One Sword Reigns Supreme

2317 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and four chapter: stocking?

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Again? Ye Xuan blinked, "I am not!

Xian Gu is slightly, and Xuanji is ashamed of the Ye Xuan, half hamilt.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I don\'t want to say, I don\'t dare to say!

Xian Gu is so curious, "Why?"

Ye Xuan said: "I am afraid that you are angry!"

Xian Gu is white and the Ye Xuan, "What is I am angry?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The girl, you usually laugh, right?"

Xian Gu is silent.

Ye Xuan light channel: "If I have not guess, you should have a lot from the small back, and you will have a big family. The woman wants to master her destiny. Only than men are more efforts, only so, you will be respected. Will pay attention to it will not be treated.

In this family, the so-called family concept is very light, because everyone is profitable.

Everyone only cares about your realm, no one cares about what you really want, this is why you are cold and cold, because you want to disguise yourself, don\'t let others see you in the heart!

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan, suddenly, she was watching, but there was no drip.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then turned, "If you want to cry, you will cry!

I do not watch!


Xian Guzhen suddenly laughed out, she glared in Ye Xuan, "Is this not a cover?"

Ye Xuan was turned to see to Xian Guzhen. When he saw the tears of the ancient eyes, he took out a scarf to wipe off the tears of the eye and whispered: "You are strong, people distressed!"

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan blinked, "I look good?"

Xian Guzhen is slight, and then shook his head, "The skin is thick!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

The two continue to advance.

Not long after, the two rushed to a river, the rivers were on both sides, the flowers were blooming, and it was beautiful.

Ye Xuan turned to Xian Guzhen, Xian Guzhen wore a white long skirt today, and her long-lived is very casual, but it is not messy, the exquisite five senses, enough to make countless men indulge.

Xian Guzhen suddenly turned to look at Ye Xuan, "What do I do?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Good look!

Xian Gu is in the eyes of Ye Xuan, not angry, but it is somewhat shy.

Ye Xuan received his eyes, he looked at the distance, whispered: "Have to say, human beings are really visual, beautiful appearance, especially the beautiful girl, really easy to indulge.

Xian Guzhen suddenly asked, "Are you indulging?"

Ye Xuan stunned, he turned to look at Xian Guzhen, Xian Guzhen received his eyes, seeing front, as if the sentence just asked.

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "Will!

Xian Guzhen turned to look into Ye Xuan, she just saw the Ye Xuan\'s eyes, I want to see the heart of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan suddenly returned to the eyes, ", you don\'t want to see me!"

I asked, "Why?"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I am afraid that I will sink, and then there is no longer!

Xian Guzhen: ".

Ye Xuan suddenly pointed out a boulder in the distance, "Go, let\'s sit!

After that, he took the ancient ancient to the boulder, and he was calm, gently and gently, in an instant, the two fish suddenly flew up.

Ye Xuan directly raw fish!

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan, with a hint of different colors.

After a while, Ye Xuan was baked with two fish. He handed one of them to the ancient times, "Try!

Xian Guzhen hesitated, then took a fish, she gathened, after a moment, she looked at Ye Xuan, "very good!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled and then said: "".

Xian Guzhen suddenly said: "You can call me Xiaoyu!


Ye Xuan blinked, "Your little name?"

Xian Gu is in his head, whispered: "Only my parents can call me this!"

Ye Xuan goggles, "Xiaoyao, I have something to ask you!"

Xian Guzhen said: "Say!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "I want to recruit students in Xiancheng!

He found a question, that is, it is necessary to enroll students, can only go to all major in major cities, because after removing the majorities and the big cities, other people are too small, and excellent people are more Poor!

If you want to recruit more and better students, you can only go to the big cities and big trips.

Xian Guzhen looked at the Ye Xuan. "Do you say so much better, is the purpose is to this?"

Ye Xuanlian is busy; "How? I am not that kind of person!

Xian Guzhen shook his head, "You said, no problem!

Wen said, Ye Xixiang is a loose, then said: "I am equal to grab people with you!"

Xian Guzhen smiled slightly, "Look at you, if you really can grab, you are so powerful!

Of course, I also have a small requirement, that is, let my Xiangu people can join in Xuan Academy, don\'t need to be more, just four or five places, how do you see? "

Ye Xuan laughed: "Yes, but, these four or five people, I need people to pass!

