One Sword Reigns Supreme

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Ye Xuan suddenly stood up, and his face was serious.

The woman was scared, this scared, she was directly sliding directly.

Of course, there is still wearing!

Ye Xuan looked at the woman, "put the clothes!

The woman hesitated and said: "I don\'t!"

Ye Xuan: ".

The woman will continue to drag, at this time, a sword is locked directly.

The woman looked up and looked up to Ye Xuan and trembled: "You.

Ye Xuan Duo sleeves, the woman\'s clothing is put on, the next moment, the woman is directly shocked to the door.

Outside the door, the woman is somewhat.

Ye Xuan looked at the woman outside the door, the look is cold, "I am not very good to talk?"

I heard the words, the woman\'s heart was awkward, and he shook his head.

Ye Xuan coldly looked at the woman, "Women don\'t love, how to make others respect? I don\'t care what you have, but I am disgusted to this behavior.

When you meet, you will sell yourself and then use your body to exchange interests.

He shakes his head, "I don\'t want to say that it is too hurtful, but you think, should you be?"

The woman is slightly down.

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "What do you want to exchange me?"

Woman silent.


Ye Xuan suddenly drunk, as thunder, shocked.

The woman is trembled, and I am busy; "cultivate resources!

Ye Xuan brows micro-wrinkled, "is cultivating resources?"

The woman nodded, trembling: "Yes!

At this time, some people surrounded.

See this scene, the woman\'s face is instantly, if the outside people know this, her face can be lost.

At this time, Ye Xuan also sleeper.


A sword is shocked, and in a moment, the people who have been around and the people who have been shocked directly.

See this scene, the woman looked up and looked up to Ye Xuan, some are somewhat.

Ye Xuan looked at the woman and didn\'t talk.

Woman vocal: "You.

underestimate me.

Is it right? "

Ye Xuan shook his head, "no!

I am just anger!

When he knows that this woman wants to exchange resources with the body, he doesn\'t look at each other, but more anger is still a kind of sorrow.

Without relying on the mountain, small people without background should change fate, why? When normal ways are difficult to meet themselves, many people will try to walk away. Many times, it is easy for the road to walk, especially women, if they choose to make mistakes, money to her, maybe not It is difficult to earn.

He doesn\'t want to criticize these people, but this is not right.

Poor, not the reason you make mistakes, because you will be wrong, it may be step by step, then step back to the bottomless abyss.

Ye Xuan suddenly smiled slightly, "Do you want to study?"

The woman is stunned, "read.

read? "

Ye Xuan nod, "reading, you can change fate!

The woman hesitated.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, his palm became open, a "Shendao Code" slowly floating to the woman, the woman took a look, she suddenly shrinks, turned it, she kneelted directly, trembled :"thanks, thanks!

A gentle sword suddenly trocked a woman.

Ye Xi Xiao said: "Would you like to study?"

The woman took a deep breath, she worked with the "Shendao Code", and firmly said: "Willing!

Ye Xuan slightly nodd, he was very open, a small wooden sign appeared in front of the woman, the wooden sign is above, and there are two words: see Xuan.

Ye Xuan smiled for me, "Now, you are a member of my scholar!

The woman immediately went deeply, "I have seen the dean!

Ye Xuan went to the woman, he took out a hand to handed a woman, "it is not to teach, but in the future, you must love some, if you don\'t love you, how do people love you?"

The woman took the hand, slightly down, "Good!

Ye Xuan smiled and turned around.

At this time, the woman suddenly looked up. "Why do you want me?"

Ye Xuan stopped, he was silent after a moment, said: "I have a wish," is the heart of the universe, for the life, for the sanctuary, for the world, Taiping \'.

Said, he shook his head, self-laughed, "But before this, I have been receiving the great enchanting enchanting, and I have never thought about those ordinary people, those talented enchanting, they went to any place, Zongmen The forces will be very welcome, but also pay attention, but those ordinary people who are not good? Just like you.

Everyone pays attention to enchanting and genius, what is ordinary people? "

Speaking of this, he turned to the woman, laughed: "At this moment, my college is not set up any threshold, no longer measuring any students, where you want to seek scholars, my college welcomes.

I may not do absolute fairness, but I am willing to give this ordinary person a platform, one opportunity, let them have a chance to come with those enchanting genius.

After finishing, he turned and left.

At this time, in his body, a swager suddenly rushed to the sky, the next moment, a horrible sword was straight.


In an instant, the entire starry sky is boiling directly, then a little lost.

This sword is getting stronger and stronger, gradually, it is like a volcanic outbreak, directly explosing an extremely horrible power, the momentum, the entire Shenchai nationality is directly erased.

And under this sword, the whole god ancient people countless strong!

Demi god!

It is not a half-God, but the sword of this person has reached the world!

Below, Ye Xuan is looking at a paint black, silent after a moment, whispered: "Unhappy will Liu Ying!

