One Sword Reigns Supreme

2308 Swords in the first two thousand two hundred and ninety-five chapters: He Li!

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On the carriage, Ye Xuan smiled and smiled. He patted his face, "Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan!

You are not suitable for an old man!

Have to say, he is also speechless.

Telling a truth is not difficult, rare is that he has been telling the truth, however, people still don\'t believe it!

What is the world? After a while, the leaves were leaving the carriage.


Above a mountain, the gods left before, and the carriage of Ye Xuan slowly left.

Next to God, standing with an old man, the old man is half-in, respectful.

The old man suddenly said: "Dynasty?"

After the silence of the gods, he said: "Where the people in our cloud, if you meet the students of the mysterious school, it is necessary to treat it, and if you are, you will be!

After that, she turned and left.

Originally, the old man is silent for a long time, turn around.


On the carriage, Ye Xuan is still studying the "Shenke Code".

The carriage is very slow, but he likes this slow feeling very much.

Previously, his life is too fast!

Constantly killing the enemy, constantly changing the new world!

He is bored!

Now, this slow rhythm life, he likes, because of slow, he can really wait, you can think about it, and think about it.

At this moment, a black robes suddenly appeared in front of the Xuanma car.

Ye Xuan put down the ancient books, looked up and looked at the black robe. "If I have not guess wrong, you are sending the public!

The black robe is slightly smashed, there is no nonsense, he suddenly disappeared in the same place!


A residual shadow directly rushed to Ye Xuan!

Roundback bus!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, at this time, the black robe suddenly shocked by a horrible force to tens of thousands of feet!

At the same time, a old man dressed in white robe appeared not far apart.

Know the imba!

Seeing the old people in the white robe, the black robes were instantly changed, without any hesitation, he turned and disappeared in the sky.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the old people in the white robe, smiled slightly.

White robe old people are calm, "the son should know who sent me!

Ye Xuan nod, ""!

White robe nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Thank you for me!

White robe is looking to Ye Xuan. "The lady wanted to see Ye Gongzi, just not far away, please ask Ye Gongzi.

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Under the leadership of the old people, Ye Xuan came to a mountain, and there was a beautiful woman above the mountain, and there was a bit similar to Xian Gu.

Obviously, this is the mother of Xian Gu!

At this time, the beauty turned and looked at Ye Xuan. After she looked at Ye Xuan film, he said: "It is a table talent!

Ye Xuan smiled: "The master is looking for me, but?"

Beautiful woman looked at Ye Xuan, "IMHO, I don\'t want you to call me so, you can call me a predecessor, or others!

Ye Xuan smiled: "If you don\'t speculate more!

Say goodbye!

After finishing, he turned and left.

The beautiful woman suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, she looked at Ye Xuan, the look is cold, "the strength is not very good, the heart is quite high!

Ye Xuan Xiao: "If I have not guess wrong, do you want me to stay away from Xian Guzhen?"

The beauty of the woman flashed in the eyes, "You want to be smart than I think!

I have to say, you are really a very good person, don\'t say anything else, this kind of gas, there is less, at least, the young generation does not have a few people can be compared with you!

But I am sorry, I still can\'t see you, I can\'t see it, it is not your person, but people behind you!

Ye Xuan brows, "people behind me?"

Beautiful woman nod, "My Xiangu is a big god universe, inheriting millions of years, our heritage, not you can imagine.

And is my unhappy ancient people, and she chooses the man, not only is itself enough, but the background, the background needs to be able to do with my Xiangu.

It is directly that the door is correct, do you understand? "

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "Declaration, I am just a friend relationship with the girl, very pure friend relationship!

Secondly, although I don\'t know how to be old, but I have to say that he is still very powerful.

The beauty of the beautiful woman, "What is you calling?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Others have called his swordsman!

Beautiful woman shook his head, "Unfortunately, I have not heard it, it is obvious that he is just a silent person.

Ye Xuan: ".

Beautiful woman suddenly said: "As far as I know, I will invite you to participate in the wedding of the Yuan.

I think you go back now, it should be very busy, what should I don\'t have time tomorrow, right? "

Ye Xuan silent.

The beautiful woman smiled slightly. "You are a smart person, you should know how to choose!

After that, she paired, a quite quite arrived in front of Ye Xuan, and then turned away.

In the quie, it is 300,000 toon!

For ordinary people, this is undoubtedly a huge sum.

