One Sword Reigns Supreme

2338 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and twenty-five chapters: Huaxia Academy!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Seeing that the family has fallen into a beautiful fantasy, the old man is busy: "The family is long, the emperory feelings.

We are afraid that they can\'t be left!

Emperor Yuan said: "Of course you know!

However, we can help, for example, we have a good maritime with the juvenile, equal to creating a chance between them, and if we have evil with the teenager, then she doesn\'t have any opportunities with the boy!

Said, he whispered, "Be a elder, do things must consider the next generation, many times, do things can\'t do it, you do it, the next generation does not have any alleviation.

After finishing, he turned and left.

Old man: ".


Shen ancient people.

Ye Xuanyi sat in the room, his eyes were slightly closed, in front of him, it was a sword!

Not his old man gave him, but his sword he used to condense with swords.

Sword breaks!

This is also what he didn\'t think of, and this sword also directly reached the hierarchical level!

Have to say, this is very unexpected!

The blade is spread, and the sword that is condensed by the sword is to him, and his eyes are slow.

Feel the sword!

Ye Xuan felt the power of the world in the swords of this person!

Before, he didn\'t know how to enhance the enthusiasm of this world, but at this moment, he understood!

The transformation of the heart!

Every mind change, this sword will be upgraded with the power of the world!

Of course, if he said before, it is not a breakthrough, but it really feels.

Your own college, the pattern should be bigger, you should do something for more ordinary ordinary people.

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, looked at the sword in his hand, don\'t say anything else, he now I want to go to the emperor!

Battle in the battle!

At this moment, the god ancient family suddenly appeared in the room.

Ye Xuan slightly, then said: "You enter the room, don\'t you first knock?"

The long women looked at Ye Xuan, "You should go class!

Ye Xuan brows, "class?"

The ethnic woman is calm, "" 5 million ", half a month, is there a lesson?"

Ye Xuan: ".

Ethnic women also said: "Go to class!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "After the last time, what changes can you have?"

The family of the family nodded, "Not in front of the sharp, the low key has been calm!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "That is enough!"

The ethnic woman looked at Ye Xuan, "You can continue to lect!"

Especially the "Shendao Code" that you gave me before!

Can tell this book!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I didn\'t have this interest!

After finishing, he got up and walked outside.

The woman suddenly said: "Is it five million toon, do you want it?"

Ye Xuan waved, "You will be free!

After that, others have disappeared in the distance.

The woman is smashed.


Ye Xuan came to the military field. At this moment, the nungers here have been restored, and here, there is a hundred Shen ancient disciples. These disciples are cultivating. When they see Ye Xuan, they got up, for Ye Xuan, they Still fear.

This guy, at the beginning, it almost kills Gu Xin!

Ye Xuan looked at the gods of the ancient people in the field, laughed; "You continue to practice, I am like trying to know the sword I just comprehend!

Everyone looked at Ye Xuan and did not dare to speak.

Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly, next moment, he suddenly had hundreds of swords that appeared from swords around the sword!

The sense of swords, the scenes of the gods disciples in the field change, the swordsman only, as if they want to crush them, and the horrific.

At this time, the Xi Xuan\'s heart spread, and the hundreds of sword suddenly turned into a sword to fall in his palm, turned, he held a sword.


A sword, Ye Xuan is the sword, then turn it away!

After the Xixiao, the entire performance of the past is broken.

In the field, the Shen ancient disciples have violently retreat, stay away from the play of the battlefield, and at this time, the entire performance of the military farm has been completely raised!

Everyone is somewhat, they turned to look at the Ye Xuan in the distance, Ye Xuan held the sword to walk in the distance, very slow, very calm, clothes no wind.

There is an Shen ancient disciple suddenly trembled: "Do he come to install it?"

Everyone: ".

On the other hand, Ye Xuan was stopped by Nabi, and the ethnic woman looked at Ye Xuan. "You ruin the play!"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Not deliberate!

After the ethnic woman looked at Ye Xuan film, I said: "I will take you to a place.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Where?"

The long woman said: "Xianbao!

Ye Xuan brows, "Xianbaojie?"

The female girl nodded, "The Xianbaoge Pavilion Qin Guanzhi is a world, there is very prosperous, I want to take a thing, you go with me!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Can I go?"

The ethnic woman looked at Ye Xuan, "No?"

Ye Xuan has some intake, "Why?"

The ethnic woman is calm: "If I don\'t have, I am in my family!"

I am afraid that you are chaotic!

After finishing, she fell directly to the right hand, and the Ye Xuan disappeared in the same place.

Ye Xuan: ".