After that, he walked towards the room, and at this time, the horrible sword suddenly disappeared without a trace, it seems that never appeared.

After the leaves of the leaves, the woman stayed and then whispered: "My name is ancient!"

Ancient !

Ye Xuan did not know that he is a little best in a small gift today, it will create a terrible existence.

Ancient !

Only the Quanhua Emperor of Qingqiu, in the Western Academy, the original \'good court\', the first good hospital, good life, good, and the students all over the world.

Then, in the end of life, look for the first generation of the first generation of Xuanchuan, Ye Xuan.


On the other hand, the ethnic woman looked at the room where Ye Xuan is located, silent.

When Ye Xuan\'s first time, she was already here, she was already coming!

Ye Xuan and ancient dialogue, she all listened clearly, and after the sword of Ye Xuan reached her god, she also saw it.

The words of Ye Xuan, let her shock!

"As a heart, for the life, for the holy, for the Sheng Ji, for the world,"

The woman is really shocking, she can\'t imagine, in front of this man, there is such a mission!

The most terrible thing is that this man\'s swords actually reached a sense of half!

She is also a person who is a legend, and she has reached a half god from Dong Xuanjing, and she spent a long time, and the man is so easy to make her swords!

This is a bit away!

Of course, this is not a focus, focusing on this man\'s approach!

Before, she saw the "Shendao Code", it can be said, it is a book of unlimited value, and Ye Xuan actually sent it out!

Don\'t even your eyes? Is this very high? The woman is silent for a long time, turned around.


Because of the past, Ye Xuan Jianyi\'s breakthrough, the lotion is very big, so many forces outside came to Shen ancient world, but the ethnic women have blocked all news, and they drive away everyone.

And this also makes a lot of forces, more curious!

Especially the emperor.


A certain mountain top.

The emperor is sitting on the ground, next to her left right, insert two spears, and standing next to her, standing with a white robe.

At this time, the emperor opened his eyes, "Swordsmanic?"

White robe nodded, "Determined!

Emperor\'s mouth is slight, "Not bad!

White robe old man Shen Sheng said: "Don\'t underestimate!

, "understand!

Said, her eyes slowly closed.

The old man is quietly returned. He came to a river, on the river, an old man was fishing with Erlang legs.

The old man came to the old man, and the "Family is long!

This fishing old is the emperor of the emperor!

Emperor\'s laughed: "The young swords have reached the half of the world?"

White robe nodded, "Determined!

Emperor Yuan smiled slightly, "some mean!

White robe old people want to say.

Emperor\'s light: "The woman actually found such a genius.

This is that I have never thought of it!

The old man in the white robe said: "This person comes from the universe of the gods. It is the dean of a book, and that is a very ordinary college. As for this person, it is quite mysterious!

Speaking of this, he flashed in his eyes, "No matter what, this person will help the gods, it is to be enemies with us. It is both from us to the enemy. We can send people to see Xuan Academy.

Emperor\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, "You can practice this day, can you practice some brains?"

White robe is stunned.

Emperor Yuan said: "This person is so enchanting, may he be a average person? If we go to his college, isn\'t it the meaning of the woman? We now go to him now, it is equal to one more enemy. , Or an unknown enemy, understand? "

White robe old man Shen Sheng: "Then he helps the gods.

Tai Yuan shook his head, "We are imperative now is to figure out why he wanted to help the ancient tribe of God, is voluntary, or be forced!

If it is voluntary, there must be reasons, if it is forced.

Then he mouth micro lift, like a fox, "then we opportunity not to come?"

White robe old brow is slightly wrinkled, "Pick up him?"

Emperor laughed: "No, you can\'t!"

After the old man is silent, I said: "I will continue to investigate!

Emperor shook his head, "No!

The old people were stunned, and the emperor said: "I personally go to investigate.

After finishing, he got up.

But very quickly, he stopped, then turned, "The teenager likes to study?"

White robe nodded, "Daily books are not left!

After a little white robe old man pondered, and said: "You go to my Emperor shortage Protoss all ancient books were collected!

Said, he smiled slightly, "Good color, we send beauty, like reading, let\'s send book!

It is not important that it is important to pull our kindness first.

White robe old man hesitated, then said: "The patriarch, we need to be treated as a juvenile it too?.

"Shut up!

Tai Yuan suddenly angrily: "You know I was from God Dongxuan territory reached half time how long it took 12,000 years?!

And you look at the teenager, fuck, so you are so young, you will have a sword.

Such people.


Now this era, what is the most important? Talent!

White robe old man Shen Sheng; "We have a makeup!

Emperor Yuan: "We have a makeup, but you have thought about it. If the makeup is good to with this boy?"

Said, he suddenly smiled and smiled. "That is a plus one equals two, two super genius, they are two genius, if they are born two children, that is, four talents.


Old man: ".


PS: Recent throat is very uncomfortable, it is very uncomfortable.