One Sword Reigns Supreme

2314 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and three chapters: lectures!

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Ye Xuan sat on the round platform, below, everyone is watching him.

The students are full of excitement and expectation!


In their hearts, the Ye Dean, that is a university.

At this time, a woman suddenly sat next to the green bun.

It is the main god of the cloud!

Qingqiu looked at the gods, then looked up and looked up to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "I will tell you today: choose.


Students are busy sitting straight and listen carefully.

Ye Xuanyan sat in the ground, his hands on the knee, after his mind, said: "Now the universe, the cultivator, its goal is nothing more than two, one, longevity, second, invincible.

Dressing, in my opinion, it is to meet the desire of inner heart.

The stronger strength, the greater the desire, but the desire is endless, so once the cultivator embarks on the martialo, it means that he has entered a road that is not ended.

On this road, if you are boat, you will die.

In order to life, the practitioners will improve their own costs, long time, and the cultivator will gradually give up their bottom line.

Said, he suddenly said, and said: "It is to lose yourself!

Lost yourself!

I heard the words, below, the gods and Yoshi face moment were changed.

Ye Xuan suddenly looked at the gods of Qingqiu and smiled: "Dare to ask the girl to remember the intent of cultivation?"

God is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, right-handed, no talk.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, then looked at Qingqiu, "Qingqiu, what is your cultivation?"

Qingqiu blinked, "for the universe, for the life, for the sanctuary, for the world to open Taiping!

Ye Xuan\'s thumbs up, "It\'s a good little girl, just like me, I am also!

We can be described as the hero!

Everyone: ".

Qingqiu smiled, "Less master brother, your face is a little thick!

Ye Xuanlian is busy positive color: "Continue to lect!

Qingqiu quickly collapsed and continued to listen carefully.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then continue to say: "Everyone should have a goal in front of him. This goal is at least in his own opinion, and if the most profound belief, the voice is deep, thinking that this goal is great. At that, he is actually great.

Therefore, we should carefully consider that this goal you choose is not correct, is it really wanting.

Said, he smiled slightly, "Once, my purpose is to guard my sister, let her have peaceful, let her care worry, and now, I am very embarrassing, I haven\'t seen her for a long time!

People will have new goals on the road to grow, there will be new needs, but I think we should never forget the initial cultivation.

My family has said that the initial heart is constant, it can be invincible, embarrassing, I really understand now!

Below, the gods suddenly pass; "But my goal is long life, it is invincible, what happened again?"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "That will work hard!

God\'s straight look, Ye Xuan, "Then do you think this, right?"

Ye Xuan, "Girl, do you have a loved ones?"

God is silent.

Ye Xuan and then ask, "Girl, do you have friends? Very good, you can do it for you!

God is silent.

Ye Xuan also asked, "Girl, do you like it? That kind of one day doesn\'t see, just a thousand years!

God frown.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Pursue a long life, pursue invincible, not wrong!"

However, I think we have this universe, should not only kill!

I don\'t think about it. I came along the Qingcheng. Every day, I was not fighting on the way to fight. This kind of life, I am really tired.

Now, I want to slow down, I want to live a good time.

I don\'t think about it. I want to create a new Jianji, I think it is good.

Just call: Human swords.

The red dust is a sword, and all beings are gone!

Human sword!

God looked at Ye Xuan, "You are a sword!

Ye Xuan nod, "I am a sword!

The gods are calm, "I didn\'t see it!

Ye Xuan smiled and then continued: "Return to the topic, choose, the students, I hope that you can think about it today, you learn, you cultivate, the ultimate goal!

To give yourself a goal, then go to fight.

We have existing universe, strong people are respect, everything is to speak with strength, and the strong can only be dismissed, I don\'t like this, I hope that you will change this world with me.

Some students suddenly said: "Dean, to change the world, change the rules, will it be difficult?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "It will be difficult, but do you believe me?"

The student immediately said: "I believe!

On the side, Yanbei suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, you are so behavior, you will have a lot of forces, are you not afraid of death?"


Ye Xuan shook his head smile, some helpless, "I don\'t think about it, I am invincible, my big brother invincible, my sister invincible.

