One Sword Reigns Supreme

2315 Swords in the first two hundred and three chapters: human nature!

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The Lord of the cloud!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, then turned and left.

In fact, he is intended to make it with each other. The entrance has just founded it. In addition to money, what else? Person!

You must know that the sorrowful books have no foundation in the gods, just created, definitely need a huge person relationship, after all, his purpose is to create a book that can change the universe, rather than the universe.

Therefore, he needs to have a good relationship with the local forces here, and it is necessary to go out, one more friends must be better than one enemy.

I mixed with myself, and the students of the college are doing things outside, and people will definitely give a little more difficult!

The rivers and lakes are human love!


Shortly after the gods left the college, she suddenly stopped, she stood a woman in front of her, and it was the north.

Yanbei looked at God, "What did you say to him?"

God is calm, "Guan you fart!

Yanbei eyes were slightly smashed, and the right hand was slowly grasped.

Without any nonsense, she suddenly fell!


In an instant, the entire skyline suddenly gathered quickly, and then it went straight to the gods.

God has no expression, she suddenly stepped forward, and her body was pouring.


This is like a 10,000 mountains, and a horrible force will directly crush the cloud!

In the distance, the ..

God is cold and looked at Yanbei, "Give you an advice, the man is not you can fool, you are good to him, he is good to you, if you are not good to him.

He is getting striking, it will definitely beyond your imagination!

After that, she disappeared directly at the end of the sky.

Originally, Yanbei God is cold, I don\'t know what I think.


Ye Xuan returned to the back of the mountain bamboo forest, where he sat in the ground and started cultivating.

Things of the study of the book, he is all right to give the book, have to say that the book is indeed an expert, but it is too \'Confucian.

Many times, I don\'t know much!

It\'s also fine, this hoe can be different from her master, the whole is a ghost.

The two people one article is a military, and the book is also a sound.

This is just giving him a time!

He is now cultivating or a sword.

He wants this sword skill and the past, and the future, and it is integrated to the extreme!

He is now known as the community!

And his goal is that instant situations are impersonating!

Now, in the general knowledge of Xuanxiang is not his opponent. After all, he is known as knowing Xuanjing, and there is also a sword that is teach him to him!

But his goal is more than just the victory of knowledge, his goal is to instant in the instant, steadily killing the hole!

In order to finish these three swordsmanship, he retrans back to study this time and the way.

I used to practice, he is cultivated to cultivate, and now he discovers, studying these processes of these practitioners, really interesting, many times, the result is that he is not concerned. This process is.

Now cultivation, is studying, enjoy!

Several days.

Outside the school, more and more people came to seek school, among them, there are all major forces, and some are really thinking, but for the income, the book is very strict!

The first item is character!

People do not have customs, directly negate, no matter how good talents!

A person is not good, it may affect the entire entrance!

And Ye Xuan can not be so much thought with the students!

Watching an institution, before the gate, the book is in the examination and Qingqiu is reviewing the students.

I have to say that people who come to school are really a lot, and in front of the school, they have gathered thousands of people!

Qingqiu looked at the people who came to learn from the distance, and smiled brightly.

And the book is whisper, "Most of these people are not pure.

Qingqiu smiled; "Master, think of it!

People have come to school, must definitely be seek, otherwise, why? For people with ambition, we should be happy, because people with ambition will be more effort!

Shu Xian hesitated, then said: "Can recruit, I am afraid that these people will ruin the name of the college, even chaos!

Qingqiu\'s double eyes, "After coming in, first, give them ideological education, slowly teach them, second, if there is a murderous person, it is.

The book is slightly, he turned to look at Qingqiu, and there is a shock in his eyes.

Qingqiu smiled and smiled. "The old master brother is extremely good, this is his advantage, but this advantage has a hidden danger, then, it is good to be too good to him, you will be too good for him, long time, he will It should be reasonable, and it is the so-called mesenchym.

Said, she looked at the students in the field, "We manage the students, so, the reward, the penalty, the penalty, can not be soft!"

Just as this "God Tao Code", they came to join the college. They were not really coming to school, they were for the "God Tao Code".

Therefore, the master, we must formulate some rules.

