One Sword Reigns Supreme

2310 Swords in the first two thousand nine hundred and ninety-seventh chapter: As long as I want!

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I was driven away? Have you left? In the field, everyone directly petrified!

Xian Gu is in the next moment, she is usually rushing out as she is crazy.

Inside the temple, the beautiful woman who suddenly glared at the body, "the woman\'s opinion!

Women see you!

You really have long hair, short visits!

I am mad, I am also!

Beautiful woman: "

At this time, Li Lan suddenly collected the "Shen Tao Code", see this scene, the ancient appearance of the ancient face, "Li Yishi, what do you mean?"

Li Wei sink: "This is Ye Gongzi\'s greetings. It is both a gift, that is, it is a little girl, that is, I Li Jia\'s, have a problem?"

Everyone: ".

Xian Gu with dead, staring at Li Wei, it is like a fire, "Li Xiong, this is Ye Gongzi gave my son\'s greetings!

Li Yizhen, "Give your son\'s greetings? Your couple will drive away!

You said that people give you a greeting for your son.

I am, you don\'t want your face!

Xian Gu with his face is very gloomy, "Li Wei, today is my son and your daughter\'s big joy, don\'t force me to turn your face!

Li Yizhen, "turning his face!

This god code, he wanted before, but what is too expensive, can\'t afford it at all, even if you buy, you will hurt the bones.

But he did not think that it was here!

And it\'s easy to get it!

In this case, how can he be willing to pay? Even if you turn your face!

Seeing Li Yun did not make up, Xian Gu with his face suddenly became extremely difficult to look, he held his hands and had signs of hand.

Li Wei is not weak, and it is relative to it!

The celebration of the celebration in the field is all!

On the one side, the Li Snow is pale, and the heart is suddenly a sadness.

She turned to see the ancient yuan of Xian, but at this moment, Xian Guyuan was also staring at the "Shendao Code" in Li Yi in the distance.

Seeing this scene, Li Xue was smiling, and after a long time, she smiled and turned away.

However, all people in the temple did not pay attention to her, including that fairy ancient yuan.


Inside the ancient city of Xiancheng, the Ye Xuan racks slowly went away from the distance.

He is a famous ancient book named "God". It is a distant emperor. It has to be said that it is very interesting. He looks very much.

At this moment, the space behind him suddenly trembled, the next moment, the carriage stopped, then, a woman appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

In the coming, I was chasing Xian Guzhen from Xian Gucheng.

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan and whispered: "Is it angry?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

After Xian Guzhen silent, he said: "Sorry!

I have something to come out because of something, so I haven\'t come out!

Ye Xuan laughed, then said: "Unlike you!

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan, "I apologize to you on behalf of our people!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "there is nothing this!

Xian Gu is silent.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "In fact, I understand them very well!"

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Wei said: "This is an impetuous world, the world is pursuing name and profit, which is normal.

They see me with you, I am afraid that you have something super friendship between you, it\'s normal, after all, you are a big family, if you want to be a friend, must also have a door, right? "

Xian Gu is silent.

Ye Xuan also said: " , do you do a friend?"

Xian Guzhen head.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t let the secular bind yourself, follow your heart, let yourself live.

After that, he drove his carriage.

In the field, Xian Gu is silent for a long time, whispered, then turned and left.

When Xian Gu is returned to Xiancheng, the wedding has ended, and the battle is the battle!

Because Xian Guxong and Li Yun have already played!

The strong persons who come to visit are all stunned, which is directly from the family to the enemy!


Of course, the spectral is that the Hui Xuan, who is watching the institution, has a "God Tao Code"!

Is this a silly money? In the field, some forces have left, then quickly go to listen to Ye Xuan!

This teenager can come up with a "Shendao Code" to make a gift, will this average? I want to use the toes!

And some people are also a gloating.

Because Xian Guxong and his wife actually took Ye Xuan out!

What is this fairy operation? When Xian Gu is returned to the ancient city, Xian Guzhen directly stopped the Wonderry of Xian Guxong and Li Wei.

There is no expression in Xian Gu, "Now, Xian Gucheng and Xuanjie have become a laughter. Do you have to continue?"

Xian Gu has a gloomy, "The" God Tao Code "is my Xiangu!

Xian Guzhen looked at the ancient times, "Is it not a mystery?"

Xian Gu with stunned.

Xian Guzhen suddenly turned to look at the ancient yuan in the distance, anger: "I didn\'t see your wife is not there?"

I heard the words, Xian Gu Yuan quickly turned to head, when he didn\'t see Li Xue, he was directly stunned.

Xian Guzhen glanced at the imaginary dollar, "The" God Tao Code is more important than your wife? "

Xian ancient yuan is slightly down, do not dare to top.