I really can\'t think of anyone who can let me die!

Yanbei listened to the eyes, "Ye Gongzi, you know the avenue pen? This pen is in charge of the life of the people, are you not afraid?"

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan silent.

God looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

At this time, Shu Xian suddenly slowly walked to Ye Xuan\'s face, "Dean, Xian Gucheng family came to visit!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I got!

Book nod, "Good!

After finishing, he turned and left.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly got up, "all the positions, this day, you will live freely!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Didn\'t take a few steps, Ye Xuan suddenly turned, after body, it was the god.

Ye Xuan looked at the gods and smiled: "Is there?"

God is silent.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "If you don\'t want to say, let\'s go back!

God suddenly said: "Be careful, where you are with veil!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Thank you!

God brow, "" With you wisdom, you should know that she is not simple, but you don\'t care, you can know, you can hurt the dead!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "I know!

After the god looked at Ye Xuan film, he said: "I understand!

After finishing, she turned away, she didn\'t have two steps, she stopped, then looking to Ye Xuan, "Why never ask my name? Do you want to know, or already know?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t know!

God seeks to Ye Xuan, "Then you don\'t want to know?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "Girl, do you know why I asked you before?"

God\'s eyebrows, "Why?"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "Because I know, you must have no friends and people.

God stares at Ye Xuan, "Why?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "First, you are very good, so older, the strength has reached this level, and it is still a woman, it is not easy.

Second, although I don\'t know that you have come, but you can bought a "Shenxintong Code" for a bid price. I want to come, I should be one of the majority of power.

Such youngness has such a horrible strength, and it can also become a hegemon, which is very uncommon.

You, the eyes are extremely high, the average person, must not enter your eyes, especially men, right? "

God looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan continued: "I will meet you for the first time. You give me the feeling is that it is cold, and it is more cold than the girl. In this case, the average person must do not dare to make friends with you, especially men, If there is no powerful strength, the general man stands in front of you, and you will feel inferior.

I suddenly wiped a smile on my face, "Ye Gongzi, can I understand that you are boasting me?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

The smile on the gods gradually expanded. "I have to say, I am very happy, you continue to say!

Ye Xuan smiled: "I asked you before, have you liked people, I will ask when I ask this sentence, I will know that you definitely don\'t like it!

God\'s eyes are slightly, "Why are you so definite?"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Because it looks at the whole of the universe, no one can match the girl\'s favorite!

God stunned.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Girl, I said, all are the words of the lungs.

Finally, can I give you a small suggestion? "

God nodded, the look is soft, "" You said!

Ye Xuanzheng color: "This world, not only fighting, there are many beautiful things, if you change your mind, you will find that there are many beautiful things in this world.

If the girl is empty, you can come to the alleged sitting, I am willing to talk to my girl.

God looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan continued; "The girl can remember our first acquaintance?"

God nodded.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The girl asked me why I asked me that I was: I was sincere.

Today, I know with the girl now, where the girl is asked, wherever the girl said, I have some passwords, all of them are from the heart, sincere!

After the silence of the gods, he said: "The veil, the real name is called Yanbei, she is from the wilderness, there are two super power, and they have a compartment, the second, Shenshan Yan, she should be Shenshan Shenwu, it is said that the gods will be dedicated to God, and they must not have a relationship with any man.

And she came to you, maybe I want to use you to deal with Shenshan Yanjia, you have to be cautious, don\'t do it, unless you also like her.

However, I suggest you rush to go, because this nun is extremely uncleary, it will bring you a lot of trouble!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Thank you!

God looked at the Ye Xuan, "I\'m gone!"

After that, she turned, but she didn\'t want to go.

Ye Xuan is slightly, but he will soon understand, when you smile, "What is the girl call?"

God\'s mouth is slight, "the Lord of God, Yunjie, now now, half-hole".

After that, she floated.


PS: Today, eight o\'clock, live, live codeword, you can add me, please: 1748688249.

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In addition, the live broadcast will also take some lucky audience, free to give an invincible sword field and a sword alone.

Do not sell, you can make a collection.

Finally, see it eight.

Everyone can come and watch my prosperous beauty, let you see what is handsome!