One Sword Reigns Supreme

2313 The second thousand three hundred chapters of the fairy in the sword: with me!

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Not only is the ancient eternal, all people in the field are somewhat.

How do Xianbao South Qing? That is the Xianbaoge!

Even if there are several great power of the gods to give him a face, at this moment, he actually pumped in front of Ye Xuan, humble.

Why is this? Xian Guzhen can\'t understand.

And that, the surroundings were completely ignorant.

What ghost? Is this Nanqing kneeling directly? Can you play with this? Words and moon vibration: "Nanqing brother.

Nanqing suddenly roared, "What is the South Qing brother? Month, the old man doesn\'t have any kindness, you don\'t have a set!

Some unbelievable looked at Nanqing, "Nanqing brother.

Is this realistic? "

Nanqing whispered sigh, "said the public, I am a little too real!


I want to live, sorry!

Monthly, he pointed to Ye Xuan, some angered: "Is it better than my words?"

Nanqing laughs, "said the public, there is no comparability, and it is not comparable.

I heard the words, and the color of the moon was so white.

Because he knows, Nanqing will not lie to him!

At this moment, if he is dead, the heart began to panic.

Again to people who don\'t provoke!

Just then, a voice suddenly came from the sky, "Ye Gongzi, please leave your hand!

The sound came down, and a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the field.

From the people, it is the current family of family!

Words remnant immediately, "Ye Gongzi, the dog, I am giving you!"

Said, he actually slowly squatted in everyone.

Everyone stunned.

Ye Xuan also stunned.

Directly? This is the long!

Ye Xuan looked at the words, not talking.

Words are suddenly paid, and one is slowly floating into the Ye Xuan, and there are 20 million fears!

20 million!

Words have been revived again, "Ye Gongzi, if you feel enough, I will make it again.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "the Chinese is long, you are a long, there is no need to be so.

Words have been smirk, "he is my son, my son makes mistakes, boring, no problem!

Wen said, Ye Xuan stunned.

My son makes it wrong, she is coming!

At this moment, the nose suddenly acids suddenly.

Ye Xuan suddenly turned and did not let everyone see his face.

Xian Guzhen and Li Xue looked at the Ye Xuan, some are somewhat, because they found that Ye Xuanfang only turned into tears, and there was a tear flashing.

Ye Xuan is not a sense of sensibility, but when he heard the words of the words, he suddenly felt some saten.

After a moment, Ye Xuan was turned, he was very open, and the nature of the quince was in his hand, "the dance is long, this money, I accept it!"

Let\'s take your son!

Words are deeply a ceremony, "Thank you Hui Gongzi!

After finishing, he got up with the moon.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Monochild, you have a good father, after today, make a mature person!

Silence of the moon.

The words are deeply averaged, and then disappeared in the end of the sky.

Ye Xuan looked in Nanqing, smiled: "Go back!

Nanqing deeply a gift, "Ye Shao, submit it!

After finishing, he will give him the quench of the quarter to Ye Xuan before, and turn around and nine people directly disappeared in the same place.

Ye Xuan glanced at the wind, smiled, then put away, he turned to look at the ancient times, smiled: "Are you helping me?"

Xian Gu is calm, "It seems to be extra!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Thank you!"

After Xian Guzhen silently, he said: "You have not lie to me, right?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan. "We are just the first time, why are you honest with me?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Because I have a good impression on you!"

Xian Guzhen lived.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Make friends, naturally want to treat sincerity.

After Xian Guzhen silent, he said: "Is it a friend, can you help me?"

Ye Xuan nod, "you said!

Xian Guzhen looked at Li Xue, "Let her go back with my brother to be a friend!

Ye Xuan is shook his head, "no!

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan, "They should be a buddy!

Ye Xuan slightly shakes his head, "", I am disappointed with you!

Xian Guzhen\'s right hand slowly grasped, not talking.

Ye Xuan said: "If Li Xueu, he likes Xian Guyuan, you have to be born with him, I will naturally not oppose.

However, she doesn\'t like Xian Guyuan!

The Imagutan Directive Looks Xuan, "She is married to my Xiangu", now if it is breach, it is a back letter to abandon the meaning!

Ye Xuan slowly walked to the ancient face, he directly visited the ancient gods. "If your parents are forced to marry others, how will you?"

Xian Guzhen is holding hands, don\'t talk.

Ye Xixiang said: ", you are right and wrong, then we say something wrong."

Measuring the right, it is necessary to speak, the means used in others and the encounter in themselves, if it is unacceptable, it is a double mark.

Xian Guzhen deadly stars in Ye Xuan, don\'t talk.

