Xuan suddenly said: "You have a kind of kill me!"

You kill!

Xiao Mu suddenly said: "You will try him!

Among all the people\'s eyes, Ye Xuan\'s right foot suddenly slammed.


The glamorous man\'s head is blown directly, and the soul is found!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field sucks a cold!

Is it actually killed in Xianbao City? Xiao Fama suddenly laughed, "Interested, it is true!

Said, she shook his head, "I thought you were a different man, but now, you are also a mental space!

Slightly, you can really kill people!

young people.

Speaking of this, she grinned, "This is Xianbao City!

Xianbao City!

Wen said, everyone in the field is looking to Ye Xuan, secretly shaking his head.

Killing people in Xianbao City, is obvious, this is very stupid, because he is here to kill, it is equal to the enemy of Xianbao!

At this moment, there were sudden atmospheres in the distance.

Demi god!

See this scene, the smile on the face is more gaining, "I am idiot, next for your stupid behavior!

At this time, the two old people appeared in the field, which is the two half of the Xianbaoge.

In the eyes of all people, the two were slow to Ye Xuan\'s face, and when everyone thought that when the two old people had to go to Ye Xuan, the two old people had a deep gift for Ye Xuan, and the old man was respectful; " Ye!

Leaves? Everyone in the field directly petrified.

The Xiaofu is in place.

The old man headed again to the Xuangong, "Ye Shao, I will wait late, please ask Ye Leojust!

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan looked at the lady in the distance, did not want to reason to be the other party, just left, then Mrs. Xiao suddenly said: "Not unfair!


I heard the words, and the old old brow wrinkled.

Xiao Famman stared at Ye Xuan, "Xianbao Pavilion is unfair, I don\'t accept it."

Said, she fell to Ye Xuan, "he killed in Xianbao City, according to the rules of Xianbao City, then he kill it, then hanging on the wall, he.

The old man is suddenly angered: "Shut up!

The sound fell, he suddenly wandered, and a horrible force shook.

In the distance, Mrs. Xiao is slightly changed, she fierce!


Mrs. Xiao is directly retired to hundreds of feet!

After stopping, Mrs. Xiao\'s face is very ugly. "Why? Why? Why do he break the rules, you still protect him? Unfair!

This world is unfair!

Ye Xuan brows, "My old day, it seems to be in the first thing? And, you still have to say that I will let me kill you.

Why do you do it now? Is it a ten evil? "

Xiao Famman stared at Ye Xuan. "The rules of Xianbao City can\'t do it. It is a bad fairy treasure style. I am just moving, I don\'t have to do it, and you do it!

Xianbao Pavilion does not dispose of you, it is difficult to accumulate!

Also, Xianbaoge opened this precedent, it is to damage the rules, who will follow the rules of Xianbaoge? "

Ye Xuan suddenly turned to look at the old man, "Is the rule of Xianbao City can\'t do it, is it?"

The old man hesitated and then said: "Yes!

Ye Xuanmoo nodded, he looked up at it, now it is just in noon, he thought about it, then said, "That starts from today, the Xianbao City can be handed again.

Old man: ".

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan is turned off.

At this time, the Mrs. Xiao suddenly angered: "This rule you said to change!

who do you think You Are? you.

In the distance, a voice suddenly sounded over the fairy hall, "" From now on, there is noon, the Xianbao City, you can do it! "

Xiaobao Pavilion President Xiao Wei!

I heard this sentence, everyone in the city directly petrified, this rule actually changed? In the distance, the Mrs. Xiao stayed, and then trembled; "lying in the groove.



PS: I want to talk nonsense, share some interesting things in reality, but think about it or delete.

Because I don\'t want to be!

Now the network violence, really leave.

A word of three flies, the words wounded in June.

Sometimes, readers will really make the author depressed for a long time. Online swearing is not required, and it does not need to be responsible. Therefore, many people are not involvement, and they will not care about their evil words. What impacts and harm will be brought to others.

As for updating, it is not an excuse, once people become a pro-home, I will inevitably be entangled, this is really helpless, and my family should be able to experience.

In short, thank you for your support and company, thank you for coming to see my book!

If you want to be, try not to bring your family!

Just got me!