One Sword Reigns Supreme

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Xian Gu is completely speechless, directly ignoring his parents, turn around.

Seeing this scene, Xian Guxong is not anxious, but there is no choice but to know that his daughter\'s temper, wants to persuade her to take the initiative, it is difficult to be difficult!

This gimmick is too strong!

The two have seen each other, all have some regrets, regretting the puppy look low!


After Xian Guzhen left the hall, she came to a river, looked at the small fish of the river, she fell into the meditation, I don\'t know why, these time, my mind is always nor, it seems to have anything. heart.

At this time, Xian An Yuan appeared next to Xian Gu, Xian Gu Yuan hesitated, then said: "Sister!

Xian Guzhen recovered his thoughts. She looked to the ancient yuan of Xian, "Is there something?"

Xian Gu Yuan smiled, "Sister, Li Xue is not willing to come back!

If the ancient gods, if you have frost, "That is what you have, who?"

The Imagine\'s face has become a hard time.

Xian Guzhen straight visits Imaginary Yuan, "he came to you at your wedding, and gave birth to the" Shintong Code ", but how did you do?"

Xian Gu Yuan smiled, "I don\'t know that the small bag is actually" God Tao Code ". If I know, I will definitely not be it!

Xian Guzhen sighed.

Xian Guyuan also said; "Sister, you relation with the Ye Gongzi is so good, can you help me ask for pleasure? Let Li Xue come back.

Xian Guzhen lightly said: "Don\'t want Li Xue again!"

Xian Gu Yuan stunned, "Why?"

Xian Guzhen looked at the ancient yuan, "because she won\'t come back!

After that, she turned and left.

Xian An Yuan\'s face is gloomy, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

At this time, Xian Guzhen suddenly stopped, she turned and looked at Xian ancient yuan, "Don\'t move, otherwise, I can\'t save you!"

Don\'t look at Ye Gongzi is gentle, if he is really angry, I will not save you!

After that, she turned and disappeared in the same place.

Xian Guyuan: ".


After Xian Guzhen left the immortal, she suddenly said: "Zhang is old!

The sound falls, and a white robe has appeared next to her.

I have no expression in Xian Gu, "I looked at him. If he dared to find Li Xue or Ye Gongzi, gave me directly!

White robe is stunned.

Xian Guzhen looked at the old man, "Don\'t you dare?"

White robe people hesitated, then said: "Miss.

Xian Guzhen lightly said: "How do you think Ye Gongzi?"

White robe old people think about it, then: "When temperate, Wen Wen, Gongzi!

Xian Gu is in the head, "it is true!

However, Intuitive tells me that it is not so simple.

White robe is stunned, "this.

Xian Guzhen looked up to the distance, "he is a very characterful person, it is also a good person to him, he is ten times to you, but if you dare to descend him, he will definitely also Double you!

My Xian Gu is with him, has happened a contradiction, and thousands can no longer be revengened!

White robe people hesitated, then: "Miss, Ye Gongzi is not like, but it is absolutely good.

The ancient times is soft, "What is it?"

The old man in the white robe said: "Miss, it will be a lot of mouth, if you have a good sense of Ye Gongzi, you can contact him more contact.

Xian Guzhen is calm, "no!

White robe is bitter, "Miss, Ye Gongzi is really a good person, but also a person with university, you can practice more, you can do more with him!

Xian Gu has no expression, "no!

What is the old people who want to say, at this time, an old man suddenly appeared in the scene, the old man slightly, "Miss, Ye Gongzi came to visit, just outside the city, he said.

If you haven\'t finished, Xian Guzhen has disappeared.

Old man: ".

White robe old: ".


In addition to the ancient city of Xiancheng, Ye Xuan, who is closing, suddenly opened his eyes, and Xian Guzhen appeared in front of him.

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "", meet again!

Xian Gu is calm, "Is there something?"

Ye Xuan has some dissatisfaction, "Can you come to you?"

Xian Gu is in a slight, and the heart is inexplicably, but it is quickly pressed by her.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Walk together?"

Xian Guzhen, "Good!

Said, she will take Ye Xuan to the city.

Ye Xuan did not move.

Xian Guzhen turned to look into Ye Xuan, "Are you still angry?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Xian Gu is white and a eye, "Xiaoye!

This eye, there are more styles, and she did not find it.

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, pointed to the side, "The scenery is good, we walk?"

Xian Guzhen, "Good!

The two people went along the wall and walked in the distance.

