One Sword Reigns Supreme

2328 Jian Zhongxian 2nd Thirty-five chapters: Jianjiao!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuan is completely speechless!

He also took out a piece of quite to Xi Van. "This time, isn\'t it wrong?"

Xi Van is busy picking up the quench, then: "No!

Ye Xuan nod, "you will practice here!


Xi Van nod, then she sat down, the next moment, she began to absorb Ye Xuan gave her ambition.

Ye Xuan looked at Xi Van, and he was shocked in his heart because he found that the breath of Xi Fan was crazy.

Obviously, this girl is lacking in front of you!

If you have money, the other party should have already had a dongger!

If Xi Van has reached the dongxia, its combat power should be far superior!

You must know that this Xi Van has not reached the Dongxuan, it is already able to kill the Dong Xuan. If she reaches the Dong Xuan, what will be horrible? Before the things of the god ancient people and the ancient gods, he made him understand that he must cultivate a group of top strong!

Before you have absolute strength, it is still a group of fragrance!

Of course, cultivating strong, money is the most important, he found that many people are not weak, but because there is no money, therefore, can only step on it, if there is money, many people can be more building!

It seems that I have to find a way to make money!

At this time, a footsteps came from one side, and Ye Xuan turned his head, and people were Yansheng!

Yanbei is wearing a purple long skirt today, and the long hair flutters, and the veil on her face has not seen it.

Still, like the country!

Looking at Yanbei, Ye Xi Xin couldn\'t help but sigh, why you like to watch the girl? Do you really have a color? At this time, Yanbei looked at the Xi Van sitting in the place, then said: "She wants to reach Dong Xuan?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Yanbei looked at Ye Xuan, "I have to sprinkle the hole in Xuan!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Is it lack?"

Hiki nodded.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "How much?"

Yansheng raised a finger.

Ye Xuan has some headache, "5 million?"

Hiki nodded.

Ye Xuan has some speechless, no nonsense, his palm is booted, one is in front of Yanbei, there are six million rings!

Yanbei blinks, "Why gave more than one million?"

Ye Xuan said: "No, there is money, goodness!"

Yanbei slightly, the next moment, she smiled, "Have to say, you are really handsome, fascinating!

Ye Xuan: ".

Yanbei suddenly seriously said: "I will not be a vase!"

After that, she turned and left.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I have a favorite person!

Yanbei stopped, she turned and looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you refused?"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then: "I mean, can I like two people at the same time?"

After finishing, he turned and ran.

Originally, Yanbei has been incense, then said: "Hey, don\'t face!

Oh My God.


Because Ye Xuan also has the relationship between the great power of the gods, the views of the school have begun to recruit students in the universe of the gods, and those who view the books of the book are more and more.

There are more than eight hundred people now!

Ye Xuan also began to pay attention to the martial arts. He is very clear. Watching the book of the book wants to grow, you must have a strong force first. Only have strong force, it can be shocked, otherwise, Who is people? Now this universe is still respectful!

Previous idea was wrong, he thought about it was that the college did not dominate the universe, and now he thinks, if you want to change the universe, you will have the first to dominate the universe!

Only you become the boss of this world, you can change the rules and status!

Of course, he also understands that once the martial arts are too strong, the future arts and courtesy may be weak, and it will even be pressed, and then there is a mess.

This question also makes him a little headache, there is no good solution, because the other party will be weak.

Whether it is heavy Wenwu or the heavy martial arts!

But fortunately, now he is still, this problem will not appear temporarily. As for later, it can only solve it later!

Task, is a strong view of Xuanxuan!

During this time, Ye Xuan was pondering his sword.

Human sword!

His people\'s swords have only had a belief basis, and there is no substantial development, but he is not anxious.

Slowly come slowly!

No one\'s swordsman can!

Ye Xuan did not choose to sit on the book, to cultivate this world of swords, but also to understand the Dustuxian world.

Don\'t enter red dust, how to feel people? .

In a city, Ye Xuan is slow.

What is this city, he doesn\'t know, let it go here.

On the street, Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, the look was calm.

On the street, people come to people.

But I am not angry!

Everyone walks, and the look is in a hurry, and it has a hot alert.

The martial arts civilization is extremely high, the strength of the people on the street is not weak, and the basics of doing business are selling weapons and cheats, that kind of business, almost no.

What are you? Soon, Ye Xuan found that some people have smoke!

The cultivators of the eyes are all in the future. When you embark on the martial arts, there is no way to live, and if you want to live, you can live better, just cultivate, crazy cultivation, and cultivation, it is money\'s!

In front of survival, many times, the so-called morality and bottom line are worthless!

This world is too impetuous!

Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, his brow wrinkled.

