One Sword Reigns Supreme

2339 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and twenty-six chapters: service!

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When I entered the Xianbao, Ye Xuantian found a lot of Saicai, and these Saicai came from all over the world, and there were many flying from below, and then went to all.

Ye Xuan looks below, in the depths of the following star, there is a huge city.

Xianbao City!

This imperial city is the largest city in Xianbao, and is the only city.

A city, a city.

Ye Xuan is a little curious about this imperial city!

This is the establishment of Qin Guan!

For Qin Guan, he knows, this woman\'s idea is very different from other women.

What will she make the city? Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "" Family, let\'s go!

The woman suddenly said: "My name is ancient cold!"

However, Ye Xuan has disappeared in the distance, and it seems to have not heard.

The woman looked at Ye Xuan in the distance, and then disappeared in the same place.

Xianbao City.

Ye Xuan came to the gate of Xianbao City, at the entrance of the city, there is a stone platform, stone platform, there is a box, and at this moment, this stone must have a lot of people!

Ye Xuan is also a little curious, and immediately gone, he came to stone platform, and the box above the stone is right, there is no special place, just like an ordinary box.

At this time, and some sudden turned, the long woman was slow, and when she came over, the faces of the faces in the field changed, followed by retreat, and opened the way.


This woman just released a little percentage, and this stake, that is not the average person to bear!

The ethnic woman walked to the Xuanxiang, Ye Xuan smiled: "You don\'t like it in the crowd?"

The long woman is calm, "I don\'t like others, I am close to me!

Said, she looked at that box, "This is the Qin Qi\'s main left, saying that it is left to have a person, as long as it can be paid, this box can open!

Ye Xuan turned his head, next to the iron box, there was a saying: Tianwang covered tiger!

Kings Gen Tiger? Ye Xuan brows, what is the password? The woman whispered: "This box is quite mysterious, and the knowledge cannot penetrate!

Ye Xuan looked at the box, and the gods swept, however, if this is a long woman says, it can\'t penetrate!

Ye Xuan smiled, "" This Qin Guan, I like to engage in these flowers in the whistle!

Ancient cold looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you very familiar with her?"

Ye Xuan nod, "um.

Ancient cold silence.

Ye Xuan looked at the box and laughed: "I don\'t know if this box will fall into the hands!"

After finishing, he looked to the ancient cold, "Let\'s go into the city!

The ancient cold head, the two walked towards the city.

After entering the city, Ye Xuan found that this city is not a general bustling, large street, people in the mountains, basically practicers.

Ancient cold suddenly said; "These people are doing business from all over the universe!

Ye Xuan looks to the ancient cold, "Do business?"

Gu Chan, "This Immortal City is equivalent to a transit station, all kinds of goods circulating all universe, can say that as long as you have money, you can buy, as long as you have good goods, it is basically Can sell it.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "these people come here to do business, will they pay taxes, right?"

The ancient cold nodded, "" Everyone is a businessman, each has to pay a tax to Xianbaoge.

Ye Xuan light channel: "There is not much fell!

The ancient cold head, "it is really not much.

However, even this, this Xianbao Pavilion is also terrible.

Some people have estimated that this Xianbao Pavilo tax, daily profits are above hundreds of thousands of Zone, let alone, they have other projects!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "other items?"

Gu Han looked at the high-rise buildings around him. "All the buildings in this city are the main of Qin Ge, where there is an industrialists here, pay the rent to Xianbaoge every month.

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

The entire industry industry is Qin Guan!

How much rent is received every month? He dare not think!

Ye Xixiang is whispering, Qin Guan, Da Fu also!

Gu Chan also said: "There is a benefit here, that is, it can\'t be moved, anyone can\'t move here!

Ye Xuan looks to the ancient cold, "You can\'t?"

Ancient cold looked at Ye Xuan, "Here, there are at least three ancient gods to sit in the town, and even have an ancient god!

No one dares to move here, unless he really doesn\'t want to live!

Said, she suddenly said, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "I am a reading person, reading people, not fighting!

After finishing, he walked away from the distance.

Ancient cold looked at Ye Xuan, and then following the past.

Along the way, Ye Xuan is interested in watching four weeks, have to say that this city is very smell, fireworks.

After a moment ago, the ancient Han Hyun came to the leaf with a tall, mysterious leaf looked up: Sin Po House!

Obviously, this is a fairy Hokaku industry!

Ancient Han said: "Here, suitable for living practice, every room, the sky is an independent world, very quiet, of course, is a little expensive, one night, needs thousands of universe veins!

This is the cheapest, most expensive room, you need one hundred thousand universe veins!

One hundred thousand universe veins!

Watching the leaves mysterious tower, heart Yi Tan, Qin Guan, you in the end how much money ah!

This world, there are two mystery.

First, young children in the end how strong? Second, Qin Guan in the end how much money? One is asking is invincible!

One is asking for money is not interested.

Ye Yi Tan Xuan heart again, when he will be able to young children as well as Qin Guan is so loaded to force it? Ancient cold suddenly said; "Go!

