One Sword Reigns Supreme

2329 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and sixteen chapters: Not afraid!

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Red dust!

From the city to the city, this distance is not almost, but Ye Xuan seems to have experienced several reincarnations!

During this period, he saw countless human people, these old people have evoked his countless memories, there is a beautiful, there is also an uncomfortable, and some are sorry, because it is not sincere, it will be separated.

Among the people\'s life, many times are walking, and many people around me are gone.

Looking back, I found a lot of regrets.

Many times, it is inevitable, but at least you should say goodbye.

Think here, Ye Xuan smiled slightly because everything was still.

In Ye Xuan Zhou, the world\'s sword is getting stronger and stronger.

Human swords!

The power of the world!

This belongs to the new Jiendao, which he created, just initial, because he just saw, just his own \'human ".

Along the way, it belongs to his own human red dust.

Although it is only an initial, it is true that the sword is really established!

The blade is spread, surrounded, the sword is slowly emerging into him, and the power of the people will gradually disappear!

At this moment, the time and space suddenly distorted by the surrounding time and space.

Ye Xuan brows micropleded.

Soon, Ye Xuan surrounded by time and space blurred, turned, and others have appeared in a unknown starry sky.

Not far from him, there is a middle-aged man standing, and the middle-aged man wears a black and red robes, and a horrible and killing is emitted.

Dong Xuan!

And on both sides of him, there are six people!

All is the dongxia!

Ye Xuan looked at the middle-aged man, "I want to come to Sura City Lord!

Middle-aged men have no expression, "it is!

This person is the Lord of the Architecture Shura City.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "In order to kill me, how long have you planned?"

Shura City Lord looked at Ye Xuan. "I especially hate you this kind of person, I am very panic, but I still have to put a pair of looks, although life is like a play, but you are so tired?"

Ye Xuan brows, "Do you think I am in dress?"

Shura City is the main laugh, "Seven caves, don\'t tell me, you are not afraid!

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, then said: "Honestly, I am not afraid!

Shura City is the main laugh, "Pack, you continue to install!

Ye Xuan speaking.

At this time, Shura City is also said: "Young people, I know that you are not easy.

Ye Xuan suddenly interrupted the rules of Shura City, "You know, but you still have to die for me, is it?"

Zhulan City Lord looked at Ye Xuan, "Yes!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I am actually not a person who likes nonsense, but I have to say two words today.

I really really don\'t understand, why do you want this? Don\'t I look like a master? "

The main city of Zoncheng City has a hand of Ye Xuan, ridicule, "You just know how to know, it is also a master?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then turn it heads a strong scholar on the right side.

That cave is a strong brow, "What are you?


Suddenly, the poorer in the middle of the poinsee, flying directly, blood flying high!

Directly removed!


In the field, everyone stunned.

The headed Shura City is full of horror looking at Ye Xuan, "you.

Why are you.

A look.


Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Is it like a master?"

The Shura City\'s main eyes flashed a touch, "it is impossible!

Let\'s go together!

He must.

However, he has not finished, and the five insensuit of Ye Xuan suddenly turned and disappeared directly in the deep place!


Ye Xuan and Zhao Luocheng are stunned.

Escape? Some of the Lord of the Shura City.

Deep, deep, the tone of the poverty of the dongs, a cold sweat, a vision kills a hole in Xunjing, how horror strength? Still? What do the owner think? Ye Xuan looked to the Lord of Shura City, laughed: "There is us!

The main city of Zunro City looked at Ye Xuan, the eyes were full, "Who are you!

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "Don\'t talk nonsense, then, I want to go out of your sword, my sword, no sound, extremely strange, you have to prepare, know?"

He is just now able to kill the dongxia, because of the sneak attack, hitting the other party, unfolding.

Now, he wants to try it, the light is a big sword, can you kill the hole!

You know, sneak this kind of thing, can only be once, the second time, people must definitely have a preparation!

Zhulan City is hesitating, then: "Can I refuse?"

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, Shura City is suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, the next moment, a horrible killing and suddenly spurred out from him, followed, he boxed into Ye Xuan!

This punch is simply , under normal circumstances, the general strong will be affected by this qi, but Ye Xuan has nothing to do!

Seeing Ye Xuan\'s eyes calm, there was no impact, and the main eyes of Shura City were suddenly shrinking. At this moment, he panicked in his heart.


A sword light suddenly broke out in front of the rush, the next moment, the Mono City city directly flew out, this flying is tens of thousands of feet, and he just stopped, the flesh is broken, the soul is lost.


Shura City is a bit of a little looked at Ye Xuan, "you.

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, a Dan medicine slowly floated to the main scene of Shura City, "This is the soul of the soul Dan, so that you will have no!

The soul was obsoleted, and the mainstay of the city of Zunro City was so busy to serve the soul. Dan medicine just contained, and a mysterious force suddenly affected his soul. He saw this scene. Ye Xuan, trembling: "Thank you!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Don\'t thank you!"