Ye Xuan looked at the quench in front of him. After he was silent, he smiled. "In addition to Qin Guan, no one can insult me ​​with money!

After finishing, he turned and left.


Ye Xuan sat on the carriage and returned to the Xuan Academy. He just returned to the Xuanchuan, the book and Qingqiu greeted!

Shuxian said enthusiastically: "Less Lord.

This one.

Ye Xuan Xiao; "Go in!

Shuxian is busy; "Okay!

it is good!

After that, he quickly made a given gesture.

Ye Xuan smiled, the book is good, it is too polite, don\'t move, he has said many times, but it is useless!

After entering the hall, the blade is spread, a "Shenxintong Code" slowly floating in front of the book.

Seeing the "Shintong Code", the book is not excited, he will pick up, then be careful to open it, after a while, he can\'t hurt, "Qi Shu.

Truth is also a special book!

This Queen Hall is really a world!

Ye Xuan Xiao; "Yin, you don\'t practice, this book seems to have no big effect on you!"

Shu Xian quickly shook his head, "I don\'t cultivate, but I like to study and research, the knowledge points contained in this book are too horrible!

Less Lord, this is really horrible, if you can study it, the strength will be greatly improved for practitioners.

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "Then you take the study, then the comment, remember, to be detailed, after the study is finished, take it to me first.

Also, this book is temporarily going to have a pass. Now the rumor will give us a lot of trouble, so we do three people know it!

Shu Xian is busy nod, "understand, I understand!"

After finishing, he turned and ran.

Obviously, he can\'t wait to study!

Qingqiu suddenly spoken: "If the master is cultivated, it must be a very powerful!

Leaf Xuan nod.

This book is too proficient in cultivation!

If it is cultivated, the achievements must be terrible!

Unfortunately, he found that this book is not interested in cultivation.

Is not there!

Ye Xuan is also helpless!

Qingqiu suddenly said: "Less master brother, can I learn the" Shen Lao Code "?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Y!

Said, he looked at Qingqiu, "What is your cultivation?"

Qingqiu blinked, "Very good!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "It\'s good!

After finishing, he turned and left.

After the body, Qingqiu has a white eye, and smashed his mouth. The little foot is light and lighter. "Didn\'t see people in the fairy? Really.


In the room, Ye Xijing sat.


He has now achieved knowledge of Xuanjing, which is the kind of not relying on the pen.

For this realm, Ye Xuan is now getting more and more familiar.

In addition, he is still studying a sword.

This sword technology, so far can be said to be his strongest sword.

At this time, when he sat down and slowly cultivated, he found that the harvest is really big!

As the saying goes, the speed is not reached, this sentence is still very right.

Many times, people are urgently, the mood is unstable!

During this time, he didn\'t have a enemy. He didn\'t fight every day. He didn\'t move the blood, but his cultivation is getting stronger and stronger.

In addition, the rest of his swordsman is also cultivating research, including the past and the future of his own understanding, the future, of course, the future of this three swords is not enough!

After all, the enemy is now very different.

Therefore, he began to try to make a sword therefrom into these three swords, and he found that it can be, it is a bit big.

But after incorporated, his sword is more powerful and more strange!

When he studied these swords, the goal is one, that is, a sword!

Huafeng whistle? No!

Can solve a sword, why do you want to spend a whistle? In the next time, Ye Xuan slowly cultivated, he is not anxious, it is unsuccessful, then twice, anyway, it will come slowly!

Time is a little bit.

Soon, arrived in the days of the brother of Xian Guzhen!

Ye Xuan naturally remembers this thing, he promised to the ancient .

Be a person, there is a letter!

As for the ancient mysteria.

Koke, you don\'t respect me, I will respect you? Ye Xuan packed up, it went out, the book is busy, Qingqiu is cultivating, so this time is one of himself!

When Ye Xuan walked outside, I saw some college students along the way, and when I saw Ye Xuan, these students were busy stopping, and then facing the Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan is also a gift.

This is the rule of Xuan Academy. It is his rule. Everyone is studying, everyone is equal.

Of course, there must be a difference between it. After all, a college needs a system, otherwise it will be chaotic!

Ye Xuan took the book, he re-sat on his carriage, then touched the Erlang legs, so, the carriage slowly walked toward the ancient city of Xiancheng.

There is a small bag in the right hand of Ye Xuan, which is a book and is the "Shenke Code".

This "Shenke Code" is his greetings you have to send!
