One Sword Reigns Supreme

2305 The second chapter of the second thousand two hundred and ninety-two chapters of the fairy:

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

After entering the Xianbaoge, the vision is open, and the position of his now is a huge square that is enough to accommodate more than 100,000 people. In the central center of the square, it is a round station with a long and wide ring.

At this moment, there are six peerless beauty on this round.

These six women, the body is hot, the wearing is very small, the abdomen is revealed, the thigh is revealed, the jacket is a thin light yarn, the dance between the dances, if many parts are hidden, and the hook is extreme.

But it is not very vulgar.

Especially the woman wearing a veil, although it is not true, but from the outline, it will be the country!

In particular, it is really hot, enough to make countless men\'s crime.

Ye Xuan also couldn\'t help but read a few eyes in this veil. Of course, he was clear, and he had no evil spirits. After reading, he has become pure, that kind of , very little.

When Ye Xuan and Xian Gu, at this moment, some people have gathered, there are not many, only dozens of people.

At this moment, the arrival of the two, and many people in the Hall came over. Of course, most of them are watching the fairy.

Xian Guzhen calm, for this kind of eye, she has seen it.

After all, people are beautiful!

At this time, an old man suddenly came to the front of Xian Gu, he was slightly rude, "Xian Guzhen girl, in Nanqing, the president of the Xiaobao Branch, there is any need, you tell you!"

Xian Guzhen nodded, "Thank you!

Nanqing smiled slightly, "Xian Gu Shi girl, your seat is in the first row of the round, come with me!

After finishing, he turned around.

Xian Guzhen has followed the past, but there is no two steps, she stops, she turned to look at Ye Xuan, some can\'t solve, "Why don\'t you go?"

Ye Xuan blinked, "He said that your seat is in the first row, didn\'t say that my seat is also the first row!


Xian Guzhen shook his head, "You sit with me!

Said, she is slight, then looks to the Nanqing, "no problem?"

Nanqing looked at Ye Xuan, smiled slightly, "Of course!

In this way, Ye Xuan and Xian Guzhen sat in the first row, and at this time, many people in the field began to fall on Ye Xuan.

Curious, there is!

After all, everyone knows that Xian Guzhen has always had a good face to men, but now, now, sitting with a man and sitting together.

In the field, more and more people are curiously looked at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "If you are in the back!

Xian Guzhen turned his head to see Ye Xuan, "Are you afraid?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Not afraid!

After Xian Guzhen silent, he said: "You are very confident, confident that I am shocked.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, he didn\'t speak, but a few women who danced on the stage, accurately said that the veil woman, in addition to appreciation, there is also a simple color in his eyes.

He has a big road, which can be broken.

Xian Guzhen looked at the six women who danced on the stage, suddenly said: "Good look?"

Ye Xuan is slight, then smiled: "Are you talking, or people?"

Xian Guzhen\'s calm, "dance and people!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Dance is good, people look better!"

I have no expression in Xian Gu.

Ye Xuan continues to appreciate, the pure people are pure, just as him.

At this time, Xian Guzhen suddenly said: "They look good, still I look good?"

After finishing, she was directly stunned.

Why do you ask you? Why do you want to go to these dancers? I read this, she was a bit of her eye, and she was very unpleasant. I had a bad voice for myself, but I have said that I can\'t recove.

Ye Xuan Xiao: "" , you have this problem. "

I don\'t have much answer, can I not answer? "

Xian Guzhen turned his head to see Ya Xuan, "Is it difficult to answer?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

, do you know why I like you? "

Like yourself? Xian Guzhen lived, this is confession? At the moment, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, but it quickly returned to normal.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "Because Xian Gu Shi girl has a noble soul!"

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan, "How do you say?"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly. "I have seen such a sentence in an ancient book, \'The real power, is willing to use the freedom of the weak as the border\'.

Said, he looked at Xian Guzhen, smiled: "When I met the girl, the girl likes Qingqiu, I want to collect her, but you respect our will, and give us enough respect.

I think it is the case.

A strong person, is willing to talk to people than him, respect the will of his weak people, I think this is the real power.

Bullying is fearful, he is strong, and it is not commended.

After a long time, Xian Gu is silent, said: "Ye Gongzi, you are a different man!

Ye Xuan: ".

At this moment, a young man came over. He left to the front of Xian Guzhen, smiled slightly, ", long time!

Xian Guzhen nodded, did not speak.

Young men are not awkward, when the big smile, "the girl is also for the" Shenxintong Code? "

Xian Gu is in the head, the look is calm, and even a bit indifferent.

Young man smiled: "It seems that the purpose of our line is consistent!

Xian Guzhen looked at the young man, "said the public may say a nonsense. Come here today, who is not this God Taoist code?"

This is not indifferent, but it is not polite!

I heard the words, the young man famed suddenly, quite a bit awkward, but quickly returned to normal, he suddenly looked at Ye Xuan, transferring the topic, laughing: "This brother is?"

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Ye Xuan!

Young man smiled: "It turned out to be a leaf brother.

I don\'t know where the leaf brother comes? "

Where to come!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "From Qingcheng.

After the young man thought, he browned slightly, then said: "Qingcheng?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Young men shook their heads, "I have never heard!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "It\'s just a small place, you have never heard of it, normal.

As for me, I am an ordinary reading person!

Young man laughed: "Ye brother is fickle!

Can get the favor of Xian Guzhen girl, how can it be an ordinary person? "

I heard the words, and the imperialism of Xian Guzhen, obviously, she is a bit unpleasant.

Ye Xuan looked at the ancient times, smiled slightly, "I am also very honored!

I heard the words, Xian Gu is suddenly white, and this eye is, it can be described as a style, even her own discovery.

