One Sword Reigns Supreme

2303 Swords in the first two thousand two hundred and ninety chapters: Who dares to call invincible?

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Xian Gucheng, antique street.

This ancient playing street, said that it is a booth.

This place is mixed, all kinds of people have, some people can get a good thing here, but more are people!

Come here is a book, and he wants to come to see if there is an old ancient book.

When coming to the ancient game, Ye Xuan brows wrinkled slightly.

This place, some dark.

The ancient play, is not spacious, on both sides relying on some ancient buildings, the light is dark, there is a sense of Chinese.

Ye Xuan looked at the distance, the street was very long, on both sides, every ten feet, there is a stall, these stalls are very mysterious, because they are wearing a black robes, they are like seeing people.

The three people went down with the streets, along the way, Ye Xuan sweared his eyes, there is no good goods.

At this time, the book is going to a stall, and there is a shabby ancient book, which has been damaged, and it is a long history.

Shuxian took a look at it and suddenly laughed, if it was treasure.

Ye Xuan looked at it, he found that the ancient book is a general note, just like a diary.

Shuxian turned to look at Qingqiu, smiled slightly, "this, the best responding to the true situation of the era.

After finishing, he looked at the owner, "the owner, how much?"

The owner has a finger, "" a city!

Ye Xuan brows micropleded.

This is not worth a union!

However, the book is directly handed to the owner\'s mountain.

Ye Xuan looks to the book, the book is slight smile, "knowledge should be respected!

Ye Xuan silent.


He knows a few people with learning, sister, Qin Guan.

They are very powerful, but they are among them from their strength.

Purely learned people, this kind of person has no powerful strength, will it be respectful? Ye Xuan smiled.

Three people continue to advance.

When I was going to take the end, Yaxuan suddenly stopped, he turned to look at the stalls, and he met a rustless iron sword.

Ye Xuan is so curious, he went to the front of the main, then picked up the rust iron sword, and he just took it, suddenly, the iron sword was broken into the broken end.

Ye Xuan stunned!

What the hell? At this time, the owner looked up and looked up to Ye Xuan, "Broken!

The stall owner is a woman wearing a black robes, the face, only revealing a pair of eyes.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Broken!

The stall owner calmly: "Is it the compensation?"

Ye Xuan: ".

Docing gateway: "There is not much, 100,000 fears!"

Said, she reached a jade hand, very white, very tender.

Ye Xuan Ming.

This is the bureau!


Ye Xuan smiled: "100,000".

Will it be less? "

The stall owner looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, one is slowly floating to the front of the doctrine, in the quince, millions of the earth!

one million!

The left hand suddenly was scratched.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Girl, but it is not enough? If it is not enough.

Said, he took out a quilt to the woman.

This time, there are five million fears in the quie!

five million!

Seeing this scene, the patriant woman\'s face changed!

At this moment, she knew that she couldn\'t provoke people. When I quickly pushed the two quarters back to Ye Xuan, "You are just a misunderstanding.

Ye Xuan looked at the woman\'s woman, did not speak.

The owner of the owner quickly got up and greeted, "misunderstood!

Ye Xuan blinked, "I don\'t listen!

Stall owner: ".

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at Qingqiu, then laughed: "Choose an item on the booth!

After that, he turned his head to look at the owner, "No problem?"

The shop owner shook his head, "No!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Qingqiu, choose!

Qingqiu hesitated and then picked up a small pot.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Let\'s go!

After that, he took three quarters, then there was a book in Qingqiu.

Originally, the waters were suddenly relieved, "I met hard !


After leaf Xuan three left ancients, a black robe suddenly blocked the three.

Fortune is not exposed, and Fang Ti, Ye Xuan took out the three quarters, it was obvious that it was noted.

Ye Xuan looked at the black robe and smiled: "Is there something?"

The black robe is hoarse: "Naden left, people go!

Ye Xuan blinked, "How do you dare?"

The black robes are slowly grasped right hand, "I want to fight!

Make a fight, maybe it will come out a bright future!

The sound fell, he suddenly went forward, a boxer to Ye Xuan!

However, he just fissed, a sword directly wore his eyebrows.


The black robe is directly used by this sword in the original place, can\'t move!

Direct spike!

The black robe looked at Ye Xuan, and it was unbelievable in his eyes. "You.

Ye Xuan low sigh, "Do you think I am weak?"

Blackweague: "

The blade is spread, and the black robes are flying to him. He swepts an eye, and there is only a few thousand veneum.

See this scene, Ye Xuan speechless.

Too poor!

Ye Xuan fidelized to see the book and Qingqiu, "Let\'s go!

After finishing, he turned and left.

After purchasing a lot of substances in the city, Ye Xuan three talented.

After all, the current view of Xuanchuan urgently needs a lot of materials.

After returning to the book, Ye Xuan came directly to the library and then started reading.

Immerse in the book sea!

As for those issues of Western Academy, they have been treated by books. After the money, the book begins to recruit people, and the study of Xuanchuan, after all, the current view of the school is really too simple.

In the library.

Ye Xuan is reading the realm of Qin Guan\'s finishing, hundreds of realm, after Qin Guan, only less than twenty.

Khao Xuan!

Avenue pen!

This realm of Ye Xuan\'s research now, to study this realm, you must first know the avenue pen.

The avenue pen, you can write the fate of the Wanjie Universe, the popular point is that this pen can dominate the fate of the people.

Although it is just an executor, it does change your destiny.

Where do you want to dominate your own destiny? Avenue pen!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Brother, can you talk?"

Milky Way.

In the small room, a cold voice suddenly sounded, "chatting!

Is Laozi be familiar with you? "

Watching Xuanchuan, Ye Xuan did not get any response.

Seeing, Ye Xuan brows, "Do you want it.