Xian Guzhen suddenly angered: "Don\'t you go?"

Xian An Yuan is busy back!

Xian Guzhen turned to Li Yun, "Li Boyfather, we have two friends, this is to unite, triumph in this" God Tao Code ", do you think is worth it?"

Li Wei is silent.

After Xian Guzhen silent, he said: "Ye Gongzi will be a gift, which is sent to my Xian Guzhen, and it is also to Li, and it is, I suggest that we share, how do you see?"

After Li Wei silent, he said: "Yes!

Xian Gu with Shen Si, also said: "Yes!

Xian Guzhen, she looked at the beautiful woman on the side, seeing Xian Guzhen, the beautiful woman suddenly became a little.

Xian Guzhen went to the face of the beautiful woman, she whispered: "Mother, I grew up!"

My things, no longer need you to take your father!

After that, she turned and left.

Beautiful woman with fairy is very ugly.


Xian Gu is coming to the main hall, at this moment, guests in the main hall have dispersed.

Xian Guzhen suddenly said: "Go out!

After her body, a white robe was slowly coming out.

Xian Gu is calm, "He came in, no position, right?"

White robe nodded.

After a long time, Xian Gu is silent, he said: "Is he angry at the time?"

White robe people hesitated, then said: "Ye Gongzi at the time should be yet yet, he is around, it should be a lady!

Xian Gu Yizhen is slow, and it is cold, after a long time, she also said: "When he leaves, what can you say?"

White robe old people want to say.

Xian Guzhen\'s eyes slowly slowly, "said!

White robe old man Shen Sheng said: "Ye Gongzi said that this ancient city, he won\'t come again!" He will not come again! "

Xian Guzhen opened his eyes, she held her hands, after a long time, her eyes slowly closed.



The top of Yunfeng, sitting on a woman, put on the knee, and the whole person has enrolled.

This woman is the main owner of the cloud!

Between the women\'s hands, there is a way to be sorry!

She is cultivating Qin Guanwen \'s "God Tao Code".

Just then, an old man was slow to go to the side. He saw the gods in cultivation. The old man was slightly rude, and then he had to retreat. At this time, the god suddenly said: "Say!

The old man nodded and then said the things of Xian Gucheng.

The god eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, "He is a" Shenxintong Code "?"

The old man nodded, "shocked everyone!

God asked again, "Xian Guxong is rushing to him with his lady?"

The old man nodded.

After the silence of the gods, he said: "It\'s amazing!

The old man smiled, "It is the peace of the Ye Gongzi!

God shakes his head, "It\'s not the flatness of his performance. Everyone has been looking at him!

The old brow is slightly wrinkled, "Despise him?"

God turned to look at the clouds in the distance, whispered: "He is not ordinary!"


Xianbao Pavilion.

In a small room, a woman sat quietly, the woman wore a veil and couldn\'t see the real look.

At this time, a woman was slow to go to the veil, and he said a few words.

The veil is a slightly smashed, "He is a" God Tao Code "?"

Women nod, "Yes!

After a long time, the veil is silent, said: "Really generous!

The woman laughed: "It is very generous, everyone is shocked!"

Everyone is guessing that he might like the magic girl, so.

Speaking of this, she seems to think about what, when I am bus stop, I will no longer continue.

The veil is silent.

The woman hesitated, then said: "Miss, will we continue to pay attention to the Ye Gongzi?"

The veil is calm, "continue to pay attention!

Also, prepare, I have to go to the Xuan Academy to visit!

The woman stunned.

The veil is also said; "Go to prepare!

The woman nodded, "Good!

The veil is looking forward, in front of her, there is a picture of Ye Xuan.

The veil is soft: "Ye Gongzi, how do you have multiple mysteries? I am really curious!" I am really curious! "I am really curious!"


Ye Xuan ride his pony back to see Xuan Academy, but when he wants to enter the door, it is stunned.

Because of a woman standing at the door, this woman is not someone else, it is that Li Snow.

At this moment, Li Xue, still wearing the big red robe, or so glamorous.

See Ye Xuan, Li Xuemai, "Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Li Xue girl, should you be in the ancient city of Xian?"

Li Xue looked at Ye Xuan, "I want to join Xuan Academy!

Ye Xuan stunned, "Add to Western College?"

Li Xue nodded.

Ye Xuan asked, "Why?"

Li Xue wants to think, then: "I want to be a wise thing as you!

Ye Xuan: ".

Li Xue looked at Ye Xuan, "Can you?"

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Welcome!

Li Xue directly looks like Ye Xuan, "But I may bring you trouble!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "As long as I think, this Tiantian universe will be asze in an instant!

Li Xue: ".