Said, he made a little, a sword light directly locked the soul of Luo Chengcheng, the next moment, he directly took the city of Shura City disappeared in the same place.

Not long, Ye Xuanzhi came to Shura City with the Shura City City.

When I came to Shura City, Ye Xuan brows smashed.

This repaired Luo City, full of endless and killing, the killing and , let him be a little shocked.

At this time, Shura City is suddenly trembling: "Do you take me here?"

Ye Xuanhe said: "Shura City City Lord, does not meet, recently started the college, cultivating strong, I am very lack.

You have inherited Luo City for so many years, and there is a lot of ancestors. "

I heard the words, the monetarian city of Shura is suddenly stiff, and he now knows why this man does not kill him in front of him!

It turned out to be a money!

Thinking of this, Shura City is the main road; "I don\'t know how much leave less?"

Ye Xuan stands up with a finger.

Shura City\'s main heart is a loose, "10 million? Ye Shari, I will send it, you.

Ye Xuan suddenly seriously said: "Shura City is not tens of millions, it is 100 million!

The compliance of the comparative city of Zoncheng City, "One.

A hundred million? "

Leaf Xuan nod.

Zhulo City is shot, "Ye Shao, this is too much!

Even if I sell me, there is not so much.


A sword suddenly wore the town of Luo City.


Shura City City is suddenly lost when he suddenly turned.

The main face of Shura City City has changed, he looked at Ye Xuan, a horrified road; "Ye Ye.

Ye Xuan laughed: "A hundred million with your life, there is a life of Luo City, which one do you choose?"

The main vocal voices of Zoncheng City; "Ye Shao, you can\'t do this!

You are a reader!

How do readers do this? "

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "Do they call me before I study it?"

The main vocal voices of the city of Shura; "What is it?"

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Don\'t tell you!

The sound fell, his right hand suddenly wandered, suddenly, a sword appeared in the Shura City, which followed, and a horrible sword is directly covering the entire Shura City!

At this moment, there are countless strong people to look up. When I saw the Sky Month City, all the Shura City strongly stayed directly.

Ye Xuan looked at the Lord of Sura City, "100 million, have any questions?"

Shura City is busy: "No.

No, I will be raised right away!


After I raise one million, can you let me let me? "

Ye Xuan nod, "Y!

Squirting the city of Shura City is skeptical.

Ye Xuan said: "I swear with my father, if you raise 100 million, I don\'t kill you!

Shura City, the main point, "Good!

I believe Ye Shaoyang!

Said, he turned to look at the Chengluo City, roar, "selling, selling all the best to sell, all low-priced to Xianbao Pavilion, hurry!

Below, the city in the city does not dare to hesitate, and there are gods to travel to Xianbao Pavilion.

In the air, Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly.

After about half an hour, an old man came to Ye Xuan and the main city of Shura City, the old man trembled; "Ye Ye.

There are 60 million fears here, still 40 million!

Ye Xuan brows, I saw this scene, the main road of Luo City City; "Ye Shao, Mo, and I still have!

Ye Shao will wait a moment!

After finishing, he turned and disappeared in the same place.

Ye Xuan is also not afraid that the other party fled, his sword is still locked the other soul!

Not long after, the Shura City City came to Ye Xuan\'s face, he took a quarter to Ye Xuan, "Ye Ye.

Ye Xuan looked at Shura City Lord, laughed: "You are really meaningful, so many", you don\'t bring it on it. "

He didn\'t kill each other before, because he found that the other party did not have a ring!

Shura City is laughing; "is a family finance, belling on the body, if there is an accident.

Ye Xuan slight smile, "thinking about it!

Said, he received a quite ring.

Seeing Ye Xuan received the quilt, the main heart of the Shura City is in the blood, these, he has saved tens of thousands of years!

Now, all is gone!

Of course, life is more important!

Shura City City is hesitating, then: "Ye Shao, you talk, right?"

Ye Xuan nod, "of course!

After that, he directly took the monetarian city of Zhulan to the place, not long, the two appeared in the Xuan Academy.

Zhulan City Lord looked at Ye Xuan, some doubts, "Ye Ye.

Are you taking me here? "

Ye Xuan slight smile, "seeing the old people!

Shura City, the main city, suddenly want to talk, suddenly, he turned his head, not far away, a woman is staring at him.

This woman is Xi Van!

See Xi Van, the main face of the main face of Shura City.

Ye Xuan looked at Xi Van, "he gave you, you will dispose!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Shura City is suddenly roaring, "Ye Xuan, you promised me, don\'t kill me.

Ye Xuan stopped, "I don\'t want to kill you!"

Zhulo City mainly looked at Ye Xuan, "You are playing a word game!


You can swear with you, do you do this, isn\'t you afraid of you? "

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Not afraid!

Green shirt man: "