Ye Xuan also said: "I know, you have strength, your parents may not dare to force you so, so you can change your destiny!


Speaking of this, his tone suddenly aggravates, "but not everyone is like you!

Also, I think the marriage should be free, it should be a hatred.

I hate the so-called marriage, I don\'t know, I don\'t care, but I know where I will manage!

Xian Gu is a little anger, "What?"

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "" With me!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Xian Gu is angry, regards Ye Xuan, "You are too overbearing!

On the side, Li Xue suddenly said: "I like his overbear!

After that, she turned and she left.

Xian Guzhen: ".

On the other hand, Yanbei looked at the leaves of the departure, the beautiful lights, flashing.


Ye Xuan just returned to the book hall, the book is coming to him, the book is slightly risking, "Dean.


Ye Xuan looked at the sages and smiled slightly.

You know, before the book, he called him as a young master, and now he is the dean.

These two styled, but it is very different.

I called the young owner, respect him, have a big part of the reason is because he is, and he called him as the delegation, that is really, with him, maybe there is not much relationship.

Shu Xian suddenly handed the "Shenxintong Code" to Ye Xuan, "Dean, I have all commented, you will be!

Ye Xuan took the "God Tao Code", then opened it, after a moment, he looked up and looked up to the book, "Yin is old, you are a talent!

Have to say, Ye Xuanzhen is very shocking.

This book is really a "Shen Tao Code"!

It can be said that in addition to Qin Guan, it is afraid that no one knows more about this "Shenxintong Code" than Book.

The book is slight smile, "Don\'t matter any talents, just like to learn, just.

I sometimes don\'t understand, I think this practice is so simple, why is some people practicing so difficult? If I practice, I will make a knowledge of knowledge, it should be very simple!

Ye Xuan speechless, is this guy? Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "Xian is old, knowing is difficult!

Many things, truth understand, but really do it, but it is not that!

Shuxian deeply, "taught!

Ye Xuan nod, "this" God Tao Code ", you have to lect them, you will use it!

Shu Xian hesitated, then said: "Very precious!

Put me this.

If there is a mistake, I will die!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "In my heart, it\'s not a very strong!"

Of course, you don\'t have to leave the college, dangerous!

The book is deep and a gift, "Dean\'s encounter, the book is immersed!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "exaggerated!

The book is deeply averaged, then takes the "Shenxia Code" to leave.

After the book is going down, you will start lectures.

That is the "Shenke Code!

"However, now there is too little college, only less than 25, the martial arts is only a hundred people in Qingqiu, she is now a light wave command!

The sages of the book is in a small yard, because the \'avented station, which is the establishment of the Xuan Academy has not been built!

Shu Xian opened the "Shenke Code" and then started to explain.

Below, in addition to the student of the college, Nashi is sitting quietly, she is sitting on the right side of Qingqiu.

Qingqiu looked at Yanbei, the look was calm, "Do you like the dean?"

Yanbei mouth is slight, some provocative, "No?"

Qingqiu looks calm, "I have not been pure, you are afraid that there will be results!

Yanbei eyes were slightly smashed, some angry.

Qingqiu looks still very calm. "My name is the dean for the young brother, my brother, do you understand?"

Yanbei is extremely laughed, "Are you showing off me?"

Qingqiu looks to the book of lectures in the distance, "you.

It\'s a stupid!

Yanbei is anger!

Qingqiu turned to look at Yanbei, seriously said: "My name is the teacher called my brother, I mean that my sister, my sister, do you understand? That is a loved ones!

If you like a young master brother, shouldn\'t you take a good relationship with his loved ones? "

Yanbei stunned.

Qingqiu also said: "Look at you" simple \', I will say it! "

You should give me!

Yanbei: ".

After a while, Yanbei Shen Sheng; "This" God Tao Code "is so precious, do you take it out to everyone?"

And whispering Qingqiu: "An a" God Tao Code "? Less master brother, Zhi in the universe!

If there is no big aspiration, big breast, how to refer to the whole universe? "

Yanbei silence.

At this time, the book suddenly got up, he smiled: "Below, we have the dean to teach!"

Below, the school is quickly applaved.

Qingqiu is also excited and is very expected.

Among the eyes of everyone, Ye Xuan sat on the futon. He looked at everyone under his eyes and silent.

I teach!

What? Is it necessary to force a road? At this time, there were some mysteries in the outside.

Obviously, it is a secret force, and after learning that Ye Xuan wants to teach, it has come over.

Ye Xuan silent.

At this moment, he suddenly became a bit, because he looked out, he found that he was not in the way, just on the way to force.