Let you talk to you? "


Before the Xuan Xuan, the space suddenly trembled, followed by an unreal pen appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

Avenue pen!

Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, next moment, he got up, smiled slightly, "Brother, hello!

The avenue pen calmly: "What do you want to talk?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then: "I want to achieve Xuanzang!

The avenue pen looks at Ye Xuan, "Then you go to practice, what do you find me?"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "Qin Guan girl said that to achieve knowledge of Xuanjing, you must feel the fate of the fate in this mitigation, only so, you can know the Xuan.

But I don\'t feel this destiny to run the track.

The sound of the avenue pen is indifferent, "You can\'t feel, then you will continue to practice!

Ye Xi wants to think, then: "Brother, I still let you come!"

You seem to be so friendly for me.

Said, he wants to call you.

Avenue pen suddenly said: "Wait!

Ye Xuan looks to the avenue pen, the avenue pen is silent, and the road: "I think.

Isn\'t it necessary? "

Ye Xuan Shen said: "But you are you with me.

It seems to be less friendly!

The avenue pen is silent.

At this moment it, I really want to beat people!

But it still forcibly endures!

No one can play this hanging hair, as a big road pen, no one is more clear than it is more appreciated by people behind this hanging!

The avenue is trying to calm down, it is soft: "Talk, we can talk about it!"

Ye Xuan blinked, "I didn\'t threaten you?"

After the avenue pen is silent, I said: "No!

Ye Xuan nod, "that is good!

At this time, I have read a lot of books. I think that people should make sense, do you think I tell? "

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "brother, we are passing by.

At this time, I have been trying to induce the destiny of the fate of the mortal run, but I have nothing to do, this makes me quite distressed, brother, you should have a big road, the fate running the track, what is the magazine ,right? "

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "According to I know, we must reach Xuanjing, you must first reach the wheel back, and you now, even the time of the year is not, you cross two big realm.

Not too suitable? "

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Brother, I think you want to be wrong!"

I don\'t cultivate the realm. I have no interest in the realm. I want to know how to know the Xuan, just interested, as for the realm.

Or that sentence, don\'t measure me with a realm!

After the avenue pen is silent, "if you don\'t have an invincible sister.


It didn\'t say it behind it!

It really wants to kill this packing.

Do not repair the realm? Is this a human language? What the hell? Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "There is no invincible sister, I still have an invincible"! "

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Brother, we still return to the topic!"

After the avenue pen is silent, I will say: "I can help you, but I can only help you this time. In the future, you can\'t find me anymore, do you see it?"

After the Ye Xuan shed, he said: "No!

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Brother, you don\'t have to see me, if we can be friends, you give me convenience, I will be grateful in the future.

such as.

If I say to you, you are a good friend.

The avenue pen suddenly trembled slightly, the next moment, a unrealistic long pen appeared in front of Ye Xuan, "I blew, holding this pen, can play me 30% strength, a pen The ancient road and law, the universe of the universe, only under the god book and the ancient word.

Holding the pen, all know the universe, all can be unimpeded.

At this moment, any realm, as long as you want, you can reach any realm at any time, of course, can only half an hour.

Speaking of this, it suddenly talked, and then said: "The book is not out of the ancient characters, you are invincible!

Ye Xuan asked, "If the liberal book is in ancient words?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Your sister is invincible!"

Ye Xuan: ".


Milky Way.

A woman walks deep in the mountains, and a woman is in a dress.

At this moment, it is not a rainy, but the woman is not a little rain.

The mountains are in the mountains, like a wonderland.

Soon, the woman came to the top of the mountain, there is a stone house on the top of the mountain, and the semester woman went to the stone house. She pushed the door, in the stone house, sitting on the stone house. Sitting on a man.

The man is a desk. On the desk, two thick books are placed, the left side, vague can be seen, "invincible.

"Next to both books, it is a white paper, and there are six black big characters on the paper.

Next to this paper, it is a pen case without a pen.

In the right hand, it is a cup of boiled water.

See the vegetarian skirt woman, the man smiled slightly, "finally let you find it!

The woman looked at the man, after a long time, her look suddenly became awkward, the whole person is like crazy, "Why are you so weak? Why!


In an instant, in addition to this stone house, the mountains are broken.

And this stone house is also annihilated!

Man is silent.

The woman is dead at the man, "Why? Why can\'t you be a bit? Why?"

The man didn\'t answer!

Skirt woman is slow, "you make me extremely disappointed!

After that, she turned to go to the mountain, she looked up and looked up to the depths of the sky, her eyes gradually became a bit awkward, "brother.

I am so panic.

I don\'t want invincible.

I really don\'t want invincible.



This is the second time she has a history.

The first time was because when I lost my brother, then this time.

Why is panic? Because invincible.

She is really invincible!

Invincible to no one can cause a threat to her.

The person just saw, is the last hope of her, of course, she never believes that the man can kill her, she just thinks that the person may have a little threat to her!

A little threat!

As long as you threaten a little bit!

However, she is disappointed!

Completely disappointed!

When I saw the man, she wanted to break.

Such a weak? She can\'t imagine that the other party is weak to this extent!

The light wind is coming, and the seda woman dress is drifted by the wind.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the woman is standing in the mountain, so it is not alone.

Just then, the plain skirt woman was slow and soft: "Brother.

When you have no enemy, I will kill them.

Said, she looked up to the depths of the stars, the look gradually became cold, with a hint of disdain, "Invincible? In front of me, who dare to call invincible?"


PS: Twelfth chapter.

Those who I broke out more than five chapters, please come out to vote, thank you.

Dare to ask brothers, can now give strength? Please call me twelve ovulation!

Today, I still call me two ovity, I will turn my face, thank you!

Finally, tickets!