From now on, anyone who joins the college must reach a certain requirement to watch the "Shintong Code", and can not read it once, can only look at this.

Shu Xian hesitated, then said: "Is it so good?"

Qingqiu nod, "if it is not this, they think that the" God Tao Code "is stall!

It will not cherish this opportunity to watch the "Shenxintong Code".

Over time, they will think that the young brother is sharing anything to share anything.

In order to avoid this, we have some rules now.

A book must have your own rules, there is no rule, and it will be!

Shu Xian thought, then nod, "Good!

What seems to be, he said: "Our college is now getting bigger and bigger, will it bring to the avoidance and targetedness of other forces?"

Qingqiu smiles, "Master, you think, a person who dares to take the" God Tao Code "will be an ordinary person? These forces are very smart, they will not shoot us, our peace of mind Yes.

Also, you must remember that our goals are definitely not the little interest in front of you, but the star sea.

It is necessary to follow the posts of the young brother, our vision and pattern must be big!

Otherwise, how long will it take, we may disappear from the older brother.

Shu Xian asked, "Shantou, you say that the eyes are big, how big?"

Qingqiu blinks, "Unlimited!


Shuxian stunned.

Qingqiu whispered: "Be sure to think.

If a person, even if you don\'t want to think, what is the difference between him with salted fish? "

Skinny is silent.


Xian Gu Fu.

Inside the temple, Xian Guxong and beautiful women are in a room.

Xian Guhe hesitated, then said: ", this time, how do you get close at home? You can go out!

I think that the way of watching the book is quite good, you can go there!

Beautiful woman is busy, "Yes, the Ye Gongzi, I feel good!"

Although I have a little misunderstood with him with your father, this Ye Gongzi is a person with university. This kind of person is very large, he will definitely not be able to be carefully with us!

You must have a burden because of some of our previous moves, so I don\'t pay with him, this is wrong.

Xian Guzhen looked at the two, then said: "He said, he will not come to the ancient city!

Xian Gu Tong Zongqi: "Activity!

That is a feeling!

Beautiful woman is also busy, "the breath!

Xian Guzhen shook his head, didn\'t want to talk again, get up.

Xian Guhe suddenly said: "Shantou, I know, you are very disgusted in this behavior, I think we are very real, but there is no way, your father is in a high level, and everything has to be considered from the family.

You said, if you find an ordinary person, is it right? It is definitely not suitable!

Shantou, my father is coming, knowing how important the door is, the door is not proper, the household is wrong, the two are together, the gap is too big, the future life is bigger!

Xian Guzhen looked at the ancient times, "Now I think I am right with Ye Gongzi Gate?"

Xian Guzhen hesitated, then said: "Ye Gongzi, will definitely not general!"

Xian Guzhen shook his head, whispered.

Xian Gu with Shen Sheng: "Shantou, this time, I can see that you are different from Ye Gongzi.

You are with him, no matter how the future, but at least, do you have a friend? And now, because of our reasons, you start to escape the Ye Gongzi.

This is not right, in my heart, you are a girl who dares to make dare, if you like, you will be on!

He is hesitant, the bobiance will be defeated, Ye Gongzi is so good, the woman around him, it will not be less, if you don\'t have a little, brave, he can be taken away by other women!

Beautiful woman is also busy: "Yes, you see, Ye Gongzi is excellent? Not only is strong, the family is not simple, or a person who has a decent person, you think, you are with him, is it Very happy? "

Happy? Xian Guzhenbow head is slightly wrinkled.

happy? I thought about the imperialism of Xian Gu, she suddenly found it, it seems to be very happy!

Thinking of this, Xian Guzhen is shocked, even busy shaking his head, abandoning the brain and chaos.

At this time, Xiangu is just a smooth and said: "Shantou, this Ye Gongzi is a human dragon and phoenix, or a fun person, if you miss her, pay for your father, you can\'t get better than him. !

You will regret life!

Xian Guzhen suddenly said: "If he is just an ordinary person, if he has no powerful life background, will you still do this?"

Xian Gu is angered: "Is I am who is the kind of force?"

Xian Guzhen: ".