Xian Guzhen, "I personally choose!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

After finishing, he turned to see the sunset in the horizon, whispered: "Xiaoyu, I have to go back!"

Xian Gu is silent, although the heart is somewhat reluctant, but still nod.

Ye Xuanqi, he looked at Xian Guzhen, smiled slightly, "Do you know how beautiful you laugh?"

Xian Gu is slightly.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Beautiful to suffocate!

After that, he turned to the royal sword, and a sword was tattooed to the sky, and he shook the world.


Xian Guzhen looked at the sky of the sky, whispered: "It\'s really a sword!

Said, she seems to think of what, shake his head smile.

This laugh, everything is out of color.

After a while, Xian Guzhen turned away, when returned to the door of Xian Gu, the old man suddenly appeared next to her, he slightly, "Miss, the moon is coming!"

Say something to give.

Xian Guzhen suddenly turned, and his eyes were cold, "let him roll!

After that, she walked toward the inner house, but did not take two steps, she stopped again, and said: "Round!

After that, she disappeared in the same place.

White robe old: ".


Watching an institution.

After Ye Xuan returned to the college, he immediately found a book and Qingqiu.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Now, you can go to Xian Gucheng, but before, remember to say hello to the girl,"

The book nodded, "Of course!

Ye Xi\'s heart is spread, a quite ring appears in his hand, which is his uncle.

I have given him before, and then he has a thousands of millions from the demon lotus. In addition, the forefront of the Chinese family gave him 20 million. He flooked before, and he is now 38 Millions of Zone!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then take out five million hipsters to the book, "Now the college construction, all aspects need to spend money, for money, you will save!"

Shuxian slightly, "Okay!

Ye Xuan also divided into five million people to do it to Qingqiu. "This is given to you alone, you cultivate, you need a lot of Zi Zi, do you want to save, understand?"

Qingqiu nodded slightly, whispered: "Good!

After that, she took the quite ring, she was in the right hand, and she didn\'t know what I was thinking.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Our goal is not only the gods, but the universe!

And the gods are our foundation, so I decided to visit this great forces of this gods, because now the great power is always a heart, I want to give them a state, We come here, just want to build an alias, not to dominate the gods.

It is best to cooperate with them, all peacefully develop, achieve a win-win!

After that, Ye Xuan is also a little emotion.

When I have changed a place, I changed my place to kill, all the way to the end, all the way to the end.

That kind of days, he is really tired!

Why can\'t you coexist with peace? Why do you have to fight and kill? Now look back, he feels like a stupid.

Take all the way and kill all the way.

I have been playing, I will put it, but I am called.

His life, like a routine, constantly repeating, constantly cycle!

This kind of life is really boring!

After the relegation, Ye Xuan was getting up, he took the next place, it is about the ancient city.

Leave the Xuanxuan Academy, Ye Xuan is sitting on the bus and goes away from the distance.

He didn\'t choose Yushu!

Sitting on the horse, not for loading, but to let yourself slow down!

He used to be too urgent!

He is now slow, many times, calm down, precipitate, better.

On the carriage, Ye Xuan is lying, holding a roll of ancient books in his hand.

Ancient Book Name: "Book".

This book, he particularly likes, especially in two sentences: Jingde, rebirth.


End, morality.

In his opinion, people must be moral, people have no morality, no bottom line, and how to be with animals? Rebirth!

At these time, he feeled deep.

His reasoning to create a human sword, because he thinks that if you love this universe, love this universe, then this universe will love you.

You will treat you with the heart of killing, and you will definitely kill.

Of course, he also knows that strong people are the world, to change many things, it is difficult to have difficult.

However, he decided to do it!

In addition to him, no one can do it!

Because he Ye Xuan is unique!

I am invincible, my big brother invincible, my sister invincible, this kind of great event, in addition to my Ye Xuan, who can do? Who is it? At this point, the corner of the Ye Xuanzhi picked up slightly, he admitted that he was a bit arrogant!

He also wants to be low-key, but the strength is not allowed!

It is invincible to live in the mountain, he is also helpless!

However, with the past, he wants to make a meaningful second generation.

So powerful identity background, if it is only used, it is too flying too.

As he said, he has to change the universe, not only to change the universe, but also change his old!

One day, he will stand in front of the green shirt, then tell the green shirt, "You are a unqualified"!

After finishing, then slap in the blue shirt to fly outside the nine days.

Status? You put you, you put me? What is you? .