One Sword Reigns Supreme

2302 Swords in the first two thousand two hundred and eighty-nine chapters: Xian Guzhen!

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After the landlord personally delivered it, Ye Xuan three left the book building.

Looking at the leaves of the Ye Xuan left, the house owner is resended.

At this time, an old man came to the owner, the old man hesitated, then: "The owner needs to investigate the teenager?"

I shook my head in the museum, "No!"

The old man is not solving, "Why?"

The main voice of the museum: "Anyone is our people who are god!

What is the difference between investigation and non-investigation? "

The old man is deeply said: "I didn\'t see anything out!

The main voice of the museum: "This is why you gave me the reason!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Old man: ".


In the distance, the book is holding the twice of the Cang Hao, if it is got to treasure, it is very eyebrows, excited.

Qingqiu is curious about four weeks!

She has been so prosperous from the future, so she is very curious about everything you see at the moment!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly took two people to a face booth.

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Boss, come three bowls, three eggs!


In the distance, the boss is drinking, starting to get busy.

Qingqiu is curious about leaf Xuan, full of curious colors.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What do I do?"

Qingqiu smiled, "Lord, I suddenly think you are very handsome!

Ye Xuan is tapped into the young head of the Qingqiu, laughing: "What is the big truth!

Shuxian: ".

Qingqiu smiled.

Soon, the three bowl faces came up.

Looking at the three bowls of the eyes, Ye Xuan suddenly silently.

Qingqiu whispered: "What\'s wrong?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I miss my sister!

Ye Ling!

He has not seen Ye Ling for a long time!

Qingqiu hesitated, then said: "Can I do your sister?"

Ye Xuan looked at Qingqiu and smiled: "My sister is very powerful!

Qingqiu looks stuck, slightly down.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you have confidence?"

Qingqi looks up, "there is!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

Qingqiu suddenly said: "Less master brother, I will be the most powerful one in all your sisters!

Ye Xuan blinked, "difficulty.

A bit high!

Qingqiu is very serious, "Is it high?"

Ye Xuan nod, he took out a pair of chopsticks in front of Qingqiu, laughed: "There is no need to do the most, but you can do it unique!

After the silence of Qingqiu, he said: "I understand!"

After that, she started to sweep the face in front of her.

Although Qingqiu looks quiet, it is a wild, a bowl of noodles, and less than three hikes.

The speed of eating, not much more than the abandonment!


This is hungry!

After eating, Qingqiu saw Ye Xuan looked at her, and the little face was red.

Ye Xuan smiled: "Is it still?"

Qingqiu nodded and raised a little finger.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The boss, come back a bowl!"

Qingqiu smile, "Ten.

Ten bowls.

Ye Xuan is slight, then shook his head smile, "the grass rate!

Soon, the ten bowl is connected.

Ye Xuan looked at Qingqiu, who was swallowed in front of the wolf, and suddenly became very quiet.

Is cultivation? Is cultivation to be closed? Is cultivation constantly forced yourself? Yes!

The above three methods are what he has always cultivated!

But at this moment he suddenly felt that in fact, life is also cultivating!

Human people are warm, why isn\'t it a kind of hood for heart? If you don\'t calm down, how can you find many wonderful things around you? It\'s so engraved, I looked at the Qingqian of the wolf to swallow the tags. He felt beautiful.

At this time, a footsteps suddenly interrupted Ye Xi Xi.

Ye Xuan fits to see, not far, a woman is going!

The woman is abundant, the pace is light, wearing a snow white long skirt, the outer cover is a purple light yarn, the waist is a deep purple belt, she is like water, but she has a touch of cold, seems to be able to see all.

After the woman, follow the twelve gold armor!

The twelve golden armor guards, the breath is so deep, all of which are round returns!

Roundback bus!

Have to say, this is very terrible.

It is to know that Ye Xuan is currently known the highest realm, that is, Xuan.

I have a good strength!

Ye Xuan looked at the woman, and suddenly there was a bit of beauty in his heart. It was clear that this beauty found his difference in this crowd, so come to make yourself!


Ye Xixiang is sighing, although he has strongly kept low-key, but excellent people, where to go.

Just as gold, where there will be shining!

At this time, the woman went to Ye Xuan and Qingqiu, Ye Xuanzheng was about to get up, and the woman suddenly looked at Qingqiu. "Are you willing to follow me?"

Ye Xuan stunned.

Not to find yourself? What the hell? Qingqiu is also stunned. It is clear that she didn\'t think that this woman was coming to her.

And around, some people exclaimed, "is an ancient!

Xian Guzhen!

Xiaogu City, the city, is also the most enchanting people in Xian Gucheng, and is the youngest knowledge of Xuancheng in Xiancheng!

At the same time, she is still one of the top beauty of the gods.

In the eyes of countless people, this is a proper white rich.

There is a color value, strength, and a home world!

At this moment, everyone in the field learned that when Xian Anzhen, everyone looked at Qingqiu, and the eyes were full of envy!

Obviously, this homotive city, the city, the city, looked at Qingqiu.

Qingqiu was asked by Xian Guzhen, directly asked, after half of the god, she quickly looked quickly to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "The girl watched you, I want you to follow her, are you willing?"

