One Sword Reigns Supreme

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Fight back? Ye Xuan speechless, how did it say that it is said that it is on the background? Is it a person who is a backstest? Going to Today, I rely on anyone? Thinking of this, Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly red.

The vain suddenly smiled and said: "Have you heard the god of the ancient?"

Ye Xuan brows, "God?"

The vain is flashing in the eyes, "You actually listened to the ancient gods, it seems that you have no weak in the back of you!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Can we speak in the background? I think this is very bad!

The vain is a bokey, "What is bad? Don\'t you know, the background is also a kind of strength?"

Ye Xuan; "

The vain: "Ancient gods, just one of them, and the god of the ancient gods, it is still on the ancient god!

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, "What these so-called gods are all others, or they are sealed?"

The vivid shadow is boketed, "You are really a frog in the well, and you will ask such a ignorant question, you.

Ye Xuan suddenly held a pen.

A pen!

Distance, the vain eyes suddenly shrink, the heart is horrified, there is no more thinking, he is right-handed!


That striker passed through the vain, and he was on the way of transmitting the whirlpool.


At the same time, the vortex was erased. At the same time, all cloud fogs in nearly a million miles directly smoke, and the stars were reproduced.

Seeing this scene, the gods stayed directly.

At this moment, she is a completely believed that this pen in Ye Xuan is a big road!

Before, she really wants to believe in Ye Xuan, but I will tell her that this should be a big road pen, I know that this avenue pen can run the trajectory of the lives of the people, how can it be hung in the waist? At this moment, she really believes!

It is a pen.

It is enough to calm and count countless cave!

Only the legendary avenue pen is such a horrible power!


God looked at the Ye Xuan in front of him, and the shocking of the heart was not complexed, so that she had a burst of upwards before the chest.

In front of Ye Xuan, the vivid shadow that gradually disappeared looked at Ye Xuan, Some Head, "You.


Don\'t we talk about it? Why do you want to die? Are you a bit too much? "

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Sorry, I don\'t know if you are so weak!"

He is also some speechless.

A large road pen, I really only fly to the smoke!

He wanted to stay, seriously hurt this vain, then install something, but he did not think that the other party was so weak, a pen is directly for seconds!

Ye Xuan looked at the hand of the avenue, is it a bit underestimated? Avenue pen: ".

At this time, the vivid shadow suddenly trembled in the distance: "What can I do now?"

Ye Xuan silent, what should I do? Laozi killed you, what do you do? Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Do you want, I buried you?"

God: ".

Vain: "Folder I really disrespectful, but the sin is not dying? You.

Can you put me a horse? I promise that I will change the attitude of talking!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "It may not come!

On the moment, the avenue pen is now completely erased all the vitality of the vain!

Jealous? He nature is not!

Just kidding, if you are weak, it should be yourself!

In that time, will the other party be embarrassed because of killing himself? Obviously it will not!

The vain suddenly turned, when he saw that the pass gate did not, his face was in an instant change, and he turned to look at Ye Xuan, trembling: "Help me a busy!

I want to pass back my ancient ancient people, let them don\'t mess with you, do you see it? "

Ye Xuan nod, "Y!

The vain looks at the deep place of the starry sky. He is the palm of its palm. A special junction appears in his hand. He trembled: "I have a lot of power, I have no power, you follow me: Do you want to I revenge.

Ye Xuan nod, "Don\'t revenge me for me.


The voice of Ye Xuan did not enter the sound of the sound. The next moment, the sound is risening to the sky.

The vivid shadow quickly said: "This person.

Have not finished, he suddenly disappeared.

Ye Xuan stunned.

Gone? At this moment, the starry sky of Ye Xuan and the top of the god suddenly broke, followed by a unusual middle-aged man appeared in the top of everyone.

The middle-aged man is dead and staring at Ye Xuan. "Killing people, but also say such a heart.

You are very happy!

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

The vain is dead. "You are waiting, no matter what you are, kill my god ancient people, although far away!

After finishing, he disappeared directly.

After the Ye Xuan Shen smelled, he turned his head to see the god. "Is he misunderstood? Think that the sentence just said after murder?"

God nodded.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "If I explain, will he believe? God shook his head.

Ye Xuan low sigh.

This misunderstand will be big!

God suddenly said: "Sorry!"