Xian Guzhen suddenly opened, "Suddenly come to me, is there something?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "A little thing, but, the main thing is still to see you!

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan, "What do I do?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You are beautiful, look at it, the mood is inexplicably comfortable.

Xian Guzhen glanced over the Ye Xuan, "Don\'t spend the lot!

Ye Xuan smiled: ", should I not have the first person to say your beautiful person, right?"

Xian Guzhen asked, "If I am a born person?"

Ye Xuan is amazed, "", you may misunderstand me mean!

Xian Guzhenbow head is slightly wrinkled, "What?"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "I said that you are beautiful, not just a face, but also souls and products.

This world, many people look good, but the heart is dirty and ugly, one inner dirty and ugly people, she even looks nice, I seem to be dirty.

And you are different from you, you are not only a good look, but also very kind.

Compared to your appearance, I prefer your soul and your kind heart.

It is the so-called \'good-looking leapsay, there is a fun, and the soul is one\'.

Said, he suddenly said, and said again; "My speech may make you feel some flower whistle, even some Tang Jun, but I want to say, this is my heart\'s most authentic idea, our sword is repaired. We never deceive your own inner, say it, you think it is your heart!

Direct view of Xian Guzhen, although the look is still calm, but the heart began to shake slightly, but it quickly returned to normal.

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan. At this moment, Ye Xuan was also watching her. His eyes are like water, and the face hangs a faint smile. Everything is so true.

Xian Guzhen suddenly returned to the eyes, Ye Xuannai\'s eyes, just like the whirlpool, it seems that people can succeed.

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "" , I will send you a gift! "

Xian Guzhen turned his head to see, some curiosity, "What gift?"

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, a "God Tao Code" appeared in his hand.

See this "Shintong Code", Xian Guzhen directly, "this.

Ye Xuan said: "This" God Tao Code "is different from me to your brother and Li Xue. This" Shen Tao Code "I slept for half a month, and then detailed, cultivate, to be simple More than!

Shuxian: "????"

Xian Guzhen looked at the "God Tao Code" in front of him. After a while, she shook his head, "too precious!

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Is there a precious friendship?"

Xian Gu is in the same place.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, asked again, "Is there?"

Xian Gu is silent, I don\'t know how to answer.

Ye Xuan suddenly put the "Shendao Code" in the hands of Xiangu, "In my heart, even if it is 10,000" Shen Tao Code ", I can\'t, you and my friendship is 100 million!

Said, he looked at the ancient times, "Next, you need to use external objects to measure our friendship."

Because I think that using foreign objects to measure the friendship between us, it is an insult, that\'s blasphemy!

Yao cents to see the ancient mysterious leaf, do not speak.

Ye Xuan laughed: "Do not feel like I\'m in the flicker you?"

Yao ancient fairy nodded.

Ye Xuan smiled, turned and walked toward the distance.

Sin tender at the hands of the ancient "mystical Code," whispered Yi Tan heart.

Fudge? This is "mystical Code", worth at least fifty million more than the universe pulse ah!

Furthermore, or annotated, it is priceless!

He has attempted to yourself? Thought to this, she found herself not even the slightest anger.

If so, why did he say unknown? Thought to this, she suddenly found themselves somewhat angry.

Yao ancient fairy quickly shook his head, the brain to get rid of those messy thoughts, she walked quickly to keep up with the mysterious leaf, she turned around to see the leaves mysterious, "angry?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "a little!

Because I tell the truth, the letter had never been.

Yao cents ancient blinked, "You told a lie before?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes!

Often say!

Yao ancient fairy shook his head, "I do not believe, you people seem cynical, but still very honest people, not people who would tell lies!

Ye Xuan: "???"

Yao ancient fairy suddenly said: "You\'re" mystical Code "I took it!

Do not be mad.

can? "

Ye Xuan Xiao; "I am not so kind!"

Xian Guzhen smiled slightly, "Good!

Ye Xuan blinked, "Can I try again?"

Xian Gu is in the eyes of Ye Xuan, "What do you want to say?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "I want to say my heart, but I am afraid that you are not happy, so.

Can I say? "

Xian Gu is white, and she thought about it, then set a finger, "I can only say one, just one sentence!

Ye Xuan said: "You laugh so good, just like just mature cherries, delicate, can\'t help but want to bite a bite!

Xian Guzhen first was a rumor, then rose two red halves on the cheek, and she glared in Ye Xuan, "you.

This can be some asking.

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, at this time, Xian Guzhen suddenly said: "You.

Can say another sentence!

Ye Xuan: ".


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