Qingqiu got up, she was greeted by Xian Guzhen, "Thank you, the girl value, but.

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "I want to follow the young brother!

Less master brother!

Wen said, Xian Guzhen Yu Yu, her turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Can you talk alone?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Xian Guzhen turned to go to the side, Ye Xuan looked with the past, at this time, he suddenly felt that the sleeves were tight, turned, and Qingqiu was staring at her, some nervous.

Ye Xuan slight smile, "relief!

I heard it, Qingqiu hesitated and then released his hand.

Ye Xuan and Xian Guzhen walked in the distance.

At this time, more than a dozen love directly locked the Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan\'s brow, Xian Guzhen turned to see those guards, those guards immediately collected their knowledge, slightly.

Xian Guzhen turned to look into Yuxuan, "Sorry!

Ye Xuan looked at the ancient times, and the heart was a little surprised.

Xian Guzhen suddenly said: "The girl\'s physique is very uncommon, her future, unlimited achievement.

However, she needs a bigger platform, there is no big platform, and her talent will be buried with her physical fitness.

Said, she stopped, then turned to see Ya Xuan, "I didn\'t see what you mean, but I think, I can give her better.

If this is broken, I apologize!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly. He turned his head and looked at Qingqiu. At this moment, Qingqiu is looking at him nervously. It is obvious that he is afraid that he sells her!

Ye Xuan smiled, then looked at Xian Guzhen, "My name is Ye Xuan, what is the girl call?"

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan, "Xian Guzhen!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The girl, you are right, she does need a bigger platform.

So she follows me, it may be better!

I heard the words, Xian Guzhen\'s eyes were slightly, she looked at Ye Xuan, as if she wants to see Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "There is no discretion, the girl is so good, I am in my own business.

Said, he owed the body, then turned around.

Originally, Xian Gu is silent.

Ye Xuan went to Qingqiu and his book, Qingqiu quickly grabbed Ye Xuan right hand sleeves, Ye Xuan Xiao said; "Let\'s go!

I heard the words, and the Qingqi god suddenly was lined.

Three people got up.

Ye Xuan suddenly asked Qingqiu. "Do you know that the girl is that the girl? It is very powerful, if you follow her, you will eat a spicy.

After the Qingqiu silent, he said: "I know!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Why do you not agree?"

After the silence of Qingqiu, he said: "Follow her, the universe of the gods is invincible, follow the young brother, the universe.

Wen said, Ye Xuan stopped, he turned to look at Qingqiu, at this moment, he suddenly felt that his hoe was so strange.

Qingqiu is slightly down, some nervous.

After a while, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Don\'t be nervous, there is a lot of ambition.

I heard the words, and the Qingqiu heart suddenly turned.

A group of people left.

Before the face stall.

Xian Gu came to sit down before the table, and a bowl of noodles came up soon.

The sky is pitiful, and the boss is crying!

This is a big joy to eat noodles? After a long time in front of the past long, she suddenly swayed.

At this time, an old man appeared next to Xiangu, the old man, "Miss, the man does not recognize, don\'t you belong to me.

Xian Guzhen looked at the old man coldly. The latter has changed, and it is busy in the mouth.

Xian Guzhen\'s eyes slowly slowly, "At this moment, you don\'t have to follow me!"

The old man is big in the heart, when the trembling: "Miss.


Xian Guzhen lightly said: "I don\'t want my stupid people around you!"

Together with stupid people, I am afraid that I have also become stupid.

Said, she waved, very fast, two mysterious power took the old man away.

At this time, a beautiful woman slowly walked to the ancient gardens, she was slightly rude, then said: "They didn\'t go out, but went to the ancient play street.

Along the way, I have sent people to escort, no one is looking for them.

Xian Guzhen turned his head to see the beauty, "Lan Wei, what do you think?"

After the film is silent, he said: "Throw the strength, as a mood, when the top is the top, even if you have it, it is too much.

Three points, first, in your identity, all people who see you, not nervous, but when this teenager faces you, it is calm, but there is no nervous meaning; second, with you beautiful, unusual men see you You, how much is some inferior, but when he talks to you, dare to look straight to your eyes, not humble.

Said, she suddenly talked, then said: "This is an extremely powerful person!

Xian Gu is ate, then: "Third?"

The American woman said: "When he talks to you, we have gathered him, and he is in the face.

This means that he is an extremely powerful person, because only the strong, it dares, if it is a weak, the look at the time should be nervous.

Xian Guzhen suddenly put down the chopsticks, "there is still a little.

Beautiful woman, "Miss please say, I listen."

Xian Guzhen looked at the face in front of "" he eats, very natural, what extent? Nature is like it is often eaten.

Said, she got up, then: "This is a teenager who came out of self-suffering, and it is also a very uncommon boy. He should be a strong force specialist.

Speaking of this, she turned to look at the panel of the boss, "Is it not a knot?"

The old slab is stall, and then nodded.

When the three people left, they did not check out!

Xian Gu is spread, a small bag slowly floating to the front of the boss, "their face money, I invited!

After that, she turned and left.


PS: 11 chapter.

Those who don\'t exceed the ten chapters, come out, this way, make a ticket, take a reward, conscious, thank you!