Why do you stand on a height to comment on these desperate people on the street? Ping, if you have no old, there is no young, can you go today? effort? He admits that he is really hard, but if you support it, you will work hard, can you go today? Obviously it is not possible!

Red dust refining, is it to let yourself stand on a height to criticize the world? The people in these streets are rushing, what? For the avenue, for the longevity, it is also survived!

What is wrong with these people for survival? I don\'t like them like them, that is because I have a powerful and amazing little girl.

All the way, is you missing? no!

I have never worried about money!

Do you miss the law of cultivation and martial arts? no!

All the way, I have never lack the law of cultivation and martial arts.

Just as he is now the strongest swordsman sword.

He got the power!

And what about these people? They have no invincible old, there is no invincible young.

Can they change, can you change your fate? At this time, Ye Xuanhuang bluntly slowed down.

Human swords? He found that he was a bit wrong at first.

He always stands at the highest point to overlook this man\'s red dust, from Qingcheng, he thinks he is very miserable, it is very unknown, but he is not bad than numerous people!

When you complain that you have no shoes, you have to think of there is any feet in this world!

There is red dust in the world, not an extraline, but to be integrated, you have to feel.

I have overlooked with a high-level mentality, how can I really red dust? Read this, Ye Xuan suddenly sat down, he suddenly laughed!



He is very happy, discovering his shortcomings in shortcomings!

He is very fortunate, he has not lost your mind and walks on a row.


Suddenly, the sword in the Xunxun was slightly slightly slightly.

Ye Xuan took the sword, he slowly walked towards the street.

At this moment, he seems to return to the Qingcheng once.

Qingcheng is a small world, but it is this small world, and there is a fireworks in the world!

On both sides of the streets of Qingcheng, the sound of the street is filled with the gas of the city.

A scene in Qingcheng, such as electric light, usually flashed in his mind.

Tuo Yan, Jiang Jiu, Ji\'an, Even Wanli, Mo Yunqi, Tuoba Xiao Demon.

Walking, I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan came to the unconstrained star. Here, he saw some old familiar people: no central day, the painter, the burial sky, and Mo Xie.

After a long time, he came to Chaos Universe, here, he saw Xiaoqi, Shangguan Xianer.

In the past, he came to the five-dimensional universe. He came here, his mouth was slightly picked up, because he saw the sister.

Love the sister of the fish!

On the Xuanxuan face, the smile gradually became brilliant.

In the past, Ye Xuan came to the spiritual domain, here, he saw Guan Yin, Awar, Aimu, Guan Yin, Situ.

On the street, Ye Xuan is getting slower.

After a long time, Ye Xuan came to the six-dimensional universe, he saw the ancient temples, the magic village of the magical family, Ye Chao Zhi, Dot Ting, White Rob, Luo Zu, Luo Wei, Ah Bi, Chi King .

The small road!

When Ye Xuan was encountered by this person, he stopped and silent, he slowed his left hand slowly and continued to advance.

Jiuwei universe!

Here, he saw the Dongdi who did not die.

More and more people.

Dao Yi, allee, bad, small knife, Anlian cloud, ninth floor, simple, second floor, big god, magic land, imperial dog, small Linger.

Walking, the smile on the Ye Xuan face gradually became an uns, but it was very fast, and it became complicated.

Walk all the way, I don\'t know how many people quietly disappear.

At this time, Ye Xuan has come out of the city from the street, and at this moment, it is a late night, the sky, and a round of moon hanging.

Ye Xuan suddenly slowly opened his eyes, he was full of vicissitudes.

After a long time, Ye Xuan light channel: "The Mingyue is still there, no old people in the same year!"

Said, he shook his head, stepped forward, "cherish the present!


A horrible sword suddenly swept in the mysterious body, in a moment, the surrounding time was twisted directly, this sword is getting stronger and stronger, and finally, the sky is depressed, straight into the depths of the Star River!


Suddenly, millions of miles of stars boiled, but did not destroy!

Ye Xuan\'s head is spread, and a sword appears in his hand.

Next, a mysterious special force is accompanied by his swords!

Human swords!

The power of the world!

Human swordsman!


PS: Reading, it is impossible to have a long flow!

Just talk to love, no matter what the purpose you have, one process will have a process, have experienced this process, will have feelings, feelings, what is the matter is water to the stream.

This is also true, you see the first chapter, then just like going to see the end, what is the meaning? It is meaningful to see this process slowly.

The reader said, I want to look at hundreds of chapters, I don\'t know, you are killing chicken.

Kill a chicken, can immediately get the egg, but later? A chicken, good health, eat eggs every day, this is a long flow, long-lasting!

This is also true.

Two chapters per day, not much, and a lot, slowly enjoy this process, this process is the road.

I realized, are you realizing? Finally, don\'t forget to vote, read the book vote, and one of the avenues!