One Sword Reigns Supreme

2309 Jian Zhongxian No. 2,1996 chapters: I am driving!

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Xian Gucheng.

Today is the wedding of Miss Xian Guyuan and Xuanjie, Xuanjun, and therefore, the whole of the ancient city is incomparable, the city wall is full of red lanterns, the city, the firecrackers are endless, and the lively is extraordinary.

Although it is super off, this form and the ceremony are still very necessary.

The two people have meant to join hands with Xuanjun ancient city.

However, this is normal, there is such a political marriage between several major forces, it is not normal.

Xian Gu Fu.

At this moment, the emperor, the lights, and celebrate.

At the door of Xian Gu, a man is welcome to visit.

This man is the son of Xian Gu Fu Xianyuan, the woman next to him is Miss Xuan TX Li Xue.

The two stood therei, but it was a Lang Talent.

In front of Xian Gu Fu, there are two way to Xian Gu Fu. These two roads are very particular, first, that is ordinary people, it is a very common guest, and the second way is Give those guests who are top-level forces, these guests come to the wedding, usually send gifts, and in order to take care of these forces, the rituals of these forces will be read by people!

Or is there a word, although it is super officer, but some secular gifts are still inevitable.

Moreover, the more powerful forces, the more care about the so-called face, which is more careless than those of the world!

"The hills are old!

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded in the scene, followed by the old people dressed in robes.

The old elders of the hill!

It is equivalent to the two hands in the hill!

The reason why a hand did not come, because the Master, the owner of the imperial city is ancient ancient, two hands, it is already a face.

Seeing this Hilley, the ancient yuan of Xian Yuan is immediately whisper, "Ming Uncle!

The long laughter of the hills, "small guys, congratulations!

After that, he palm is spread, a small box floating a old man standing in front of a standing, the old man opened, and immediately excited: "Hilly borders: A San Pinchao, worth 3 million"

Sacred product!

Value of three million fears!

In this case, a piece of the field is boiling.

Three million universities!

Is there less? Nature is a lot!

Even for this ham of Xiangu people, there are many thousands of masses, and for some ordinary cultivators, it is almost all in a lifetime!

When Xian Guyuan heard the words of the people, I suddenly opened my eyes, and I was deeply alert to the old man, "Thank you Ming Uncle!

The long laughter of the hijie and then walked toward the inner temple.

three million!

Xian Gu Yuan smiled, because his father said to him, this time the gift is willing, it will be his, that is, this is a pro, he will send a fortune.

At this time, the voice of the old man was once again sounded again, "the mountain is old.

A gift of the gift of the sacred product, worth three million

It is three million hometown!

In the field, those onlookers suddenly showed envious colors.

Tire is a technology to live!

This will receive a gift!

"The clouds of the clouds are old, gifts: A Santai Cai\'s, worth 3 million

"Wancheng Yushan Lord Linyi, gift, Santai Xiancai, worth three million

"Xuanjie Community Lord Li Wei!

Li Wei!

At this point, everyone is stunned.

Isn\'t this father of Li Xue? Among the eyes of everyone, a middle-aged man slowly went to Xian Guyuan and Li Xue, Xian Guyuan quickly respectfully, "Father!

Li Wei nodded, "Good life to be daughter, don\'t bear him!

After finishing, he was very open, and a quite trip to the people in front of him.

At first glance, sudden excited, high voice: "Yunxian gift, five pieces of Santai, worth 1,000 million, plus 10 million" universal pulse!

Two thousand and five million

Suddenly boiling in the field!

Obviously, this is dowry.

When Xian Guyuan heard this dowry, I immediately thoughtfully, and I was excited: "Thank you for your father!

Li Wei nodded, then looked at Li Xue, smiled: "Do you like?"

Li Xue nodded slightly, and the look was quite calm.

Li Yu\'s heart is sighing, he naturally knows that his daughter does not like this Xian Guyuan, but there is no way, the cloud is needed to marry with Xian Gucheng!

In this big room, marriage is very normal, so although it knows that his daughter doesn\'t like this fairy, he chooses to let his daughter marry the ancient yuan.