Ye Xuan jerked his nod, just two cents into the Po House, a handsome woman looks is welcome over, the woman smiled, "but two to live?"

Ancient cold nod, "to two common rooms!

Then she spread out palm, a sodium ring flew in front of the woman, in the ring is satisfied, the universe is twenty thousand veins.

cheapest? Ye Xuan blinked, then said: "The patriarch, so you save it?"

Han looked at the mysterious ancient leaves, "family property, not profligate!

Hyun leaves thumbs up, "terrible!

Then he spread out palm, a token appearance in front of that handsome woman, "do not know this thing?"

To see this thing, handsome woman face drastic changes instantly, immediately in front leaves a deeply mysterious ceremony, "Ye Gongzi!

Hyun leaves some wondering, "How do you know me?"

Handsome woman quickly said: "I am immortal Treasure House so far, only sent a one Gezhu Tien order and the owner of Tien While this order, is the leaf Xuan Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Don\'t be so nervous, I mean, our stay, can there be discount?"

Dedicated women laugh, "Free, Ye Gongzi store, all free!

Ye Xuan blinked, "all free?"

Dedicated woman nodded, "two can live to the respected room!

Ye Xuan brows, "Supreme Room?"

Ancient cold suddenly said: "The 25,000 rooms have a night!


Ye Xuan expression stiff, he looked to the ancient cold, "Do you really live in such a expensive room?"

Although he is also a money, let him spend more than one night, he is still somewhat not.

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, the Qing Dynasty woman suddenly said; "Some, and a lot!

Ye Xuan Shenwang; "Is it really money?"

The Qing Dynasty woman hesitated and then said; "Yes!

Ye Xuan speaking.

The Qing Dynasty woman, "Ye Gongzi came with me.

After that, she took Ye Xuan and Gu Chan towards upstairs. They came directly to the second floor of the countdown, and Ye Xuan Kong opened their own room, and I was in the eye.

Ye Xuan is a little shocked!

This is not a illusion, this is a true starry sky, but this is connected to Xianbao Tower!

In this starry sky, the aura is terrible, almost like substantial, and there are some special array, these array is similar to the rinsers, and it is better than the juniority of the god ancient people!

At this time, the Qing Dynasty woman hesitated, then said: "Ye Gongzi, do you need special services?"


Ye Xuan turned his head to see the show woman, "special service?"

A clear woman nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What special services?"

The Qing Duxiu is hesitating, then clapping, very fast, a woman is slowing, the woman is tall, the long-awaited beauty, the clothes are very small, some parts are hidden, it is active!

Ye Xuan face is suddenly black, "How can Qin Guan can do this? Do this?"

The beautiful woman has a big change, and it is busy; "Ye Gongzi, you misunderstand!"

Ye Xuan has some angered: "Misunderstanding? What will I miss?"

Dedicated woman explained: "She.

They just dance, then listen to you here, don\'t do anything else!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "Don\'t do something else? Then she is so small, is this a customer in temptation?"

Dedicated women smile, "Ye Gongzi, this is all of them, you see their realm!

Ye Xuan turned his head to the woman, the woman\'s realm is very low.

The Qing Dai Women\'s Shen Sheng: "They are all very poor, in the outside, the next basic will be very tragic, the owner makes them achieve their livelihood, and they are protected by my Xianbao Pavilion, only to do some service. work!

Said, she looked at the woman, "she is less wearing, because she is a dancing woman, good at dance, not other reasons.

Moreover, in general, she only entertains female customers, this time I will let her, because it is Ye Gongzi you.

Ye Xuan looked at the woman, he found that this woman is indeed finished.

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "What are you talking about?"

The Qing Dynasty woman nodded. "How to deceive Ye Gongzi?" The main story has said that there are many ordinary women in this world. They are not good, those who have no power, and they have no powerful strength. It is extremely dangerous, so she let us pay these women, give them a lot of livelihoods, let them have the opportunity to come out!

Said, she suddenly dred, slightly, whispered: "I am also one of these women!"

After the Xuanxuan silently took a moment, he said; "Sorry, I didn\'t investigate clearly, I didn\'t have me!

The Qingxiu woman quickly shook his head, "No!

I didn\'t explain it to Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the dancing girl in the distance, and the woman was watching him, and it was very calm from beginning to end.

The clear woman suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, if you don\'t like it, then I will take her!

After finishing, she looks to the beautiful woman, "I want to be, let\'s go!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Let her leave it!

The clerk woman is stunned, then nod, "Okay!

After that, she looked at the woman called the way, and the eyes flashed a worry, but nothing to say, retreat.

Among the stars, only left leaves and that want to accommodate.

I want to suddenly say: "You won\'t blame her, right?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Are you afraid of me?"

I want to take a head. "She is my good sister, originally, she never let me receive male customers, but this time she let me, because she said that you are a very distinguished guest, I will treat you All right!

Maybe there may be chance to change the fate.

Ye Xuan silent.

I have a sudden smile, "the son, what is your special service? Can you talk to me?"

Ye Xuan: ".