Ye Xuan looks to the gods, "What to do?"

God whispered: "I will bring you trouble!

Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "What is the trouble? Go!

After finishing, he turned and left.

God looked at the Ye Xuan, then turned and followed.

After leaving the ground of the cloud, Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at God, smiled: "I want the college!

How about you? "

God thought about it, then: "Back to Yunxiao!

Ye Xuan nod, "take care!

After that, he directly rushed to the sword, and the blink of an eye was disappeared in the sky, and he didn\'t live!

God looked at the end of the horizon. After a while, I saw Ye Xuan without any turning me, when she snorted, turned and left.


After returning to the book, Ye Xuan came directly to the bamboo forest that he often cultivated.


Before the previous middle-aged man\'s appearance, he had a sense of crisis!

Whether it is the ancient god, or what is the ancient voice, these forces are not simple. Although he has a big road, it does not mean invincible. If he is not able to promote the avenue pen, he is now once every time. The avenue pen, the consumption is very big, once he is infinitely consumed, it will be very dangerous!

And now the overall strength of Xuan Academy, although it has improved a lot, but must not be able to compete with the ancient people with those ancient gods!

Moreover, now these forces, the mind seems to be smart!

If the other party really wants yourself, you may start from the school, at that time, you can\'t escape, and you will fall into passive!

Do you want to find a young and Yang? Think of this, Ye Xuan shook his head.

This time, I want to rely on myself!

A thing is that Qingre and Yang people, how to grow itself? Make up, you have to dress up.

The young and Yang family appeared, which is forced to put them!

I can only see it.

This feeling is not good!

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, and Xuan Tian order appeared in his hand. He sent Xuan Tian order, soon, a woman appeared in front of him.

It is Yueyu, that is, the vice president of Xianbaoge!

See Ye Xuan, A Moon is deeply a gift, "Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan nod, "no need to ritual!

Yue looked at Ye Xuan, smiled: "What is the command?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Can you master all the information of Xianbao Pavilion?"

Juyue hesitated, then shook his head, "I can only master the information of the gods of Xianbao Branch, other places.

I have no right to mobilize the President of Nanqing!

Ye Xuan asked again, "Can you help me investigate the ancient god and what god ancient people?"

After a drunk, I shook my head, "I have never been touched!

Some silence.

It seems that I know that this ancient god and what god ancient family can only go to a higher level of Xianbao Pavilion!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuanhu went to Ayu, "Then you know other Xianbaoge? Level is higher than the gods!

Ah month thought, shook his head, "I don\'t know!

The Xianbaoge of each universe is basically the country, only the owner knows the specific base of all Xianbaoge branch, and only she can mobilize the president of all the bids, otherwise, we are below these branches, no one Don\'t let anyone!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "is it respectful?"

A moon ok.

Ye Xuan silent.

If this Qin Guan is a point of mind, this Xianbao Pavilion will instantly quite five!

However, with this Qin Guan\'s terror, who can make her something? It can be said that the three swords can\'t come out, even if the Yang is in the power of the whole, it is not necessarily able to kill Qin Guan!

This woman, the horror of the world, he wants to come now!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, then looked at Ayune, "You go!

A moon deeply, then turned around to disappear.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Xi Van!

The sound is falling, and the Xihan with a curved knife appears in front of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looked at Xi Van, "How long how long can I reach Dong Xuan?"

Xi Van Shen said: "If you have money, immediately!

Ye Xuan asked, "How much!

Xi Van raised a finger, Ye Xuan Xiang is a little, one is a quenteen to Xi Van.

In the quie, it is just one million!

Xi Van hesitated, then said: "5 million!

When the Ye Xuan face suddenly was black, "the girl, five million you plastic one finger, is it right?"

Xi Van quickly raised five fingers.

Ye Xuan speechless, he took out a quenteen to Xi Van, and it was 4 million in the quite.

Xi Van hesitated, and said: "I am talking about it, it is more than 5 million!

Ye Xuan suddenly stood up, he stared in Xi Van, "There is no such thing as money, can you still finish the words? Is this fun?"

Xi Van slightly down, "too much.

I don\'t dare!

Ye Xuan glared at Xi Van, "What do you dare now?"

Xi Van hesitated, then said: "I don\'t know if you have money!"

Ye Xuan: ".