Family interest first!

Li Wei looked at Li Xue, and sighed in his heart, turned to the inner temple!

Originally, Li Xue is slightly fiddling.

God is stunned, she is slightly down, silent, obviously, has been committed.

Before Xu Gufu, more and more people are getting more and more lively!

Xian Guyuan suddenly looked at the four weeks, then whispered: "How did this speech come yet?"

He is looking forward to this Chinese family because this branch is a big business, but it is a wealthy, and whoever is not known to pursue Xian Gu. He is married today, and this is definitely a big blood!

The magic of the ancient yuan is just that a carriage is slow.

Not a metrics!

But the carriage of Ye Xuan!

In order to expose respect, Ye Xuan got on the carriage when he had a dozen feet, but he still noticed him at this moment.

Ye Xuan is still very simple today, wearing a white robes, a coat, a cyan long shirt, the waist is a pen without a pen case, walking down, calm, there is a bit of ruthless temperament.

Of course, in more people, this is really a cold, especially the carriage, what is it? Ye Xuan ignored the eyes of everyone, he slowly walked to the ancient dollar and Li Xue, smiled slightly, "Two, congratulations!

After finishing, he handed the bag in his hand to Xian Guyuan, "Xiao Xiao, does not pay tribute!

Xian Guyuan looked at Ye Xuan, did not pick the bag, look quite quite.

He naturally knows Ye Xuan, this is natural because he sister, you know, his sister has never had a good face for men, but this man is very different from the man in front of him!

At this moment, when I saw Ye Xuan, I had to say that he was disappointed!

Very disappointment!

In front of me, it is too cold, whether it is the carriage, or the pen of his waist.

What is wrong? Can you buy a pen shell? There is also this gift.

When he saw it, the bag was really a very ordinary bag.

What good goods can be available in this bag? Hey!

Xian Gu Yuan\'s heart is sighing, the old sister also has the eye!

Just then, the welcome of the guests suddenly said: "Tiansheng City is less than the month!


On the one side, a man is slow, it is a moon!

Ye Xuan looked at the foreigner, smiled slightly, he knew that this is certainly not a coincidence!

How much coincidence in the world? Obviously, this !

When I looked at the bag in the bag, I then smiled: "Ye Gongzi, your gift is not a book? Don\'t mind ha, I don\'t want to step on what you mean, just simple curious, only This is!

Ye Xuan nod, smiled slightly, "it is really!


Suddenly laughed at the Month, and it was very unscrupulous.

Those people also become quirky.

Send a book? Can this also send it? The ancient funeral look is getting cold, this is insulting him!

At this time, the moon suddenly paused, one of the sorrows of the people and the old man, the old man, first, first, then excited: " :" Million!

Direct is tens of millions!

Wen said, the people in the field stunned!

This gift is only the time to hire Li Jia.

It\'s not a singer!

Really local!

In the field, countless people are both envious and embarrassed.

In front of Ye Xuan, the imperial Yuanyuan immediately greeted, excited: "Brother, thank you!"

The moon laughed: "You are a brother, thank you? I will go in first!

Chat again!

After finishing, he deliberately looked at Ye Xuan, and then he turned and left.

He didn\'t appear before, it is waiting, waiting for Ye Xuan.

How can this machine? He successfully installed it!


I can\'t help but laugh at the moon, it is really cool.

After the night left, the smile on the face of Xian Guyuan gradually disappeared, and Ye Xuan was blinked, then said: "Yuan brother, is it too suspicious?"

Xian ancient Yuan looks calm, "Of course not!

Ye Xuan laughed, it is necessary to collect it. At this time, the Li Xue suddenly passed through the bag of Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi, thank you!"

Ye Xuan looked at Li Xue, Li Xuemi, "Ye Gongzi," Fair, no respect, please also enter.

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, there is no more thinking, when you laugh: "Okay!

After finishing, he walked toward the inner temple.

Xian Gu Yuan hesitated, then said: "Snow, this Ye Xuan.



Datun Day, don\'t want to say that he is disappointing!

