One Sword Reigns Supreme

2304 Swords in the first two thousand two hundred and ninety-one chapter: God Tao Code!

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Avenue pen!

Ye Xuan looked at the pen in his hand and fell into silence.

Foreign objects!

Super outer object!

A pen, you can have a hundred thousand star river universe!

You will reach any realm as you want to achieve anything.

He tried it, he directly reached Xuan Xuan!

After reaching the knowledge of Xuanjing, he swept away from the four weeks. At this moment, he seems to see the trajectory of the mortarly beef, but I don\'t know if his sake is the avenue pen, he can\'t see the result.

Ye Xuan looked at the trajectory of Qingqiu\'s fate, very fast, he frowned!

The trajectory of Qingqiu is actually a hazy, it is not true at all!

Ye Xuan silent.

This girl is afraid of being very uncommon!

Recovered his thoughts, Ye Xuan\'s gaze again fell on the big road.

Although this pen is obtained, he has more cautious, this kind of outer object is very easy to rely.

You can\'t over-rely on this matter, you can use this thing to upgrade yourself, you know that the external object is the same, if you have a day of the avenue, you don\'t have the egg hurt? I can now improve myself with this pen!

After thinking, Ye Xuan urged the avenue pen, directly let his realm have achieved knowledge.

After reaching the knowledge of Xuanjing, Ye Xuanhuang bluntly slowed down!

He is finely felt all around the fate trajectory!

Go to feel, then go to familiar.

Destiny trajectory!

Because there is a help of the avenue, he can feel very clearly to feel the trajectory of everything around you.

However, he can\'t intervene, accurately said that it cannot be forced to intervene.

He can only do itself!

Ye Xuan began to slowly study this knowledge of Xuanjing, Knowledge Xuan Xuan, Xuan Yan and Xuan.

His goal is that there is no need to use the avenue pen, and you can achieve knowledge of Xuanjing!

In this way, the time of Ye Xuan took the time to watch Xuanchuan, and every day, in addition to cultivation is reading.

Under the support of Ye Xuan Fund, Wen Xuan Academy has also happened to turn the earth, and the oversight, the scale of the main hall of Xuan Academy has expanded. .

In addition, the Western Institute of Xuan also recruited some people. Of course, it is some ordinary people, and only ordinary people will come to this sketch.

In the early morning, Ye Xuan Jing lying in front of the book, the sun shook, ferry on him on a thin layer of gold yarns.

Ye Xuan Zuo Hand holds a roll of ancient books, holding a cup of spiritual tea right hand, in his waist, scooting a pen without a pen.

Ye Xuan\'s , adding fans can\'t extricate themselves.

At this time, a woman was slowly walked next to Ye Xuan, which is Qingqiu.

Qingqiu will take the spirit tea in the hand to the Xuanqi, "Less Master Brother!

Tea should change!

Ye Xuan looked at the Qingqiu, laughed: "Thank you!"

After finishing, he put down the tea cup in his hand and then took over the Qingqi tea.

Qingqiu hesitated, then said: "Less master brother, I have recently cultivated, more and more money.

Ye Xuan suddenly opened to the palm of the palm, and a quite arrived in front of Qingqiu.

In the quente, there is a million fears!

Qingqiu lives.

Ye Xuan continues to look at the book, "take it to cultivate!

Qingqi vocal: "

why? "

Ye Xuan looks to Qingqiu, "What Why?"

Qingqiu looks at Ye Xuan, some can\'t understand, "why.

for me.

so good? "

Ye Xuan blinked, "Are you not calling me a young brother? I am a brother, my brother is good to my sister, isn\'t it normal?"

Qingqiu lives.

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Go to practice!

Qingqiu is silent for a long time, said: "Well."

After that, she picked up the quilt and turned away.

Ye Xuan looked at the Qingqi left, shook his head and continued to read.

When the sun is going to go down the mountain, the book suddenly stepped to the Xixiang, "Less Lord!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, then looked at the sages and smiled: "What?"

Shuxian excited: "Lear, I know that Xian Gucheng Xianbao Pavilion is going to auction a precious ancient book!

Ye Xuan brows, "precious ancient books?"

The book is busy, "The" God Tao Code ", this is the Qin Guan girl just, in which the world is re-invested in the world, Taoism, spell.

Extremely precious!

Qin Guan!

Ye Xuan silent.

The book is excited: "Is the Lord, is it going to auction?"

Ye Xuan silently took a long time, nodded, "Go!

The book is excited, "I will go with the number of people?"

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, then shook his head, "I will go!

You also need you to control the overall situation.

Shuxian hesitated, and then some unfortunately: "Good!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t unfortunately!

Waiting for me to buy, I will show you the first!

Wen Yan, the book is full of joy, "When?"

Ye Xuan nod, smiled: "When you are!

The book is deeply alert, then, he quickly said: "I will give you a small bise!"

After finishing, he turned and left.

Carriage? Ye Xuan stunned.

Ye Xuan came to the gate, the book has already prepared the carriage, the book is slightly rude, "" Leight, please!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "The carriage will take a carriage!