In the field, everyone saw this!

This moment, everyone in the field stunned.


The relationship between these two is absolutely abnormal!

When he saw this, he slammed it directly, the next moment, his face was bright and cold!


He pursues Xian Guzhen, no secret, and the world is also optimistic about him, because he is the less least the month of the Tianyu City!

The two sides of the world, and the Lang Talent woman can be described as the sky!

But only him know, Xian Guzhen did not feel anything about him, he didn\'t think about it, after all, Xian Guzhen is like any man.

But at this moment he found that Xian Guzhen was completely different from the man in front of him.


It\'s awkward!

The face is gloomy and gloomy, and it is not hidden.

Xian Guzhen saw the look of the moon, and the brow was frowned. At this moment, she suddenly regretted. She knew that she was only a mistake.

Moreover, it is possible to bring endless trouble to Ye Xuan.

At this time, I looked at the Ye Xuan, then turned around.

He will naturally not be stupid in this place, in this place, one is the criminal imperial treasure, the second is to sin Xian Guzhen.

However, he is not anxious, anyway is an opportunity.

After the moon left, everyone in the field looked at Ye Xuan and Xian Guzhen, and his eyes became an old.

Xian Guzhen suddenly said: "After the end, let\'s go together!

Ye Xuan blinked, "Do you want to protect me for a lifetime?"

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan, she was silent, and her men were somewhat not in the eyes, but why don\'t you hate and disrupted? Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "Nothing!

Xian Guzhen lightly said: "Ye Gongzi, you are so mysterious, I have been undervalte you, right?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "What is you referring? Strength, or a family?"

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan, "all have!

Ye Xuan looks to the ancient times, smile, "Do you want to know? If you want, I will tell you.

Xian Guzhen straight looks, "Are you willing?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "If it is someone, I don\'t want, but if you ask, I am willing.

Xian Guzhenbei Head, "Why?"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Because the girl treats me sincerity, I am so good.

After Xian Guzhen silent, he said: "I want to know!

Ye Xuan is close to Xian Guzhen, whispered: "The universe, the girl is watching, no one can pick me a sword.

Xian Guzhen lived.

Ye Xuan smiled, then looked up and looked up to the dance on the round.

After Xian Guzhen silent, I asked, "What about the family?"

Ye Xuanqi is calm, with a touch of smile, "Three feet Qingfeng proud world, the first family of all the world!

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Is he lie to me? Xian Guzhen\'s eyes slowly slowed down, she didn\'t know, at this moment, she has not been clear that Ye Xuan is telling the truth or telling a fake.

At this moment, the President of the Xianbaoge Branch suddenly took a round platform. The six women who danced suddenly stopped. When the six women retired, the woman wearing a veil suddenly saw a eye, the corner Laugh.

Nanqing saw everyone in the field, at this moment, hundreds of people have gathered.


Nanqing smiled slightly, then said: "Thank you for coming to participate in the auction, today, we only auction a god, that is, the" Shendao Code "written by my Xianbao Pavilion.

As for this, I have never seen it, but the owner has said that anyone cultivates this code, but he can be invincible with the same level, and the closing challenge is more like drinking water, and even two steps.

Speaking of this, he suddenly talked, and then said: "Not much nonsense, start now!

The starting price, five million hi.

Five million people!

Wen said, Ye Xuan low sigh.

Qin Guan!

This is really a super rich!

This Shendao Code took all the universe to the auction.

He dare not think!

He now knows that Qin Guan is called \'Qin Guan\'.

Qin Guan = Piggy.

Goverde? No, he feels that it is more appropriate to call the people.

After a while, the price has reached a thousand and five million.

Ye Xuan is watching.

When I left, I left some of the Ziyi, plus him from the demon world and Xianling, and I still spent some, I still spent some, now there are six Millions of people!

Obviously, this Shendao Code has not been dedicated to him!

Of course, this is normal.

Under normal conditions.

Qin Guan wrote the Shendao Code, is it necessary to buy it? is it necessary? God!

Not long, the Shendao Code has been called two thousand fears!

Have to say, this is a high price.

In the temple, the price of the price is less and less.

The highest thing is that, because the words are also doing business, but also, doing very much, in this gods, the industry is only the fairy Pavilion, so it is a wealthy atmosphere.

When the surroundings are called two thousand eight hundred hundred hometown, there is no one dare to call!

Seeing unmanned price, then Nanqing is going to be hammer, just at this time, the surrounded by the surrounded, he looked to Ye Xuan, laughed: "Ye Gongzi, I will observe, you seem to be called once.

Come here, will you come to eat and drink? Kid, do you want to be angry!

Seeing the moon, I was aimed at Ye Xuan. The imperial eyebrows wrinkled. It is about to talk, and Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "Manta, you are because of Xian Guzhen girl, what is it for me?"

I heard the words, and the moon stayed.

Obviously, he did not think that Ye Xuan will be so straight!

In the field, everyone is also stunned. I didn\'t think that Ye Xuan will be so straightforward. Because everyone can see it, this is because Xian Gu is talented to Ye Xuan, but it is generally not to say it!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, he looked at Xian Guzhen, seriously said: "Her girl, she is a very good woman, any man will feel, I also heart, after all, love beauty, people are all, I can understand!

However, if you want to use this harsh way to cause her attention, even cause her favorite, then you have a big mistake!

is not a vulgar person, she is a person with a person, a person who is a noble soul and personality, your behavior, very poor, poor person, character is often very bad!

Said, he smiled slightly, "I frank, I don\'t have money, I don\'t have the strength, there is no so powerful home background, if you think you have a superior sense, let you have a beautiful girl Out of the limelight.

Then you won!

Everyone: ".


PS: Try to make a repression.