Li Xue gods were stunned.

This is not her ideal husband, but there is no way, born in a big country, can marriage can be a master? Don\'t say her, even if you can\'t!


After Ye Xuan entered the temple, dozens of people have gathered in the temple, all of which were the people who had their faces.

There is a table in the center of the center, and Ye Xuan has seen a hostrino. It is not a fairy ancient, but the ancient mysterious!

At this moment, this beauty is also watching Ye Xuan, eyes is cold, obviously, is very angry with Ye Xuan.

At this time, a middle-aged man next to the beauty of the beauty suddenly said: "He is Ye Xuan?"

This middle-aged man is the ancient ancient people.

Beautiful woman noddling.

Xian Guxong got an eye of the Ye Xuan, the brow is slight, "Is his breath hidden?"

Beautiful woman is calm, "is an ordinary person, a common person who reads a book!

Xian Guxong smiled: "Don\'t worry, he is not a world!"

Beautiful woman shook his head, "I am still worried.

Said, her eyes flashed a cold, "I hope that he will recognize, otherwise, I can only let him disappear in this life."

Xian Gu with a look at Ye Xuan, "This person looks extraordinary, but unfortunately.

Weak, no background, people who are not a world!

Said, he shook his head, "Mo tube he!

Don\'t be slow!

After the beauty of the beauty is a moment, he said: "The child has not yet come out, let him go!

Xian Gu thought, then said: "It is good!

The beautiful woman turned to a white robe old man made a look, the old man old man, he nodded, and then went to the corner to find a seat.

See the old people, Ye Xuanmine, "predecessors?"

The old man is hesitating, then: "Ye Gongzi, you don\'t welcome you!"

Wen said, Ye Xuan stunned, "I am going to walk?"

White robe nodded, "Ye Gongzi, please leave!

Ye Xuan was blinked, he swept away from four weeks, did not see Xian Guzhen.

At this time, the old man in the white robe said: "Ye Gongzi, please!

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, nodmed, "Xian Gu City, I will not come again!"

After finishing, he turned and left.

Ye Xuan\'s sound is not hidden, although the sound is small, what is the person in the field? Therefore, all listen clearly.

In the distance, the beautiful woman\'s table, the end of the mountain suddenly laughed: "This Ye Gongzi is still very strong!

Just then, Xian Gu went out, when he heard the moon, her browned slightly, then swept over the four weeks, when she didn\'t see Ye Xuan, her face was cold, she looked White robe old, "What\'s wrong?"

White robe old people want to say.

At this time, the moon suddenly looked at the ancient yuan in the distance, "Yuan Xiong, the gift of the Ye Gongzi is a book, is it?"

Xian Guyuan nodded, "Yes!

Swords over the moon, "It\'s really interesting.

I am a bit curious, what books he sent, I believe everyone is also very curious, Yuan brother, don\'t mind, let\'s take a look? "

Xian Gu Yuan hesitated, then turned to look at Li Xue next to him, Li Xue looked at everyone, she hesitated, then opened the bag, when I saw the four words above the ancient book, her eyes Suddenly, trembling: "This.

Seeing this scene, everyone frowned.

At this time, Li Yun, who suddenly went to Li Xue, when seeing the big characters, his face was instantly changed, he took the ancient book, opened it, after a moment, he trembled: " Lying in the trough.

it is true.

This is really a "Shenke Code"!

God Taoist!

This words are out, everyone is stunned!

Everyone got up and looked at the Code of God, however, they did not penetrate the book at all, but from Li Wei\'s expression, it is undoubtedly true!

On the other side, the Imagutong and the beautiful woman are also in front of Li Yun. When seeing the content, the two are directly in the same place.

it is true!

Determine it is true!

The last month also saw the "Shenxintong Code", when it was determined to be the "Shen Lao Code", he directly petrified in the same place.

In the distance, Xian Gu is dead to stare at the old people in front of the white robe, "What about others?"

White robe people hesitated, then said: "

I was driven away by the lady!

Everyone\'s head is blank.

The beautiful face of Xian Guzhen suddenly became awkward.



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