In fact, she is really a little afraid of Ye Xuan. If she is not in this family, who can I make Ye Xuan? nobody!

Moreover, she found that this guy is a lot, if no one restricts her, waiting for her to come back, I can\'t tell what the god ancient people will be drumming!

Still take away!


Xianbao Pavilion.

On this day, Emperor came to Xiaobao Pavilion, to inquire about Ye Xuan\'s news, the best place is natural is Xianbaoge, in addition to the Xianbao Pavilion has a strong intelligence system, it is also because Ye Xuan is a Xianbao Pavilion. Super VIP!

In the room, the President of Xianbao Pavilion Xu Tian received an anistracy.

Emperor laughed: "Xu brother, I will open the door!"

I want the information of Ye Gongzi!

Xu Tian smiled slightly, "no!

Emperor\'s brow, "why?"

Xu Tian smiled: "I have no power to leak Ye Gongzi to give you!"

Wen Yan, the Emperor\'s eyes are slightly, "What is it?"

Xu Tian suddenly thumbs up with the forefinger and then gently rub it, "" 10 million "!

Emperor\'s face suddenly sinked, "Xu brother, you talk about money, but there is some injury feelings!

Xu Tian smiled slightly, "the brother, I am doing business, my brothers, count!

Emperor laughed: "It is also!

Said, he was very open, and a quite fly to Xu Tian.

Xu Tian smiled and said, then said: "He is the main friend!

Emperor: "Continue!

Xu Tian blinked, "said it!

Emperor stared at Xu Tian, ​​"Xu brother, you are so too much!

Xu Tian smiles, "the brother, not me greater, but he really killed, I didn\'t dare to tell you.

It\'s terrible, I don\'t want to contaminate this cause!

Emperor\'s brows, "You dare not say?"

Xu Tian nodded.

Emperor\'s suddenly took out a quenteen to Xu Tian, ​​in the quince, there were 20 million fears!

Xu Tianyi grabbed the quenteen, then said: "Yang!

Emperor Shen Sheng said: "Nouns have been heard!

Xu Tian looked at the emperor, then said: "Beyond your horror forces, and he is the young owner of Yang.

Said, he turned to look outside, whispered: "The brother, this world is very big, don\'t say that we are just a district, even the real ancient god, even the god of the ancient people, in some people, It is just a crude ant!

After the emperor silence, I laughed: "Xu brother, thank you!"

After finishing, he got up, then left, and at this time, he seems to think of what, then said: "Xu brother, you have to drink happiness!

Xu Tian brows, "What is it?"

Emperor laughed: "I don\'t think about it. Before the little girl go to Shen ancient people and Ye Gongzi, the two actually changed, and finally, they turned into two feelings.

The news I have to play Ye Gongzi is that I want to know about my future son-in-law.

In short, you must come to drink happiness!

After finishing, he turned and walked.

Xu Tian is in the heart, and then quickly said: "The brother, what are you talking about?"

Emperor is a little dissatisfaction, "Can I get my daughter\'s name?"

After finishing, he turned and continued, but it did not fly.

Xu Tian suddenly pulled an Emperor, and then the two of the two tied to the Emperor, "the brother, the little brother and you just opened a joke, you said right, your brothers Talk about money, hurt your feelings!

Emperor Shen Sheng: "Xu brother.

I know that you are doing business, I can understand, you can rest assured, you will receive me this 30 million ", you know what you know, I absolutely will never give me the future of the future. Say!

Xu Tian quickly shook his head, forcibly putting two quarters to the emperor, "the brother, I can\'t accept this money, the brother\'s money, I am still people?"

After two people passed, finally, the Emperor was collected, then left.

After the emperor left, an old man appeared after Xu Tian, ​​the old man, the old man; "President, this old guy, can\'t write!"

Xu Tian is calm, "I naturally know!

But my mother\'s gamble, because as far as I know, this Ye is indeed a bit of a lot!

As for him with this emperor.

In case, if the girl is really walking with Ye Ye? Then I took this old guy\'s money, did you narrow? "

Old man: ".

Among the time and space tunnels, Ye Xuan and the female woman walk side by side.

The ethnic woman wearing today is a colored long skirt. She is very casual, and there is no trace of powder in her face. It is very clean. It is some cold.

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Can you talk about this imperial treasure?"

The female woman nodded slightly. "Do you know Qin Guan, right?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Ethnic women turned to look at Ye Xuan, "This Immortal Treasure has a book, called Huaxia Academy, don\'t you like reading? As far as I know, this book is also learning, you can communicate!

Huaxia Academy!

Ye Xuanmoo nodded, "Then I will go to visit!