After finishing, he sat on the carriage, very fast, his carriage disappeared in the distance.


When I learned that Xianbao Pavilion is to auction "Shintong Code", the whole of the gods is shocked!

Qin Guan!

Who is this? This is the home of Xianbaoge, is the first female woman.

Prior to this, the realm of the universe is hit, and there is no chaotic, it is Qin Guan girl to rectify the realm of realm. This is not the focus. The focus is that she has created some new realm.

Zhixiang, there are six small realm, but after the revision of Qin Guan girl, only two are left, the first is to know the Xuan, the second is Dong Xuan, the most terrible thing is that she will put the hole The realm is re-deleted and creates a new realm!

The first person in ancient and modern times!

This is the evaluation of the gods of the gods to Qinguan!

Now, Xianbaoge actually wants to auction her preparation of the "Shendao Code".

In an instant, the whole of the gods of the universe, followed by countless super forces, and the strong rushed to Xian Gucheng.

No one knows what the "Shintong Code" is, but everyone knows that it is definitely not a general god, because that is the Qin Guan girl prepared.

For a time, as countless people poured into Xian Gu City, the whole of the ancient city is very busy.

At this time, Ye Xuan also entered the ancient city of Xiancheng in the carriage, after listening to it, he came to Xianbaoge!

Xianbao Pavilion!

Xianbao Pavilion in Xian Gucheng, a lot of luxury, at this moment, this Ximen Pavilion has gathered some strong people.

These are people who can\'t enter it!

To participate in this auction, there must be a personal asset of five million hi-Zhanyi!

When the Ye Xuan rack came to the door of Xianbaoge, there were countless people in the field.

Carriage? What the hell? When Ye Xuan walked down the carriage, everyone god suddenly became an old.

Because Ye Xuan is hiding his breath, plus the avenue pen, he looks an ordinary person.

He is very ordinary, just a simple cyan robes, holding a roll of ancient books in his hand, there is a pen with a pen shell, it seems that there is a little cold, especially the pen, it is a flying price Very, even a pen shell!

Ye Xuan ignored the eyes of the people around him, walked toward the Xianbao Pavilion.

People are alive, don\'t care about others\' eyes, because you are living for yourself, not for others.

Of course, the most important reason is that in his opinion, he has money than here.

underestimate me? Kid!

With strength, I can really ignore some people\'s eyes, because you are more than them!

When Ye Xuan went to the door of the Xianbaoge, a woman was blocked in front of Ye Xuan, and the woman was about twenty years old, wearing a white long skirt, long hair fluttering, temperament, face with a faint smile .

The woman looked at the Ye Xuan, smiled slightly, "the son, you need to show your assets!


Ye Xuan stunned, "What assets?"

The woman smiled and explained: "To participate in this auction, the assets must not be less than 5 million"

Five million people!

Ye Xuanmoo nodded, "It turns out!

Said, he is going to take the quite, and at this time, a sound came from one side, "is the Miss Acta!

Xian Guzhen!

In the field, everyone looked side.

Not far away, a woman is slow, a white dress is like a snow, the look is cold, like an iceberg.

When the ancient immortality appeared, all men in the field suddenly slammed their breath.

So beautiful!

This is definitely a dream lover in countless men.

But very quickly, men on the field have dare to look at it.

At this moment, Xian Guzhen suddenly looked at Ye Xuan, when she saw Ye Xuan, she was slightly.

Ye Xuan slight smile, ""!

I heard the words, everyone was stunned.

This teenager knows Xian Guzhen? Xian Guzhen slowly walked to Ye Xuan, "Do you also participate in this auction?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

come and see!

Xian Gu is slightly sinking, then said: "Together?"

Let together? At this point, all the cultivars in the field suddenly stunned.

This is an invitation to invite this teenager? Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I am honored!

Xian Guzhen nodded, she looked at the pen of Ye Xuan waist, hesitated, then: "Is this?"

Ye Xuan blinked, "Do you want to know?"

Xian Guzhen head.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, he was near Xian Guzhen, then leaned over in Xian Guzhen, whispered: "Avenue pen!

Avenue pen!

Xian Guzhen lived!

At this moment, she has ignored Ye Xuan from her so close.

In the field, those practitioners have been full of face.

Why is this intimate? The two do two doctors are so close? At this time, Ye Xuan blinked, "I only tell you one person!

After finishing, he turned to the door of Xianbaoge.

The Qing Dynasty woman looked at Ye Xuan and Xian Gu, she hesitated, and finally did not ask Ye Xuan to show assets.

After the ancient times of the ancient times, I followed it.


Xian Gucheng.

In the big temple, a beautiful woman is drinking tea, and an old man whispered in front of her.

After a long time, the beautiful woman browned, "so close?"

The old man nodded.

American woman asks, "What reacts?"

The old man hesitated, then said: "There is no reaction!

I heard the words, and the beautiful woman suddenly sinked. After a long time, her eyes slowly closed, "again!

The old man nodded and quietly retired.

Inside the temple, the beauty of the beautiful woman is gradually cold, "Not what A cat, Dog can match my family.
